• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,779 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

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Chapter 14 - Cheese? What kind?

POV: Mark

Mark was surprised, as when his tired eyes awoke, he was crying. Quickly, he wiped those away before anyone else saw. finished with that, he had time to take in his surroundings. He was back in his room, Star already awake and doing something at the small table they had in their room. 'At least she didn't see me crying.'

With a yawn, Star was alerted to Mark's awakening and looked over.

"Well, seems like someone finally decided to wake up," she said looking over with a pencil levitating slowly while smiling at her thoughts, "I was wondering if you'd ever wake. If not, I'd have to scour the land for a maiden's true love kiss to wake you."

"Isn't it a true love kiss to wake the princess or something along those lines?"

"Hey!" Star answered with a pout, "nobody ever said it can't be like that."

"Okay, whatever you say," said replied, flopping down on the bed, "I'd rather lay down with this headache. Or it could be my eyes painfully adjusting to the light outside."

Star only looked at Mark with just the slightest frown forming before continuing to do something with the pencil Mark didn't see.'Wait... pencil'

Looking at Star, he saw a pencil he so very clearly remembered. Back before the whole ordeal, Star actually liked to draw a lot. And she was pretty damn good at it, unlike Mark. But after a while without being able to do her hobby Star became more... disheartened, not only by the state of the village but not being able to do something she liked.

Now, as far as they could get from books, Equestria has been using quills and ink wells for hundreds of years, which were by no means any good for drawing anything. So being lucky that the house hut thing they shared with Mythic and Silica was right next to a forest, they had access to plenty of supplies. Supplies which after 2 and a half months weeks they managed to make a pen with. Basically just a small hollowed-out piece of wood with ink inside.

One tip, when the tip was pressed, would continuously release the ink and on the other end, it could be refilled with ink and closed. In short, a makeshift pen that took weeks to make and at least 20 broken models that had several problems. Eventually, Mark learned enough runic magic to enchant the wood to be just what they needed and even be able to hold more ink than normal.

Sure, it took about a week and a half for Mark to put on the runic arrays but to him, it was worth it as long as Star was happy. Besides, when you have nothing to do, you'll do anything that isn't doing anything.

In the end, Silica was impressed with it and had asked for one. One which Mark and Star would have to spend about two weeks to make, and it was two weeks of work they'd rather not do. They tried to tell Silica how it was made, but she wouldn't be able to make it even if she knew the concept. At least Star did let Silica borrow it on occasion.

Breaking out of thought, Mark looked at Star in curiosity.

"Whatcha doing?"

Star didn't even bother to look back at Mark before replying, "If you want to know come find out, but knowing you, you're too lazy."

Her attempt to get her brother to finally get up to do something for once, even if just to satisfy his curiosity failed as his head flopped with a loud grown. Star only rolled her eyes before continuing.

Later, I had finally gotten up after the boredom. I found Star to be drawing a landscape looking off into the night sky as the sunsets. To be specific, it was a hill near the village that as the sun lowers, gives off a beautiful night sky. It's even better because some nearby flowers glow at night.

While Star did that she had neglected to tell me we had reached land a while ago and I ended finding out an hour after I woke. 'This is the perfect chance to explore!' I said, but Star said that we weren't allowed to go out without princess Luna or an escort, preferable Eclipse. Who was busy at the moment.

Since then, I've been bugging Star while trying to find something to do.

My hooves slowly crept up to the edge of Star's paper, dragging it away. She noticed instantly and looked at me with the look. I stopped and nervously smiled.

"eh heh... yes?" Star's expression dropped looking at me with disappointment.

"You've been bothering me for the past twenty minutes, are you going to stop?"

I honestly didn't know what to say to that, so I just said whatever came out first, "No- Yes! That is to mean I... Umm..."

I felt Star's magic before I saw her horn light as she lifted me off the ground.


Star also got my blanket and started wrapping it around me. The spinning made me a bit dizzy, but when she was done I was wrapped completely in the blanket then unceremoniously dropped as I let out an 'oof'.

Now, I was wrapped up like a cat from a cute cat video. Trying to get out proved fruitless as my hooves were tightly wrapped to my barrel.

"Hey! Come on Star, let me out." I called while flailing.

She ignored me as she went back to drawing.

This is the moment a knock came at the door. I realize how embarrassing the situation was for me. She turned her head looking back at me. I pleaded while shaking my head to not whoever was at the door inside. She smiled before calling out, "Come in!"

"No! Don't come in!"

"Yes, definitely come in!"

"Wait! No, don't!" I desperately tried to flail out but still, I was trapped.

The doorknob was turned slowly with hesitation as I saw Luna's nebula-like mane float in as she peaked in, "Are thou oka..."

