• Published 28th Feb 2022
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They're... ON HOLIDAY? - Nameless Narrator

After reaching peace between Equestria and Hive changelings, queen Chrysalis takes two high ranks and a small retinue of drones with her on a trip to an island holiday resort.

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Day 9 - The Wobbly-leg Frogger: 7/9

What the holes?!” 387 jumps outside through the door, scanning the area for threats and spotting no immediate danger. The only thing he notices are creatures all over the beach still looking around after being quite literally shaken.

“What’s wrong?” asks 99, leaning over 10013.

Chrysalis doesn’t seem as worried as either of the two high ranks as she joins the examination of the drone.

“387, unless we’re being attacked by an army of morbidly obese whorses, get back inside,” she says in a calm and focused tone that’s so unusual for her that the warrior obeys without commenting and closes the door behind himself.

“No idea what the earthquake was about but we’re not in any immediate danger,” he reports, “With the exception of 10013.”

“Poison?” asks 99, swiping her hoof through the foam around its mouth and sniffing it.

“In a sense,” Chrysalis’s horn glows and both high ranks sense her draining 10013’s energy to a critical degree where the drone’s legs instinctively bend and close up to its body as a signal of it dropping into the state of hibernation, “Lust overdose.”

“Lust?” 387 blinks and leans backwards, “What?”

“That’s a thing?” asks 99, earning a raised eyebrow from both Chrysalis and 387.

“I’ve finally figured it out - your rank isn’t 99,” 387 looks at her, “Nowhere near-”

“Later!” Chrysalis barks at 387 after 99 looks at her, “Yes, if a changeling has too much lust and too little love, their body can use it for a big boost of energy at the price of physical damage. Ranked changelings rarely suffer from this because your bodies can use lust better and your overall vastly greater energy capacity means you’ll recognize problematic symptoms of the imbalance long before it cuts you down. A drone, however, that’s out of love who would suddenly gain a large charge of lust would have no way of burning it off and would end up like this,” she pokes 10013.

“Are you saying that someone-” 387 gives 10013 a sideways glance that one could call impressed.

“Yes, someone has very recently screwed our drone in the interesting sense of the word,” Chrysalis nods.

“Will it be okay?” asks 99.

“Of course,” Chrysalis waves her hoof, “I’ve drained it dry and I’ll feed it a proper mix of love and lust which won’t hurt it, and I don’t doubt we’ll learn who’s the interested paramour. 387, I can feel you glaring at me and I swear that if you say something along the lines of ‘Chrysalis, please do not kill anyone’ I will punch you in the dick using your ballsack as nunchucks.”

“Your Majesty,” starts 387, which makes both mares look at him, “I was going to ask the exact opposite, specifically to let me teach whoever did this a lesson.”

“Denied,” Chrysalis smirks at 387, “What? Are you only now finally feeling a fraction of what I feel when someone screws with my hive because it, for once, happened to the drones you oh so favor?”

The warrior opens his mouth and shuts it without a word…

…because she’s right on the money.

“Thought so,” Chrysalis chuckles, grabbing 10013 by its hind leg, raising it into the air and turning it around, “At least you have the strength of character to not lie to me about it. No, 387. 10013 will be okay. I don’t see any physical damage that would hint at a physical assault and rape so I’m guessing someone just wanted to have sex with a changeling and the three of us were too scary. Or they were a pedo and thought the drones were our young, which might be way more likely on this island full of nobles. Whatever the case is, we can't afford to act out so we’ll take this event, shove it into the smallest mental compartment we have, and forget it happened until we’re home where we’ll think about things without the imminent threat of getting double-teamed in the ass by paladins and griffons.”

She unceremoniously drops 10013, breathing out a small cloud of seemingly living green mist which engulfs the drone’s head before being absorbed. Moments later, 10013’s tightened up body relaxes and the drone blinks.

“...ow…” is all it groans.

They wait until 10013 pushes itself up into a sitting position and looks at them one by one with confusion and growing worry, stopping on Chrysalis and immediately trying to look as small as possible.

“What happened?” it asks.

“Is your name Queen Chrysalis?” asks Chrysalis.

“Umm, no? It’s 10013, I think.”

“Then I believe you just asked the question that Queen Chrysalis wanted to ask of a drone that just stumbled in here and passed out in a pool of goo,” she points at the green circle on the carpet.

“Oh…” 10013 blinks, “Did I do that? I’m sorry, I’ll get a bubble brick and-”

“10013, is something wrong with your ears?” Chrysalis leans closer, showing her teeth, but to the other high ranks her voice sounds tame, “Because I just asked you what happened, several seconds have passed, and you still haven’t answered.”

