• Published 27th Mar 2021
  • 404 Views, 4 Comments

Consequences of Your Failure - clppy605

The bugbear is free. Tartarus isn't secure. Special Agent Sweetie Drops of S.M.I.L.E. has run out of time solving both of these problems, and now she must answer to Princess Celestia.

  • ...

S.M.I.L.E. On, Drops

Under the cover of night and the ever present gaze of the Mare in the Moon, a lone pony rounded one of Canterlot's many street corners and ducked into the closest alleyway. If one was paying attention, a flash of cream, dark blue, and pink was visible for only a second under their hooded cloak as they dashed away. The mare hid behind a dumpster – one that, thankfully, recently had been emptied – and listened for the telltale signs of anypony following her.

In its long history, Canterlot has been home to a long list of shadowy dealings. The idea of hooded ponies vanishing into back alleys was not uncommon. Usually, the individuals involved could be best described as "shady" or "untrustworthy" miscreants by most everyday citizens.

Sweetie Drops, however, is no ordinary citizen. Shady? Sure, she could understand that. Untrustworthy? Rude and mostly inaccurate. But Sweetie Drops could accept those traits, for they come with the job of being a secret agent.

On this night, Canterlot was quiet. Since departing the train station, Agent Drops noted only a few couples enjoying a night on the town and more than one stallion stumbling out of a local watering hole. None of the ponies set off any alarm bells for Sweetie, but she wasn't about to take any chances. Circling blocks in Canterlot for an hour in an attempt to lose anypony tailing her, only to fail at the meeting point, was not something she was looking for.

The agent turned her head just enough to peer down the alley, whilst making sure to keep her ears on swivel. Standard brick walls rose high into the sky, only to be figuratively overshadowed by Canterlot castle which loomed directly above. A lone wooden door was at the end of the alleyway, raised off the ground by a single step. Sweetie, sensing nopony around, quickly bound down the alley to the door with a hurried trot. She raised a hoof and knocked twice on the top half of the door and then once on the bottom.

After a moment, the door cracked open and a bright pink eye sparkled in the darkness. Sweetie responded by pulling back her hood, and allowing the figure on the other side to see her face. The door shut and the telltale sounds of opening locks touched the air. With a glance behind her, Sweetie brought her hood back up. As soon as the door reopened, she darted inside and the door slammed shut behind her.

"Were you followed?" The gravelly voice of the door guard asked. Sweetie Drops didn't even need to see the face of the pony that voice belonged to, but she flicked her eyes to them anyway. The mares’ slate grey coat and unkempt dark brown mane were outlined by candlelight dancing behind her. Special Agent Linen Rose was the field veteran in the agency and held a personal role in training many of the junior agents.

"Not this time, Rose," Sweetie Drops smirked and popped the button of her cloak around her neck, letting it hang loosely around her. "I take it you still won't let that go?"

"Me? Never," Linen answered with a smirk of her own but it quickly vanished. “The rules are in place for a reason, Drops. I never let anypony I train forget them. Anyway, you're not back in basic. You don't need to hear an old mare rant about rules. Do you know what is going on? I got back from a mission to the Everfree Forest a few days ago and was told to stay for a while. Seems like every field agent was pulled from their stations, but none of the ponies I’ve talked to were told why.”

“I may…” Sweetie openly cringed and let her eyes drift to the floor and a resigned huff escaped her. Linen solemnly nodded; she’d known Sweetie Drops since her first day as a junior agent and had only seen that look out of her once. After taking a deep breath, Sweetie glanced around the closet sized entrance. Wood paneled walls, a smooth concrete floor, and just enough room for two and a half ponies to fit inside. The agency always did like keeping things under budget, and the headquarters displayed that in full. Behind Linen, Sweetie noted a row of hats and cloaks hung on hooks. “Any more coming, or is everypony here?”

“Not sure,” Linen shrugged, ”Nopony ever tells the pony watching the door anything. You should go let the director know you’re here, though. Maybe sweet talk him into moving whatever this is along?”