Luna, even her mane comically froze as she spotted me wrapped up. It was as if time froze for her while Star giggled quietly.

Slowly, Luna's horn glowed as a camera was teleported into the room. A moment later, I only saw the white flash and sound of a camera taking a picture. I tried to go deeper into the blanket now to hide.

Looking at Luna now, she had a smile upon her lips, as life began to restore her mane.

"Well, that's something to save for later, I won't question what happened."

Luna continued into the room as she teleported the camera away.

"A little help?" I said with mixed emotions.

A moment later, I found myself rapidly spinning as Luna grabbed the blanket letting me roll out. By the end, I was quite dizzy... Again.

"So," I heard Star called, "did you need something Luna?"

Luna smiled, before looking at what Star was making. Star swiftly turned it over.

"What is this?"

"A secret!" Star smiled a knowing smile at Luna.

"Oh really? Can I not see just a bit?"

"Nope! Top secret classified information."

Luna turned to me. Looking at Star, I knew if I said what it was she'd probably get me back somehow, so I only shook at Luna. With narrowed eyes, Luna looked at us both.

"Well, if you say so," her expression dropped a bit, "anyways, I had come here to talk to you two a bit, and maybe go out exploring now that we've reached land."

Her sudden tone change was a bit odd, but then again she's a princess. Who knew what problems she had. Ignoring the oddity I smiled at the chance to finally go out. I may have practically slept most of the trip but hey, only means I can spend more energy exploring.

"That sounds like fun," replied Star, "that is if we can get my brother to behave."

I pouted at her accusation.

"Oh ha-ha Star," I replied in a monotone voice.

She blow raspberries at me. Actually, that reminds me of something.

"Oh, um Luna?"

"Yes, Mark?"

"You said you'd take the ring off of my horn when we reach land?"

"Ah yes, I did but first," she looked me in the eyes, "I need you to repeat after me."

'Ominous, but anything to get this infernal ring off me, '/i]I nodded.

"I, Mark Tempus,"

"I, Mark Tempus,"

"Will not in any circumstance,"

"Will not in any circumstance,"

"use any dangerous magic without the proper training and supervision,"

"use any dangerous magic without the proper training and supervision,"

"nor will I use magic to harm anypony except to self-defense."

I hesitated at the end. Luna said anypony, not anyone. I didn't know whether I should say anyone or any pony. In the end, I decided to say exactly like Luna as I didn't want to cause an incident.

"nor will I use magic to harm anypony except to self-defense."

Luna eyed me suspiciously, seems she caught on to my bit of hesitation. 'Oh no, does she think I stopped because I plan on hurting someone?' My fears we alleviated after a bit as she gently removed the ring on my horn. I cut off any thoughts on what Luna might think.

Now that's it's off, I experimentally rubbed my horn. Nothing gelt off, so I picked up Star with levitation.

"Hey, put me down!"

I smiled, "Okay."

I just dropped her from where she was. The satisfying 'oof' never came as Luna quickly got Star. Luna tsked at me, "Now now, don't be mean."

'I need allies, Eclipse and Luna hath betrayed me,'. I snickered at my own thoughts.

As Star was let down, she smirked at me before looking at Luna.

"Luna, can I ask a question?"

"If you want me to put Mark in the corner I'd happily do that."

I was unamused, Star giggled, and Luna remained neutral.

"Heh, joking aside," Star calmed down as she asked the rest of her question, "umm, Mark and I have heard that we'd be royalty. How... How does that even work and what's going to happen?"

When the question came out, I decided to drop any thoughts of the current moment.

"In short," I said, "we want to know what's going to happen for us long term."

Luna stopped in thought, "Well... That depends on what you want to happen."

"What?" both Star and I said.

"As for right now, the plan is to take you to Canterlot. You'll likely be adopted into the royal family."

"Does that mean we'll have to rule?" asked Star.

"No, you're far too young for that, until then you'll likely have to be educated first. Though how we're going to go about it is uncertain and is my sister's job to figure out."


"And if we don't want either?"

My question silenced the air. Luna looked at me, thinking long and hard. Her mouth opened a few times but closed after a moment or two. It took another few moments until she had an option

"W-well... Of course, the choice is up to you, but right now, this is the safest option for you. If you don't want any part of it, then..." Luna hesitated as if she didn't want to say what was next but she managed to get it out, " My sister and I will accept that."

Star and I locked eyes. I then looked at Luna for a moment before sighing.

"Luna... I... I think... could wait a moment for us to talk?"

"Of course," Luna politely nodded, but the fear of us deciding we didn't want any part showed just slightly.

As she left the room I closed the door behind her while she waited. I didn't know any privacy spells, nor did I think we'd need one so I turn straight to Star as the door clicked closed.

