• Published 19th Dec 2022
  • 3,746 Views, 105 Comments

Beyond Infinity - Pen Dragon

When given a second chance to live a new life as a pony, Marcus must gather six stones of infinite power to fulfill his deal with Death.

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen- Tensions Broken (Final Part)

Chapter Thirteen- Tensions Broken (Final Part)

“Twilight, I must say that I wasn’t expecting you to drop this sort of news on me today of all days,” Rarity said, taken aback. “What about the rest of the girls? Do they know about this?”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle. “Rarity, for the last time, the Mayor asked for you specifically. I’m only going to be there for support.”

“I know, I know, but I just feel like they should all be here for this,” Rarity replied, a thousand ideas flying through her mind about what the Mayor could want from her. Was it a new holiday she needed decorations for? Or maybe somepony to test a new public spa? “GASP! Am I going to design a new clothesline for the Mayor?! Celestia knows that she could use some new attire. She's an important pony, she should look like it just as much.”

“Nope, nothing like that Rarity,” she answered as the two made their way up the stairs of Town Hall. She could read Rarity as easily as her copy of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue, the periodic flicking of her left ear was a tell-tale sign of her impatience.

“Come oooonnnn, Twilight! Can’t you give me a hint? A little hint? I swear I’m not-


Party poppers exploded in her face like fireworks as a huge banner reading ‘Happy Birthday Rarity” was rolled down from the indoor balcony. All around her were the friendly and smiling faces of all her friends, and it was more than 10 times infectious enough to spread to Rarity’s own face.

“Oh. My. Celestia! I can’t believe you all! I completely forgot my birthday was today, How could I have been so foolish?” Rarity cried with a smile, but Twilight saw the bottom of her lip quiver ever so slightly and immediately knew better.

“You already knew about it, didn't you?” Twilight asked.

“Of course I knew! You know how I feel about my birthday, but I promise you I didn’t pry it out of the girls if that’s what you're asking?” She turned her gaze over to Marcus with a sly smirk.

Marcus could only throw his hooves up as his cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

“She literally caught me off guard!”

“All I asked you was if you had seen Pinkie, darling, and you spilled the beans as it were two weeks ago,” Rarity added, smirking at the alicorn.

Marcus stood in complete silence as he tried to come up with an excuse, but nothing came to mind.

“COALY!” Pinkie shouted, glaring at the stallion.

“I’m sorry, she broke me!”

“Now, now, no need to commit a murder, after all! You did all of this, Pinkie! It looks smashing!” Rarity said, giddy, pulling the party pony into a tight embrace. “Would you like to do the honors?”

“You betcha! Let’s PARTY!”

The initial cheers from Pinkie’s declaration soon died out in favor of the phonograph. The vivacious pull of bows on strings combined with the rhythmic bouncing of the percussion served as an apt backdrop to the several attempted ballroom dancers that had now taken the center of the room. But as Marcus watched from the sidelines, Spike’s attempt at a moonwalk during one of the musical flourishes only resulted in him tripping over his tail. He smiled at the baby dragon’s embarrassment as Rarity helped him up and continued dancing as if nothing ever happened.

As his gaze passed over everypony who found themselves on the dance floor, he noticed their clothing and couldn’t help but cast his gaze to the back of the room. A wardrobe with optional formal attire was lined up in neat rows for anyone to take and put on. Bow ties and suits were hanging proudly from their clothing rods, clearly juxtaposed with the radiance and mystique displayed from the dresses opposite them, all for anypony to enjoy. There was even a row of tap dancing shoes lined up neatly towards the back.

Turning his attention back to his immediate surroundings, splayed across several of the tables to Marcus’ left sat enough sweets to feed a gigantic dragon. There were delectable hors d’oeuvres Pinkie knew Rarity liked from her soirees, mouth-watering chou a la creme or cream puffs as they are called, and chocolate eclairs galore that seemed to sparkle in the music and bright lights hanging from the ceiling. Pinkie had even managed to blend several foreign concepts in a way that just seemed to work, in the weird way that she alone seemed to operate in. From chocolate fondue to dipped graham crackers, peppermint sticks, licorice whips, fizzy drinks from popping open bottles as if they were wine, it was all almost too much! Marcus even spied the little cucumber sandwiches Rarity and Fluttershy both enjoyed at their tea parties sitting poise, and with a purpose at the end of the table.

