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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


This story is a sequel to Cuddles IV

Long days at work mean getting home late, and they also can lead to a bored unicorn trying to cook on her own. The pan will never be the same, and the less said about the spinach, the better. Luckily, there are plenty of restaurants and food carts to order food from, even if a wild-caught ribeye salad with a side of kaleslaw is confusing on multiple levels.

A belated entry into Categorial Grant’s Cuddlefic Contest, because a series named ‘Cuddles’ is legally obligated to participate. That’s a fact, just like how you can’t transmute post-transition metal to a transition metal.

Now with a Russian Translation by Mordaneus: (Ponyfiction) (Ficbook)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 70 )

This is the best Cuddles story so far! :pinkiehappy:

“Is it TPS reports?”
“We don’t have those.”

"Yeah, Cami, if you could have that draft novel on my desk by Monday that'd be greaaaaaaaat."

Dang it all, this much sweetness is going to give me diabetes.
Lonely guy looking for a mare-friend who enjoys books and cuddles (as a bonus, I am a fairly decent cook).

The references, they're too much!!! :rainbowlaugh:

So how long until either of them propose to the other?

NOOOOO!!!!! None of that!

I'm but a simple man... I see a new Cuddles fic, I instantly read said Cuddles fic... And slam-dunk it into the ol' Favorites box!

iisaw #8 · Jul 5th, 2021 · · ·

“Not to mention you’re trying to change a post-transition metal to a transition metal, which has its own problems in mana cost. Be better off buying a goose for your gold-production needs.”

This is the single best line ever published on this website. :pinkiehappy:

“Dude, you were there last time I got nailed...

Aaaaand, I completely misunderstood that line as I read it. :facehoof:

“If everypony could do that, my first-tier Mythic casting rank would mean nothing.” Cami sighed. “If everypony could do that, accurately and with control, I wouldn’t have a job. You know what happens with experimental magic cast above one’s skill level."

I nodded. “You get salamanders.”

“If you’re lucky. If not, you might get squirrels.”

“Hordes of ‘em.” Cami set the re-formed pan on the counter. “So unless you want to risk my cooking, what are we gonna have for dinner tonight? Chinese or pizza or something else?”

Will the cuddles ever end? :pinkiecrazy:

Seriously, I've falled so far behind in this serious, it's not even funny.

no matter how many times I tell you that you can’t transmute anything across prime columns.

Not to mention transuranic heavy elements may not be used where there is life. Medium atomic weights are available though.

As a side note, I could see Cami give a throw-away comment about "only transmuting within their element island", where upon "we" realise ponies use an entirely different classification system

“No weirder than a quill, where do you think those come from?”


“Can you turn into . . . could you turn into me?

Hmmmm... She didn't answer the question.

Though, now I'm beginning to suspect we've found out how she got him those perfectly fitted shoes that one time off camera. Yes, that's totally a thing I'm saying has happened.

Also, Cami is well-versed in Changeling magic. Pretty sure. It just fits.

Dude, you were there last time I got nailed

:rainbowlaugh: Phrasing!

Oh yeah finally! I've been looking forward to this. :pinkiehappy:

Unicorn magic means food skips that critical step between frozen and flambé.

Thank you!

It’s also the longest, for what that’s worth :heart:


"Yeah, Cami, if you could have that draft novel on my desk by Monday that'd be greaaaaaaaat."

<manager turns into a newt>
Cami: “Uh, sorry, boss, I just had a little magic flare there.”


Dang it all, this much sweetness is going to give me diabetes.

It’s worth the risk. Fluffy unicorn’s the way to go.

Lonely guy looking for a mare-friend who enjoys books and cuddles (as a bonus, I am a fairly decent cook).

I’m more of the ‘if the instructions aren’t printed on the box, I’m going to have problems.” :rainbowlaugh: Just like Cami.


I'm but a simple man... I see a new Cuddles fic, I instantly read said Cuddles fic...

As one should.

And slam-dunk it into the ol' Favorites box!

Yay! :heart:


This is the single best line ever published on this website. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! :heart:

Aaaaand, I completely misunderstood that line as I read it.

