• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
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No one's ever really gone.


This story is a sequel to CRISIS: Equestria - Divergence, Book 2

Seven years ago, Twilight Sparkle and her friends ventured to another world quite different from their own, where they made new friends, forged new relationships, and helped to overthrow and destroy a goddess of evil before returning home. Their lives have progressed since then, with Twilight becoming the alicorn princess who rules over all of Equestria, her friends at her side to help her.

When an experiment goes awry, she and her friends find themselves returning to that other world once again, which, like their own, has changed in that time, as their otherworldly friends have grown and made lives for themselves for better or worse. Their reunion brings on mixed feelings, as not everything is their friends' lives are what they seem.

But not all is well in this otherworld, as a dark force once thought defeated is making a return, and it will take everything our heroes have to triumph over evil.

Co-authored and edited by Devnator.
Cover art by Starlight Spark.

This is the third and final part of the three-part Divergence series, an alternate retelling of the CRISIS: Equestria story, and the final entry in the CRISIS-verse.

Updates Fridays.

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 74 )

How many books will this series have? I'm not complaining, mind you, I just want to wait until this series is 100% complete before I start to read this.

This is the last book in the Divergence series. With the weekly release schedule, Book 3 should be finished sometime around mid-April. If you read a chapter every week of Books 1 & 2, you should be done around that time and can get right into binging Book 3.

Okay, so it's not just those two that got sent in. It seems like the whole group got dragged in and split up to god-knows where. Welp, the already dicey situation in Equestria V just got a whole lot dicier. Let the new adventures begin.

I've gotta wonder if them getting pulled in Dawn's doing by unforutnate accidental application of Void magic or Nihilia's. My money's on the latter because tentacles are one thing but those "eyes" that appeared...yeah, that's sinister.

"Yeah, so long as it doesn't turn out that vanquishing the wendigos makes it turn out okay for ponies to divide themselves up and hate each other in the far, far future, everything'll be just fine!" said Pinkie, staring off at… something as she said it with an oddly judgmental look on her face.


Looks like Twi and AJ are going to have the hardest time getting back on their hooves, limited supplies and all in basically the middle of nowhere...

Meanwhile, everyone else finds new and interesting ways to be pissed off at Dawn.

I think Silvertongue blames himself.

And there's the talk we've been waiting for from Silvertongue. In some manner at least. He was a bit more indirect than I expected. Dawn's still going to have to learn for herself. Let's see if she does so before something really awful happens.

Two tours of the area for the first two groups. Wonder if the pattern is going to continue with whatever wonders Twilight and AJ encounter underground with Winter and Hourglass.

I feel as though Winter is trying now to fend off Twilight just because she can't cope with the fact she's here now and she had just resigned herself to never seeing her again, in addition to all the other crud going on in the world.:applejackunsure:

Applejack brushed some of the dirt off her hooves just as a show of bravado; she wasn't the kind of braggart Dash was, but heck if it didn't feel good to prove something to somepony every now and then. But she noticed something odd: the dirt just didn't seem to be coming off of her hooves. Almost like they were just plain caked in the stuff, so much that they looked like solid rock.

Hmm...interesting. I believe now the Mane Six's special abilities are starting to manifest...

"A Vessel has entered our world, dear brother. A curious Vessel, but one that holds immeasurable potential for the future. Our Dark Lady has brought it here from a realm far beyond our own, a realm quite different from ours. Another world, I believe."

Guess that answers one earlier question. Those void tentacles were definitely Nihilia grabbing Twilight through the rift she opened. Guess Twi holding it open for everyone to view kept her there long enough to catch Nihilia's attention.

Pandemonia's not the main target anymore.:unsuresweetie:

"It will prove a greater force than even the Mother, should our Dark Lady possess its power. She has revealed to me a further goal within her Glorious Purpose, dear brother, one beyond our imagination. This world will burn, yes, but so will realms beyond this one. Complete… annihilation."

Okaythat'sbad. Now the whole multiverse is in trouble.

Oooohhh...that was a thorough and well-needed beatdown. Can't overlook your past mistakes forever, Dawn. Can't keep ignoring the trouble piling up at your door.

It'll all come to bite you in the end.

Havoc may have been a foulmouthed, rude, crude, ornery, tempestuous—Rainbow learned that word from Twilight


That was way more satisfying than it should have been. Dawn had it coming and then some. Wonderful work as always. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Well, everyone seems to have taken that news about the cloning quite well.

Highbrow is pretty funny just being him. hope to see more of him later.

Liked hearing Rarity compare Canterlot to Utopia and Hope's Point. I always like juxtaposition stuff like that. I hope that she makes an outfit for Blackburn by the end of this story.

She did know one thing for certain, though: she was going to take a bottle of wine back to her room with her when lunch was over.

Oof. Guess that combo of Blackburn's inquiries about her relationship with Lockwood, the revelation of the extent of what she already knew, and her comparison to Silver Glow all hit her really hard.

Hope Twi recoups enough soon. Trouble is always just a short distance away where these goons are concerned.

I really liked the scene with AJ and Hourglass and hearing about Hourglass's world. Good stuff there.

"You think that's bad, you oughta hear about the Blood Mire out east of the mountains. The whole place is like a swamp made out of fleshy sap, and it's filled with zombified ponies who succumbed to the Red Death." Hourglass shuddered.

Applejack replaced her hat on her head. She didn't really have a response to that; this Blood Mire place sounded like a nightmare.

Aw, hell...Something tells me we're actually not gonna make it through this timeline without seeing the Blood Mire again.

Worse, there was lightning . Yes, lightning in a sandstorm . That shouldn't have been possible, but there it was, clear as day.

I mean, not really. Lightning is just static buildup caused by clouds of particles rubbing up against each other. There's documented cases of lightning in sandstorms.

Winter held up a hoof so that he'd stop talking; he did. "Whatever it is, Pewter, it can wait for tomorrow. Right now, I need you to get me a bottle of the strongest, hardest liquor you've got."

Pewter scratched his cheek and started off for the kitchen. "Sure, let me see—"

"Hang on," Winter interrupted, grabbing his hoof so that he wouldn't leave just yet. "I want to make sure ya understood what I said. I want a bottle—the whole fuckin' thing, not some half-finished shit—of the strongest, hardest liquor you've got. Do you understand me?"