All the while, Marcus couldn’t help but admire the smiles plastered on everypony’s faces and the sheer joy that somehow radiated out of every orifice of this place. It reminded him of his time as a human and when he had gone to his school’s homecoming dances. He even had to put on one of those gray suits with gold embroidered on the sleeves and a red tie that had been hoof made by somepony from Manehatten for this special occasion. It was a bitter but nostalgic feeling that crept up his spine and settled in his bones, making him shiver. He couldn’t help but envy Rarity and everypony else.

At least he would have continued to brood until somepony tapped his shoulder. “Heya, Coaly, you shouldn’t be standing here moping! You should be out there dancing!”

“Maybe some- Woah!” was all Marcus could say before he got a good look at Pinkie, and what she was wearing.

Puffs of blue cotton candy melded with candlelight-yellow hemlines, alongside a flourish of pink designed to resemble a burst of streamers and confetti sewn into the gown itself, and a large bow the white of cream cheese tied around her barrel, just above the dock of her tail.

Pinkie’s mane was tied up and out of her face by a maneband and a mane ribbon, making it into a fluffy ponytail style, though her characteristic lock continued to hang and bounce above her face. Even her tail had been prettied up, that thick curly floof somehow woven into a large yet beautiful braid interwoven with magenta, cyan, and soft yellow ribbons. She wore a brooch designed to resemble one of the balloons of her cutie-mark above the left side of her chest, and she had put on just a touch of makeup to highlight her adorable beauty.

“W-Wow… Pinkie… you look… Wow!” Marcus was in awe, feeling his face heat up.

“Geez… Thanks, Coaly!” Pinkie blushed at the compliment. “Soooooo, what do you say?”

“H-Huh?” Marcus dumbly asked.

“Do you want to dance silly!”

“O-Oh…Yeah, sure! Why not!” Marcus said, suddenly eager.

What the hell is up with me? Come on, Marcus. She’s just a friend who you really care about. You don’t think she’s attractive… or that she has a great ass-STOP!!!

“J-Just so you know… I ain’t the greatest at dancing.”

“Oh, no worries, Coaly,” Pinkie assured as she pulled Marcus out towards the dance floor and held his hoof, “Just dance… like nopony’s watching!”

Then, to Marcus’ chagrin, Pinkie cut loose but did not let go of his hoof. He got twirled and whipped and spun around, and all the while Pinkie Pie twinkled-hooved like there was no tomorrow.

If Marcus hadn’t been so busy trying to keep his hors d'oeuvres down, he might have screamed, ‘Stop the world, I wanna get off.’ But then, finally, Pinkie eased up a little and let go of him, and he saw her shimmy and shake and jig without a care in the world. Seeing her, how much fun she was having, and not at all concerned with how she looked doing it left Marcus in awe. It was so impressive, so inspiring, and he was soon tapping his hoof to the music and, before he even knew what was happening he’d started to boogie in his own way.

It didn’t take long for the nascent alicorn to cut loose as well, even though his own dancing wasn’t nearly as exuberant as the party pony’s. But feeling the rhythm, the spirit, letting it carry him off into a harmonic high that came from the doing of physical fun, that once it was all said and done, despite panting and feeling a little sweaty after sitting down, Marcus felt better than he had in a long time.

By now, the music had slowed down a little, and as others continued dancing, albeit more slowly and apparently more… Intimately, Marcus couldn’t help but see the beauty of it; how subtle the joy and tenderness shared between the dancers and their partners was.

“God, why is she so damn cute...NO-I can’t keep thinking like that! I know that this is completely wrong, I mean she’s a pony and I’m a human damnit! But-why does my brain keep going back to see her like That? Why is this so confusing?!

Looking over at Pinkie, he saw that her whole demeanor had changed. She seemed shy, almost, and with her cheeks plastered red, it was a look that sent a fluttering feeling inside Marcus’ heart. Something he hadn’t felt sense he had left high school.

But is it unwelcome?

“H-Hey, c-can I have this dance, Pinks?”

Offering his hoof to her, her smile widened as she gladly took it. Pulling her closer to him, Marcus wrapped his right hoof around her waist and took hers in his other. It had been a few years since Marcus had slow danced with anyone, but once he started moving with her, it all came back to him in a flash.

