• Member Since 15th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Krieg cormac

I write stuff


After being impaled by Cinder during the Battle of Haven, Weiss finds herself in a new world, one filled with ponies. A world on the edge of war.

Crossover with RWBY Post Volume 5

Set in Equestria at War universe

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Featured! 5/10/2024

Cover art done by Seon1ce for the story and logo done by Zereleuer

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 120 )

"Let's see what the Schnee name really means."

"I'm more than just a name."

That was a lie. Girl got her a** mopped.

This is the MLP version of my MHA story, Schnee:Hero or Huntress.

So you’re on here as well.

Where have you found me?

Don't you hate it when your comments don't get a response?

Archive Of Our Own

Yeah, I don’t have an account on there so I just read and don’t comment.

Oh my god you actually wrote an mpl spin off. I'm glad Luna found her first. If only Weiss wasn't wounded, she'd be amazed after seeing an unbroken moon for the first time.

You've gotten my attention and I'm looking forward to seeing how Weiss will react to waking up in Equestria.

Looking forward to see the best member of team RWBY in EaW.

I can agree with you on that one.

I would hope to see more. Tracking

(Spit take)


Ah, the world where Tia's former student Sunset Shimmer had run off to. Luna had personally never met the young unicorn, but the last thing she heard was that young Sunset had returned to Equestria and was now traveling the world, attempting to atone for her many mistakes.

I don’t know all of sunset’s mistakes, but based on the ones I know she’s probably gonna be gone almost longer than sasuke.

Pick it up."

Weiss hesitated, glancing between her beloved sword and the Fall Maiden. Was this some kind of trick? Was she trying to take Weiss off guard the moment she grabbed Myrtenaster?

"I said pick it up." Vernal growled. "Pick it up and die!"

Weiss in Boots laughs in the face of death!

It lives!!!!!!!

That was a good chapter goodluck with the next one.

Can I please get a link to Schnee: Hero or Huntress?

Send me a personal message and Ill send it.

"Mmm." Weiss was hungry, and tired, but mostly hungry. Despite many benefits, aura took up a lot of energy, so huntsmen and huntresses often had to eat larger portions than the average person. This time, she was alone in the strange, yet rather childish room she was lying in. Weiss' eyes darted towards the door and the window, finally being able to sit up without any major pain.

That’s very interesting.

Luna was confused. Normally when somepony saved the life of another, the one that was saved would usually be grateful. Especially if their savior stayed up past their bedtime to ensure that they could rest without having a nightmare. They usually didn't scream hysterically while wielding a glowing white sword made of magic.

Not magic…Apparently.

Huzzah! Success so far!

This is too cute.

Baby steps Luna. Baby steps

That was a good chapter.

Ah, it would appear Weiss would be in heaven once she meets the slightly smaller (and adorable) ponies if meeting Zwei was something to go about. Good job on the story!

This is a fun thing to read MORE PLEASE CONTINUE THIS 🙏🥰

Woah!! Another chapter so soon!? Jere I thought I had to wait another year

More please!!!!

Hmm, short but sweet. Reactions seemed tamed for the most part, but then again she was injured so maybe not enough spunk to put up much resistance. I was expecting a barrage of questions however; probably an outcry of "Where the heck am I?" but you probably saved that for the following chapters.

Overall, a passable chapter. Not good, not bad, just passable. And sometimes that's just perfect for the casual reader.

That was a good chapter. Goodluck with the next one.

Weiss is gonna think she’s in heaven.

Sorry, this isn't a gripe at you just in general.

But, why does everyone describe the ponies as being as tall as, or taller than, humans when they interact?

The show is literally called "My LITTLE Pony". Little compared to what?

We even have that infamous internet image comparing the 2 Fluttershys with thier rabbits for a size comparison. And according to that, even Celestia should have to look up to meet most humans eyes.

Weiss is pretty short, not even 5 feet without her heels. She's 5'2 with them.

That's fine, as I said it was more a general observation.

Fun fact though, most real world ponies are 5'4" or smaller.

I want to see Luna trashed the witch and ozpin with her superior magic.

Hmm Dragon roast bet that is just Dark Roast. Also I am waiting for when Weiss either overloads from cuteness or asks all the questions.

And then we recall this version of Equestria is on the eve of war....

Helps if the author is depicting the myriad ponies as being friendly to Weiss and not the rampant xenophobia certain authors like depicting them having...But so far so good, Krieg. ;)

Wait, is she really?

Would she be able to?

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

She's about 4'11 without her heels.

Dragon roast is actually a special blend born from the volcanic soil in the dragon lands roasted by dragons one of the few exports besides gems and other such items that come from the dragon lands it is an extremely potent light roast that has the flavor of a dark Roast

I look forward to seeing Weiss' interaction with Twilight.

"No." Weiss answered. With her aura back the wound would heal in a matter of hours, leaving her skin unblemished unless she allowed it to scar, like the one over her left eye.

Allow it to scar? What does that mean?

She brought all of the notes she made about the human world, even the journal she used to communicate with Sunset, who was on a journey in Northern Zebrica. The fiery haired unicorn had stepped through the portal one day with a downcast look, and while she didn't say much, Twilight knew that it had to do with her pony friends' counterparts. Sunset had stayed in the Castle of Friendship only for a few weeks before she departed on the journey to find herself again after her painful experience.

Did they decide not to forgive her or something?

"Please rise, you're my fellow Princess." Princess Celestia slowly stepped down from her throne. That did little to prevent the lavender alicorn's blush, she still wasn't to her title, or living in hee castle in Ponyville. "Day court shall be concluded for today, due to other matters. If your issue is time sensitive please see Chancellor Neighsay or Prince Blueblood."

Oh god.

Maybe this could convince Sunset to return to Equestria?

Wasn’t she already there traveling?

I'm sure we all have questions

So Sunset went through anon-a-miss and decided to come back home instead of sticking it out

Unless they want to have a scar hunters can heal their skin with their Aura to the point where there isn't one a handy power to hide how experienced you are

I actually never knew that.

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