This...this is a bad idea...which will not end well.

Pewter paused a moment, then nodded tersely; she was in one of those moods again, and he knew better not to question her.

Wait, "again"!?:twilightoops:

Meteor disappeared into the tornado, his face marred with absolute terror and despair as he realized that he was already dead. And he was gone, just like that, screaming and flailing in an effort to stop it. But he couldn't stop it. Nopony could.

Heh. Sandblasted.

"No, we just really keep in touch."

I think you meant "rarely"?

I THOROUGHLY enjoyed this chapter - lots of fun all the way through :)

Pinkie organizing a surprise party for Red was extraordinarily wholesome.:twilightsmile:
And man, oh man...Pedigree and Red being an item. He has gone such a massively different way from the other timeline.

Insipid's certainly gotten a lot smarter in the past few years. Elevator still occasionally doesn't reach the top floor with her, though.:applejackunsure:

Rainbow smirked and scuffed her hoof on her chest. "Yeah, you could say that. I'd have to check with Pinkie first, but I just know that she'll be more than fine with helping you out—"


Rainbow's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"Deal." Insipid stood up, nodding firmly as she did so. "Head back to the tower and talk it over with Pinkie, then let me know if we're on for tonight; we should strike while the iron's hot, or whatever. If we are, you two will meet me here for dinner first, because of course, so bring an appetite. Not a big one; it'll be lighter fare. You like strawberries? Of course you do. Cha. We'll work out the details from there. Deal?"

Rainbow blinked, stunned. "Wow, you're serious. Y-yeah, it's a deal. I wasn't expecting—"

"I'm not a vulnerable little prude, honey, so if you were expecting me to be all hesitant and meek and junk, or whatever it is you were expecting, well… surprise." Insipid turned and started for the hallway, then gestured towards the front door. "Pinkie's waiting, Dashie. Don't keep me waiting."

As Insipid sashayed away and showed off exactly why she was such an outrageously popular model, Rainbow made a beeline for the door faster than she'd ever moved outside of a Sonic Rainboom.

Threesome with Rainbow, Pinkie, and Insipid? Oh myyy.:rainbowwild:

The lead scientist on the team in question today greeted her as soon as she got off the elevator. Doctor Bunsen Burner had been on the team since Silvertongue was around, a green-coated unicorn stallion whose hairline had receded years ago; he'd resorted to shaving it all off and didn't bother with a toupée, and since he was always in a long lab coat nopony knew what color his tail was. He also wore a large pair of glasses that were so blurry that nopony could see his eyes behind him, almost cartoonishly so.


"This material affects technomagic?" Curaçao asked, legitimately surprised.

"Ah, a shame. That was one of the defenses I had hoped to use." Her eyes widened. "Oh my… what would happen if this material came into contact with the city's power grid?"

...Aw, shit.:rainbowderp:

I wonder if our esteemed Bunsen Burner has a colleague with Tourette Syndrome who can't help himself but say "meep meep"?😉

But the turmoil in your heart? None can see it save for me, perhaps not even yourself. It is hidden, deep down in the recesses of your soul, forced there out of a desire to avoid conflict."

Rarity nervously chuckled. "I don't know what you mean—"

"It is not always present. Now, for instance, it is little more than an ember. When you look at him, though…" Her eyes darted towards… Lockwood? "It smolders. Soon it may become an inferno."

"I… I don't have any idea what you're talking about."

As Rarity stepped over to her friends, though, and as her gaze lingered on Lockwood for a moment, she took a deep breath and swallowed. Pandemonia was clearly mistaken; waking up after two thousand years and then having to get used to being in a real body, why, that would be traumatic for anypony, enough to make them misinterpret situations. That's all it was: a misunderstanding.

And that's all it would ever be.

Hmmyess...definitely no zebra this time around...

Definitely looking forward to Pandemonia's adventure's in modern life.

She pointed at him, eyes wide, as if his observation had been an enlightening experience. "Yes, that is exactly it! I hate this drink. It burns my throat as it goes down, tastes like urine, and there is an unpleasantness that lingers even after I have swallowed it. It is revolting."

"Would you like another?" asked the bartender with a cocky smirk.

Puzzle pushed her glass towards him. "Please."


What she did need to worry about was the intense pounding in her chest and the clenching in her gut. As her mind raced to try and catch up with what had just been said and done and, more importantly, left unsaid, there was one resounding train of thought that was still running without fail: this was what Pandemonia meant. And just as she'd predicted, things were liable to catch fire very soon if she wasn't very careful.

Congratulations, Rarity, you absolute fool. You're in love with a married stallion.

Oh nooooooo:raritycry:

Friendship problems? Applejack is on the case.👍

Ah, next in the line of badly-needed verbal beatdowns: Winter.

Hourglass didn't say anything, but she looked hurt; she couldn't even look Winter in the eye, and that made Winter tense up. She'd never have expected that kind of reaction, not from Hourglass.

Poor suffering Hourglass.:ajsleepy:

I hope Twilight's kindness and empathy towards Aculeata pays off dividends. If anyone can get it done though, it's the Princess of Friendship.

Things are gonna get complicated in a bit with that cultist squad on the way.

Yep, I'd say that paid off dividends quite quickly, and just in the nick of time. Glad to see Aculeta's sticking along, and from that short POV, definitely recognizes Twilight and her group as firends/friendlies.

Sheesh, I keep forgetting these cultists aren't your average mooks. They've already dealt serious damage to Red before and they just nearly killed one of Twilight group while incapacitating her. Good on Winter for being able to stop that bullet.

So Aculeta seems to be transforming into something close to a changeling from Twilight's universe. Wonder just how far along that'll go.

Uhh...wow. Just, uh....goddamn...
That...that was a curveball I did not expect coming at all. Jesus.

Well, Occam's Razor say's she's going for option three: world merger. Dang, that is an interesting situation to wrap my head around. How the heck is that going to work out? The possible outcomes are just...zany endless.

Forty days to work it out. Clock's ticking in many more ways than one.