“I didn’t say this before, but you look really handsome in that suit, Coaly,” Pinkie said before she suddenly felt him give her a spin before pulling her back to him. “C-Coaly, I thought you said you didn’t know how to dance?!”

“I said I wasn’t the greatest at dancing, but I do know how to show a girl a good time during a slow dance,” he said confidently, a little at ease now that he was getting into the rhythm. Even so, he was still embarrassed, it was all new. But in that moment, he remembered some wise words his father had given to him back in his freshmen years.

“A real man always ensures that his girl has a good time. Be confident, and show what you're made of, son,”


“What’s so funny?”

“Oh, just remembering the words my old man would use to say to me.”

“Old… Man?” she asked curiously, and Marcus realized that she didn’t know what that term meant.

“Oh, right, different terms here. My dad… He… was the greatest.”

“W-What did your dad do? For work, I mean?” She asked, feeling his hoof grip hers a little tighter when she asked.

“He… My dad was a… a firefighter. He was up for a promotion before he had an accident. He was forced to retire, and it was right before my graduation,” Marcus explained, already feeling his throat tightening as he tried to continue explaining. “B-But I said that I was… I was gonna join someday. I was gonna be a firefighter, not just for him, but because I wanted to help people. To me, my dad was a hero… just… I wish I could have seen his face when I made it someday. I wanted to focus on getting my degree first, but… Well, here I am.”

“Oh, I’m so so so sorry Coaly, I shouldn’t have-”

“Nope, none of that, Pinks. You’re my best friend… and the one who is keeping my secret about my past. The least I can do is share some stories about my old life with you,” Marcus explained, trying his best to hold his tears back.

Thinking quickly to change the subject, Pinkie then asked. “Well, what did you like to do for fun before?”

“W-Well, I actually liked listening to music-”

“Really?~ I had no idea! Totallydidn’thearyousingingthatonenight! Not at all!” Pinkie said as she gave a nervous grin, only for the stallion to start laughing suddenly.

“Hehehe! Seriously?”

“S-Sorry, I may or may not have passed by your room one night a-and heard you s-sing…” Pinkie said, sheepishly as her ears flopped down.

Marcus tried his best to hold back his laughter.

He failed.


“Hey! It’s supposed to be me laughing at you! Not the other way around!” Pinkie complained, her cheeks puffing up as she glared at him. Of course, she wouldn’t be Pinkie if she didn’t also join in on the laughter.

“S-ha-Sorry Hah! It’s not like I was trying to hide it, but I guess I still haven’t broken that old habit of mine,” Marcus explained, smiling at the mare.

“Well, you have a really good voice, Coaly. You really surprised me, and that song you were singing was amazing!” She complimented the alicorn. Marcus could only turn his head away bashfully.

“It’s called ‘Go the Distance’ by Roger Bart, a classic song from a film I watched a lot as a kid. I’m okay at singing, but I’m nothing compared to my mother and sister. Still, whenever I’m listening to a good song, I tend to lose myself to the music and start singing, but again, I’m good, but the rest of my family are great.”

“No way! You really are good, though! Don’t put yourself down, Coaly! Trust me when I say that you are good!” Pinkie insisted. Marcus looked shocked when she said that, but before he could even say anything to dispute that, she continued. “Honestly, I think you should sing more often, I… I really like your voice.”

If Marcus' face hadn’t been red before, it definitely was now as he looked away from the party pony, trying to hide his face from the giggling mare.

“T-T-Thanks… I… I like your… voice too…”

The music abruptly stopped, and Marcus released his hold on her hooves. Looking around in confusion, neither of them got the chance to utter a single word before a hoof grabbed Marcus’ shoulder and whirled him around. His gaze landed on a stallion shielded from view by a cloak as black as the midnight sky.

“We need to talk…” Marcus was taken aback, he recognized that voice! And as if he had any further doubts, the silver draconic eye glowing from within the shadow of the hood confirmed the speaker’s identity.

“Midnight…?!” the alicorn whispered incredulously, “How did…?”

“Oh, please, Coal,” Midnight huffed, with a flicker of his horn a glass of punch appeared in his hoof and he immediately downed it all in one drink. He then ripped an obnoxious BELCH before saying, “I’m capable of more than a few magic tricks. But that’s beside the point! I need to speak with you; it’s about…!”

