• Published 6th Oct 2020
  • 2,000 Views, 39 Comments

My Little Pony: Living the Future - Harrison Sparrow

A mysterious comet suddenly brings Twilight Sparkle and her friends into the future, where they end up in modern-day life!

  • ...

3. The United States of Equestria

The next morning, in a hut, the Mane Six and Spike are still sleeping. They wake up when they hear hoof-steps.

Fluttershy gasps. "Guys! Someone's coming!" She said.

"Everyone hide!" Spike said.

They all hide as another pony opens the door. He hears a small bang.

"Huh? I say, my pony sense is tingling again." The pony said as he grabs a spade. "Come out wherever you are, critter. I know you're in here somewhere! Reveal yourself!"

Twilight reveals herself. "Please don't hurt us, sir!" She said.

"AAH!!" The pony startled. "Hey, you're not a critter! What the heck are you doing in my hut?"

"We can explain!" Twilight said. "Guys, it's okay!"

The others come out of hiding.

"Well, I'll be!" The pony said. "Five more ponies and a little dragon? Now what the heck are you all doing in my hut?"

"We didn't mean any of it, sir." Twilight said. "We were trying to find somewhere to rest."

"Uh, we got lost, and we have no idea where we are." Applejack said.

"'Lost', eh? Well, you're in Randolph." The pony said.

"Randolph?" Rarity asked.

"Yup, one of the most loved places in New Jersey." The pony said. "And this really ain't a place for sleeping, that's for sure. Where are you trying to get to?"

"Ponyville, sir." Twilight said. "It's my home. Do you know where that is?"

"Ponyville? Hey, I've been there many times." The pony said.

"Wait, you have?" Rainbow said.

"Yeah, it's only about 20 minutes down the freeway." The pony said.

"Can you please take us there?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'm about to run some errands down there." The pony said. "So yeah, I can take you."

"Oh, thank you so much, sir!" Twilight said, as she shakes the pony's hoof. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, by the way. And these are my friends: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Rarity."

"Okay, nice to meet you, no longer strangers." The pony said. "You can call me Pete."

"Ooh, Pete? Do you know there's a place called Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville?" Pinkie asked.

"I know all the places in Ponyville, and the cupcakes they have are delicious!" Pete said.

Pinkie gasps with joy. "HOLY MOLY, HE KNOWS ALL OF PONYVILLE!!!" She yells.

"Sorry, sir." Fluttershy said. "Pinkie Pie can be really silly most of the time."

Pete blows a raspberry. "I can tell." He said. "We're going in my minivan."

The Mane Six and Spike get into Pete's minivan.

"All right, strap yourself in, everypony!" Pete said. "Safety first."

"Uh... how do we strap ourselves in, Mr. Pete?" Spike asked.

"What, you don't know how to put a seatbelt on!?" Pete said in confusion. "Gee, it seems to me that you're all new to this world!"

Rarity sees a seatbelt and straps herself in. "Oh, this is how you do it!" She said.

The others do the same.

"Ooh!" Pinkie said.

"Got it!" Rainbow said.

"Ooh, this feels a little tight." Fluttershy said.

"Sorry, Pete, I think you're right." Twilight said. "We don't really know any of these things... yet."

"Mmm... oh well, it doesn't matter." Pete said. "How about some music for the journey?" He turns on the radio and country music starts playing.

"Hey, I haven't heard this kinda music before!" Applejack said.

"Sounds good, don't it?" Pete said. "I love all things country!"

"You know, I'm actually really good on a guitar, Pete!" Applejack said.

"Is that so? Well, I'll be darned!" Pete said.

They all laugh and Pete starts driving.

As they drive on the freeway, Twilight and her friends look at all the cars driving with them.

"Hey, what are these things and why are they all following us?" Rainbow asked.

"You don't know these things as well, do ya?" Pete said. "They're called cars."

"Cars?" Twilight said. "What is a car, Pete?"

"It's a type of automobile that you use to travel on roads." Pete said. "And this minivan here is also an automobile."

Pinkie gasps as she looks at a truck. "OH MY GOSH, LOOK AT THAT ONE! IT'S A BIG AUTOMOBILE!!" She said.

Pete chuckles. "That's a truck, and they carry a heavy load of cargo." He said.

Rarity sees another truck and gasps. "That one carries jewelry and dresses!" She said.

"Rarity has a passion for designin'." Applejack said.

"Gee, I didn't know that." Pete said.

Another car drives by them, with four ponies jamming out to electronic music.

"Wow, look at those guys!" Rainbow said. "Are they having a car party?"

"Ooh, I LOVE parties!" Pinkie said.

"Sure looks like it." Pete said.

"WE LOVE EQUESTRIA!!!" The four ponies say as they cheer madly and speed off.

"Those jerks!" Pete said annoyingly. "They think they own the road!?"

"Oh, um... that's quite a little rude to call ponies that, isn't it?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sorry, we have quite a few ponies doing crazy stuff in this country these days." Pete said.