“We'll see,” In a single fluid motion, Sweetie bit into her cloak and tossed it on an empty hook on the wall and trotted further into the base.

Generally, new members of the agency are surprised at the homely surroundings of the agency’s Canterlot headquarters. Set directly under Canterlot castle, the headquarters of the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria – S.M.I.L.E. – was built out of a repurposed wine cellar. Endless stone tunnels led to dreary, impersonal side rooms that acted as offices. The brown rock walls that curved together and smooth stone floors were only interrupted by the occasional bench or planter. If you could ignore the bland interior, the wine cellar headquarters is actually a fairly nice setup.

Officially, the cellar was buried and lost in a cave-in nearly three-hundred years ago. But, as every agent knows, the truth is flexible.

Privately, many of the agency’s veteren personnel were agitated with the current situation. Most issues that S.M.I.L.E. dealt with in the past were common enough for local militias and the royal guard to handle these days. Monsters attacks that did require S.M.I.L.E. intervention were becoming rarer and rarer instances, which meant the agency needed to evolve.

And, over the last few decades, they did evolve. These days, the agency spent most of its time locating various magical artifacts that had long since gone missing. Standard procedure for agents seeking magical artifacts is to record the location and leave it alone. If Canterlot officials wanted to collect it, then they'd simply order a retrieval team to get it. Not that it was common practice. Nature had protected many of these dangerous weapons for this long, it could surely do the job going forward without any help from S.M.I.L.E. agents.

And so, both the agency’s budget and their numbers shrank to what they were now.

Sweetie noted how ponies from all branches of the agency meandered through the corridors. While field agents and data handlers conversed openly about current and former missions, stewards rushed from one side room to another with paperwork. Meanwhile; aides with coffee bumped into others, causing janitors to come out of hiding to clean up coffee spills, and guards stood around and observed it while taking their positions far too seriously. For all of them, the S.M.I.L.E. headquarters was a rare oasis where they could relax in a semi-normal setting.

For Sweetie Drops, however, seeing them all here twisted something in her stomach.

Pushing her way through the crowd, Sweetie ignored every greeting and passing comment as she traveled the rehearsed path to the single most important office in the facility. Walking said path is fairly pedestrian in the agency, especially for field agents. The standard procedure after a mission is to return to the facility and debrief with a high ranking member in the agency, normally involving the director personally. This time, Sweetie Drops couldn’t avoid felling like a filly marching off to the principal's office.

Rounding from one interchangeable hallway to another, Sweetie Drop mentally ran through her debriefing. ‘Operation Pandamonium’ six months ago was a complete success. The bugbear that had been terrorizing Equestria’s north-eastern coast had been caught and imprisoned in Tartarus. Cerberus had been fed, received his required scritches under his chins, and Sweetie even played fetch with the oversized pup. All standard fare for keeping him content and guarding the prisons in Tartarus. By all accounts, the mission and the followup details were a complete success.

So how did the bugbear escape within a single week?

That was the problem Sweetie Drops had been trying to answer, solve, and correct. Every avenue she took, each train of thought she rode, and all rational conclusions came up empty. Her first idea was that Cerberus abandoned Tartarus for some unknown reason, but the scouts S.M.I.L.E. keep near the gates never spotted him leaving. Not only that, nothing even approached the gates. That ruled out her second idea; the possibility of outside help. Sweetie’s third theory, however, was the one that worried her the most. The bugbear escaped via a new doorway.

Tartarus is, as all field agents are taught, a pocket dimension only accessible through the one gate half dug into a mountain. Said gate was created thousands of years ago, so nopony can ever truly replicate it. While it has been proven possible to rip a temporary hole into Tartarus, many deranged mages have attempted to create a new permanent entry to Tartarus. Many fail and get lost in Limbo as a result.