Midnight trailed off as he seemed to notice something over Marcus’ shoulder.

Marcus almost asked what Midnight wanted to talk about, but then followed his line of sight… to see Twilight Sparkle wearing her simple yet pretty birthday dress that Rarity had made for her a while back. The dress’ simplicity complemented Twilight’s beauty, especially in how she’d styled her mane more elegantly and added a touch of blush to her cheeks. The bright blue really made her eyes shine. The dress had been altered with holes for her wings to fit through, and in Midnight’s eyes, this enchanting vision was nothing short of an angel.

“...uuuhhh…!” Midnight drawled in a twitterpated stupor, spurring Marcus to clop his hooves in front of Midnight’s face.

“Hello? Earth to Midnight, you said you wanted to talk to me?” he said jokingly.

“I- Guh… Uh…” Midnight shook his head as he was only able to utter, “Yeah, uh… Ahem! We need to step up your training, as soon as possible!”

“You can’t mean tonight! I’m in the middle of a party here I can’t just-” Marcus protested, only for Midnight to give him a look that said ‘shut up’.

“Of course not tonight, you dunderhead!” Midnight snapped in a hushed tone, “Come to my cave tomorrow morning, refreshed and ready. It’s time for me to break you down and build you back up…”

“Okay, what’s the deal here?” Marcus asked, sounding a little miffed. “Before, you didn’t seem to care all that much about my training other than helping me out in exchange for feeding your fat gut! And now-”

“Uhhh- L-Look, I really can’t explai-Eep!” Midnight winced and turned away, immediately making himself scarce after making eye contact with the Princess of Friendship. “W-WE’LL CONTINUE THIS TOMORROW!”

“Hey! Wait just a-” Marcus started, but he was already sprinting out the door in a hurry.

“Coal?” Marcus instantly understood as he turned around and saw Twilight approaching him, a curious look on her face, “Who was that you were talking to?”

“Oh, that was a friend of mine… he’s just uh… visiting,” Marcus said, even though it was one of the poorest excuses he had ever made.

“Yeah! Middy is a good friend of Coaly’s from the same town, and he wanted to stop by and see how he was doing!” Pinkie added, giving the stallion a quick wink for covering for him.

“Oh, well… Middy sounds nice,” said Twilight as she peered past them and caught a glimpse of the hooded unicorn vanishing out the door, “Odd he’s leaving so suddenly…”

“It’s actually Midnight, but he got nervous for some reason. Might have something to do with meeting royalty or something. Honestly, the guy… he’s definitely unorthodox.” Marcus explained, unsure what to say about him since he barely knew the dragon.

“Hmm,” Twilight thought as she considered that hooded pony, finding herself strangely intrigued. On one hoof, she always enjoyed a good mystery, but on the other, something about this Midnight had her thinking. “Well… anyways, I actually was hoping to speak to Pinkie alone.”

“Oh, sure, Twi!”

“I’ll get us some drinks, Pinks. See you in a bit.” Marcus excused himself so the two ladies could talk in private. As he approached the punch table, his mood began to sour as he took notice of the former ruler of the Crystal Empire, who looked like he had several drinks due to the several empty cups beside him. “Sombra,”

“Peasant, what are you doing here?!” Sombra slurred, glaring at him.

“Hey now… I’m just getting me and Pinks a drink, I’m not going to-”

“Of courrrrshhe Pinksh thish, Pinksh that! I hate that accurshed nickname you’ve given her!” Sombra growled, chugging down his drink. “Because of you… I’m now gonna be shtuck with that Sheamstresshh as my ‘keeper’! The pink menace may have been annoying, but she was tolerable. Ever shince you’ve arrived in thish town, you’ve brought me nothing but trouble.”

“Hey, don’t blame me because you can’t control your temper, and you're seriously insulting Rarity on her birthday?” Marcus rebutted, wanting to start yelling at him, but then he recalled seeing Pinkie’s face, that she believed that Sombra could be reformed. He wasn’t convinced that would ever happen, but who was he to argue? Pinkie and her friends had done the unthinkable before; what was one more miracle? “Look, I know the two of us have gotten off on the wrong fo-hoof. Why don’t we start ov-”

“Sssave your… dribble for somepony that actually cares!”

