• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 48 minutes ago

Ice Star

đź–¤ i eat children đź–¤

Comments ( 10 )

Well, that sure was interesting. I am sorry for the little one, I hope she will grow up well. She is quite a little one, in a wide world after all.

Though being as conservative as her mother was, what he was going to do could have come with a bit better warning. Doesn't excuse throwing your child like she did. I do wonder of the warmth and love this sweetie will find in this world as it grows and changes.

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this wild adventure. I love a good comment! :raritystarry:

Discord and his followers will definitely make sure little Atiya is relatively safe, that's for sure. She'll certainly be loved too. As for her mother? I find it interesting that you call her 'conservative' when she isn't necessarily political, just fond of creature comforts and maintaining the usual prejudices in her society. She is an everymare, so if you see her as conservative, then I suppose her society is too. The only time she really comments on a lifestyle choice is when she says to Maha that "stallions put down roots" which is more of a comment about how male horses/ponies live much more comfortable lives than Discord, with actual societies. For example, none of his girlfriends even have what you and I would consider a proper bed or house. I doubt many people would opt to live a lifestyle of glorified camping.

I suppose the conservative wording was poor of me. But I was mostly using it to covey someone or in this case somehorse who is more rigid in her believes and has a way of looking at the world and its beauties and differences through the lenses of which her society has brought her up within.

That’s not poor wording; it’s an entirely valid way to use the word now that you’ve clarified it.

the M rated one
doesn't have the Sex tag on

The sex isn't explicit. The M-sex tag combo only occurs if the sex is explicit.

Yes, because it contains non-explicit sexual references.

Well now I'm interested in the little ones story.

Discord clearly has a type.

This was quite interesting to read.

Thank you kindly for reading this! It's an admittedly underrated piece of mine, so I love any attention that it gets.

Discord clearly has a type.

I wonder why.

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