Four months ago, Sweetie walked this same route to relay her initial findings. And, as a result, an Equestria wide search for a new gate to Tartarus began under orders from Princess Celestia. The hunt lasted for months. Every cave was investigated. Each ancient ruin explored. Everypony on any kind of watchlist, investigated. In the end, it all amounted to… nothing.

Today, her timetable on solving the case ran out.

Now Agent Sweetie Drops has to deal with the consequences of her failure.

As Sweetie rounded yet another identical hallway, her gait halted. Several ponies already were waiting outside the directors office. Three ponies wearing matching sets of gold plated armor and one light grey unicorn with a green shirt. Standing outside his office, speaking with several royal guards, was the head of the agency; Director Jet Set. The two locked eyes for a moment, which broke Sweetie free from her surprised trance and she resumed her trot. Jet Set muttered something to one of the guards, who nodded and entered the office. The door clicked shut as Sweetie finished her approach.

“Director. I’m here for my debriefing,” Sweetie greeted her superior with a stiff nod and a determined smile on her face. Jet Set studied Sweetie Drops for a moment, trying to identify how prepared she was for the task before her. Sweetie nervously swallowing under Jet Set’s gaze did not help her case in his mind. With an exacerbated sigh he fluttered his eyes closed.

“Well, you won’t be relaying your story to me, Agent Drops” the aggravation in Jet Set’s voice was thicker than he intended and Sweetie felt her cheek twitch in response. Jet Set ignored the voice in his head telling him to relax and pressed on. “I hope you understand just how much rests on your withers. I’ve done what I can.”

Sweetie Drops' head tilted as she looked between the pair of guards standing at attention beside the door. When she glanced back to Jet Set, he already trotted halfway down the hallway. His head was thrown back as he stomped off. Rather than shout for Jet Set to come back – no doubt starting a scene in the middle of the hallway – Sweetie steeled herself for whoever was beyond the door. The heavy guard presence told her that it was somepony of importance. Captain of the Royal Guard, perhaps? Prince Blueblood?

Sweetie nodded to one of the guards, and they opened the door. As the door swung open, Sweetie felt her jaw drop and a lump form in her throat. The sight of a tall off-white alicorn sitting in Director Jet Set’s office chair nearly sent Agent Sweetie Drops to the floor. Calmly looking over various sheets of paper held in her magic, was Princess Celestia. The sound of the door opening roused the princess and she gave a gentle smile.

“Hello, my little pony. Please, take a seat,” the warmth in which Celestia spoke pulled Sweetie Drops back down to earth. With a curt nod, Sweetie fixed her gaze on the sturdy mahogany desk and maneuvered her way to a chair opposite the princess. The sound of the shutting door never registered with Sweetie.

Sweetie Drops was frazzled, to say the least. She expected to report her failure to Director Jet Set. He was a pony she understood and knew didn’t take to bad news well, and Sweetie could react accordingly. But Princess Celestia? That was a pony very few ever really knew.

“Agent Sweetie Drops?” Sweetie jumped in her seat and snapped her eyes up to look at Celestia. “There’s no reason to be afraid. I’ve been told you’re an excellent agent, and a wonderful pony.”

Sweetie noticed the sincerity in Celestia’s tone; she found it comforting to hear. Perhaps she was overreacting, Princess Celestia isn't known as some cruel monster after all. Closing her eyes, Sweetie began to compose herself and slow her breathing. After a long few moments, she reopened her eyes and gave Celestia a confident nod. Celestia’s smile widened slightly seeing her subject’s renewed strength.

“Very well, Agent Drops. Let’s get down to business. I’ve spent the last few hours reviewing the details regarding your previous assignment as well as your current one,” Celestia lightly shook the paperwork gripped in her magic before resting them on the desk. Sweetie’s eyes flicked between the reports and the pitcher of water sitting on a tray next to them. “Let’s start with the operation from six months ago. An ‘Operation Pandamonium’ regarding the capture of a rampaging bugbear in Equestria’s north-east, correct?”

