• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 871 Views, 216 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Heart of Darkness - X12

Pipsquak and his friends are tasked with defending the Realm of Light and healing the wound in Sora's heart. Dark forces such as Organization XII, and the unexpected return of Maleficent and Nightmare Moon, will make their mission a daunting one.

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[Prolouge] (Unedited) The Map of Desire

"And that is how you do long division!"

Class was still in session, and for most of the kids in class today's session was absolutely dreadful. Learning division and multiplication was definitely something different for addition and subtraction. Some of the more gifted children were picking up on it pretty easily. The others... well, it was easy to single them out, considering they were the ones that were asleep. The colt that sat near the back to the far left was the kid known Pipsqueak. Granted he wasn't the type to fall in sleep in class, but supposedly today was a special case for him. His face was planet right into his desk, snoring away as if he was in his own bed

Unlike two of his other friends, Snips and Snails, unofficially dubbed "The Dummy Duo", who sat next right to Pipsqueak, they were almost always asleep in class. They only found the time to wake up if they wanted to shoot spit wads at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, or if Ms Cherilee noticed if they were asleep and woke them up. Just like their best friend next to them, their snooze crusade was going off without a hitch. Snips came up with the brilliant plan to draw their faces onto masks. With their heads faced down on the desk the masks covered their heads to make it appear they were still staring directly at the board. Cherilee wasn't born yesterday however. She could always tell the faces of her darling student from crude kids drawings, but she felt she'll let them get away with it this time, only because it was a clever trick for ponies of their age.

In front of Pipsqueak was one of the class stars, Dinky Hooves. She held her head in a hoof while toying around with a pencil with her magic. She already knew most of the material anyway and finished all her work before the others, so no one could blame her for being a bit bored. Not to mention the fact that she was a bit frustrated that Cherilee wasn't going to pass out tonight's homework until the end of class. "Why can't we just get this homework already... knowing Snips and Snails, I'm gonna have to do their homework for them... again..." Dinky couldn't really complain all that much, the homework was never that hard anyway. At least she was thankful that Pipsqueak could sleep in class and still get his work done.

On the left to Dinky was her annoying admirer, Rumble. She had nothing against Rumble, but the fact that he always had some dumb one liners ready to say to her like they were going to work got on her nerves at times, but over time she got use to it. When he wasn't googly eyeing Dinky in class he was sometimes playing with his Royal Guard action figures during recess. There wasn't a soul in the entire school who didn't know that Rumble looked up to them and wanted to be a part of the guard when he grew up. That was probably one of the reasons why Dinky hasn't slapped him yet, at least he had a good heart.

Finally behind Rumble was another class star, but more known as the class geek, Twist. Ever since she stopped hanging out with Apple Bloom, Twist has moved on to some new friends, specially the ponies that were sitting around her. While she wasn't primary in circle of friends like Rumble, she did like to have Dinky and Rumble as study partners when the class broke up into groups of three. While she was a bit socially awkward for more obvious reasons than others, she was an easy pony to get along with. Surprisingly she knew how to defuse situations as well, considering she might be the only living being in the entire universe who ever stopped a fight between Snips and Snails over who admired Trixie more. A feat not even the princesses were capable of.

As the school day was drawing to a close, Snips and Snails' internal clocks woke up them up sensing that school was almost over. They didn't make a single attempt to cover up the fact they were sleeping when they openly yawned and stretched their limbs for everyone to see. Dinky turned in her seat and gave them a dull look. "Wow you two, this must be a new world record. Never thought I'd see you guys stay awake a whole class period." Of course she was being sarcastic, but she knew sarcasm was one of their weakest suites

Snips and Snails both tilted their heads in confusion before realizing their plan must have worked! "Huh? Oh uh, yeah! We were awake! Snails and I wanted to learn so much today, so we went to bed extra early last night! Right Snails?"

Unbeknownst to Snails, he still had drool hanging from the edge of his mouth. "Uh, yeah! Extra early!"

A single face hoof wasn't enough for Dinky to express how dumb their little plan was, but it was to be expected of them. "Right, whatever. Snails totally didn't tell me about your adventure last night during recess..."

Snips' immediate reaction was to smack Snails in the back of the head like he always does when Snails got them caught. "Snails! What part of 'Don't tell Dinky' did you not get!? Do you want our parents to find out!?"