“Look, I get why we don’t get along, but whether you admit it or not… You actually see Pinkie as a friend. She’s also my friend, the least we can do is try to get along…right??”

“Try what…?” Sombra seemed to become clearer in voice and mind, a shadow falling over his eyes, “Try being friends? Try fitting in? Try acting like behind all these bright eyes and smiles, there’s not a hint of fear? Disgust?! Judging me for who I am and what I've done?!”

“There’s a saying I know from where I came from,” Marcus couldn’t believe he was going to say this, but it seemed fitting. “Do or do not. There is no try.”

“What the buck is that supposed to mean?!” Sombra spat.

“It means that if all you do is try then you’re not committed to success,” answered Marcus. “You may fail, those you wish to reach may fail, but there is no try. And even if you do fail, it doesn’t mean you’ll fail every single time. It’s okay to try, but for things that are truly worthwhile you have to give it your all, or else what’s the point?”

Sombra growled, trying to think of a retort or an argument, but the wisdom in those words struck a chord, one he didn’t want to hear or feel.

One Year Ago

“From this point onward, Pinkie Pie, you are now responsible for the reformation of the former King Sombra,” Princess Celestia had said with the full of her authority, along with a subtle hint of hope as her gaze fell upon the tyrant who’d been brought before her royal court.
“Sombra, you have brought pain and suffering to the ponies of the Crystal Empire for too long, subjected many lives to outlandish cruelty and enslavement.

“This is your last chance to start anew, by proving to me that there's still hope that there is yet a pony capable of sincere good within your heart. I advise you to not let this opportunity go to waste.”

Sombra had glared upon the white alicorn with undisguised outrage before his furious gaze turned to the pink pony, who gave him a smile. But for all her giddiness and optimism, even he could sense that there was a hint of doubt within her eyes. He huffed, thinking, Even she doubts me, however, she might deny it…

And for some reason, that left a bitter taste in Sombra’s mouth as the guards and the hyperactive mare led him away to his new gilded cage.

During the train ride, Pinkie kept trying to break the ice. To start up a conversation ask if he liked cake and if he had a family. More worthless topics like that and Sombra was perfectly fine to ignore her or glare at her with such intensity she silenced herself. Oh, how that inhibitor ring infuriated him. More than once, he'd tried to use his magic, only for the ring to shut him down and subject him to several splitting headaches that lasted only briefly. Even if he’d wanted to run and escape, the ring stopped him from getting too far from his…captor..

Finally, Pinkie sighed and spoke plainly, not with overenthusiasm or persistence, but simply and plainly.

“Somby- er… Sombra… I get this isn’t something you’re happy with,” Pinkie had said to him, “but what other choice do ya have? Would you really just go back to being the meanie you were before? Does hurting and putting down other ponies really make you happy?”

Sombra made no indication that he was listening other than a derisive snort.

“If you really wanna be happy, then you gotta make a change, for yourself and for your life,” Pinkie said gently, “because if you just keep going the way you have, then what’s even the point?”

“...the point?” Sombra finally responded, his tone icy and contemptuous as he glared at Pinkie out the corner of his eye, his dark magic manifesting just enough to emit the purplish miasma from the corner, as he seethed, “The point, you repugnant little nothing, was being in control. Being at the top! Being untouchable, where no one and nothing could ever reach me!”

“But if nopony can reach you, then nopony can help you or be your friend!” Pinkie debated.

“Pah! And who, in their right minds, would ever want to be friends with somepony like me…?” Sombra scoffed and beat Pinkie to the punch by adding, “And don’t say you. You’re only doing this because that princess with her tremendous behind ordered you to! Heh, she oughta lay off the cakes…”

“Yes, Princess Celestia asked me to look after you,” Pinkie admitted, “but I offered to.”

“What?” Sombra gave her a flat look.

“I offered to help you,” Pinkie explained, “because everypony deserves at least one true friend. And I’d like to be yours.”

Sombra eyed Pinkie as though she’d grown a second head, and yet for the life of him, he was baffled to realize he neither saw, heard, nor even felt any deception in her words or manner. She actually wanted to be friends… with him?!

Something inside Sombra gave way—if only a little. A tiny crack had formed within the walls he’d raised around his heart, and just the slightest wisp of warmth seeped in and touched the bitter cold within. He might not have realized it, but somewhere deep inside, he felt it.