“That’s correct, your highness,” Sweetie bobbed her head in acknowledgement. A momentary pause settled between the two, and Sweetie recognized the unspoken request. “‘Operation Pandamonium’ – named such due to the monster’s panda-like appearance – began with the bugbear’s first sighting approximately three months prior to capture. First reports stated the beast was attacking travelers moving between the small villages located along the coastline. Small fishing communities exist along the coast with history dating back to the founding of Griffonstone. The communities are small, and most aren't on any nationwide maps, but the trading they do with griffons keep each other afloat. I believe the bugbear was attracted to the region by the fish.

“It wasn’t until the first attack on one of these settlements – Gallop Cove, I believe it was – did the first substantial evidence come to light,” Celestia glanced down at the paperwork settled on the desk, as if to double check Sweetie. Despite the sweat forming on her brow, Sweetie pressed on. She detailed each piece of evidence recovered from the various attacks and sightings that led to the location of the bugbear’s cave.

Celestia resisted the urge to smirk as she realized Agent Sweetie Drops was practically reciting her written report verbatim. Sweetie depicted everything from minor bear scratching on trees to the grizzly details of a ponies attacked by the bugbear. The dryness in her throat finally caught up with Sweetie Drops, however, and she broke off her comprehensive report with a cough.

“Excuse me. May I?” Sweetie Drops meekly pointed a hoof at the pitcher of water.

“Of course. Allow me, please,” Celestia’s horn shimmered in golden glow as she lifted the pitcher and poured into an empty glass.

With Celestia focused on the glass of water, Sweetie took note of Jet Set’s office. Every creature comfort he had was gone. Everything from the little rubber plant he kept behind his desk, to his signed portrait of Songbird Serenade, and even every picture of himself and Upper Crust was gone. The fur on the back of Sweetie Drops' neck stood on end. The silence between the two did not last as the princess took her opportunity to move past much of the story she had already read over.

“After finding the bugbear’s cave, how exactly did you manage to capture it?” Celestia asked as she passed the drink over.

“The capture” Sweetie Drops practically gasped out as she finished downing her refreshment, “was actually much easier than expected. I’m actually a trained confectioner. When I was a filly, I dreamed of opening a candy shop. Before joining the agency, I apprenticed at a shop here in Canterlot. With that knowledge, I created a piece of candy in both the shape and size of a beehive. It took a lot of honey to make it. All we had to do was place it in a tree and then wait for the monster to come for it. A few unicorns from the agency pitched in to help stun it, and once the bugbear came for the bait, we managed to pacify the bugbear.”

“Just like that?” Celestia questioned with a raised brow.

“The…” Sweetie looked down the ground, carefully searching for the right words, “The first sleep spell was mostly ineffective. The bugbear certainly reacted to it, but it did not put him down. It was groggier, for sure, but it knew something else was around and it started rampaging around the clearing.

“We were hiding in some nearby bushes, and I wasn’t about to put my fellow agents in any unnecessary danger.” Sweetie coughed, and her gaze swept across the desk. “I leapt out to get the bugbear’s attention and give my team of unicorns more time to prepare their spells. It chased me around for a bit, but when I lured it back into position the second time, the team successfully incapacitated the monster."

“So the bugbear saw you?” The written report already told Celestia the answer to the question, but she needed to hear it from Agent Sweetie Drops herself.

“Without a doubt, your Highness,” Sweetie’s nerves returned in full and her gaze continued to avoid Celestia. One of S.M.I.L.E.’s most important rules of engagement is to avoid being seen by your target. The word “monster” as it is used in S.M.I.L.E.’s name is an archaic term from when the agency was first founded. Many of Equestria’s new “monsters” are highly intelligent and acutely aware of the danger they posed. And Sweetie Drops had blatantly ignored that rule.

“I see,” Celestia solemnly nodded. She watched as Agent Sweetie Drops squirmed in her seat and a twinge of hurt touched Celestia’s heart. Despite her position as princess, Celestia understood the look that wrapped Sweetie Drops features. Anxiety and fear.

