• Published 14th Oct 2021
  • 1,293 Views, 37 Comments

The Godking is NOT Amused - Zemez

The Godking Veretus has been sent to Equestria by some upstarts, he is not amused, either at the adventurers, or these pastel ponies.

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Angry Rants at Butter Mares are not amusing.

Author's Note:

For some reason, this is actually popular, more than my other story which I have actually put effort into.

I'll just say thank you for liking this, and liking Veretus, which was nearly a year of fun me and my friends spent adventuring and rising to the occasion.

"So... What exactly are you? You got what looks like pegasus wings, but then you got those wicked leathery ones. Plus you don't exactly look like a pony." The scratchy voiced blue pegasus asked, sitting across from him.

For some ineffable reason, these ponies had decided to accompany him on his journey to discuss with their leading figures.

"I am a god of course. And my wings are not those of the pegasus, they are remnants of my angelic past, my dark past, and my glorious past." Veretus proclaimed, he was not ashamed of his past, and his body spoke volumes of it. Many past gods would abandon thier body, feel it was holding them back, it did, because they were impatient.

Every battlewound not healed by either his magic or his companions was a testament to the life he lead.

"That's a lotta pasts." The orange mare spoke up "how old are yah then? 50? 80?"

"Assuming both of my incarnations... Two thousand, five hundred, and twenty six years have past since I was created."

The six mares were aghast. He didn't need to be an equestrian expert to see that. Mainly because they had surprisingly bipedal facial structures.

"Your older than equestria itself? How? Where have you been, you called yourself a god earlier? That's impossible!"

"Calm yourself purple one!" He raised his voice. The train rocking at the noise. He would engender more control next time, it had been almost a millennia since he lived amongst mortals, and he remembered how fragile non-adventurers could be.

With the mare stunned into silence, he proceeded to answer her questions.

"I have lived for quite a while due to originally being an Angel, beings created to rule over the multiverse my... You could call her my mother, created so that she and her brother did not have to rule and keep watch like worried parents."

"Secondly, when I mention multiverse, my reality is made up of different worlds that each must be traversed to through a kind of formless ether made up of laws. I am ruler of those worlds, not Realities like yours and whatever ones are out there."

"Thirdly, I call myself a god because that is the term the mortals have coined for when one of their own has accrued enough personal power to be considered more than mortal. While it may not be an accurate term for what I wholly am. One of my titles was as Overgod, which requires all the mortals to agree unanimously that you are the strongest god." He finished, his gauntlet having three fingers raised.

"If you were a blessed angel, how come you were able to become a god if only mortals could dear?" The white mare brought up a good point, unfortunately...

"A tale for a later time, we have arrived at the mountain city, Canterlot."

The train screeched to a stop after he had said so. Ignoring the mare's disappointed looks, he got up and walked off the train.

Ignoring the looks of shock and horror upon the pony equines, he felt the heights winds, or rather the lack of it, blow through his wings and hair. It was disturbing, high mountains contained swirling eddies which he would feel even the slightest of. But the air felt... Dead. He was not Milde, the champion of air, but life meant more than living, it was a law connected to everything else, and the air was definitely lacking any life.

"Halt strange creature, identify yours...elf?" The stallion in golden armor, impractical material even if enchanted, shouted before the words died in this throat. The reason being that the spear he had pointed at the godking, most likely it at least wasn't gold, but neither was the coppery sheen dark enough to be copper or bronze. Regardless, it was probably heavily enchanted with how it shined in the sun, most likely to prevent it from breaking against even rock itself.

It broke. Not from a forceful application of strength from the Godking, not from him slamming it against the Godking's armor. No, Veretus merely took a step forward with the spear point resting against his chest, and the spear bent, and then snapped in two like a twig being played with by a child.

The purple unicorn mare walked up to the guard, trying to placate him and his aghast expression. The godking cared not, while most would assume him being petty and breaking the spear on purpose, but the truth? He hadn't even seen the guard or felt the spear. He was not omniscient, and the guard was too weak to even warn his instincts. So as he was distracted by the unusually dead airflow, he merely took a step and broke the spear.

He had stopped however, if the spear broke, he feared what he'd do if he ran into a pony by accident. He'd almost forgotten that while he was weakened being away from his reality, and thus the faith his worshippers gave him. He was still strong enough to wrestle an ancient dragon and win almost every time.

He sidestepped the pony guard and continued on his way, he would not placate a guard merely because he tried to face a threat greater than he could handle. It was the nature of life, when something bad happens, it either crumbles, or it weathers the blow and comes back stronger.

He stopped before he ran into the yellow shy pegasus, only she wasn't being so shy anymore. She was glaring at him.

"What do you think you are doing? You traumatized that poor guard!" She punctuated this by punching her hoof into his chest. If he was a regular mortal warrior, he imagined it would have broken a rib or two. She was still an equine, however small they may be.

"While he is traumatized, that is the extent of his injuries. I was not paying attention. Now imagine if I wasn't what I say I am, with skin harder than the hardest metal, and armor handcrafted by myself for protection, and had continued walking forward."

He could see her shaking now, but still he continued.

"I would be skewered, that I stopped before walking into him and didn't hurt him proves that even if he offended me, which he hasn't, I intend to do nothing but continue on to my-" he paused, she was doing more than shaking now, she was practically in a ball sobbing.

He sighed, a god he may be, a half-champion he may be, but he was not heartless. The anger he had suppressed at the wizard for cheating at his challenge still lingered, and he had put an infinitesimal amount of it towards this poor mare.

He crouched down, ignoring the looks of anger the five other mares of this group were giving him.

"I am trapped an unknown distance from my companions, my home, and my past. I'm sorry that some small part of my anger at the one responsible came out upon you." He said gently, remembering all the times he would softly murmur Galzrieg to sleep...

And with those memories, came the still pain which fueled his ascension to a greater deity. The pain which allowed him to kill a champion.

She peeked out from her mane, whatever she saw behind his face of impassion stirred her, and she stopped sobbing.

These ponies were emotionally soft and weak. They wouldn't survive in his world, but luckily, they didn't have to. His world, Alvaris, was tainted by years of demonic war, what managed to grow grew twisted and malformed. Sometimes trees had eyes, or grass bled blood when you cut it. Not to mention the remnant demons, those who hadn't already been killed became great at setting ambushes or avoiding notice.

"Yah simmered down from yer spat now?" The orange mare came up behind him and asked.

He refrained from telling her it wasn't a spat. Even weakened as he was, if he truly decided to take his anger out on something, chances were it would not survive.

"Verily, now let us continue on, while I will last until the end of time, my patience will not."

He continued walking, but the other mares conversing with and soothing the butter yellow pegasus did not escape his notice.