Not that he’d show it, but in an attempt to save face, he snarled, and responded, “Alright, fine! I’ll humor you… maybe we can give this ‘friendship’ tripe a try.”

“No, Somby.” Sombra was a tad put off by Pinkie’s subtle seriousness: “For friendship to be real, you can’t just try. If you give it your all, then others will see that and know that it’s real. Okay?”

Those eyes, big, blue, and so tooth-achingly sweet and hopeful, it made Sombra a tad uncomfortable. And yet, something about them widened that crack inside just a little more, and he groaned in vexation as he dragged the words out of his throat, “...fine.”

Then, Pinkie Pie gave him a smile. Not a big and annoying smile, but a simple and sweet smile, as she nodded, “Okay.”


Recalling that day only began to infuriate Sombra, but before he could so much as say something, the alicorn was pulled away suddenly by Pinkie Pie and watching the two of them together made his blood boil with rage. However, before he could so much as try to start yelling, he started hearing something very interesting.

“Hey, Coaly… What else can you tell me about your family?” Pinkie whispered.

“Well, my mom was actually a baker, like you. You would have liked her, but she was very strict… She ran a tight shift around the kitchen, even at home. My sister will be graduating this year… and well like I told you before… My dad used to be a firefighter… but… he was forced to retire…”

“H-How bad was-”

“I can only say that my dad… he wasn’t happy… being a firefighter was his life,”

Hearing that, the gears in the former tyrant's mind began to turn. Frustration gave way to a devious thought borne of spite, and he listened a little more.

“My dad still had so much more to give, to do… and it was all taken away from him,” Marcus said in soft dismay. He sighed wearily, adding, “I tell ya, Pinks… I didn’t truly understand it until I saw my dad at his deepest low, but life really is not fair.”

“Coaly… bad things happen, to everyone,” Pinkie said respectfully, “and sometimes for no good reason at all. It’s how you respond to it that counts, whether you like it or not. But it doesn’t have to define the good or the bad unless you let it.”

“Sounds to me like your sad father did indeed let it.” Marcus felt as though a snake was writhing in his belly as he turned to see Sombra, leaning against the wall, nibbling on a pastry as though he were minding his own business when it was anything but. “Too bad he decided to whine and pout like a child…”

“Watch it, you ugly husk…” Marcus glared at the dark unicorn, as he felt his guts beginning to boil.

“A real stallion wouldn’t just bend over and take it,” Sombra went on, pretending he hadn’t heard Marcus’ warning, “but then he must not have been a real stallion at all, if he let them screw him.”

“You can say all the crap you want about me, but don’t you dare say a word about my father!” Marcus warned him, feeling something within him start to come out. He wasn’t sure, but all he knew was that he had to try and hold back.

“Did I hit a nerve? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised… like father, like son. You are weak… just like your pathetic, spineless, father-


Sombra was sent crashing into a nearby snack table, glasses and plates spilling their contents onto the floor and soaking into Sombra’s coat. He propped himself up as he groaned from his throbbing jaw, and gave a derisive stink eye to Marcus

Immediately, the music and festive atmosphere was silenced as though a boom of thunder had interrupted, and all eyes had turned to see Marcus glaring furiously and shaking with rage while Sombra, noticing everypony looking, shouted, “YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT!!!”

And he dove at Marcus, tackling him head-on, the two stallions rolling over and over, fighting to pin the other even as they made a mess. The attendees all leapt to get out of the way or otherwise backed up, giving the two broncos room to buck as they shouted and threw nasty insults at each other, including more punches, ignoring the pleas for them to stop from Pinkie, Rarity, and even Fluttershy.

Finally, Marcus pushed Sombra off of himself and glared furiously as his purple magic flared from his horn and he enveloped Sombra in his mana before telekinetically throwing him into the nearby wall and pinned him there. Red markings beginning to form around his face.

It was here that Sombra blubbered in a cowardly voice, “Wha- Help! He’s hurting me! I can’t move…!”

“SHUT UP!!” snapped Marcus as he glared hatefully, “I offered you a chance to start over and you SPAT it in my face, you ugly piece of-”

“COAL OBSIDIAN!!!” A pulse of magenta fluxed Marcus’ magic, dispeling his hold on Sombra, who slumped to the floor, continuing to pant and fret as though he were terrified.