"After the day you've been havin' so far, Dawnie, you don't need fuckin' wine. You need to have a real drink. Suit yourself if you don't want anything, but that's just my professional opinion, and I'm an expert."

"On alcohol?"

"On gettin' rotten, eh? Gettin' drunk."

Winter grunted an acknowledgement but didn't clarify it further. She couldn't acknowledge anything more than that right now; she didn't want to talk or answer any questions, she just wanted to drink. She opened up the lock on the liquor cabinet, grabbed the big, half-full bottle of scotch off the bottom shelf, popped open the cap, and drank straight from the bottle until it was empty.

I'm fairly certain that over the past several years that Winter's developed some kind of liver damage by now. Also that was quite a turnaround from quip to bottle.

Another verbal beatdown for Dawn, but it still seems she hasn't learned to stop being underhanded.

bringing Havoc along could potentially be twisted to her benefit if she played her cards right. She didn't have time to coordinate with Curaçao on how to go about that, but she was confident that she could handle it herself.

...Reaaally got to wonder what she's planning here.:ajbemused:

"Yeah!" Pinkie interjected. "I mean, we've kind of exhausted all the options anyway. I mean, who else are we gonna ask, Dawn? Ahahaaa."

Havoc paled, and Rainbow swore that she looked like she was about to throw up in her mouth a little. Pinkie and Rainbow shared a quick look, and silently with just their eyes alone, agreed to sit back down and be quiet until it was time to move on, and to never, ever, mention Dawn in that way in Havoc's presence again.

It wasn't often that Pinkie could kill a mood with a joke, but she'd just downright murdered it in cold blood.

...I bet she also tastes like rusty datapads or something.:pinkiesick:

Hope Aculeta manages to stay safe while everyone's away.
Actually, I bet she'll definitely be around later on to help out with the cultist camp. It's in that area if I recall correctly.

Whoa intense! I'm loving this twist

I am anticipating Twilight, and the gang commencing a curveball, and macgyvering 4th solution.
Chronomancer headquarters are not omnipotent.

But... It's not mid-April anymore, and it's still not complete. ...Er, not that I'm complaining.

Ganon means mid-April 2022

Well...that went better than expected?
Got to be a weight off everypony's shoulders, that.


I... was not expecting this at all...

Fluttershy, Mistress of the Animal Kingdom can tell you what your cat is truly thinking about you.:raritywink:

Man, as upsetting as it is that the world is collapsing, I'm absolutely excited at the prospect/results of the merger with Equestria IV. Sadly, I don't expect it to be explored into too much since this is the last book in this series. Oh well...

"I would offer you a drink, but as neither Panemonia nor myself require food nor drink to function

Typo on "Pandemonia".

Man I sure do love the zebras in this world.

I'm excited to see what happens on the expedition.

The world gives further smacks upon Dawn's head and she continues to not get the idea. Shocker.:facehoof:
One day, (within the next 40) she'll learn.

And quickly, the cracks of New Pandemonium's façade start to show before Serendipity.

"Yay," grunted Winter, finally pulling herself up and away from Twilight; Twilight had nearly forgotten that Winter was still there right up against her legs like that.

Hmm...yes. Gotta wonder how much of that action from Winter during the ordeal with the sea monster and storm was subconscious or intentional.

Don't like the implications of that sea monster not being the biggest fish in the sea. I wonder if either might be faintly related to the disappearance of the Minotaur empire or something.

Twilight, and Dawn really need to have a heart-to-heart conversation. People with Asperger's can have friends too, and I don't think there is no one better than Twilight "Princess of friendship" to help Dawn.

Well, I guess that's some of the dark past revealed. Doesn't seem like the Minotaurs were very good dudes, not just for raiding ponykind but also for bringing out Nihilia.
I don't know who's going to make the calls on what does and doesn't get ported over in the world merge but, uhhh...Malygnes and his legion of soulstoned acolytes aren't making a good case of picking them over Corelia and the seaponies.

Winter let out a noise that sounded like a bizarre mix between a tea kettle and a grunt, then grumbled something under her breath and directed her gaze directly at the floor.

That something was probably something along the lines of "stupid sexy Twilight"

"Even detects poisons in food and drinks," Winter said with a grin. "We have to calibrate them so that it doesn't go off around the alcohol of whatever world we're in. Shot of certain tequila brands from this world would register as poisonous in yours."

"Oh good, that makes me feel better about your drinking habits."

Winter rolled her eyes. "I don't have a drinking habit, I have a drinking problem. Usually that problem is that I'm not drinking enough."


Got a good kick out of Rainbow going "genre-savvy" over the ruins.

To be completely honest, I'd forgotten about the noble houses in the South. Generally my first thoughts of the South go to the Romanique-speaking regions, the Newhaven regions with accents similar to AJ's, and the culture of Zeb'ra'den. That being said, it'll be quite, uh...interesting to see how the noble houses of Equestria V would integrate with Equestria IV.

"Dem machines don't sit too right wit' me personally," Golden Shield grunted, his rich baritone peppering every word in his thick Deepgrove accent; it was similar to Newhaven's in a few ways, but had its own flavor. "If Harmonia had wanted all us ponies to fly, she'd've given us all wings, mon ami."

Why is my mind suddenly springing to "Cajun French" with this?

What was more important was politics, and that meant ignoring the sights to focus on making a personal connection with the new zebra ambassador.

Ah yes, playing politics all the while, I see.
Their minds are going to be absolutely blown when the news breaks at the summit.

That was quite the lore dump with Silverluck. Figured Silvertongue would be brought up eventually, though I guess not this soon.

Moving back to the zebras, really liked the bits with Zircon and his analysis of the Hope's Point guard and his sparring with AJ.
It might be headcanon influence from spending time in the fandom for so long but there's just some kind of overarching tie/bond/link between Applejack and Rarity. So to see Zircon, who was once so bound to Rarity in the other timeline, now taking notice of Applejack. Well...yeah just something sort of ironic(?) there.

Do you truly get it yet, Dawn?

Do you now?

She did everything she thought Silvertongue wanted her to do, as perfectly as possible.
That coupled with her pre-existing Asperger's, and Silvertongs thousand years of cold calculation rubbing off of her. I don't blame Dawn for being the Pony that she is.
I want to hug her and tell her, and tell her, it's okay we can help you.

