• Member Since 19th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago


Klaatu barada nikto =^.^=


This story is a sequel to The Truth Behind My Little Pony

Pink it was love at first sight
Pink when I turn out the light, and
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

Special thanks to two writers and creators who have more talent and imagination than I ever will. First is str8aura who also helped to edit my work and his suggestions made the story what it is.

Second is my cocreator of the series MisterNick who since the beginning had helped to make it what it is today. The series is much as theirs as it is mine.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

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The cover art confuses me. Is that suppose to be Pinkie Pie? Because her eyes are blue, not green.

No. It is some random creepy pic I found online. I used it because of the color pink in it.

Nice to see you took my suggestions to heart. Hit me up whenever you need one done, I always love them.

Np. You are a great writer.

That cover art surprised me. How the hell do you find these cover images?

It was done through a google image search honestly.

How detailed would have to be to find that!?!

Im not sure it was a while ago. I think I types in horror images and pink.

“Not for too long before I saw her bite the Twilight plushie on her wing and rip it off in her anger. Then it got even weirder.”

Nice job on referencing Why I Stopped Watching My Little Pony. :twilightsheepish:

Honestly, if I had a friend like that, I’d be calling 911 after barfing all over the trash can. :pinkiesick:

Yeah, she is something else

Very eerie as usual, Opium. The worst part is that knowing things like the Final Fantasy VII House exist (or have existed), and that barring the supernatural stuff, I can easily see someone like Lola existing in real life. Her behaviour alone was, in many ways, more disturbing than the more fantastical horror in this fic. :twilightoops:

Though... most of the horrors of the FF7 House were quite literally behind closed doors, while Lola seemed to be a public menace. Why wasn't she arrested and jailed for one of her numerous crimes (assuming everything actually happened)?

I would have to say most adults underestimate her. They see a person with obvious mental issues and they feel sorry for her. Not understand her prepotency for violence. Lola has average intelligence but a high degree of cunning making her appear harmless to grown-up.

She literally vandalised a school with Buddha-knows-what and beat someone to the point of unconsciousness.


She literally vandalized a school

In the original drafts Lola was a lot younger (16) at the time of the incident. When I decided to age her up I couldn’t think of a good reason for her to be in a school and was going to delete the scene. Then I had an idea but it would be to long for this story so I am going expand what happened in school in another story.
But she was on her way to being committed after the incident.

beat someone to the point of unconsciousness.

That was a failing on everyone’s part. The signs had been there for so long even before the beating and everyone ignored it. Lola is a killer not like Freddy or Jason or a serial killer. But someone who has extreme anger and control issues. Someone who has no problem taking a life and rationalizing that is was that persons fault. (Like telling her she should act like an adult would be the fastest way to get a negative reaction out of her.)

Finally finished reading. Very well written. I have a feeling that the TBMLP world has a literal cult following involving the cartoon horses.


  1. How long was this planned out?
  2. Will we ever see Lola again?
  3. Is that pink stuff the ponies' blood? I ask because they seem to share similar properties.
  4. Are the dolls related to the missing person cases involving MLP?
  5. Is that reporter going to be a reoccurring character?

Thanks for yet another masterpiece.
Now excuse me while I figure out how to put Junji Ito's work into this acid trip of a series.

Adults are just outdated children.

That is the most detailed short description I've seen in all my years on FIMFiction.

1 7 months. This one went through so many drafts I almost cancelled it a few times.

2 Yes. There is a sequel planned. Lola is also Cozy Glow.

3. It’s actually Discord’s rotting blood colored pink instead of its usual black.

4. Yes. When the show vanished not only was the animation but the toys in development as well.

5. Melanie is a recurring character. ‘The truth about MLP” and “The My Little Pony Ride.” She was the one who started investigating MLP after the disappearance of her brother and his family. She eventually died but she had kept a journal of all her investigations that is very important to the bronies of that world.. Occasionally Derpy will release an article or two on her website ‘Equestria Daily.’


Lola is also Cozy Glow.

I expect a lot with this information.

This is really good!!!!

Thank you that means a lot.

Wow, This was an excellent read! I do have a question though. Why did the ponies have Lola Cover the School in that Pink Sludge?

Awesome work as always!

In the original drafts Lola was a lot younger (16) at the time of the incident. When I decided to age her up I couldn’t think of a good reason for her to be in a school and was going to delete the scene. Then I had an idea but it would be to long for this story so I am going expand what happened in school in another story.

Ah I see, Thank you! Looking forward to it! :twilightsmile:

Still love the direction this is all going. Fantastically horrifying. Kinda funny, I’ve known Mister Nick for a while, since 2015, I think, and I had no idea he was part of such a large collab. But looking back through the stories now, I see a lot of love for the slasher genre worked in, which is a trademark of his.

I thought that time and memory becoming mangled to the point of incoherence was the point of all of the insanity? I think what I’m trying to say is that, at this point in the bizarre timeline with history being erased or rewritten, there’s actually nothing to fix. Because there are no coherent answers. Just an eternity of (S)laughter.

Lol thank you. I wanted the series loosely tied together to give me the freedom to bounce around in time. Other than Flutterschmooze and a few others references. I think this works pretty well as it gives me the freedom to add something and any point.

So, did Lola become Pinkie Pie? Does that mean all the ponies were once people before Simon/Discord corrupted them? Is Equestria the afterlife?

Lola became Cozy Glow. The ponies are a mixed bag. Some were human at one time, others were never. Watching the living with hungry eyes.

So how can we tell which ponies used to be human and which ones were never? So far, the list is Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, Shining Armour, Cadence, Cozy Glow and maybe Lyra

So what others are human? Do Joseph and Liza become Braeburn and Babs Seed? Were the CMC real human girls?

There is really no way to tell other than how they act. Although the ones that were never human tend to be crueler and more manipulative. More prone to violence than the others having no experience with being human or being alive. However despite there origins they all have one thing in common the desire to feed, to consume. In the end they are just an extension of Discord(Wyrm) and the hunger is what is keeping them in line.

So does this mean Applejack was once human, considering she actually wants to have a family

She was at one point. The problem with her is that she still craves a family not realizing that she has passed over. Her wants and needs are not the same as the others and she brings more harm than good with her.

I felt skin sever from my body. Her bite easily crushed bone as she held me in her grip. Pain ripped through as I felt rivers of blood pour from the wound immediately; worst still was my body's refusal to properly pass out and let me die unconsciously.

utterly BEAUTIFUL writing, the details are just.. mwah!

My breath came out in ragged chunks. My heart wouldn’t stop beating against my chest. I didn’t know where I was, or who brought me here, or even why. The memory of what had happened kept replaying over and over again; I just wanted to get the hell out and go back to where the world made sense again.

This is genuinely the most haunting thing I've read.. Especially "(...) I just wanted to get the hell out and go back to where the world made sense again."

Thank you I really appreciate that.

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