• Member Since 20th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Foals Errand

Guess whose back?!


Something has been bothering her girlfriend for a while now. Sunset Shimmer has never been one to let anything go. Come ponies or Equestrian magic she will figure out what is bothering Twilight Sparkle.

Cover art done by Adge

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Great to see you back!!! This was a nice bit of shipping. You can feel for Sci-Twi as she is competing with someone who is basically herself.

Glad to be back! Sorry, it took so long^^

Well this was cute. :twilightsmile: I can certainly understand why Twilight feels that way, especially with the Rainbow Dash bit. I don't know why that one it just seems to stick out more to me.

Likely because of Rainbow's known brashness ^^ Glad you enjoyed!

Very adorable, and yeah. I could see why Sci-Twi would feel that way.

“Sorry, Princess. You snooze, you lose.”

Sci-Twi has some spunk! :moustache:

nice work.

She'll get better, I'm sure of it!

That was very heartfelt and warm story, Foals. Glad to see you're back!

Thanks Olden! Glad you enjoyed it!

That was really quite adorable. Twiggles is such a delightfully, beautifully, wonderfully neurotic bundle of cute.

And, I really love the cover art. Sunny be like: Dis is my nerd. Hands off. You can't have, so don't try. I ready your mind and post all bank account info online if you try.

Are you planning a sequel that shows how far Sci-Twi is going to go in the dress? I would love to see how far that confidence goes on her date.

a lot more rainbows to the face

*Rescue At Midnight Castle flashbacks intensify* Tirek took a rainbow to the face, and everywhere else.

And, if this was any sweeter the ADA would not recommend it.

Weird sort of contrast between the pic and the story. I read because the pic intrigued me, but it really doesn't match the story. I loved the story but might have never read it with a different image. So I guess all I can say is this was a very good story and I'm glad I clicked.

If only the cover pic was how it worked in our world.

Sweet and adorable.

“Twilight, Twilight! I understand that you are desperately attempting to change the subject.”

To be fair to twilight, she is twilight, entirely likely and believable that it was not a deliberate attempt to change subject.

I will admit that the idea of genetic manipulation Is fascinating and a subject that we will definitely explore in the very near future.

"Yes, Sunset?"
"Why a sharktocrab?"
"You know, people always ask 'Why a sharktocrab?' but never 'How's the sharktocrab?'"
"The sharktocrab is angry and trying to eat the CHS marching band, Twilight. Why?"

Lovely Sciset fluff. I always appreciate a good bit of multiverse drama, and inadequacy issues regarding one's parallel universe counterpart definitely qualifies. Thank you for this.

(Also, I can only imagine how everyone reacted to Princess Twilight charging through the portal out of panic. Possibly with a troop of Royal Guards.)

10335286 I forgot Sunset learned how to hack.

Your first pony writing in two years you say? I'd say you haven't lost your touch.

Thank you! I'm very pleased that I still have my touch so to speak!

I kinda expected to see Sunset being possessive of SciTwi in a cute way, but this was cuter still :twilightsmile:

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! And I agree Sciset is the best ship. For Princess Twilight I normally put her with Tia. ^^

Maybe? I am definitely considering such a sequel. I wouldn't expect it to be rated over teen though. Kissing and touching are the most likely outcome of them having "fun"

I wouldn't expect anything crazy but this is a dress made for Princess Twilight by Rarity, so the dress getting stained and/or damaged over the course of the night would be appropriate.

Oh that is without a doubt true.

Not a problem hope you find one you enjoy!

“Besides, the Princess is greatly lacking in a skill where you are brilliant.” Twilight simply blinked a few times as Sunset laughed before replacing her glasses. “Unlike you. Princess Twilight is quite the klutz and couldn’t dance if her life was at risk. I should know. I watched her try. It wasn't pretty.”

Be funny if whatever line from Princess Twi Sunset stopped reading on was a desperate love confession or similar.

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