• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 723 Views, 164 Comments

The Gala's Night - Bronie312

A couple of years after Luna's return, Prince Alfred finally agrees on assisting at the gala, to many's surprise...

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Mid Evening: Part 1 - Joy at The Gala.

The Grand Galloping Gala is, for many, an event that gathers important members of the nobility, royalty and high society; it causes a feeling of prestige that few can enjoy, making every creature else to be excluded just because they don't have enough money for this event's tickets. On some occasions, celebrities could be seen among the guests, enjoying ordinary talks while their atmosphere was accompanied by the sweet melodies of the best music in all of Equestria.

Many will think that the gala has always been like this, but they're all wrong...

There were times when fun, happiness and pure joy dominated the atmosphere, even letting children explore the immense castle; before, every creature was welcome to be part of the celebration and rejoice in the incomparable happiness that was felt in its environment...

However, over time, the purpose of the gala was corrupted, like everything in life; little by little, it was given a quite high-status quo, causing social classes to suffer a great difference between one and another. The gala corrupted society and it never realized it; there came a time when no one outside of high society was accepted anymore, and not even monarchs could do something about it.

Alfred repudiated the situation, - already suffering severely, emotionally - he chose to set aside and not attend the gala anymore, puzzling many; nevertheless, now something had changed...

Allowing the Main 6 to be at the gala set off a chain reaction that gradually escalated, causing the nobles themselves and members of high society to lose some decision-making power - a surprising occurrence considering the fact that most of them were part of the Great Council -.

A few years later, even Alfred noticed a change in the gala and agreed to help directly with the organization of the event, inviting the well-known organizer, Amethyst Star, to take the lead in the final planning.

Now, the result of all this impromptu effort was visible…


“Johnny B. Goode” - Chuck Berry.


The guitar solo began to sound with great power and an excellent rhythm, followed by a series of drums being played; then, a voice spoke - rather, sang - with great enthusiasm, following the electrifying rhythm; it was Berry Chuck, one of the best musicians and artists in Equestria.

In front of him were Prince Alfred and the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie, dancing as the song went on; their dance steps were very reminiscent of those danced by whole audiences during the golden age of rock n' roll, with spectacular choreography and masterful coordination, both individuals dazzled with their talent.

They weren't the only ones dancing, but certainly stole the audience's attention, as even Berry Chuck himself was in awe of their incredible movements. But neither of them cared to be the center of attention, they were just two people enjoying the music to the fullest; even, both Alfred and Pinkie mimicked some of the few gestures Berry made while singing.

As the end of the song approached, Alfred and Pinkie did nothing but leave everypony speechless; they swapped places from time to time and did the same dance steps more than seven times - it seemed as if they had memorized the entire dance -.

Then, from one moment to another, the song ended...

Whistles and several applause echoed throughout the ballroom, praising the great performance put on by them both alike; the human and the pony turned to look everywhere, visualizing a sea of ​​guests clapping with great intensity as some of them walked in their direction.

At that moment, a loud and predominant whistle was heard behind them; they turned to look up at the stage, on which Berry Chuck was standing, clapping loudly. Alfred replied, nodding his head in gratitude; subsequently, both he and Pinkie praised each other for the great dance steps and said goodbye.

While Pinkie stayed on the dance floor, Alfred preferred to move away a bit to avoid the considerable amount of ponies that were going to praise them; then he ran into Jimmy, who had been waiting for him just off the dance floor - although the Prince had invited her to dance, though she declined -.

She was about to speak, but a group of nobles approached and began to comment on various things, although they were immediately interrupted by the bat pony - who asked them to leave the Prince alone -; however, a couple of them ignored her and even dared to push her aside, only to receive the same treatment from the guard.

The pair of nobles complained about this and instantly turned to the Prince to protest, but only to be silenced by him...

"You two better go," Alfred warned as he looked at them seriously. "I don't recommend you to stay here and continue complaining about an action that you caused; now go."

Both nobles were outraged by this, but remained calm and walked away, leaving the others looking towards the guard and the Prince in silence, they all apologized for disturbing them and left...

"These nobles," Hook snorted. "don't even respect the Royal Guard anymore."

"You were a bit aggressive, don't you think?" Alfred commented, to which Jimmy replied...

"With all due respect, your majesty. You were the one who spoke ill of them in the first place."

Alfred chuckled. "Good point."

"Well," Hook said. "as you said, never let anypony else tell you what to do. You're free to choose your destiny."

The pony lowered her head and her eyes were fixed on the ground for a few seconds as she reflected on that phrase...

"Wise words, your majesty." She expressed. "Wise words, indeed."

Alfred chuckled once more while maintaining a pleasant smile, Jimmy - on the other hand - was happy to see the Prince enjoying little moments of life like this; then, after the laughter ended, he said...