Yeah, Nihilia having the power to reach out to other worlds and be a threat if not fully stopped once and for all here is...definitely concerning.

"Logical conclusion. Other possibilities to consider, but this one seems most likely. Purposefully caused imbalance to bring Void here, was stopped twice before, is attempting again. Implies interest in bringing the Void to the world specifically."

What if...what if this has happened before? What if Nihilia's actually responsible for the destruction of other worlds, like Hourglass's? That's even more troubling.:unsuresweetie:

I guess I didn't really know what exactly to expect, but Pandemonia took the news about Athenos and the fate of her warden more calmly than I expected.

"I apologize if I've caused any discomfort," Puzzle Box said with a slight frown. "I understand that discussions of sexual matters can sometimes be uncomfortable for those who have never experienced it—"

Blackburn chuckled. "After all this, will serve as adequate… stress relief." With a tap to her chin and a sly look towards Twilight and Winter—which neither noticed—she added, "Can think of quite a few ponies who could use it."

Man, the burning shots at Twilight and Winter here.:rainbowlaugh:

As the two argued back and forth, Sunspire—literally caught in the middle—couldn't help but wonder: What the heck is going on? I just wanted to take a nap and do some reading…

Ahh, prepubescent/teen angst. And poor Sunspire has no clue.

Dawn felt her heart tense up again, like it had the night when her father had expressed how disappointed he was. And now Twilight was telling her the same.

Something inside Dawn just snapped in that instant.

That's it. That's it right there. That's the turning point. The breakdown.

The only thing Dawn could do was laugh. "You're right," she muttered. "I'm just a disappointment."

Winter stared at her wide-eyed. "Did you just use a fuckin' contraction?"

I love how this is this thing that Winter fixates on.

Big points to Blackburn for being the one here playing logic here/being the reassuring voice where Dawn's logic/thought process has otherwise hit a solid wall. She really has grown on me as a character since her first appearance years ago.

"Too little too late," Dawn sighed. "I have thoroughly ruined my relationship with my sisters. I have tarnished the only friendships I have ever had, and my father—" Another pang in her stomach, though not as harsh as before. "All I know is that I have made mistakes, and now my family and friends hate me."

I have to wonder a little bit here if those pains are actually guilt or if Silvertongue subltely did something after their meeting to prod her in the right direction. I'm pretty sure he's quite aware how much of her drive is looking up to him and not disappointing him and tying physical pain to thoughts of him could prod her along.

On the other hand, maybe that theory is a bit of a stretch.🤔

"I… I do. It was never my intent to hurt my family. I did not do the things that I did because I took pleasure from it or gained anything tangible. I just… I just did it. I do not know if it was just because I felt as though it was the proper thing to do, the proper way to act, but…"

And to be fair, I never got the vibe she was getting off on being malicious or anything. Dawn's always been business, logic, and "the plan" comes first no matter what. But she really, really needed a wake-up call to what her actions have been doing because she was inexcusably oblivious.

But now she finally has, acknowledges her mistakes, and is genuinely trying to figure out how to make amends.

"I apologize. I have never partaken in such hard liquor before and my body has been under duress for days. I fear that the combination was not ideal. Should I assist with cleaning—"

"No need. Have staff for that, used to cleaning up after lightweight mares crying and puking in here after hours." A pause. "Though Gadget usually warns me first."

Dawn paused as well, then she and Blackburn shared a good laugh, a laugh she hadn't had in many, many years.


Oh baby a double chapter

Blackburn chuckled, sending little ripples through Rarity's skin. "Mmhmm. Go back to sleep, marshmallow. Thinking… pancakes for breakfast…"

My brain still can't click with the fact that this is Blackburn here. Calculating, logical, authoritative Blackburn, ready to take charge and deal with business...
Being all cuddles and "marshmallow" in bed.:rainbowlaugh:
Yeah, she really is still a pony underneath.

"Oh. Sorry, Rares," Applejack said, taking another sip from her water but still not turning to face Rarity; only her eyes darted over, and only for a second. "Just 'mirin'."

"Admiring what?"

Zyra tapped Rarity's shoulder and gestured into the training ring; her eyes were wide with… excitement? "I think she means that, My Lady."

Rarity turned and looked into the arena to see what all the fuss was about, and immediately understood what it was. "Ohh."

"Hmm, I wonder why." Rarity looked at Applejack, forcing herself to take her eyes off the wrestling hunks for a moment; it was getting very warm in here, it seemed.

Rarity's eyes drifted back to the display—oh my, that particular hold was just too much.

Ooh, a thought just occurred to her: Blackburn would look simply delectable in some tight spandex. Lockwood would likely appreciate that quite a bit. Now, as for the color…

Mmyess, athletic eye candy. :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

Seeing Applejack fight now, though, was an odd mix somewhere between the two. Applejack was definitely fighting with an actual style and purpose, moving about like she was locked in an actual battle against someone out to do her harm, though Rarity knew Zircon was not out to do any such thing.

However, Applejack was also putting the kind of force into her blows that indicated a desire to "show 'em what's what" as she would likely say, and she had an intensity in her eyes that Rarity didn't often see there.

I guess handling all of this clicks with everyone in different ways and it hasn't really hit Rarity in the same way as Applejack. A way that triggers the same kind of drive that AJ, Rainbow, and others have to train and prepare (and fight) like there's no tomorrow.
Heck, I don't think she's even used her abilities yet after Gilderoy unlocked them.

Havoc smirked and shook her head. "You're Dawn alright. A robot would've been just fine with calling me a cunt if they had the chance. Shit, I'd do it if we traded places."

She paused a moment, then glanced to the side and noticed that she was in front of a booth currently seating a small family, including a young filly and a teenage colt. The father was holding his hooves over the filly's ears and just staring wide-eyed in horror at Havoc; the mother's evil eye was so good that Havoc was afraid of having a heart attack; the teenage colt… well, he was hanging onto every word.