The poor orange pony hung his head low as he accept the scolding he rightfully deserved. "Sorry Snips... I just felt bad for not inviting her you know?"

If there was any she knew that was almost as honest as Applejack, it was probably Snails. He may be a bit slow, but his heart was always in the right place. Dinky placed a hood around his back and gave him a light hug. "Well then, Snails, I can forgive you at least." Dinky was always easy on him no matter what he did, and considering how everyone else treated him, he was always thankful for Dinky having mercy on him. "But as for you..." She shifted her friendly face at Snails to a cold stare towards Snips. "If you think I'm doing your homework tonight, then you better hope Twist is more charitable than I am."

Before Dinky could even blink, Snips was on his knees with his hooves together, begging to his very best ability. "No no no no no no no pleeeeeeassssee! It wasn't my idea I swear! It was Pipsqueak's!"

She had to raise a brow to that claim. Considering that she was one Pipsqueak's best friends and his First Mate, Dinky hardly bought his story. "Yea, nice try, Snips."

"No! I'm serious! Here look!" Knowing that his homework was on the line, there was no time for him to waste. Snips quickly rummaged through his school bag to find some sort of evidence for his claim before Dinky made up her mind for good. "AH HA!" Once he found what he was looking for he pulled out a torn piece of paper and slammed it on his desk. "Read em' and weep! I'm innocent I tell ya! Innocent!"

The little filly leaned over towards his desk to see if this was really any sort of proof against Pipsqueak. She read whatever was written on the note out loud.

Snips, Snails. Tonight we're sneaking out to get "you know what". Make sure you don't tell Dinky in school.

Dinky really wanted to believe Snips forged this note in the minute he was rushing it out of his bag, but she could tell this was Pipsqueak's writing. Before she even had a chance to respond to Snips, the note was swiped. To the the surprise of the other three, Pipsqueak was the one who swiped the paper, but his head was still down on the desk. At least now they knew he was awake, or conscious at he very least. "Pipsqueak? You alright?", Dinky asked him. Instead of an verbal response he slammed the note onto Dinky's desk. His leg went limp at his side. Instead of questioning what just happened, they all looked back down at the note, but this time it was the back of the note with more writing.

Tell her after school so no one might ease drop on us.

None of them knew how to respond to the rest of the note at first. Snips seemed like he was taking it the worst out of all them. Sweat was visibly running down his entire head like a waterfall. Every other second he was swallowing his saliva out of pure fear. His eyes began to swell up with tears as he slammed his head into his desk. "Why... my homework.... MY HOMEWORK!", the blue unicorn wailed. A piece of paper was placed in front of Snips as he balled his eyes out. He gazed at the paper given to him and looked back up at Dinky. "Wh.... What's this?"

"Tonight's homework.", she said smoothly with a smirk. Just as the school bell rang to let release all the students, Snips went right back to sobbing.

With class finally over, all the colts and fillies happily made their way out to the front of school where most of them waited to get picked up. Snips, Snails, and Dinky meet in front of the playground with Snips still teary eyed. With nothing else to use, he blew his nose into his homework assignment to clear his nose. Now his homework was reduced to a wet and snooty mess.

Snails took a careful side step away from his friend. "Ew..."

Dinky shook his head at Snips. "I doubt you were gonna do it anyway. Hey, where's Pip at?"

With another blow into the paper, Snip used the last clean parts of it to blow his snort away before tossing it aside. "I didn't see him leave with us. Is he still asleep?"

They didn't have to wait long for their answer as Ms. Cherilee guided Pipsqueak out of the school. She turned and gave him a worried look. "Pipsqueak, are you sure you're alright? It's not like you to sleep and class, and to be honest... you look like you've missed more than just a good night's sleep."

Cherilee couldn't have been anymore right about him. With Pipsqueak's messy bedhead mane combined with his sunken bloodshot eyes with bags under them, he looked more ill than just exhausted. He could barely stand on his own four hooves as he shook his head at his teacher. "No Ms. Cherilee.... I'm... I'm..."

She waited for Pipsqueak to finish what he had to say, but his eyes closed and began to nod off. "Pipsqueak?"

The colt nearly jumped at the sound of her voice. His eyes were now wide open, their movement becoming sporadic. He looked all around him trying to figure out where he was exactly. "WHO?! WHAT?! WHERE!? WHY!?"