That is legit the line this whole fic was built around and also a reference to SaddlesoapOpera’s Pony Psychology Series, specifically the Ditzy Doo arc . . . and if you’re ever wondering where some of my Derpy headcanon came from, it was there.


Will the cuddles ever end? :pinkiecrazy:

One hopes not. Pony cuddles are the best, full stop.

Seriously, I've falled so far behind in this serious, it's not even funny.

Good news, they’re all short. So it won’t take you too long to catch up if you’re in need of something cute and fluffy.


Not to mention transuranic heavy elements may not be used where there is life. Medium atomic weights are available though.

“You just wouldn’t understand the transmutation rules, human.”
“You just changed a pot into water.”
“But you can’t change lead into gold.”
“I can change lead into gold, but it comes at a terrible cost.”

As a side note, I could see Cami give a throw-away comment about "only transmuting within their element island", where upon "we" realise ponies use an entirely different classification system

I am very sad I just now learned about that arrangement of the periodic table. Element islands seems so much more pony-like than a boring chart.

“No weirder than a quill, where do you think those come from?”

Legit, though, Twilight can now produce her own writing implements.

Related, Davenport has lost his best customer.


Hmmmm... She didn't answer the question.

She didn't, because he knows not what he asks. In her line of work, seeing a magical duplicate, dealing with a magical duplicate . . . well, let your mind run as it will. Cami’s seen some stuff.

Though, now I'm beginning to suspect we've found out how she got him those perfectly fitted shoes that one time off camera. Yes, that's totally a thing I'm saying has happened.


Also, Cami is well-versed in Changeling magic. Pretty sure. It just fits.

Unless her particular specialty were just in magical mis-castings, she’d surely know all about changeling magic and all the related fields. Honestly whether she wanted to or not.


Lots of ponies in town regularly get nailed by the farrier, that’s just the way it is. And our narrator should know it; he was there the last time she got shod.


Unicorn magic means food skips that critical step between frozen and flambé.

It’s true, and that’s a limitation of unicorn magic. It’s why Princess Platinum offered increasing generous prizes for any unicorn who could figure out how to make palatable food using magic, and why every magic school still requires unicorns to create one recipe before they can graduate (they are not required to summon it from nothing or transmute it from dirt into food, but they must source the ingredients themselves and then prepare them in front of no less than three judges).


SaddlesoapOpera’s Pony Psychology Series

Holy carp, that's a blast from the past! I ought to read those again.

:rainbowlaugh: To be honest I get most of my recipes off the internet, I am not one of those people who can whip together a party from nothing but flour, some bits of string, and a song (like certain :pinkiecrazy:).

I even use box-mixes on occasion :pinkiegasp:

Probably the only thing that I can really claim is that I am good at experimenting. On that note, does Cami like pie or brownies?

Tagalongs are the best scout cookies. I will die on this hill.

Same. Every Admiral Biscuit story gets an Favorite from me, often before I even read it.

What a great couple, almost as good if not equal to Milfoil and Steve. :twilightsmile:

And was that a reference to My Farrier Lady?

pretty much.
like, fav, then read.
haven't been disappointed yet.

She rolled over on her back and let me rub the fluff on her belly, proving once again that Cami was really a cat at heart.

depends greatly on the cat. mine likes tummy rubs. i know another that does not, and will push you away, with claws, instantly if you try or even accidentally touch them there.

still incredibly cute :twilightsmile::heart:

Douser took a break from arranging rainclouds around the blazing inferno that had once been the School for Gifted Unicorn's testing facility and glided down to a clump of SGU faculty who were obviously shocked at the results.

"Mid-terms again, I see." Douser held a hoof over his eyes and squinted at the lined steel pole sticking out of the tower's top where the flames ended. "Ninety-seven. New record?"

"By five points," said Musty Page, the Dean of High-Energy Thaumaturgy. "We should have looked at the records before setting Miss Belle to making hot chocolate. Her mother set the previous record." The Dean cast a cautious look at a small family of unicorns a short distance away. The father caught the look and rolled his eyes, returning to providing parental support and gentle back-pats to his sobbing oldest daughter.

"It sounds like she's going to drop out in order to work on becoming a fashion designer," said Miss Pin, the Arcane Librarian, giving a superior sniff. "Pity."