"Wait, did they just say... 'Equestria'?" Twilight asked.

"I think they did." Spike said. "And I don't think we ever had cars either."

Twilight and Spike are starting to feel worried.

A few minutes later, Pete stops near the side of the road.

"Here we are, girls." Pete said. "Safe and sound."

The Mane Six and Spike get out of Pete's car.

"Thanks, Pete." Twilight said. "And thanks for the ride, by the way."

"Yeah, that was quite a trip!" Spike said.

"No problem." Pete said. "Anytime at all."

"Oh, do you think we'll get to see you again?" Rarity asked.

"Who knows?" Pete said. "Maybe in a couple hours? I don't know, maybe tomorrow. Now you take care of yourselves out there. Bye!" He starts driving off.

"Bye, Pete!" Twilight said.

"Have fun doing your errands!" Pinkie said.

"I say, he's an awesome guy." Rainbow said.

"Yup." Twilight said as she turns around. "Now that we're back in Ponyville, we can finally..."

They see that Ponyville has changed and is now a modern looking town!

"What the...?" Pinkie said.

"Wait... this is Ponyville?" Twilight said.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy said in shock.

"First Manehattan, now Ponyville is different too?" Rarity said.

"What happened here?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know." Twilight said.

"Ooh, maybe we should check it out!" Pinkie said.

They walk into the town and see ponies driving in cars, jogging to some music from a music player, skateboarding, riding on bikes, playing with drones, and ordering takeaways at a drive-through.

"Now I'm really seeing things!" Twilight said. "Ponyville was definitely not like this, and I also haven't seen ponies doing these kind of things as well!"

"It does seem different." Pinkie said. "Mmm, I wonder where Sugarcube Corner is?"

"Don't forget it's not literally on a corner, Pinkie." Applejack said.

"I'm gonna go and find out where Cloudsdale is, too." Rainbow said.

"Rainbow..." Twilight said.

"I know, Twilight, I'll try not to get lost, if that's what you were gonna say..." Rainbow said.

"You'll need to get a map first." Twilight said.

"Don't we all need a map?" Applejack asked.

"Good point." Twilight said. "Find out what's going on, and we'll meet back here as soon as possible. Deal?"

"Pinkie deal!" Pinkie said.

"Okay, Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"Absolutely, darling." Rarity said.

"You heard the princess!" Spike said. "Let's go!"

They all split up and get maps to help guide themselves.

Rainbow has found Cloudsdale, but it's literally not in the clouds anymore and is also a modern looking town! She flies around the town and she cannot believe everything that she saw.

Pinkie has also found Sugarcube Corner, but it is also very different and modern looking! She looks confused.

Rarity has also found her home, Carousel Boutique, but it's also very modern looking as she gasps in shock.

Applejack and Fluttershy question some ponies on what's going on, but they all refuse to answer them.

A few minutes later...

Twilight groans. "We've been asking everypony here, and they all don't believe what we're saying!?" She said.

"Maybe we haven't introduced ourselves to them yet?" Spike said.

"I can't even find the Golden Oak Library!" Twilight said. "It's nowhere on the map!"

"Twilight!" Rainbow said as she returns.

"Rainbow! Have you found Cloudsdale yet?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I just did!" Rainbow said. "But..."

"But..." Twilight copies her.

"It's not in the clouds anymore." Rainbow said. "Like, literally!"

"What?" Twilight said.

"Guys!" Pinkie said. "I just found Sugarcube Corner!"

"And I've found Carousel Boutique!" Rarity said.

"BUT THEY'RE ALL DIFFERENT!!" Pinkie and Rarity both said in panic.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Twilight said in shock.

"Me and Applejack were talking to everypony, and they wouldn't answer to us!" Fluttershy said.

"It's like they don't know who we are!" Applejack said.

Twilight scoffs. "This doesn't make any sense!" She said.

They turn to look at some TVs, showing live coverage of the news.

"And in other news, Jammy Logano was crowned this year's NASCAR champion, after taking victory at the Ford Ecoboost 400." The news reporter said. "He said he declares his win to all his best friends and family, as he couldn't have done it without them. This is EQA News, bringing you all the latest around the United States of Equestria."

The Mane Six and Spike gasp in shock.

"The United States of Equestria!?" Twilight said.

"Oh my gosh!" Applejack said. "That's a huge island we seem to be on!"

"When did Equestria become known as that?!" Spike said.

"And how did the island grow so big?!" Pinkie said.

"First we've seen a huge white windmill, Manehattan has changed, we were driving down a huge freeway with so many cars, Ponyville has also changed, and now Equestria is known as THAT!?" Twilight said, raising her voice.

"Don't leave Cloudsdale out!" Rainbow said. "That is also different!"

"So is Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie said.

"And Carousel Boutique, dear!" Rarity said.

Twilight starts panicking. "No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no! What has happened to our world?! What has happened to Manehattan and Cloudsdale?!" She said.

"Twilight!?" Fluttershy said.