Before he turned into a bigger mess than he already was, Cherilee gently grabbed him by his shoulders. "Pipsqueak! Look it's me! Your teacher!" She gave him a single shake to bring him back to reality.

Pipsqueak stopped moving altogether, his entire body stiffened up. He held his head and rubbed his eyes from all the sunlight pouring in. "S-Sorry about class today. I just picked a bad night to stay up is all."

For some reason, Cherilee didn't accept that story from him, at least not entirely, but it was clear he lacked sleep and that was definitely the truth. "You should try going to bed a bit earlier from now on. You have all weekend to catch up on sleep so I hope you get plenty of rest for Monday." She really hoped sleep deprivation was the real case, this wouldn't be the first time she had a student come to school like this for more... personal reasons.

It seemed like Pipsqueak was at least starting to look more awake now, causing Cherilee to finally let go of him. All she could really offer him was a hopeful smile. "Yes ma'am... sorry to make you worry. See you on... on um.."


"Right. Monday." She gave him a final nod of confidence before heading back inside of the school. Now with everything school related over with, Pipsqueak headed over to the playground where the rest of his friends were. All of them turned to greet him before their friendly smiles shifted to frowns of worry and slight shock. Most of them didn't even know what to say at that point. It was almost like they were staring at a new pony. "Hey mates..."

The unicorns passed each other expecting looks, waiting for each other to speak up. Luckily for them, Pipsqueak's vision was too fuzzy at the moment to notice them giving each other subtle head shakes as if saying "No way! You do it!". Eventually it came down to Dinky to pop the question despite her rejections. "Um, Pip? Are you feeling okay?"

For a second, Pipsqueak almost missed what she said to him, but after playing it back in his head a couple of times he finally responded with, "I've had better days."

"More like better nights, you look like you haven't caught a wink of sleep. What happened to you?"

It wasn't like he could pretend that he wasn't tired in front of them, but at least he could give them a legitimate reason for his condition. Pipsqueak reached into his school bag and pulled out an ancient looking map in front of all of them. "This is what happened to me."

At the first glance of the map, Snips and Snails zipped right to the earth pony's side, googling at the map. Pipsqueak had to push them both away a bit, least their drool got on the map. "You figured out the map yet, Pip!?" Snails asked in a over excited manner.

Dinky was left in the dark about all of it. "Map? What map?"

Before anymore slobber could get on the map, Pipsqueak brought over the map to her and gave her a view. "This is what me and the guys found last night. It's some kind of magic map."

She couldn't really understand what she was looking at despite being told what it was. The map was completely blank, save for a title at the top written in old Equestrian as "Map of Desires" and a random X on the map, but no trail leading to it. No terrain, no directions, nothing. "Where did you three get a magic map from?"

"Princess Twilight's castle!" The Dummy Duo proudly answered.


All three colts had a hoof right over Dinky's mouth in a millisecond before she could blow their cover. "And you wonder why we have to write notes saying not to tell you anything in school..." Snips chided her.

When they were sure she wouldn't yell to the high top of Canterlot they all let go of her. Dinky had to take several deep breaths while rubbing both her temples before she could even begin listen to them rationalize whatever they were about to say. "Okay... before I tell you how you need to return the map IMMEDIATELY, I know you want me to hear you out..."

Pipsqueak patted her on the back and flashed her a tired but genuine smile. He always appreciated that she was understanding, especially when hanging out friends like Snips and Snails. "Thanks, Dinky. We'll have you come around to this, promise." She rolled her eyes to the idea, but she was always willing to give Pipsqueak the benefit of the doubt. "So a long story short, we found out that Princess Twilight had an old treasure map in her castle."

Snips cut in without any warning to add on. "And not just any old treasure map! This could be the mother load of treasure maps!"

"Um... what Snips said. Its not just any special map. We think this might be an enchanted map. We were kinda bummed out that it was blank at first, but now watch this." Pipsqueak cleared his throat before he continued. "I don't think I can go on much longer. Oh where oh where is Sugar Cube Corner?"

The map reacted to Pipsqueak's request, shining a golden glow from every fiber of the paper. Before their eyes a drawing of all of Ponyville was being drawn to every signal last detail. In a matter of seconds a picture perfect map of Ponyville took up the empty space on the map. On the map was a glowing dotted trail that started at the school all the way to Sugar Cube Corner. Next to the dotted trail were four glowing dots. Brown, Gray, Blue, and Orange respectively.