Fear of Celestia. Despite all the years spent trying to make ponies relate with her and feel comfortable around her, they still feared failing their princess.

“Let’s move on to your current assignment,” Sweetie’s attention popped back up to meet Celestia’s regal gaze. For only a moment, Sweetie could have sworn she saw something else hidden behind Celestia’s traditionally stoical eyes. But the thought faded as quickly as it came, Sweetie Drops needed her full composure if she was going to debrief her latest failure.

"Shortly after the bugbear was confined in Tartarus," Celestia dictated directly from one of her assembled reports, "a weekly S.M.I.L.E. inspection team discovered the bugbear had gone missing, is that correct?"

"That's correct, your Highness," Sweetie soberly nodded as her ears pinned back. Despite her crestfallen mood, the agent pressed on. "Routine inspection teams travel to and from Tartarus. Mostly, they keep Cerberus content and happy; nopony wants him to wander off and stop guarding the gates. The team's second role is to check on those imprisoned. As far as I know, the bugbear is the first creature to break out since S.M.I.L.E. began."

"And, according to Director Jet Set’s updates, you believe the bugbear escaped through a new gate to Tartarus?" Sweetie’s eyes finally returned to Celestia. Her grim look was all the princess received as an answer. "I understand you initially searched for this new gate alone. Jet Set’s report to me implied you spent nearly two months personally searching before you relayed your findings with him, is that correct?"

"That's… That's correct," Sweetie stuttered and glanced at the ground, unable to hold her gaze with the princess, "your Highness."

"I see. I understand after informing Director Jet Set of the situation, you requested no additional help in searching for either the bugbear or for this potential new entrance to Tartarus. Why?"

She expected that question, and yet hearing Princess Celestia ask it caused her to panic. Sweetie knew the danger a new and unregulated doorway to Tartarus posed. Everything the agency has worked for hinged on Tartarus being secure. She knew she wasted the most valuable time in hunting down the bugbear. And now, her mistakes are coming back to haunt her.

The pair sat in silence while Sweetie Drops studied the floor, searching for answers she did not have. Celestia watched patiently as a loose tear fell from one of Sweetie Drops eyes. She hated this. Celestia felt sick seeing Agent Drops struggle with her decision, but Celestia had to know the reason why. If her hunch was right…

“Leave us,” Celestia nodded to the guard positioned by the door. Sweetie never even noticed them there, she also never heard them leave and shut the door. Her mind was tirelessly trying to find the words to explain her actions. She knew why she did them, but Sweetie just needed the right words for it. Nothing ever felt right. Everything was either too emotionally charged or too analytical.

"Perhaps," Celestia cautiously began, "only asking 'why' was too vague. Until now, you have been clear and explained in near perfect detail about these cases. So tell me, what prevented you from relaying your theory to Director Jet Set immediately?"

"I…" Sweetie bit her lip and closed her eyes. After taking a few moments to compose herself, she reopened her eyes and locked her gaze with Princess Celestia. "The bugbear was my responsibility to apprehend and I was already familiar with how it operated. If I jumped right into hunting it down, I was sure I could relocate it before it escaped."

Through centuries of political intrigue, Celestia saw straight through Sweetie Drops' answer. Her voice was full of confidence and her eyes made from steel. Yet, neither was real. Celestia needed to break through that mask if she was going to find her answer.

"Agent Sweetie Drops," the agent slightly twitched at Celestia’s shift in tone; the disappointment in her words struck like a brick, "your record shows you as one of the top agents in S.M.I.L.E., and plenty of ponies here would back that claim. Your service history is perfectly clean, save for one blemish six years ago – from your time in training. Please, explain what happened."

Sweetie cringed at the request. Of all things to ask about, Celestia wanted to dive deeper into that? If the point was to expose her choices as an agent and then fire her, Sweetie wanted nothing more than for Celestia to hurry it up. But, her princess asked a question. What kind of pony would she be if she didn’t answer? Mustering up what courage she could, Sweetie Drops nodded.