"Well, it looks like they've got another daughter who could attend later," said Douser cheerfully. "You could always have her make something harmless like avocado toast for her mid-term."

Twelve years later when Sweetie Belle had her mid-term exams, Douser could remember his exact words echoing through his head as he watched the rebuilt testing tower slowly melt into slag and begin eating into the granite below.


To be honest I get most of my recipes off the internet, I am not one of those people who can whip together a party from nothing but flour, some bits of string, and a song (like certain :pinkiecrazy:).

Yeah, me too, but often when I think of something then I have to figure out if I have the ingredients for it and if I don’t I’m not good at knowing what I could use instead, in most cases.

I even use box-mixes on occasion :pinkiegasp:

Nothing wrong with that. You can get a lot of mileage out of box-mixes . . . like, I don’t know anybody hardcore enough to make pancakes from scratch instead of from a box of Bisquick.

Probably the only thing that I can really claim is that I am good at experimenting. On that note, does Cami like pie or brownies?

Cami doesn’t like the word ‘experiment,’ it brings her flashbacks :rainbowlaugh: I feel like she’s more of a brownie pony. She’ll say that she likes pies and list off her favorite kinds, but her go-to dessert is brownies.


Tagalongs are the best scout cookies. I will die on this hill.

Now you listen here, you young whippersnapper.


In conclusion girl scouts cookies are fantastic and everybody is allowed to have their own favorite flavor.

Ooh, that’s a dangerous game, sometimes I troll. :rainbowlaugh:


What a great couple, almost as good if not equal to Milfoil and Steve. :twilightsmile:

They’re good in a different way, I’d say, but I do think that Milfoil and Steve are a better couple. Sorry, Cami.

And was that a reference to My Farrier Lady?

The farrier bits, or the Aeolic bits? Neither of them are intentional references to My Farrier Lady, which, thank you for reminding me, I do need to finish reading sooner rather than later.

Actually, now that you mention it and now that I’m thinking back on the chapters I did read, Twilight kept blowing her shoes off, didn’t she?

Maybe it was an unconscious reference.


pretty much.
like, fav, then read.
haven't been disappointed yet.

You musta missed Admiral Trampoline Super Biscuit Shouldn't Write Shipfics, Volume I then. :rainbowlaugh: That one’s very disappointing.

depends greatly on the cat. mine likes tummy rubs. i know another that does not, and will push you away, with claws, instantly if you try or even accidentally touch them there.

Yeah, it really is on a kitty-to-kitty basis. Good thing Cami hasn’t got claws.

still incredibly cute :twilightsmile:


When she learns to focus that power, Sweetie will be unstoppable. Although now that I think of it, all the CMC have a bit of chaos magic in their skills, so maybe she’s destined to be a wild mage.

Tell her not to worry my brownie experiments are solely based on flavor (putting cherry liqueur in the batter for example) and mostly I've already figured out what works so the experiment title is just so many words. But if it bothers her that much I can pick up a thesaurus easily enough to avoid the 'e' word.

I’m just tired of arguing with people who say thin mints.

Like, I’m in it for the mint and chocolate, those are my weaknesses.

If tagalongs are your cookie of choice, you do you. Girl scouts got a lotta cookies to sell and they can’t all be thinmints. Instead of us having hills to die on, we can both be on our own hills eating our own cookies and looking at those poor scrubs down below that don’t have any cookies.

Works for me. Now if they would only sell them year round. Then my final step to living the most unhealthy lifestyle will be complete.

Normal fantasy: "The four elements are earth, air, water, and fire."

MLP Fanfic:

“You keep wanting me to do that,” Cami said, “no matter how many times I tell you that you can’t transmute anything across prime columns. That’s just how magic works.

We win. :derpytongue2:

Please, god, no. I always end up buying some when they come to my door, then I realize what it will do to me if I actually eat them and I end up giving five out of six boxes away to people who are younger and still have a healthy metabolism.

The last box of thin mints goes in my freezer. :-D

I hate to say it, but I’m with 10892045 here, if they sold them year-round it would be bad news. I’d be on an all-Thinmint diet and I don’t think that’s a very good diet.

Legit one of the things that drew me to this site was people discussing seriously the energy content of liquid rainbow.

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