"Whoa... pretty...", was all that Snails could conjure up at seeing such a spectacle.

Dinky took hold of the map with her magic, basking in the awesomeness of this map held, but at the same time she could help but swallow what this map actually was. "Pip... I don't think we should have this map."

With no chance to keep her hold on the map, Snips snatched it away with his own magic before Dinky could do something stupid to get them all in trouble. "Have you lost your mind, Dinky? Are you trying to have all of us sent to jail!? I thought you were one of us!?"

The map was then yanked from Snips' magical hold back to Dinky. She was not having it, and she'll die before Snips had the last say in this. "I am one of you! I've always been loyal! But this is going too far! We hardly know what this map is capable of! I say we give the map back to the princess..."

The tug of war match continued with Snips' taking the map back from Dinky again. "Aha! See?! She wants us to go down with the ship!"

Enough was enough, and Pipsqueak certainly had enough with this crud, he was way too tired for this. The map was finally back in his possession when he forcefully grabbed it away from Snips. "Both of you, stop! We won't get anywhere like this."

"I concur, and that's why I already had the solution to your problem dealt with." The group was paid an unexpected visit from none other than Twist herself. "I see that you guys are having a bit of an argument.... again. Don't worry though, I'm here to make it all better!"

Pipsqueak face hooded at Twist's untimely arrival, this could all end very well, or very badly, and right now he didn't need things to end badly. "Twist... what do you want this time? We already did you a favor."

"A favor? What favor?" Dinky wasn't the type to like staying in the dark about certain things. Something told her this had something to with the map.

And her guess would be right. "In exchange for telling them where the map was and how to get it, they..." Twist had to stop herself in mid sentence to look away and giggle to herself. When looking back at them, she had her eyes set on Snails. There was no way for her to hide the rosy blush that was plastered on her face. "'They owed me a favor, one that's about to be paid in full. Hehe..."

From out of nowhere, Snails had a paper bag over his head to hide how embarrassed he was. Snips was there by his side to give his best friend a supportive pat on the back. "Its okay buddy, we're here for you."

"Wait a minute. So it was you who started all this?", Dinky accused her.

"Now now, Dinky. I knew you might not have been okay with this, so I came up with a plan. Before they snuck their way into the castle, I got a fake map for them to switch for the real one! Nopony will ever know the difference for a very long time, or at least I hope. But by the time they figure out its a fake, it'll be too late."

As much as Dinky wanted to refute it, she knew she was out voted. Going behind their backs just to get them in trouble technically was the right thing to do, but she just told Snips how loyal she was to the group. The last time she checked they were suppose to be pirates, not ninjas who hide in the shadows and steal. But if Pipsqueak had faith in Twist that her fake map would work, then there wasn't much she could do or say for now but to go along with it. "Alright, fine. We'll do it your way, but if we get caught then we're all going down together. That means you too, Twist."

"See? I knew you'd see things our way." Pipsqueak gave Dinky a nudge on the shoulder. "Alright mates, we can figure out the map later, but right now I need to catch some sleep. Badly." He was forced to let out a long, drawn out yawn to emphasis his point. "We can meet up later after I get nap."

"Then my work here is done. I'll see you all around." Before actually leaving the group, she sauntered by the nervous Snails and brushed up beside him. Her faced leaned in near his ears to whisper softly to him. "Three thirty, Sugar Cube Corner. Don't be late." Snails pull down harder on his paper bag, almost tearing it open. At this point he was visibly shaking all over his body. Never before has he feared for his life like he does now. As she turned to walk away she halted to give him a final reminder. "Oh, and don't forget to bring your allowance. All of it. You're gonna need it." Now with her taunting out her system, Twist happily skipped away humming a tune to herself.

The front of Snails' bag started to get wet, mostly like from him beginning to cry. Snips was still by his side to give him some sort of comfort. "I'm gonna take Snails home now so he can calm down a bit. He..." Snips gulped down some saliva before he tried finish his sentence in front of Snails. "...has a date to get ready for." The bag over Snails' face was useless now. His head tore right through it as he let out a painful wail and a flood of tears soaking the ground. Snips guided him away from the playground the best he could while trying to hold Snails up from collapsing to the ground in a crying mess. He was barely in earshot before the last thing Dinky and Pipsqueak heard from Snails was, "PLEASE SNIPS! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I DON'T WANT COOTIES!"

