• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,418 Views, 1,308 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

  • ...

13: Carriage Rides

Chapter 13

Thank goodness today is coming to an end. It felt like it was taking forever. Starting out with that terrible party Gala thing. I’m just glad my friends were there to keep me company.

At that I looked over to my favourite blue fluffball, who was having a debate with my favourite white pegacorn across from her. She was seated next to me in our loaned carriage. It’s a shame my observations got her and her sister kidnapped.

Looking over to the irritable Celestia, helped remind me how our combined actions may have prevented a terrible war. That helped a smile form upon my loaned face for a few seconds. Still, wish I’d never made Luna give those guards the order to scout. Those poor ponies are gonna be in peril for so long.

After a few more moments of self-loathing, I decided to tune into the Princesses debate like a good advisor.

“I am just saying, in all my years have I never seen such a terrible plan,” Came Celestia’s reply to whatever Luna had just said. To be honest I do agree with her on that. Pretty sure everyone else at the meeting thought it was bad as well. Apart from Twilight anyways.

Luna sat opposite her sister with the smuggest look, only saying, “It worked, did it not?” Well, the initial part did.

The smugness of the reply seemed to only irritate the tallest mare I’ve met further, causing her to scoff, “You know that is besides the point sister. Your actions could have not only gotten yourself killed, but your dear friend as well.” As she finished, she emphasized her point by pointing at me with a wing. To be fair, I probably could of came up with some other ideas if I’d really tried. It was just a stressful situation and those are just so difficult.

Celestia’s increasing irritation did not deter my best friend’s jovial attitude, “Yes, but instead, we not only managed to rescue thou sister, but our timely intervention helped put an end to a quarrel Equestria was yet to face.” She then attempted to raise her wings in the carriages confined space in likely a show of celebration.

With those final words the alabaster coated mare seemed to lose her irritation and slightly glanced in my direction, “Potentially ended sister.” Before going quiet, likely contemplating something. After those words I realized she wasn’t looking at me but my unfortunate changeling wearer. Poor bug, we’ve basically kidnapped her now.

Seems Celestia doesn’t have enough strength left to continue arguing. Who can blame her really, after being kept in that weird suspended animation pod? Those things looked pretty disgusting. Bet that gunk she’s coated in would gum up my joints, like those hydra innards. I couldn’t help the slight shudder that went through me. I know how horrible that feels.

Looking at the probably uncomfortable mare just reminded me of how worn out this day’s made me. A few minutes of shut eye would probably do me and my borrowed form good. At that, I leaned Skitters body as comfortably as I could against the carriage’s cushions, and tried my best to drift off before the sisters began arguing again. Having a wearer really is pretty comfortable for sleep.

Ah the sweet embrace of the void, how I’ve missed you. No more Ponies to complain at me and no more bugs to hide from. This place is really growing on me again. Just a little while ago the thought of being trapped here terrified me but now well, it's my own little haven. I am from this place after all.

Wait a second. It’s that feeling again. Like there’s someone else here. That has to be the bug, she’s probably been trapped here like Luna was. That puts fire to the no more bugs to hide from thought. Should I go say hi? Maybe it would be for the best, she’s been stuck in this place for hours.

Looking around my own personnel void space I easily came across the bug's door. It’s pretty obvious to be honest, being the only physical object here. It’s pretty clearly of changeling origin due to the design matching that of the hives armoured doors. These rooms probably match where you feel the safest hence the metal door. Luna had the exact same sort of experience, but with her bedroom door instead. Maybe I should knock first, it would be polite. How do you knock in this place?

Ah screw it. Without a material form I opted to just push the door open and apologise for the intrusion. She’s my prisoner anyway, so it’s probably fine.

Upon entering the room, what I saw came as quite a surprise really. Instead of seeing the expected weird ever-changing architecture of the changeling hive, I was met with something entirely more, well pony and familiar.

Familiar because it was the exact same room our little bug had fled to when she tried to escape the Princesses. I really don’t know how she thought this room would save her. Still, it must be important to her if it's where her mind goes. She even remembers it with all the furniture still intact. Maybe this is the room she had while infiltrating Equestria? Maybe I should just ask her?

As I was reviewing the rooms simplistic furniture, I laid eyes upon my unwilling wearer. She was sitting opposite a familiar mirror that showed the events that unfolded in the real world, watching it intently. Rather than donning me, she had imagined herself wearing a resized maid’s uniform to fit her increased royal changeling frame. Wonder why no royal armour?

It would have looked pretty funny if it wasn’t for the makeup that had ran down from her eyes. She’d probably been crying to herself at some point. That’s probably from after my initial ambush. I can’t imagine many people would handle that very well.