“Of course, your Highness. It happened in advanced training,” Sweetie felt her eyes unfocus as she dug out the memory. “I was nineteen at the time. It was a standard field exercise. Special Agent Linen Rose paired various trainees together in a ‘capture the flag’ type mission. I was assigned with a fellow agent named Bowtie, I believe, and we were both given one month to capture a briefcase from the other's possession and return to the headquarters with it.”

“And this other agent, Bowtie, he won the competition?”

“No.” Now Celestia’s curiosity was piqued. Sweetie’s service history said one thing about this event, but what was the truth from her point of view? “I had the briefcase and returned to the headquarters first. But…”

Sweetie’s voice drifted off like smoke in the wind; Celestia’s attention was captured by the smaller mare. With a shaky breath, Sweetie raised her head to look at Celestia.

“After I recovered the briefcase,” exhaustion that had not been present before was now apparent in Sweetie’s voice, “I was tailed by Bowtie. He was aware I had the case, and was determined to not let me get away. One of the most important rules of the agency is to not let anypony follow you back. Had he managed to tail me all the way to the designated drop off point, I would have failed instantly.

“I spent most of an afternoon ducking down back alley’s and side streets trying to lose him. Eventually, I did. In the last alley I hid in, between a Pony Island Cafe and Reigns Theater, I found a filly leaning against a wall. Asleep on her hooves. I can remember her so clearly, you know? Her pale blue coat and dull blond mane, both covered in grime and filth. She was thin. So thin!” Sweetie’s voice cracked and tears flowed, but her eyes never left Celestia. “I couldn’t leave her! I wouldn’t leave her. I bundled her up in my cloak, put her on my back, and brought her with me back to S.M.I.L.E. HQ. She woke up, briefly. But she was so helpless. She didn’t even try to resist.

“Bowtie managed to catch back up with me. But, after seeing the filly with me, he forgot about the briefcase entirely. I broke a lot of rules bringing her back,” despite the tears Sweetie managed a light breathy chuckle. The final puzzle piece clicked into place for Celestia. She couldn’t avoid the smile slowly creeping up on her muzzle. This is the pony she thought she was, the kind of pony she tirelessly maintained Equestria for.

“Officially, your record states you brought unauthorized personnel into the facility and allowed a pony to follow you back to base,” Celestia had heard about this incident when it occurred. At the time, there was a lot of pressure to have Agent Drops removed, but in the end, everything was swept under the rug. Celestia steeled her voice, trying to keep the pride she felt out of her words. All Sweetie needed was one last push in the right direction…

“So tell me. Why?”

“What?” Sweetie breathed as her heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean ‘why’? Would you rather I leave that filly there to continue to suffer? That’s not what I joined this agency to do. I’m here to protect others! No innocent creature should live like she was. If I left her there wasting away pleading for help...

“I would have been no better than whoever condemned her to that fate!” Sweetie hopped out of her seat and slammed her forehooves on the desk. Determination swirled her eyes. For several long moments, all that could be heard was Sweetie’s laboured breathing. Celestia's piercing gaze softened as the silence persisted. The adrenaline in Sweetie Drops wore off and she glanced down at the table, her hooves, and then back to Celestia with a horrified expression etched on her face.

“Your Highness, I’m sorry. I…” Sweetie stuttered a few times and crumpled back into the chair, her limbs hanging limply.

“It’s alright, Sweetie Drops,” Celestia soothed. “Take a moment, if you need. We can resume when you're ready."

Sweetie, graciously, took the opportunity to put her head in her forelegs and focused on steading her breathing. She kept replaying the last few moments over and over in her head. Sweetie yelled at Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia. A nauseous feeling swelled to her throat over and over, before finally subsiding. With one final deep exhale, Sweetie raised her head and looked at Celestia.