Pipsqueak placed the map back in his bag before hold a hoof over his heart and closed his eyes to pay respects to his fallen pirate brother. "Rest in peace Snails. Your sacrifice won't be in vain. I swear it upon my honor as captain."

Dinky crossed her forelegs and shook her head in disapproval. "...Some captain you turned out to be. I can't believe you sold out Snails. What kind of friend are you?"

"Twist wasn't going to tell us anything about the map unless we gave her what she wanted. It's not like we forced Snails to do it, he knew how important the map was to us, so he took one for the team. Now if you excuse me, I have a bed that's calling for me."

Pipsqueak turned to finally head home after all this madness, but Dinky wasn't done with him quite yet. "Pipsqueak wait. We need to talk."

Hundreds of war sirens and emergency alarms all just went off at once inside of the colt's head. She called him by his full name, meaning she wanted to talk about something serious with him. Not only that, in Pipsqueak's dealings with mares and fillies, he quickly learned that whenever they uttered "We need to talk.", that was the signal to cut and gallop for your life. As much as he'd like to do that right now, especially with how tired he was, this was his best friend he was dealing with, so it wasn't like he had much of a choice. "Dinky, listen. I know that you still don't—"

"This isn't about the map."

Now he was having second thoughts about all this. If this wasn't about the map, then what could she want? He missed the chance to ask her as she turned away and headed for the swing set. Dinky took a swing for herself and patted a swing next to her to invite Pipsqueak over. So it was going to be "one of those" talks. He accepted her invitation and took the swing next to her.

Neither of them said a word to each for a few minutes now, enjoying the subtle quietness of the town between the frequenting ponies and the light sounds of nature like bird tweeting and the rustles of the tree. Feeling that their quiet time lasted long enough, Dinky finally spoke up. "Pip, is something the matter?"

He titled his head at the strange question and responded with his own. "Whatcha mean, Dinky? I'm still really tired, but that's about it."

"I don't think so. You look like you loss more than just some sleep. I've seen plenty of tired ponies who lost sleep. We've stayed up all night plenty of times before and lost sleep. Staying up all night can make you lose sleep. But this." Her pointed at him, motioning up and down his body to prove a point. "This isn't the look of 'I've lost sleep'. That's the look of 'I'm pretty stressed out.'. Trust me, I've seen a lot the grown ups look like you do now. My mom, my dad, Ms. Cheerlie, you name it. But the point is, if something's bothering you, you know you can always tell me, right?"

It looked like Pipsqueak's number was up. He looked away from Dinky and chuckled to himself. He should have known better than to think he could pull one over her. How was she this observant of him? Maybe she's just smarter than what anypony gives her credit for, or maybe she just really cares for her best friend and can just tell these things. A mare's intuition maybe? "Alright, you caught me..."

Dinky leaned in her swing a bit towards Pipsqueak's. "So what's up then?"

Pipsqueak rubbed his half closed eyes and gave another yawn before he could answer. "It's... nightmares. Or at least I think they're nightmares."

"What do you mean?"

"It's kinda hard to explain. I've been having the same dream for the past few weeks now. Every time it's just me in a empty pitch black room. I'm always alone, nopony around me. It's always cold. Eventually there's this... 'thing' that always shows up. I don't even know what it is. It stands on two legs and always wears a black coat. He's a guy... or at least I think he is. The dream plays out the same way all the time. All he does is walk up to me and says 'You are one of us. Your time is almost here.'. Right after he says that I keep waking up, and no matter how hard I try or what I do, I can't go back to sleep. Usually if I'm having a bad dream it doesn't last for very long, but now it's just that one dream I keep having."

Well this was certainly not something Dinky wasn't prepared for. She was hoping it would be something more tangible, like family problems or some sort of fear he couldn't get over. But a reacquiring dream? From the sounds of it this wasn't just a simple nightmare either... "Well um... have you tried anything to get to sleep? Like warm milk?"

"Tried it."

"Counting sheep?"

"Doesn't work."


"It tastes nasty, but it didn't work."


"Have you heard my mom sing?"

"Oh right... that was a stupid question. Um... closing your eyes?"

Pipsqueak raised an eyebrow at her questionably. Did she really follow up a dumb question with another dumb question. "Look, I know you want to help Dinky, but I'll just have to get some shut eye the best I can."

