• Published 8th May 2021
  • 568 Views, 33 Comments

Ponyville Local News - Twinsez

Tune in to Ponyville Local News on Ponyville's own radio station, for all things Ponyville!

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Ponyville Local News 008

“Local Ponyville News is brought to you by Carrot Farms. Go get yourself some Carrot Bread, the hottest product on the market. Come to our stores located in Ponyville and taste the best thing in Equestria.”

“Hello, Ponyville! I’m DJ-PON3, and this is Ponyville Local News coming at you live at the top of the hour! It’s a beautiful day outside, so I hope you all listen to this on your porch with a cold glass of iced tea between your hooves. Just talking about all that makes me giddy! But enough about all that; it’s time for some news.

“Carrot Top and Applejack’s unnamed competition will be held at Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow at noon. There will also be live music and games, courtesy of Applejack. According to Carrot Top, she’ll bring “only what matters” to the competition, so let’s hope it’s enough. Both sides are stoked, and so am I. I’m sure I won’t be the only pony heading down to Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow. In fact, I expect to see the whole town there, giving support to the pony whose crops practically saved the town and the other hotshot pony with the goods that sell so fast, it could leave a bolt of lightning in its dust.

“May the best mare win!

“In other news, the homeless ponies that have taken residence in the burned outskirts of the Everfree Forest have been forcibly moved to the abandoned FitPony Gym so that Smile can conduct their mysterious research on the forest. As you would expect, they’re not too happy about this change of setting.”

“I don’t want to move to the gym, and I don’t know anypony who does. They think they’re doing the right thing by giving us a “proper home,” but they ain’t doing shit. This place isn’t much better than the forest, and at least that had streams and gardens.”

“Oh, umm, I mean, ummmmm… no, I don’t wanna say anything. I don’t want anypony to get mad… Okay, if I won’t get in trouble… I, uh, wish I could see the bunnies again. That would be nice.”

“I resisted them, along with a few of my buddies. Do you know what they did? They socked me, right in the jaw. I’m telling you, they can’t keep treating us like this. We gotta stand up for ourselves one of these days. Mark my words, they’ll be sorry.”

“I just want this whole thing to be over. I’m just so tired of living like a Diamond Dog. I just want my old life, I don’t deserve any of this! If only they could stop moving ponies around as if that solves anything. Everypony here just wants another chance at life. Out of everypony here, I deserve another chance the most! But now, I just feel lost.”

“…That’s Rarity. I know that voice, and that’s her. Her shop closed, she got arrested, and now she’s living on the streets. I can’t believe this, she made my rain boots for me. I talked to her. I know her. Whatever, let’s just move on.

“Um, this move is only temporary, as S.M.I.L.E just needs to survey the forest for a week. Let’s hope they don’t find anything dangerous. Anyways, here’s a word from our police station.”

“The filly Scootaloo still has not been found. Please look for her. She must be returned to her family. It is imperative. If you find this filly, report to Ponyville police immediately. If you withhold any information regarding this filly and her location, there will be serious consequences. It’s important to make sure she does not leave this town. Find this filly. It is of the up-most importance. Thank you for your compliance.”

"Anyways, I’m afraid we don’t have any other news to report. What can I say, life’s boring sometimes. But we’re here to make it a little more exciting, and what’s more exciting than tales of Equestrian victory over the savagery of the Griffons? Not only is our guest an honorable air pony from the air force, but she's also a local hero here in Ponyville. Everypony still continues to talk about her flying prowess and feats of heroic courage. She's also known as quite the talker. Fillies and gentle colts, I am pleased to announce our interviewee, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, how are you on this fine day?"

"I’m fine."

"Great! The station is pleased to have someone as legendary as you here on our little show."

"It's no problem at all."

"Well, how about we get started with a couple of burning questions and see if we can’t get some answers?"

"Go right ahead."

"So, Rainbow Dash, what is it like over there? In the land of the Griffons?"

"Barren, I guess. Just a lot of desert. There’s not much to do there except walking and fighting."

"Now let’s talk about that fighting. Can you give our listeners a rough estimate of how many battles you’ve been involved in?"

"I don’t know. A few, I guess."

"Oh come on, don’t be modest now? Give me your best guess."

"I don’t know."

"…huh. Okay then, moving on. What was your final rank when you were discharged?"

"I was a Senior Airpony in the Pegasi Air Force in the 55th Scouting Squadron."

"Wow, I bet that’s impressive."

"It’s alright."