"She is, of course, but I wish to alleviate some of the pressure. She has been keeping in contact with me daily and I am of the opinion that she could use some reprieve. Finding the Nihila cultists will require her utmost attention, and the stress of both that and her Committee duties—my Committee duties—surely does little for her mental health, particularly interacting in any capacity with Treasurer Vendetta."

Yeah, even Curaçao is starting to show signs of strain from all that bs, if I recall.

"As such, I…" A pause. "I think that a good first step, an olive branch so to speak, is to begin treating the two of you with the respect that you deserve, which begins with acknowledging your skills, providing you with responsibilities and trust, and showing that I appreciate you as individuals."

I for one think that this is a good first step that Dawn is making towards fixing things.:twilightsmile:

There was quite a gathering present in the hangars down below Hope's Point tonight, specifically in the bay for one of the larger transport ships, the Whale of the Skies. It was quite an appropriate ship name, as the vessel was not only large enough to compare to a whale, but its shape was rather whale-like as well. That this ship was meant to fly, not sail, amused Twilight greatly; it didn't seem particularly aerodynamic, but she wasn't about to argue.

Man, it's not accurate but all I could think of was this:

Given a ship that size and considering all the people onboard, kinda just waiting for something to go wrong or for there to be an attack...:unsuresweetie:

Gilderoy nodded. "Hmm hmm, yes, it is. My people abandoned the old Elysian Islands long before I was born, and I never visited before our empire fell. I doubt that my ancestral home is in as good of shape as it was when they left, but we shall see. Though that is not a priority, of course. I dare not stall our journey to make the trip there, not until later."

"If it makes ya feel better, they're still floatin'," Winter noted with a nod.

"That does make me feel better, actually. It implies that at the very least some of the rudimentary technomagic systems are still functioning as they should be even after all these centuries.

Hmm...if memory serves from the other timeline, aren't there Gryphon structures and items of...particular importance near or around the southern beacon?...

"Genius loci," Gilderoy muttered, stroking his beard. "It was a theory presented by one of the old Lorekeepers of the Elysian Islands, Giorgio. The concept was that the world itself was as much of a living thing as you or I are, and that it could feel and sense things as much as we can. And, like any living organism, it could make decisions and defend itself from harm when possible."

I wonder how much this theory is going to come into play towards the ending of this world itself and the reaction of Equestria IV towards its transplants.

Winter chuckled and patted Twilight's side. "Well, then I'm glad you showed up in our world in the first place, Doctor Twilight, 'cause you're likely gonna be instrumental in fixin' this whole mess." A pause. "Say, if you're the doctor, what does that make me, anyway? The nurse? Nurses apply bandages."

"Heh heh, maybe. You can be my nurse anytime."

Twilight paused, considering her words briefly, then gulped and turned away from Winter, her face feeling hot; she desperately hoped that Winter wouldn't misinterpret Twilight's words, if only because Twilight herself wasn't sure what she'd actually meant. What Twilight did know, though, was that she desperately wanted the Whale to land so that she could find something new to distract herself with.

Yep, this feels like it's gonna be dealt with pretty soon, mhm.

"Oh baby a double chapter"
Merr Crimbus!

Same with a few field mice that approached. And a possum. And an owl, who incidentally completely ignored the mice while it perched itself right on Fluttershy's head. Fluttershy looked right at home like this, actually: surrounded by animals that were utterly calm around her. No, friendly around her. If there had happened to be a cottage built into a tree somewhere nearby, Twilight would swear that they were all back at home.

And there was just this pleasant smile on Fluttershy's face, a look of utter contentment and satisfaction, of bliss; Twilight hadn't seen Fluttershy this happy in quite a long time. It was nice.

Flutters finally around critters. All is temporarily right in this world.:twilightsmile:

He smirked. "Aye. And 'tis a good feeling to share such a thing with a friend."

She nodded. "Sure is." She then tilted her head back towards the road. "C'mon, ain't no sense in standin' up here gawkin' all night, even if it is purdy. It's gettin' late an' we've got a road ahead of us tomorrow."


They then continued off towards the estate, though there was a little thought in the back of Applejack's mind that she would've rather stayed here with Zircon just a while longer.

AJ and Zircon together? I am okay with this.:ajsmug:

Dawn's evening with Insipid at the fashion show and dinner to make amends was really nice. Seems like one of the few moments she's had to actually sit and relax loosen up in this crazy world. Her apology went over quite well, too. Great that Insipid readily accepted it. I feel as though she's gained a lot of insight through her time in the cutthroat world of fashion that played a part of that. Aside from the fact that she still loves her sister, there's too little time and so much going on to hold any sort of a grudge. Like what she's doing with the SPLASH group, too.

Twilight kept the thought to herself that it sounded arbitrary and bizarre, but then that was how the nobility and aristocracy worked even back home even at the best of times. So many rules and traditions that they just didn't want to change no matter how outdated they might be.

I can't even begin to think how things are going to be organized in the merger, but between Equestrian nobility and Utopian Nobility, politics gonna be wacky af for a while.

"In my culture, to possesseth a warrior's heart is to have the drive to fight and win. Not just in battle, but in life. Thou art a farmer, true, but dost thou not strive in e'ry harvest to do better than thou didst the harvest before?"

"So, ya think that just 'cause I'm always pushin' myself to be better, I'm some kinda warrior, an' so I'd fit right in at Zeb'ra'den wit' folks like you?"

He gave her another smile. "Aye. Thou wouldst find thyself right at home. 'Twould be mine honor to introduce thee to the sights and sounds, to my friends and family."

She smiled right back. "Well shucks, when ya put it like that, you're makin' me really look forward ta seein' it fer myself. You're alright wit' me, Mister Thou."

I'm looking forward to seeing AJ in Zeb'ra'den.:ajsmug:

Serendipity and Green Guard came along with him, as they'd been doing for the past few days, and after they'd all asked permission to explore the city of course. Luckily they seemed to be a little less… weird today. Sunspire didn't know why they'd been acting so odd—they seemed to be competing, perhaps?—and he definitely didn't know why they'd stopped doing so today, but he was glad that they did, because sometimes they could be… distracting.

Poor, poor socially awkward and oblivious Sunspire...

"Um… y-you're welcome," Green replied, his face a little red. "I think Hourglass is really gonna like her present, by the way."