Ok, so how to start this. She hasn’t noticed me yet, so maybe I can make myself more presentable than a ball of gas. With some minor thought my regular armour materialised around my misty form. Well, that was just too easy. Now then, to start the conversation. Should I say something like, hey I possessed you, soz? Damn I’m terrible at this. This might take a while.

After a longer period of time than I’m willing to admit, I just decided to wing it. It’s really lucky she’s so focused on the mirror to realise I’m here. There’s no way this’ll go well, so let’s just rip off the band aid.

“Hello Swift.” I started in the friendliest tone possible. The fact my tone was polite didn’t do any wonders for the bugs nerves, as she immediately did a 180 while jumping into the air. Quite impressive really. Welp, best continue, “Or should I say Princess Skitter?”

Skitter's response was to stare at me wide eyed, while backing up until her rear met the mirror. Seems I’ve cornered her inside her head. Suppose you can’t escape your own mind. After a moment the bug began to take a few deep breaths and lost her look of abject terror. Yay success.

Instead, she began looking me over warily before finally saying, “s-so, how did you manage to get me?” Seems she’s trying to be brave, eh? She was plenty brave when she shot Luna in the back.

“When we had our little altercation, you actually lost to Luna. You were wearing me from the moment you woke up in Canterlot,” I’m pretty sure she’s well aware of her current situation.

Her only response to that was to look down at the floor before sadly saying, “I’ve failed the hive more than I thought.” Well, she was the means used for her hive to get its current trade deal so… not really a failure in my book. More unintentional success.

Once her words left her lips, the imaginary room settled into silence. Should I do something? She’s seeming more depressed than afraid. With that understanding I decided to steadily approach the bug.

When touching distance was achieved, I reached out a shoe in an attempt to comfort my unwilling wearer, but before I could reach, she finally spoke in a sombre tone. “What are you going to do to me?” She then looked up into my eye holes with what I could almost describe as hope for some reason.

Well, this question had an obvious answer really so while casually scratching the bottom of my helmet I simply said, “Nothing.” Why would I need anything from her?

From the head tilt I received it was clear the pseudo maid was after more information, “So your… not going to steal my body?” Ah that’s pretty important information.

To be honest, I couldn’t help but balk at that idea. How cruel would it be to lock someone in a place like this and steal their life out from under them? “Heavens no! I wouldn’t have even borrowed you in the first place if there was any other choice.” Okay so now’s the time for the comforting shoe on the shoulder, “Look once my friends are proven to be safe, you’ll be free to remove me. I promise.”

She sighed and a ghost of a smile actually started to form on the wayward bugs face at that. Maybe I’m better at this than I thought. “From what I’ve seen, I didn’t think you would.” So, does she know everything I got up to in her shoes? “I was starting to believe you’d come to make a deal for my soul.”

Seriously? I couldn’t help the light laugh I let out, “I’m not a demon, even if people think I look like one. No deals from me I’m afraid.” At least I hope I’m not one. What if I am? That’s not important right now.

Skitters next words actually surprised me, “Well that’s a shame.” What?! I actually took a step back for second and let my shoe fall from her shoulder. Why would anyone want to make a deal with the devil? Before I could question the bug, she elaborated, “I really liked the deal you made with my mother.” Oh, minor over reaction. Wish I could do that calming breath exercise.

Instead of continuing my stupid thought process, I just inquired into Skitters meaning, “To peacefully trade with the ponies?”

Her response was a very slow nod. Does she think the deal was a lie? That’s only slightly true. I may have made the deal to ensure my friends escape, but they truly completed the deal with the bug’s Queen. I’m not sure if the paperwork has been signed yet, but I’m sure we can honour a verbal deal for now.

“Look Skitter, it’s cool that I call you that?” I quickly shook my head, that’s not important right now, “Anyway look, that deal can still happen as long as you play the role we cast you in. Sorry about that by the way.” We’ve really forced her into an awkward position here.

For a moment the bug looked at me hopefully, before she started to look away. A slight tear at the corner of her eye, “It won’t work, I know what ponies are like. They’ll drive us away out of fear.”

Now, how best to respond? She seems pretty upset. I would try to argue against her, but she’s known ponies’ way longer than me. She may have even corrected me on a few cultural faux pas with them. Due to this, I watched her return to staring at her hooves for a few minutes. Damn I suck.

It took me so long to think of what to say that my chance to comfort her was lost, “so when do you plan on letting me go?” She was looking up at me again with the slightest of smiles. At least my awkwardness can help cheer people up I suppose.

“Well Luna will wake you when we arrive,” she apparently has powers over sleep. She’d probably enjoy getting to use them for once.

Mentioning my good friend seemed to sour Skitters mood further, “You mean the Nightmare?”

Now that’s insulting. I’m pretty sure she respected my friend before, “Look, Princess Luna is a very nice pony now. You should know, you’ve worked for her for ages.”