Dinky wanted to help him through this anyway she could, but at this point it seemed like this was something beyond her supportive skills. But maybe that was it though, maybe she wasn't the right pony for the job. "If it's really this bad, then... have you ever tried sending a letter to Princess Luna? I'm not sure if she takes request, but if this is bad as you say it is then surely she'll help you right?"

The squeaky sounds of one of the swings was immediately silenced, Pipsqueak's swing. At that point he couldn't even look at Dinky anymore. Not out of anger, but something else deep inside of him. Just to even hear Luna's name made his heart sink, but he knew it wasn't Dinky's fault for bringing her up. It was dumb of him to even tell her at all. He hopped off the swing and hung his head low. "...She never answered."

Pipsqueak wouldn't look back at his friend, trotting away from the playground with the sad look of hopelessness. Dinky almost reached out to stop him, but she knew apologizing won't stop him. Whatever she said about the princess must have gotten to him pretty badly. What's done is done now. Dinky could only hope Pipsqueak could get some rest now and hopefully forgive her later.

Later that night...

Finally! The day was over with, Spike's long list of errands for the day was completed. If Twilight was good at one thing, it was keeping him busy all day long. Now with everything thing, there was only one thing left to do. Sleep! Surprisingly, Twilight alright beat him to the bedroom. Then again, she did have a very long day like Spike did, and it wouldn't be the first time she was dead tired after attending her royal duties. It only made Spike smile in knowing how much help he was to her. Where would she be without her number one assistant after all? "Hehe, I really am that great huh?", the little dragon boasted to himself.

Spike fluffed up his favorite pillow, grabbed his blanket, and dove right into his bed. He was raring and ready to get some sleep, except there was one little bit of noise keeping him up. The train. The dragon pulled the blanket over his head and groaned, waiting for the dumb train whistle to shut up. "Can't believe the train is even coming through town this late at night. Just go away already."

Almost as if the train had heard Spike's command, he could hear the train pulling out of the station blowing its whistle a few times before the sound of the train was out of earshot completely. "About time..." Now with the noise out the question, Spike could finally get some shut eye. He firmly laid his head on the pillow and nuzzled it, closing his eyes and slowly let the drift of sleep take him. That was until a new melding noise disturbed him once me. "Grrr... who could be up this late at night..." At first he ignored the continued knocking, but his conscious started to kick him in the butt. What if someone really needed help? For all he knew it could be Rarity at the door panicking. There was no way he could turn a friend away, especially Rarity. "Fine, you win..."

As much as he hated it, it took him everything he had to get up out of bed and head down to the door. "This better be good." His grumbling and cursed all the way to the door. Spike reached for the handle and opened the door to finally see who could be bothering him at this time. When he looked out the door his speech was soundless when tried to form words. At first, Spike thought he was already dreaming in bed. "Just my luck. Not even five minutes in and I'm already having nightmares..." Just to be extra sure this was a bad dream he closed the door and counted to ten. On the count of ten he opened the door again to see if he was right. "Alright whoever you are, what do you... you... YOU! Oh come on! You again!? What do you want now!?"

Author's Note:

Well then, here it is. I'm not sure how many chapters I'm gonna make for the prologue this time. Just need some time to introduce some of the characters, but with a more elaborate opening to set the stage for the grand adventure. While I am rewriting this story and changing some bits while removing others completely, it won't be from complete scratch. A few events I had planned originally are still going to happen, just a bit differently and in a different order.

Also, I still want to keep the concept of reader interaction with the story. I didn't do that nearly enough in the original, so now I'm gonna be sure to make up for it this time. Once I'm passed the prologue, I'll start coming up with ways to get you guys to have some on influence what happens in the story. Who knows, whatever your input maybe might actually dictate large and smaller parts of the story. Who knows, only time will tell.

Comments ( 3 )

Well things just got interesting, Luna's connection with Pipsqueak is showed more as is the connection with his friends. good thing is that we also get the different points of view of the characters regarding their actions which is something neat.

Twist (and possibly Rumble) seem to have some kind of importance here these things plus the map thing really gives more build-up to the story. Also the part with Spike was hilarious poor guy can never take a break.

sorry for double post but a small error

At least she was thankful that Pipsqueak could sleep and class and still get his work done.

should be thankfull and in



should be thankfull and in

You were right about in, but thankfull isn't correct. But thanks for pointing that one out though. :D

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