"Do you know what happened to her?" Sweetie’s question was clear and concise. With a nod, Celestia’s horn lit again and a single page freed itself from a small stack on the desk and she briefly read it before returning her attention to Sweetie Drops.

"After leaving the agency’s grounds," Celestia summarized, "she was taken to Canterlot Medical to treat malnourishment. Fortunately, she wasn’t suffering from any other diseases from her time alone. Once discharged, she was placed in the care of a local orphanage. Within a month, she was on her way to a new, permanent, home."

Sweetie Drops could only nod as Celestia relayed what happened to the filly. Satisfaction spread through the agent, but she was too worn out to show it.

"Do you want to know where she is now?" Initially, Sweetie didn't react to the question and Celestia was concerned she didn't hear her. After a moment, Sweetie shook her head.

"No. It was years ago and now she's found a home. Seeing me could just bring up bad memories. If she's happy now," she raised her head and smiled at Celestia, "then that's good enough for me."

"Very well, Agent Drops. Shall we get back to business, or do you want more time?" With a shake of her head, Sweetie sat up as straight as she could. Celestia returned the sheet about the filly to its original place and nodded at the agent. This time, Celestia knew she’d get her answer. “Going back to your current assignment – the renewed search for the bugbear – I’ll ask again. Why did you delay in reporting your findings?”

“When investigating the bugbear for ‘Operation Pandamonium',” unlike before, Sweetie found her answer flowed like a river, “I had seen what it was capable of before it was captured. That monster destroyed homes and ruined livelihoods. More importantly than that, it hurt ponies. I failed to put it away properly the first time. I don’t know how it escaped, and I don’t care anymore. All I do know is that I refuse to let somepony get hurt because I failed to do my job. To do what’s right.”

“Thank you, Agent Sweetie Drops,” Celestia’s smile grew and she felt a tear form at the corner of her eye.

Sweetie was mentally exhausted. She still didn’t understand what Celestia digging into her service history accomplished, and at this point, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know. Her bloodshot eyes dropped and bored into one of the gold flourishes of the desk.

“Was there anything else you wanted, your Highness?” The agent’s question was distant and filled with exhaustion.

“We still have a few points of business to discuss, I’m afraid,” Celestia somberly shook her head and her horn lit up as a manila folder raised out of one of the desk drawers. All of the paperwork Celestia had spread out on the desk lifted as one and was shuffled inside of the folder. “Firstly, I know the bugbear has not been found, nor has any new gate to Tartarus.”

Sweetie closed her eyes and readied herself. She dedicated so much of her life to S.M.I.L.E., and now it would be all for nothing. Nopony had ever been fired from the agency. She wasn’t even sure what the protocol was going to be. But if Princess Celestia herself was involved, and she came all the way down to this forgotten celler to handle it...

“Despite that. I would like to be the first to congratulate you on another successful operation, Agent Drops.” From another drawer, a green stamp raised into the air and pressed against the folder. After Celestia pulled it away, the word ‘success’ was printed bold in stencil.

Sweetie Drops eyes snapped open to Celestia.

“You selflessly choose to put the health and wellbeing of others ahead of your own career and safety. As far as S.M.I.L.E. and the bugbear goes, the agency may see an operation that failed to produce results. But from what I can see,” the smile from Celestia warmed Sweetie to her core and a few fresh tears fell from her, “I see a kind-hearted mare with the conviction to do the right thing at any cost to herself. You've done more than your part. Please, rest and relax for some time. You've earned it.”

“I don’t know what to say, your Highness,” Sweetie’s voice was hoarse as the words stumbled out of her.

“You don’t have to, Agent Drops.” It was with those words, Sweetie realized how little she knew about Celestia the pony. Princess Celestia has ruled for almost a millennium. Yet, Celestia the pony spent this entire meeting delicately slicing her way through everything Sweetie Drops said to understand her. “I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your mind and need some space. Thank you for stopping by, Agent Drops.”