“I thought I did,” she began twirling a hoof debating on what to say next, “but you should have seen her during our communications breakdown.”

Well, I was there, right on the front line in fact. “It was a bit of a scuffle,” I said in an attempted jovial way. Gotta ease the worries somehow.

“Eclipse, she tried to eat me!” she almost shouted. Woops, how was I supposed to know draining changeling magic was a huge no no.

“She didn’t mean to harm you, ya know.” I tried my best to convince the distrustful bug, “She was just attempting to defend herself.” Really should tell her it was me. Wish I wasn’t so much of a coward.

The sadness the bug was feeling seemed to have dissipated and been replaced with a hint of worry, “Would you… protect me from the ponies? I know they’re your friends, they’ll listen to you.”

“Of course I will, but you have to keep the deal going. Is that fair?” Agreeing to keep a foreign diplomat safe is good for diplomacy, right?

“I never dared dream my mother would agree to this, or I would have approached her myself.” Skitter declared. Seems everything’s working out in our favour then. That is if she isn’t lying. These bugs seem to like the whole cloak and dagger routine.

“Does that mean you have no hard feelings about the whole, body stealing incident?” Just need to know where she stands on this. It's eating me up inside a little.

“As long as you let me go,” she then gained a larger smile, “If you keep the ponies from starting a war, I’ll keep Chrysalis from doing the same.”

“Two nobodies trying to prevent a national Crisis. This seems like a lot of responsibility.”

“Speak for yourself armour, we are a Princess of the changelings,” she said jovially at my inadvertent insult.

“Didn’t mean to offend there.” Really need to watch what I say. That being said my job is so much easier. For all their fear towards others, the pony leadership is way more into peace than the bug Queen.

After a few more moments of keeping the bug company, I decided it was best to return to the waking world. Who knows how long it’s been out there? “Well, I think I’ll head back to the carriage. It was nice talking to you Skitter.” The door will surely lead me back to reality.

“Only my friends call me Skitter you know. Most call me Princess,” she said with a coy smile. Before I could apologise for my next faux pas she continued, “You can call me that if you want.”

“You had me worried for a second,” hmm another friend. How many is that now? Like four or something? With her declaration of my friend status, I decided to take a bit of a leap of faith, “Erm, would you be up for coming back to the carriage with me?”

The bug immediately stood at that and wondered over to the door, “If it’s possible.” Well, she seems eager. It probably isn’t very nice having your body puppeted around while your trapped in here.

“Just follow me out the door,” I’ve never actually woken up my wearer on my own before. Maybe this’ll work. With that, the two of us wondered out of the door into the dark void, while I kept a shoe on her shoulder, just to be safe. Wouldn’t want to lose someone to the void.

Darkness enveloped us both for only a moment before the world changed into the bright light of a familiar carriage where my friends were waiting. Wonder if the Princess woke up with me. There doesn’t really seem to be any difference. Seems Loony may need to rescue her.

As I awoke, Celestia immediately took notice of me, “Ah Eclipse, welcome back to the land of the living.” A tired smile graced her lips. She clearly was just as sick of today as me.

Thanks, did much happen while I was out?” I said while returning the smile. With my words spoken my head twitched slightly. Hope that was Skitter.

My friend's smile dropped a little at the innocent question, “No not really. This journey has just been rather uninteresting.” That makes sense seeing as the windows are all blacked out. The bugs could really be taking us anywhere and we would never know.

The other occupant of our vehicle immediately sat up at Celestias tired words, “Yes Eclipse, nothing at all occurred apart from our dearest sister pointing out the many flaws in our Rescue mission.” She seems a little bitter, and what’s that weird taste? It seems almost sour but I’m not eating? Strange.

Celestia immediately perked up and began to stare down the blue pegacorn, “Luna, your plan never even got off the ground. If it wasn’t for Eclipse’s improvisation of a new one, we both would have been captured and potentially declared a war in the process!” Wow that came out of nowhere. Should really of noticed the tension in the air. Tastes a bit spicy really. This is weird.

At the harsh words Luna avoided eye contact with her sister long enough for Celestia to turn back to me with a much softer emotion, “Look my friend, we should never have forced you into such a position. Hopefully our diplomats could have negotiated our release instead, but what’s done is done.”

“We knew our faithful suit of armour would be capable enough to complete our mission.” Luna came back with a triumphant look once again. Really can’t believe I’ve reignited this argument. Wonder how long the flame had been burning down before I added some fuel?

Clearly not wanting to continue the circle of the argument the snowy mare sighed, “That may be true, and Eclipse's efforts should be rewarded. However, they have still left the issue of what to do with the changeling Princess who, if you are not aware, is currently here against her will.”