"Yeah. I really hope she does."

I hope she does, too.:twilightsmile:

She wondered how Archimedes was doing these days, actually; he'd been distraught when she'd quit, telling her that she'd been the best employee he'd ever had. She felt bad leaving him high and dry like that.

Yeah, I kinda wonder how Arch is doing, too.

The Utopian Central Library was everything Twilight imagined it could be, though. Books upon books upon books lined wall after wall after wall, stretching all the way up to high ceilings that only a pegasus, magic, or a tall, tall ladder could access. To say that she was impressed would be an understatement; she was astounded.

"This library is bigger than the Royal Archives back at home,"

Sucks that Twi doesn't have the time to spend at the library, I can picture her going absolutely nuts over everything.

Twilight was silent for a long moment, then tilted her head and asked, "Do you still feel that way about me?"

Winter balked again. "I… what?"

"Do you still love me, Winter?"

Another long moment of silence, then Winter leaned back into her seat, closed her eyes, and nodded. "I do. Dammit, I do."

"Then that's all that I needed to hear."

And what she wanted to do was lean down, use her magic to pull Winter forward by her scarf, and return a kiss that was seven long years in the waiting.

Yes! I'm glad this finally got resolved. Or at least I hope so. That was the talk the both of them long needed to have. :twilightsmile:

The inner sanctum was none of these things. If anything, it appeared to be a library. The walls circled around them, lined with rows upon rows of books, far more than she cared to count. Twilight had gushed just moments ago about the Utopian Central Library, but this wasn't that; did this library perhaps carry copies? Or were all of these tomes different, unique to Harmonia's sanctum and exclusive to her Warden's eyes?

Again, sucks that poor Twi doesn't have the time to go book-crazy right now.

"And the Dreaming? What is to become of the millions of souls there?"

Winter let out a breath. "I don't know. Chronomancer HQ is workin' on somethin' to make that work, but I honestly can't give ya an answer right now, and we can't afford to wait and see what they come up with before we start workin' on this. If we don't, then everything and everyone is going to just… cease to exist. The Void doesn't discriminate."

Guess afterlives aren't quite separate worlds mechanics-wise and are each tied to a specific universe? I was kinda wondering about all that.

...Well, shoot.:applejackunsure:

Yeah, anything that can be moved will be moved, but there's definitely going to be loss. A lot of loss.

Twilight let out a breath. "So even with your direct blessings, straight from your… mouth, I guess. Your Warden's mouth? Whatever. Even with that, we're still stuck playing politics." She sighed and ran a hoof over her face. "Looks like it's time to put all my work as Princess Twilight to the test."

Oh, politics...how ever so tiresome.
I'm guessing this might be where a little more conflict arises. Speaking of conflict, wonder what the heck the cultists are up to right now? It's been a bit of a while...

"'Tis rare for me to hath such an opportunity in this form, but to thee I must offer my congratulations," Harmonia said, smiling and looking between the two mares. "Bringing new life into the world, even in circumstances such as these, is a greater blessing than anything I couldst ever achieve. May my Light blesseth thee with strong, healthy foals."

Blackburn laughed and nudged a blushing Lockwood in the side. "New experience, confirmation from Harmonia herself. Will be quite the story to tell."

Rarity, eyes wide, looked at Blackburn and Lockwood in surprise. "C-confirmation? You mean… I… we… is it true?"

Well damn...if that was the twist I was never expecting.

He paused for a moment, then tightened the hug. "I just wanted to do something for my big sister. That's all."

Awww that is so adorable! :twilightsmile:

Dawn nodded firmly; the matter was settled. "So, if you are of the opinion that I should instruct the students in extracurriculars, which topic would you suggest I teach? I must admit I lack the specialities that you or our sisters have; I am purely academic, but that is already the intent of their education."

Velvet leaned back again, closing her eyes in thought; her ear was twitching for some reason. "Hmmm… literature courses."


I hope to see this plays out. I'd like to see some of the students attending Dawn's classes.

Velvet shook her head, her free hoof—one was still underneath the desk—over her mouth.

Okay I admit, it took me until about here to figure out what was going on.


Twilight was surprised that they almost never saw the sun during the entire trek south. Once they were in zebra territory proper, it was as if the sun magically knew that their days were supposed to be shorter and that nights were supposed to be longer, even if that didn't make any sense. This was an effect that Twilight knew affected certain parts of her world, but to see it every day in this particular region was simply fascinating.

She lamented the fact that even if she studied the effect, it would likely not be replicated during the merger.


She'd heard Zultan and Zircon speak to one another and knew that zebras did so in rhyme and meter; Zultan spoke in iambic tetrameter while Zircon spoke in iambic pentameter. Some zebras hereabouts spoke like they did, but others spoke in other forms.

They all still rhymed, though, and she noticed that in conversation the zebras seemed to improvise and create the verses in tandem, meeting one another's meters and rhymes so that it sounded pleasing to the ear.

Really makes you wonder about how people who speak different languages process words differently, and just what kind of brainwork goes into thinking up words that fit a specific rhyme and meter on the fly like that.

Blackburn shook her head and started walking towards the palace proper. "I have too many things to think about, and to be honest I'm already familiar with the city. It's probably best if I try to make contact with some of the local lords to ease our transition later during the negotiations. We can't talk business during the feast."

Some of the group just looked at Blackburn like she'd spoken gibberish; they were the ones that didn't know about the negotiation the queen had made in the past.

"What?" A pause. "Oh. Right. In Zeb'ra'den, I'm forbidden from speaking as I do elsewhere as part of my agreement with His Majesty King Zaratite so that the zebras will speak plainly to all of you," she said with a smile. "You're welcome."

Ah yes, the return of "normal-speaking" Blackburn.:rainbowlaugh:

"Your coat and mane. In zebra culture, we revere Harmonia as one amongst our pantheon, a goddess of Light and the heavens, much as the ponies do. It is a showing of good faith in our allies of House Snow; they, in turn, pay tribute to our gods, such as the goddess Layk."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"The ponies do not depict Harmonia with any sort of physical form, but the zebras do: a winged, horned pony mare of untold beauty with a coat as white as the whitest snows of winter, a mane the color of the frozen lakes in the moons' light." Zyra glanced at Rarity's mane, then nodded again. "It's close enough."