"So... What do you think?" I asked.

"What? Why are you asking me?! I'm not that one that should be making this decision!"

"And you think I'm any more qualified than you?"

"But what if-"

"Star," I said cutting her off, " remember... the first night we woke up in the woods?"

Star thoughts of worry were destroyed when I asked the question. Now that we've both been reminded of... Home, the unsure emotions of dread and thoughts came back. Star only nodded.

I placed a hoof upon her shoulder, "Star, I told you that I'd protect you."

She looked at me, her mane falling over her face as she felt the weight of what I said.

"Star, the sea may rise and the sky may fall, but I will still follow you wherever you go."

That line I just said actually had an effect as she looked down, mane falling over her face. She took two, deep, and long breaths. After the last, I saw just beneath her mane her eye tearing up.

"W-what about you? Idiot! You almost died teleporting on that ship!"

I walked up to my sister and wiped a tear as she looked up at me. I embraced her in a hug and stocked her mane softly.

"Star, you're my sister. I'll always be there for you. Life... isn't always fair or kind, if there's anything I could do, I'd stay with you.."

She sniffed as I saw a tear roll down. A thought came to my mind and I smiled.

"That sea may rise line was far too cheesy for me."

She giggled just the slightest bit, "Where'd you even get that line from?"

"Don't know, perhaps the devil himself. Actually, I don't think that concept even exists here."

Her smile grew a bit more.

I moved her mane a bit out her face, "Now cmon, let's now keep Luna waiting. I'll let you do the talking."

She nodded as her horn lit, but I cut her off, "But first, you should clean yourself up, don't want Luna asking questions."

She nodded, cleaning her face up a bit. A moment later, she looked as fine as she was before. In turn, I walked to the door and opened it slightly. I peaked out to she Luna waiting there.


She seemed to just be frozen there, but it does sometimes get extremely boring. Now that I was here, she looked at me as I motioned her to come back in.

She nodded and followed me in. Star was waiting at the same spot.

I went and joined her at the small round table.

"Well, Luna," she started calmly, "I've talked with Mark and we've come to a conclusion."

Luna seemed still unnerved, but oddly for a different reason than before. Though, again, I ignored it.

"Luna, after some consideration we have decided, at the moment it's in our best interest to go along with you. I won't tell you our reasoning, but, for now, we'll cooperate."

Luna had an audible sigh, but still, something felt off.

"At least, for now, remember though, that isn't set in stone."

Luna nodded and smiled, "Okay, that's understandable. I wouldn't want you the make such a hasty decision."

Star smiled, "Thank you for understanding, Luna. And if all goes... according to what you say, you'll be our..." Star stopped, paling a bit while coughing in her hooves slightly before continuing, "adoptive mother?"

"What? Oh, no-no-no!" Luna quickly corrected, flustering, "While I... Eruhmm, no. my sister and I would be your adoptive aunts. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or just Cadence would be your cousin, Cadence's husband, Prince Shining Armour would be your cousin in law and Princess Twilight... Actually, I don't know... Neither do I know what Prince Blueblood's connection to the Royal Family is."

"Oh, well that seems... complicated," I replied looking at Luna as she finished listing everything off, "I think... We can wait for later before we start on that subject."

Everyone in the room nodded and in the brief moment of silence, Luna took lead, "Well, now that that subject is dead and gone, why don't we all go out and have some fun before we head out to Canterlot."

Well, seems like this situation is taken care of now and we can finally go have some fun.

"But first, we need an illusion spell for you two."

"Does this happen to be because were alicorns?" I asked.

"Yes, I suppose that's a reason... among many others."

"Well, if it means I can finally go out and explore then it's fine with me." Besides, what's a while without these wings.

Luna smirked, "Well, actually, the spell I was planning is quite powerful it can even trick the host and or pony it's cast upon."

"So what, my wings just aren't notable even to me?"

Luna seemed a bit disappointed.

"Hmm, well, in any case, it's best we change more than just hide your wings."

"Well then, fire away." I sat back relaxed and closed my eyes.

I'd come to regret that soon as I felt a disorientating force hit me in the face.

I found myself shaking my head looking around ignoring the strange ominous feeling I had all over my body. I saw Luna and another pony who I assume must have been Star. Now she was a Peggasuuu-usuuu

Brain.exe has stopped working.

Author's Note:

Sorry if you guys see a bit of a quality drop, I've been stressed over some personal things lately since last Thursday. Though, I'll try to iron out those kinks before this chapter is out.

On a side note, I have a cookie🍪 for who can figure out why Mark's brain began melting, and another cookie🍪 for anyone who can find the reference I put in the chapter.

Should be easy enough, it's out of place and a quick search online of it and you should find what it references. At least, if you know what to search for.