“Well dear sister we have multiple solutions to thy worries,” my best friend began, “the first is to simply convince this being to abide by our most generous plan.” Luna said while poking Skitter’s shoulder. She then looked directly into my eyes, “or a rather more difficult solution would be to have Eclipse continue their perfect acting skills.” Is she suggesting I steal Skitter’s body? Not happening.

Celestia appeared to share my sentiment, “Luna! We cannot be seen to condone such actions. Depriving the innocent of freedom is against everything Equestria stands for.” The witty reply of the moon goddess was to simply stick out her tongue, which got a sigh of defeat from her sister. Seems Luna is forever the linguistic master.

During the debate about what to do about our captive bug a strange sensation occurred. After Luna’s proclamation I found myself starting to shiver almost uncontrollably. Am I cold? Never had a body while cold before. To be honest it kinda feels warm in here. Strange.

Seeing my shivering state, my fluffy blue pony leaned over and put a feathery wing around me. seems she’s cleaned off that changeling goo, “aww is wearing that changeling making thou feel cold?” She then proceeded to nuzzle the side of my helmet. Huh something tastes really good. Whatever it is, it’s making my mouth water.

Not sure if this is fair to my wearer really, “erm, Luna maybe you should wait until I’m removed before doing that sort of thing.” Another strange sensation occurred at my words. The sensation of my shoe moving to block my mouth, while at the same time the shaking ceased. Well guess Skitters awake. She clearly doesn’t like someone else using her mouth.

“Well, my dear armour. We believe thou needs warming up,” came Luna’s response as she continued to hold me and my wearer in her wing. Huh that taste is getting stronger. Am I getting magic out of this? Wait, I get it. Skitter is feeding on Loony.

After a moment Skitters mouth moved on its own accord, “I really don’t mind this closeness with you, it’s really quite refreshing.” Before I suddenly was forced to lean in closer to my friend. Well, I suppose she is pretty hungry after the long day.

With those words, the guardian of the night went almost silent and quietly pulled her wing tighter around me and the hungry bug. Well, this is kinda nice I suppose. Out of curiosity I looked up at my friend to see her face had started to tint red. Her sister was content to sit opposite us with the most genuine smile she’s had the entire journey.

Over the next thirty minutes of travelling, Luna had steadily pulled us into an embrace in her hooves and had lost her red tinted face. She actually seemed pretty content. Skitter on the other hand seemed to be getting pretty tired with all the magic she was consuming. Really hope this isn’t harming Lulu.

Celestia eventually broke the silence, “So I see you two are both getting to know each other.” I feel like I know Luna pretty well already really. Being her confidant, she tells me a lot about what’s gone on in her life, both good and bad.

The mare in question just let out a content sigh, “This feels right, dost thou not agree?” Well, it does taste pretty good. Pony fur is also pretty comfortable.

A very unexpected nervous reply came from my wearer, “So erm Princess, we can do this more often if you want to.” She even finished with a nervous laugh. Seems she really wants Luna to be a stable source of food.

With those words Luna smiled, "We would very much like to be closer to thou." Before giving Skitter a slight nuzzle. Well it seems She's onboard.

Celestia just raised a curious eyebrow, “Seriously Eclipse? After what you were saying earlier.”

Wait a second. This looks like I’m doing it without Skitter's consent. What’s worse is I’m probably stealing half the love she's trying to harvest, “Skitter, in future it would probably be best to do this without me.” There, now everyone’s on the same page. Even if I have to miss out on Loony's soft fur.

The sound of my real voice brought Luna out of her musings, “What dost thou mean?” She seemed perplexed for a moment before her eyes opened wide in realization. She then gently pushed us away with a wing before moving to sit next to Celestia in a huff. Well, that didn’t go as I expected.

For her part, Celestias' reaction was a little more reserved, “ah Princess Skitter your awake.” She said while trying her best to hold back laughter with a hoof. “Glad to see your willing to go the extra mile to improve pony changeling relations.”

After her feeding attempt had been foiled, the bug bowed her head to Celestia in respect, “I’ll do anything to help ensure the peace between our two peoples.” she began just after she burped. Yeah right, she’ll do anything to get a large meal. Is this what it feels like to have a bloated stomach?

“While thine intentions may be pure, thou should refrain from playing with a pony’s feelings in such a way.” Luna began in irritation before looking away sadly, “It is needlessly cruel.” Now I wish we were still hugging.

The bug seemed genuinely hurt by Luna’s accusations and stuttered a response, “It really seemed like I was just doing what you wanted. I…I’m, sorry.”

Ah, awkward silence how I missed you. At least the heated debate about Luna’s plan is over. With those thoughts in mind a very large shudder went through the carriage. Hopefully now we’re back in Canterlot and not in some bug execution pit.

Author's Note:

This chapter was going to be longer but I've been having a little writers block. Its all good now, the next chapters coming along.