Rarity - inadvertently finding new and interesting ways to stun ponies with her appearance across dimensions.:duck:

"Our Lady Layk is a goddess who hath, besides nature, claimed three facets of life that bringeth prosperity to the realm," Ziala said, stepping forward to look Crossfire in the eye. "Love, which we bless via marriage ceremonies; life, which we bless via the delivering of foals; and fertility, which we bless via ensuring that foals are sired in a more intimate ceremony."

Crossfire's face might as well have been the definition of the word "red". "Wh-what?"

Oh my.:ajsmug:

They resembled pear trees, only with pure white leaves and bark the color of grape juice. They were also not nearly as tall as any tree that Applejack knew, as if someone had chopped them down just below the lowest branches and stuck them in the ground like that. And all of them were planted directly into a small patch of snow and ice, too, not into any sort of soil.

"'Tis a snowfruit orchard, though admittedly small,"

He passed the fruit over to her, and she gave it a keen once-over. It looked like an upside-down pear, with the fat end at the top by the stem rather than at the bottom. The skin was a cold, icy blue, almost like a sapphire, but it did not reflect the light of the moons above quite as well. It was even just a little cold to the touch.

Oh heck, I remember these things. Weren't they different before, more comparable to an apple and with different coloration? Or am I misremembering?
I do recall that some of the suckers got sent back with AJ for growing. Hope a bunch of them make it now.

He tilted his head and briefly met her eyes with his, then took back the snowfruit and took a bite, chewed, and swallowed, all deliberately slowly, including letting the juices drip to his lips a moment before licking them. Applejack could feel her heart beating just a little faster; it should be illegal to look sexy eating a danged fruit like that.

Oh yeah, he wants her apple.:ajsmug:

Since she'd barely been able to hear herself think, naturally she was also barely able to hear any conversations that were being had over all the loud, cross-table conversations being shouted around a feasting hall that just carried noise like you wouldn't believe.

She couldn't hear what Pinkie had been shouting before trying to consume an entire sandwich in one bite, nor did she hear what the zebra soldier near her had said that got Rainbow riled up. She couldn't hear what Zyra had snapped at one of the other zebra soldiers near her and Rarity, either, nor could she hear the laughter of Sir Zircon afterwards. She couldn't even hear the conversation that Winter and Twilight were having, and she was right next to them!

She did see them holding hooves under the table though. About bloody time.

One of these statements is not like the others. :rainbowlaugh:

She wondered if she could find some of those little stick-on name tags that ponies used at parties so that she could make it clear that she was Hello! My Name is Not Interested in You.


Hourglass ignored the rumbling feeling in her stomach so that she could move off her bed to wrap the colt in a tight hug. "Thank you, Sunsy… this means a lot to me, more than you could possibly know. This is the best birthday gift that anypony's ever given me."

"Oh! Um… I'm g-glad you liked it," he peeped, returning the hug. "I'm really glad you liked it, actually. I've, um… I've never given anypony a birthday gift before. My birthday is the same as all of my compatriots, and we don't really have the means to—"

"Sunsy you are such a nerd," she scoffed as she tightened the hug. "But you're also the best little brother that anypony could ever ask for."

He paused for a moment, then tightened the hug. "I just wanted to do something for my big sister. That's all."


Hot damn, Rarity gave back way more than she took there. Good job.
Y'know, knowing Blackburn, a bit of me wonders if she planned out for something like that specifically happening well in advance...

Twilight was immensely disappointed that the king's perfectly sound logic was preventing them from solving a problem that just sounded so unbelievable. She could respect him, even admire him for his intellect and wisdom, but blast it all if she didn't wish he was a teensy bit more trusting.

King Zaratite has got quite the head on his shoulders. Clearly, he's the head honcho for a reason.

"But I know how your people work, Your Majesty. You all value one thing: strength. Strength of body, strength of mind, strength of will; only the strong survive here in the frozen south, right?" Gray smirked. "So how about instead of standing around talking like a bunch of gossiping hens, you let the warriors do the talking?"

When the trial by combat was thrown down, I was half expecting it to be Applejack vs Zircon when the latter first stepped forwards. Still, Gray getting the chance to kick ass was pretty cool.

And then Gray slammed into his side so hard that he smashed right into said zebra—Twilight noted that it was Lord Zopo.

Hah, get one-two punched ya' loser.:rainbowlaugh:

Ah yes, there it is. All still there.:twilightsmile:
The gryphon race of Equestria V gets a second lease on life, all thanks to some well advanced foresight. Now it is more impearative than ever that Nihlia is removed from the picture and things get saved.

"To tell the truth, it's not actually a perpetual motion machine. It utilizes a battery to start the motion process and to keep it running, but it requires very little power to function. The machine recharges its own battery and sends the rest elsewhere, thus, it is perpetually in motion." He tapped the side of his beak. "Just a little cheating."

"How big of a battery is it?"

"I believe that New Pandemonium improved on the design to make the same battery more compact, while carrying the same charge. I procured some of the same sort of battery in Hope's Point for experimentation purposes. I believe it was a… AA battery? 'Double A' I think Miss Gadget called it?"

Winter balked. "You're telling me that this whole island is kept in the air by a single AA battery?!"

Damn, a grand repository of millennia of advanced technomagic, held up by effectively a AA battery. That's nuts. And the implications of all of this getting preserved is also nuts.:twilightoops:
If this all works out okay in the end.

" Incorrect. Light energy is substantially weaker than Arcane, hence the conversion difference. Were Princess Twilight's magical signature keyed to Light magic, it would take roughly twenty minutes. "

Yeah sure would suck if the process ended up taking like 20 minutes and Twilight got attacked while working on it.

Or something like that.

Everything I've seen of these cultists to this point makes me feel like they're gonna get completely massacred. All they've ever had going for them is surprise and subterfuge. Even with anti-magic weaponry, right now they're walking right into a Kevin McCallister level house of death.

Twilight on the other hand, she's walking into an obvious trap set by some sort of eldritch horror.