Sweetie Drops bobbed her head in agreement. She certainly had a lot to think about, of that there was no doubt. Back on her hooves, Sweetie found her limbs felt weak. Each step was heavy and the tips of her hooves scrapped across the smooth stone floor. Sweetie’s movements were slow and her eyes unfocused on the ground, but her mind raced.

‘Why?’ Celestia’s question echoed in Sweetie’s mind. Celestia specifically wanted to know about why she didn’t get help from the agency. Not once did she ask what she uncovered during her solo endeavor or during the agency wide search. Wasn’t she here to debrief her? Sweetie was the mare in charge of the whole operation, and Celestia didn't ask any questions about it. Almost as if she already knew the answers to those questions. That’s when it hit Sweetie Drops.

Celestia did know.

Celestia knew the bugbear was free and that a gate to Tartarus could be open in the wild somewhere. She knew neither was likely going to be found either if such a gate even existed. What Celestia wanted to know was why Sweetie Drops acted the way she did.

And Celestia wasn’t surprised by the answer Sweetie gave. The princess had directed that interview flawlessly. Every question had meaning beyond its surface. She broke down Sweetie’s emotional defenses to pull out the answer she already knew was there.

Sweetie pulled her eyes from the floor. She wasn’t sure how long she had been standing in front of the door, but it didn’t matter now. Sweetie Drops turned around, mouth slightly ajar, and looked at Princess Celestia with a furrowed brow.

“Why?” This time, Celestia was caught off guard by the question. Her smile faltered and her brow dipped ever so slightly. “Why did you want to know about me? What does it matter to you?”

There was no hurt or accusation in her voice, but Sweetie Drops still felt guilty for asking. From Sweetie’s point of view, Princess Celestia had come down to this stale, old wine cellar to give her a compliment. To reassure her. But, rationally, the princess must have had some kind of reason for all this beyond just to be nice to a lowly agent in a secret branch of Equestria’s government. If Celestia wished to pry into Sweetie Drops' life and figure out what makes her tick, then Sweetie wished to find out why it was so important to her.

Celestia hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. A ghost of a smile touched her lips and she mentally sighed.

“Because you are the kind of pony I wish I was, in many ways.” Celestia’s voice was even, yet there was a weight in each word that struck Sweetie Drops. “A pony who makes decisions with their heart, knowing it to be the only option they can live with and not regret or question at every turn. Decisions that are more than just right for you, but those around you first and foremost. Actions have consequences, and the only one who should feel the brunt of them is the one who made them.

"Not anypony else."

Through the orange flicker of candlelight, Sweetie Drops saw something deep in the violet eyes of Princess Celestia. Unlike before, Sweetie was sure she saw it. It was a look she had hoped to never see again. She saw it only once before in the eyes of an orphaned filly.

Inescapable anguish.

“I think I understand,” Sweetie said, though her voice was barely above a whisper. “Thank you, Celestia.”

“You’re welcome, Sweetie Drops.” Celestia’s smile returned, full and true. Sweetie felt the edges of her mouth curl into a smile as well. For better or worse, she now knew at least one thing about Celestia the pony.

With a turn, Special Agent Sweetie Drops reached for the door and exited, leaving only an echo of the door clicking shut in her wake. Celestia let the silence hang for a moment, savoring the stillness. Slowly, her smile receded.

Shutting her eyes, she craned her head up until her horn touched the relatively short ceiling. A light chime filled the air and Celestia’s horn was bathed in a golden hue as she magically reached to touch the moon. A distant screech of rage echoed in her head when she made contact, but she refused to pull away. Every moment her magic lingered on the moon, she felt something inside struggle and fight with hatred in every movement.

A small part of her wanted to let go. But, Celestia refused that part of her and held her ground. As she continued to caress the moon, salty tears rolled down the sides of her face as she silently sobbed for the fate she thrust on another.

Author's Note:

Hey all.

Wanted to write something very different than I ever have before. I admit, I don't quite know if I hit what I wanted. At the very least I'm satisfied with some of this. Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter!