• Member Since 26th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago


A Christian at heart, soon to be cartoonist, and love Ninja Turtles. I'm also known as TMNTony on Deviantart


Thanks to Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is overwhelmed with grief, believing she is destined to be alone. Even when the culprits confess, she refuses to forgive her friends after they accused her earlier. When the new substitute teacher gives her a book to help her with her grief, she is visited by characters who tell her only by these visits can she forgive her friends.

Author's Note: (PLEASE READ FIRST!) Around the time the pandemic hit us, I have been reading other fictions involving the Equestria Girls Holiday story from the comic book series, also known as the Anon-a-miss story. Long story short, it takes place between Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games, the CMCs make a MyStable account called Anon-a-miss and exposes students secrets and everyone blames Sunset. Things get resolved, of course, but people criticize it for characters being out of character. My gripe is that I feel in Equestria Girls is that every time the girls turn away from Sunset and things get resolved, they don't learn from it or show signs of regret. just one apology and everything's okay.

To me, Sunset should have just left the group, feeling betrayed when they should have been helping her understand friendship. Relax, after a bit, she would return. On Fimfiction, I've read alternate stories where Sunset doesn't forgive the Rainbooms, returns to Equestria, or dare I say it commit suicide. I had decided to do my own version and I'm using elements from one of my favorite stories, A Christmas Carol.

Those are just my words. Also, there may be some repeated dialogue.

I'm rating this T for Teen because there's a chapter with an attempt at suicide.

Enjoy my fiction and Merry Christmas!
Be safe.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 205 )

Yay, Finnaly This Story Are Going To Fimfiction

Yeah I wanted to wait until near Christmas to upload it here

My gripe is that I feel in Equestria Girls is that every time the girls turn away from Sunset and things get resolved, they don't learn from it or show signs of regret. just one apology and everything's okay.

The other issue with AaM is that the Rainbooms are often portrayed as horrible, irredeemable monsters for breaking off their friendship with Sunset. This is, of course, forgetting that Sunset has a long history of wrecking friendships for fun and in that moment the evidence pointed to only Sunset. Why people find the fact that the Rainbooms have trust issues so hard to understand is beyond me.

As a fellow user summarised it on another story, "We may have tried to enslave the entire planet with our singing, but at least we did not break off our friendship with a girl who has a long history of breaking up friendships for fun!"

Having said what I said earlier, I am glad to see that you've gone down the forgiveness route both with the Rainbooms towards the Crusaders and Sunset towards the Rainbooms. After all, life's too short to let ourselves be consumed by petty grudges.

I like how although they were forgiven they didn't get it easily. They threw away the friendship and she had to pay harshly for the jealousy of the cmcs. Just forgivening them right away never stuck right with me.

I can't waittttttt

Those Rainbooms shall be bombarded with GUILT AND SHAMEEEEEE :flutterrage:

Yeah. As much as I want the girls to go through more than just an I’m sorry, I want them to forgive in the end

Hey I have a suggestion for you, what if you add interruption parts backing to the beginning of the story where Sci-Twi and the others girls comment about on each part of story ?

You are to be commended for that.

Well actually, I’m only doing that for the prologue and epilogue.

You appear to be going out of your way to avoid the cliches of this genre.

I'll be tracking this.

Cool. Chapter 2 will be up tonight. If things go well, a chapter will up every day this week.

Hey she may have planted the seeds but they were the ones who were made them grow. They chose to never talk with each other because of pride and a lot of other silly stuff.

Yeah I don't mind them being forgiven but I think they need to earn it considering that except for them she had no one else who cared about her in that world and trust is something to pick up and put down when you feel like it. How can she trust them if the first time she looked guilty they don't want to hear her out.

My gripe is that I feel in Equestria Girls is that every time the girls turn away from Sunset and things get resolved, they don’t learn from it or show signs of regret. just one apology and everything’s okay.

Honestly, my problem with anon-a-miss is the fans reaction and the CMC’s motive. That’s honestly it.

But before anyone could touch her, the figure stood before the students and slammed his cane. Standing before Sunset was an elder man wearing black and a high silk hat.

Who’s that?

“Anyone who touches this girl will answer to Principal Celestia!” barked the man.

Who’s really scared of principal celestia?

THANK YOU!!! You are a one in a million.

1) he introduces himself. Keep reading to know his true identity, but please keep it to yourself.

2) Thought it was a good idea at the time

Man, Sunset's a total wreck because of all this.

“I’M A BAD GIRL NO MATTER WHAT I DO! I TRY TO CHANGE! I SAVED THIS SCHOOL! BUT FOR WHAT? CYBER BULLYING HAPPENS AND I’M AUTOMATICALLY GUILTY! I CAUSED TOO MUCH TROUBLE! I SHOULD NEVER HAVE LEFT EQUESTRIA!” Sunset got up and sprinted to the door. But she stopped as she touched the knob and turned to the teacher and principals. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m just sorry for everything I’ve done to the school. I hope you have a Happy Holidays. At least somebody will.” She then opened the door and left.

Wait, I just realized. Wasn’t cyber bullying and intimidation her thing?

"Second and for most, I hope you've all learned a valuable lesson about jumping to conclusions and accusing someone based on their past reputation," Celestia went on, while the Rainbooms felt bad on how they treated Sunset. "We are all aware of Sunset's past, but she has worked very hard to make up for all she had done. So I believe she is well deserving of a second chance. Just as Anon-A-Miss is." The Rainbooms looked back at the CMC, this time with remorseful looks. "And I hope you'll all be willing to give a second chance to anyone should something like this accrue again and that you'll all be more open mined in in future. Thank you."

I wouldn’t say deserving, but then again it’s been awhile since I’ve seen the movie.

At the mall, Sunset ordered her food for take out at the booth at the food court. So far, no one pointed out that it was her. As she passed a bunch of Christmas shoppers, her hood fell off by the time she exited the mall. She was just about to put it back on when suddenly-

Didn’t she hear them say they were going to the mall?

Next Time: The Mysterious visitor in green.

Are we about to see the GOAT?

I know!!!

Even though I know the Rainbooms will be forgiven, (eventully) I kinda wish Sunset returned to Equestria to heal :<

1) once upon a time it was.

2) I thought she did after Rainbow Rocks.

3) This is hours after they tried her place. She was hoping they'd be gone by then.

4) wait and see next chapter.

Look at it from Rarity's perspective, for instance. If you kept getting an email from Pinkie saying she was fine and didn't need any extra help, your first conclusion would probably not be 'somebody has hacked Pinkie's account and is sending me incorrect emails to troll me'.

No I'm not disappointed!!! Sorry if I came that way :twilightsheepish:

I really like your story! And I re-read the prolouge; the Rainbooms won't get their forgiveness easily. Noice. :D

Even though I absolutely hate that the Rainbooms didn't even give Sunset the benefit of the doubt, you have a strong point, mah dude.

1. Was there anyone else known for it?

3. They spent three hours in the exact same location looking for one person?

Honestly, if she did come to that conclusion, then that would be weird.

It's surprising that very few AaM stories note this. Not only that, another nuance a lot of authors miss is that by halfway through the comic, Rainbow Dash is having serious doubts about whether Sunset actually is AaM.

Similarly with the photos. Nobody has any reason to suspect Sweetie Belle at that point. Applying Occam's Razor (the principle that the simplest solution is the most likely), which is more likely based on the evidence the Rainbooms have in the corridor?

1. Sunset uploaded the pictures only she took from her phone to the site.
2. Sweetie Belle snuck into the room without anybody hearing her, took Sunset's phone without her noticing, went back to her room, (again, without anybody hearing her), succesfully guessed Sunset's pin number (a plot hole that very few stories have ever addressed), uploaded the images on a dummy account, then returned the phone to precisely the same spot where she found it, and then left the room (again, without anybody hearing her).

Wait, was it ever revealed if sunset had a pin on her phone?

Whoever is making this story, I’m so interested in it and I want to know when the next chapter will come out so I can continue reading. Hopefully after Sunset is visited by three characters she will be able to forgive her friends and be friends with them again.

True but seeing her time and again do it by herself should have made her talk to about why she doesn't want help.

The main reason people do that is to make the Rainbooms just horrid as a justification that Sunset doesn't have to forgive them, if the story has her moving to Crystal Prep or something.

Like take Dainn's Anon-a-miss story, the most popular one, as an example.
Itdoes the opposite of what the comic did. Instead of Rainbow having doubts that Sunset is Anon-a-miss, it has Rainbow literally plan an ambush which nearly cost Sunset's life.

Although, my reasoning is that Sunset didn't tear friendships for fun; she did it for a purpose. Everything she did had a purpose, she didn't do things just for the sake of it.

Huh, I just used to resolve that plot hole by saying Sunset simply put fingerprint recognition on her phone, because it was something that Equestria never had.

I mean, Sunset is right there, asleep

I’m glad you like it. Keep watching. There’s more to come

1) I’m sure there were others but I suppose Sunset was suspect number one.

2) I’m just gonna say they’re desperate.

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