"Well, what I find even more impressive is our military’s near victory over the Griffons. Everypony in Equestria is on the edge of their seats waiting for our final victory can be announced. Can you tell us how close we are to ending the war?"

"I’m afraid I can’t publicly disclose that information."

Oh come on, that’s what everypony says. We’ve had enough secrets from S.M.I.L.E. You can’t just give us the tiniest piece of information? It would mean the world to all of us.

"I can’t."

"Alright then, fine. I guess you don’t want to get in trouble with the bigwigs. As I radio host, I can respect that.

"Any more questions?"

"Oooo, who’s asking the questions now, big tough military mare?"


"Um, I do want to ask you another question about the war, but I’m afraid you might take it the wrong way."

"Don’t worry about it. Ask away."

"Alright, so… I couldn't help but notice that scar you have on your right side."

"Where my wing used to be?"

"Um… yeah. Would you mind explaining its origins to our listeners? I’m sure it’s an enthralling story."

"I lost my right wing in the war. Do you need any other information?"

"Oh. Um, no, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

"They ambushed us. Used the cover of darkness to hide their positions. We didn’t see them coming at us until it was too late. They were smaller than us, but that didn’t matter. They were shooting us down like dogs. It must be terrifying, dying in the dark. You can’t even look your enemy in the eye as you fall. We traded shots for what could have been days. I don’t know if I hit any of them, but I pray that I sent a few of them straight to Tartarus. Anyways, after they picked enough of us apart, they began advancing. We were called to fall back, and that’s when I got hit… there’s no difference between getting wounded and dying. They both feel the same, the only difference is that sometimes, you wake up the next day. I tried to stay awake but… the pain was something I never experienced. Forced my eyes shut, and made my body go numb. What could you do, y’know? Arrow went right through my wing, and as I lay crumpled on the ground with my blood pooling beneath me, I knew I wouldn’t fly again. The last thing I remember was hearing their claws smacking against the ground and their hellish war cries. Still hear it sometimes, in the dark when I’m trying to sleep. I don’t know if I’ll ever unhear it."

“...I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash.”

“Don’t be. The important part is that we won. We regrouped and miraculously fought them back. Don’t know how we did that, but we did.”

“Oh! That’s incredible.”

“It was. I’m glad I could have served in a squadron like that. It makes all our sacrifices worth it if we can shove the enemies' beaks right up their asses. If I could, I would fight for the Air Force every day for the rest of my life. If everypony that died on the battlefield could talk one last time, they would say the same exact thing.”

“Well, I’m glad this story has a happy ending. For my final question, what are you going to do now that you’re back in the lovely little town of Ponyville?"

“I’m not sure. I was given a new home here, right over downtown. I’ll look for a job, presumably with the weather ponies since I have experience there. I don’t need to earn a lot of money, just enough to where I can get by. I’ve been flashy all my life, but now I’d prefer it if I could keep it to myself. I will admit though, that this town seems different than when I left. It’s… darker somehow.”

“Well, Rainbow, the war has hit us pretty hard. Not to mention the Dustgrass parasite that hit our crops a few years ago. We’ve been struggling, just like every other town and city in Equestria. But I think you’ll find there’s still a lot to love about this little town! Just come on over to the competition tomorrow at Sweet Apple Acres. The whole town’s going to be there, and you can observe the strong community we’ve all built with each other!”

“Will Ditsy be there?”


“Nevermind. I’ll try to show up.”

“That’s the spirit! I’m afraid our time is up, but it’s been an absolute pleasure talking with somepony as noble as you!”

“The pleasure was all mine.”

“Alright everypony, hope you enjoyed that interview as much as I did! Before we get back to the music, here’s a word from our sponsor.”

“Hello everypony! My name is Carrot Top, and I’m just a simple carrot farmer in Ponyville. All of our products are handmade, and are filled with our special ingredient: love! Try our new Carrot Bread for a snack, or buy our naturally grown, delicious carrots that will get the whole family smiling at dinner! So come to our local stores and taste the best thing in Equestria.”

Alright, Ponyville, until next time, here is Broken Mare by Silver Mic. Enjoy, and long live Equestria.

I can see the pain in your eyes from miles away
You’ve sure been struggling to live these last few days
Tell me who, tell me who could have broken you down so bad?
I’ll help you out, baby girl, all because of what we used to have

You’re a Broken Mare
(Can I build you up, baby?)
Gave me a scare
(Can I build you up, baby?)
You look worse for wear
(Can I build you up, baby?)
Let me help you get through
All of the pain

Comments ( 1 )

How does no pony find this suspicious?

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