"I'm glad you like them."

“Your majesty!” A voice exclaimed happily. “I’m so happy to see you!”

There was no need for trying to recognize the voice, it's obvious that it was Derpy since the happy tone of voice could only come from two ponies and Pinkie was not available, at the moment; therefore, Alfred turned back. In front of him were two ponies, Derpy and - the well known by all - Dr. Whooves; while the pegasus wore a beautiful dress that matched perfectly with her fur - surely made by Rarity - the Doctor wore a green-colored bow tie, which was accompanied by a gala hat of the same color...

"You both look good tonight." The Prince congratulated. "No doubt at all, a very good choice."

Both ponies nodded in appreciation, then the Doctor spoke...

"We didn't want to complicate ourselves with the choice, but Rarity insisted that Derpy should wear the dress." He explained. "Although I had to insist, so she could leave me with the gala hat and the bow tie, Derpy-"

"I didn't matter at all." The pegasus interrupted. "Besides, I think it's so muffins."

That comment was capable of getting a chuckle from the Doctor, who couldn't resist the temptation; without a doubt, Derpy is quite a character, with whom anypony would like to hang with - such a shame many didn't realize the opportunity she deserves -.

As for Alfred, both he and Jimmy couldn't resist laughing; to Jimmy, what she had heard about Derpy seemed to be true. The mail mare didn't complicate her life, she tried to enjoy it to the fullest with those she cared for; and thus it was for much of the next few minutes, chatting and sharing a laugh with Alfred, the Doctor, and her...

"...And that's why Pinkie has been my greatest source of inspiration in life; she wasn't only there for me, but has also aided me when I needed her the most." Derpy finished recounting as a tear could be seen running down her right cheek as she smiled. "The title of heroine- *Sniff* ...is well-deserved."

The Doctor didn't hesitate to support her with a hug, which she reciprocated - still shedding a few tears -; Alfred immediately took out a white-colored handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to the mare, who used it to wipe her tears - thanking him -.

Alfred caught her expression; an impressive combination of nostalgia, happiness and sadness flooded the pegasus' face, who found it impossible to hold back the tears. It had reminded the Prince of himself, something that has rarely happened...

"Life's inexplicable;" The Prince commented. "sometimes, it is impossible to understand, full of complications and mistakes that any creature can commit... There are victories and misfortunes in it."

"For the rational mind," Dr. Whooves replied. "nothing is inexplicable; only unexplained."

"Nonetheless," The Doctor added. "Equestria is a great exception; here, impossible things happen from time to time and we just call them miracles."

"Yeah," Alfred replied as he nodded. "you may be right." Then, he looked everywhere, fixing his eyes on his surroundings and noticing how the guests enjoyed the party - even with the gradual change that society was experiencing -. He smiled and repeated...

"You may be right."

“Well then,” Alfred said. “we won’t disturb anymore. Enjoy the gala.”

Depry waved her hoof to them both and the Doctor nodded in gratitude. "Thank you for the chat, your majesty." He said, to which the Prince replied...

"No, Doctor. Thanks to you guys for the chat."

Derpy, suddenly, went to Alfred and hugged him sweetly; the human didn't hesitate to respond alike, which Derpy appreciated very much...

"Thank you," she whispered. "those nice words made my day."

The Prince instantly understood what the pegasus meant by that, so he smiled softly and replied...

"Just keep enjoying life, okay?"

Derpy stepped back a bit and nodded in response. "Of course," she said. "and I hope you do as well."

"I will, Derpy."

Consequently, both the Doctor and the Pegasus said goodbye one last time before heading to the buffet; while Jimmy watched as the couple left, happy and content, she noticed that the Prince looked towards nowhere in silence - without possessing any expression for several seconds - until a slight smile made an act of presence once again...

"Can you answer a question for me, Corporal?" He asked; in response, Jimmy looked at him for a few moments and nodded...

"Sure, your highness." The bat pony replied. "What is it about?"

"Do you plan to have a happy life after you retire?"

"Apologies, sir, but... I don't understand; what's that about?" She questioned, to which Alfred replied...

"I don't want to worry about you like I've done all my life;" He said. "I want to live peacefully, to know that I shouldn't worry about what could happen to an amazing friend like you... I know perfectly well that you're capable, but I require your answer to confirm it." The Prince explained, then turned his head and looked at Jimmy right in the eyes.

It took her a while to answer, but when she did, she didn't hesitate to be honest...

"It is an honor to have you worrying about me," The pony replied. "But... I assure you that I'll compromise myself to it; I just hope you do as well."

"Trust me, Jimmy," Alfred assured. "If you do, me too."

“However,” He interrupted. “you should remember that there’s nothing such as a happily ever after life, but that doesn't mean we can't all live it as best as possible.”

To Be Continued...