Gray sighed and slumped her shoulders. "Ziggurat proposed to me after he recovered. Well, not proposed, 'cause he's already married, but offered me one of those things like what Rarity wears. Said I was the first mare he'd ever met that had ever 'lit such a fire in his gut' before."

Well dang, now if that ain't the kicker! :rainbowlaugh:

"The smoke started about two days ago," Havoc noted with a nod. "And it's been getting worse. By tomorrow you'll be able to see the smoke from here in Hope's Point. It's mostly spewing out from the central and eastern sides, luckily; Hope's Point itself isn't seeing this from the west just yet."

Alright, that's not good. Since Nihlia's goons have largely been seen active in that area, the volcanoes suddenly becoming active and spewing large amounts of smoke could mean that they're all up to something. Could be a cover for troop movement, supply activity, or some project Nihlia really doesn't want seen. Could also be a trap to draw people in.

Or it could also just be volcanoes getting more active and leading to an eruption or something, and that's just not good for the area in general.

"Yup. With all the smoke they can't get a clear picture, but there's a lot of movement in there. The current thought is that these cultists managed to put together airships of their own and are hiding them in the smoke."

A massive airship battle would be awesome, no gonna lie. Airships are my jam.:pinkiehappy:

She gave Blackburn a firm look, eyes narrowed. "You'd better come back to us, you hear me?"

Blackburn smiled. "Wouldn't dream of doing elsewise."

...Things are about to get pretty dangerous for some characters soon, aren't they?:unsuresweetie:

"On the off chance that things don't work out tomorrow, I'd rather not die a virgin, ya get me?" She tilted her head towards the door behind her; Twilight hadn't even realized they'd stopped outside Winter's room. "So forget the date. We'll do that lovey-dovey stuff together after everything's said and done, when we'll have all the time in the world to debate over restaurants and schedules and all that.

"But now? Right now? I want you to follow me into my room—" She used her magic to twist the doorknob. "I want you to throw me onto my bed—" She pushed the door open. "And I want you to fuck me until I can't walk straight." She pulled Twilight closer again so that their noses were touching. "Is that clear?"

Twilight paused for about… half a second before scooping Winter up in her magic and carrying her into Winter's room, slamming the door behind her.

It was cramped with two of them in here. Oh well.

Zircon, who had just turned on the water, raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Applejack? What art thou—"

"Shut up, Mister Thou," she said, a sultry grin on her lips, before sealing the curtain behind her.

Dang, everyone going for the "we're all gonna die tomorrow" lovemaking.:rainbowwild:

Gadget chuckled. "Golly, Rarity, you don't need to ask me to do that. My life is sworn to Blackburn as her bodyguard, my life is sworn to hers as her co-pilot, and my life is tied to hers as her best friend. I'd die before I let anything happen to her."

already happened once, lol

"I wanted to make one stop before we go to New Pandemonium City: the Goldridge Checkpoint. I have a friend there who I want to see."

Was wondering about Aculeta. Been a while since we've last seen here and now there's all that concern about the volcanic activity in the area...

The queen let out a breath afterwards. "See? I can change, yes?"

Pewter stepped forward and set his hoof on Aculeata's side. "She's getting better at it, but it's a long way off from being anything more significant than that. I'm not exactly the best guide in this case."

"It's okay, Pewter, she did just fine," Twilight said with a grin. "I know someone that might be able to help her with this new ability of hers, if she wants to learn."

Thorax is gonna be pleased to help her out, I bet.:twilightsmile:

Aculeata tilted her head as she looked at Winter, then at Twilight; her horn was glowing bright pink. "Oh. I can feel the Pink glow again from Friend Twilight and Winter one."

"It is a new glow. I have only felt it with Friend Twilight and Winter one, before the flying shell took them away. I can feel it again now, but it is brighter. It is like the Green glow, like happy, but different." She leaned towards Twilight and clicked her mandibles, tilting her head as if searching for something. "Oh! I know it now. Friend Twilight and Winter one are mates."

Publicly called out!

"So you don't have any clue why Curie's acting all weird either?" Havoc asked.

Dawn shook her head. "I am afraid that I have no theories as to why she is performing her duties with such subterfuge. She was exceedingly forthcoming with me and with you regarding the NPAF's scouting missions, to the point of providing me with various details that I honestly did not feel were of any valid use to me."

Curaçao withholding info in order to keep a plan secure wouldn't really surprise me, but all these statements still fill me with a vague sense of unease.

Twilight had heard the entire conversation and, while she knew it was rude to butt in and ask, she was desperately curious what the heck they were talking about. She was shaken out of that thought, though, when Insipid very loudly exclaimed, "You're pregnant?! From Lockwood?!" at the top of her lungs, silencing the entire room in one fell swoop.

Oh well, Twilight thought. She could ask Applejack another time.

Oh. My. God.:rainbowlaugh:

Curaçao smirked. "Non, Havoc, the other way around. I shared incorrect information with Dawn and forbade her from sharing it with anypony else, to test a theory. J'avais raison—I was correct: we do have a security leak in the tower." She turned to Dawn and gestured towards her and their other sisters. "And we are the security leak. Nihila has been spying on us, and only us, and only while we're here in the tower."

Gotta be some kind of magical link with them, how they came to be, and the usage of the tower.

"Oui, but I gathered from Velvet's report on the ponies who attacked her that they wanted revenge on us for our role in Nihila's prior defeat. They are no doubt coming for the tower, and given the timing of their reveal and the activity in the Redblade Mountains, I have no doubt that they are coming for us tonight.

So...it ends tonight, does it?
We're approaching endgame.

"Pandora Tower's armed guards are defending the perimeter as we speak, so we will get an advance warning if and when the cultists arrive.

Fingers crossed, knocking on all kinds of wood.
These guys have already displayed the ability to be really covert when they want to. I wouldn't doubt they find some way to arrive undetected.

Underneath Pandora Tower, there was a tunnel. It was a new tunnel, actually, one that wasn't supposed to be here, and it carved straight through the metal and cement that made up the tower's base. It had taken years of work for the digging teams to finally get it here, years of careful efforts to dig, dig, dig underneath the most secure location in the entire city without anypony knowing about it.



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