Marcus then turned to see Twilight, her wings spread, her amethyst eyes seering into him reproachfully, slowly the red markings across his face began to fade.

It was then that he realized what he had done. “I-I didn’t mean-”

“Princess Twilight! I think I speak for everypony here that this-this OUTSIDER should be banned from Ponyville!” Mayor Mare suddenly shouted in a frenzy.

“Now, hold on, he may have caused some-

“That isn’t all! Everypony has been constantly sending complaints to me about how terrified they are of him. I didn’t say anything before because he hasn’t actually done any harm, but destruction of property, assault, need I go on!” Mayor Mare explained, glaring at the stallion. “Don’t get me started on this other one here… he’s caused nothing but trouble as well, but I can’t say anything because Princess Celestia specifically ordered for this one to remain in Ponyville.”

“That’s not fair! Coaly has done nothing but be nice to everypony, you all haven’t even given him a real chance to get to know him!” Pinkie tried to defend him, earning some shameful glances. “Coaly didn’t start the fight, Sombry said something that set him off.”

“Pinkie’s right, you are all making the same mistake like you did with Zecora!” Fluttershy added.

“But Zecora didn’t cause damage to town hall, did she? Look at everypony here, they are all scared of him!”

“He doesn’t need to leave Mayor Mare, I promise you that he will be punished accordingly and so will Sombra. I-”

“Mayor, if I agree to stay out of Ponyville, will you please just… Just please stop arguing, I’m sorry for causing so much trouble. It wasn’t supposed to go this way… I-I just… lost control…”

“Coaly! No, you can’t do that! I-”

“Pinks, I’ll be honest… no one here aside from the girls and I guess some of the guys I just met, like me. It’s not something new… but I’d rather everyone hate me than you girls getting flack because of me… I can always build a tent… or something.” Marcus said, sounding ashamed and feeling lower than dirt. It didn’t escape him that this was the very reaction Sombra had wanted, but there was no point.

As he turned to leave, Fluttershy stepped forward, “Then you can stay in my guest bedroom, Coal, at least until you can find a home of your own.”

Mayor Mare frowned in vexation, but she knew she couldn’t rightly argue. Though Fluttershy was a resident citizen of Ponyville, her home was technically outside of it, so she couldn’t argue.

Marcus however, did, albeit half-heartedly, “N-no, Flutters, I can’t-”

“I will not take ‘no’ for an answer, Coal Obsidian,” Fluttershy declared, sounding like a firm mother, “You’ll catch a death of cold living outside with no shelter or protection.”

Inside, Marcus felt so grateful and relieved, yet he couldn’t shake off the shame of his actions, however justified. Seeing the destroyed tables, chairs, and food spilled and smashed across the floor, he understood why everypony was staring at him.. He sighed and nodded before looking at Rarity, “I apologize for ruining your birthday, Rarity…

“I’m ready to go, Fluttershy,” he said, turning to her, and Fluttershy nodded, bidding her friends good night before she led Marcus out the door.

Once they left, silence befell the party, and nopony seemed willing to get it back into swinging. Especially Rarity.

Sighing, she announced, “The party is over, fillies and gentlecolts. Thank you all for attending, but I think it’s time we all go home…”

Pinkie felt like crying, seeing how things had turned out, but she kept strong for Rarity, not warning to make her any more upset, especially since the fashionista had to take Sombra home with her. Sombra looked over at Pinkie, and she saw a smug look on his face that only made her feel like a balloon that had sputtered out its air. When she turned away from him, Sombra in turn felt an odd displeasure rankling in his gut, and some bitter chill washed over his withers.

However, for a brief moment, he noticed that there was one in the crowd of many who had a large grin plastered across his face before they disappeared. Sombra didn’t think too much of it before he had to follow the Princess of Magic back home.

Meanwhile, as Marcus and Fluttershy made their way over to her house, the alicorn couldn’t help but think that something was wrong, the way he got angry wasn’t like him. It was almost like-

Death… she must have done something else to my body… I know I’ve had a temper… but lately… I need to speak with her ASAP, and not just through texts.

“Coal… Are you… Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, Fluttershy… no I’m not…”

Author's Note:

This chapter was edited by UnamusedWaffle, Wolven5 and Darthball, give these guys a follow and check out their works!

Artwork done by MCShelster

Edit: Featured AGAIN!!!!