“Yesyourmajesty!” 10013 nods before gasping, “Noyourmajestymyearsarefine!”

“Could you stop scaring the drone?” asks 387.

“It nearly gave the three of us a heart attack. I think it’s fair,” Chrysalis smirks and boops 10013, “No more messing around then, 10013. Tell us what you were doing over the past few hours.”

10013 nods again and checks its internal timer.

“I’ve only been awake for a while, Your Majesty!” it starts reporting in the drawn out string response of a nervous drone, “I checked up on the others and most were super hungry after last night and then I realized that 99526 was still in the GIL so I went there and they refused to let it go and there was this Miss Clara who wanted to show 20100 a good time but 20100 said it was busy drawing so I went to tell her and she said she would help me with 99526 but she wanted to take a shower together and then she asked me if I could grow various jiggly bits and then it was like when we repaired the radio and had to plug its cable into these two holes in the wall to make it work but we did it over and over and I thought I was hurting her but she said to not stop and eventually we were done and she helped me get 99526 out of GIL and then I started feeling sick but I had to go here and tell you and things went woozy and… I woke up.”

Some deciphering later, Chrysalis simply asks:

“So 99526 is free?”


“This Clara chick didn’t hurt you?”

“Nope. I was pretty confused, though.”

“Did you catch any filthy griffon STDs?”

“Were we supposed to catch things too? What’s an ass tee dee, anyway, Your Majesty?”

“A huge thing with sharp teeth that can spawn out of thin air and eat you if you do what you did with that Clara chick again without first telling one of us. Anyway, here’s a point for saving 99526,” Chrysalis closes the situation with an internal smirk because she knows both 387’s and 99’s snapped to look at her, “Anything else?”

[10013:5, 20100:7, 36658:5, 99111:4, 99380:6, 99526:3, Smiley:6,


“Oh yes, Your Majesty!” 10013 perks up, “I almost forgot. I didn’t just come to tell you to not worry about 99526, but I wanted to ask you if you could give the guys some love. They’re all hungry after yesterday… wait, I said that already,” it pauses, “For points, of course! I have five now, so that would be for… 20100, 36658, 99111, 99380, and 99526. Smiley is okay and so is 65536, I think.”

“And you?” Chrysalis tilts her head patiently.

“I can take it easy until I figure something out,” 10013 looks up at her with a tired but now reassured smile, “It’s important they aren’t hungry so they can have fun and teach guys back home as you said.”

[10013:0, 20100:7, 36658:5, 99111:4, 99380:6, 99526:3, Smiley:6,


“Send them here and they’ll get their recharge,” Chrysalis shrugs, “No one can say a Queen doesn’t fulfill her promises. Shut up, 387.”

The warrior wasn’t about to say anything, so he shoots her a glare.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” 10013 stands up, “I think that’s all I wanted.”

“Good, now off you go,” she shoos it away while nodding towards the door, “And be sure to avoid any STDs, as I said.”

“Meep! I thought the surface was much less spooky than home,” 10013 trots outside.

Chrysalis returns to the Scufflestick table and begins fixing the positions of the miniatures.

“I can feel you two watching me,” she says after a moment of silence, “Anything you want to say?”

“No, Your Majesty,” 387 and 99 answer immediately.

“Good, now let’s figure out how I can maximize the elasticity of Shining Armor’s anus in this stupid game. He won’t surprise me next time and I will make sure there is a next time if I have to invade the Crystal Empire!”


Some explaining what 20100 has no clue how to draw later, Trestle finally understands:

“I was wrong, you’re not a creative artist,” he breathes out, “You’re more like a living mix of a printer and a camera!”

“I guess…” 20100 nods, “Is that bad?”

“It’s… a whole different thing,” Trestle trots over to the door and turns off the lights before starting to open all the curtains and letting the natural early evening light inside, “It means all the painting we’ve been doing was pointless because you can just perfectly draw what you see the second you understand how to mix colors and apply paints,” he opens the main curtain covering the glass pane door of the balcony and slides it open to let fresh air in.

“It wasn’t useless, I had fun,” 20100 smiles at him.


As the sun touches his nose, Trestle starts sneezing like a madpony.

“Are you okay?” asks 20100 when Trestle’s sneezing fit ends after a moment, leaving the earth pony with wet eyes and drippy nose.

“Yeah, yeah,” he says, grabbing a tissue from a nearby box and blowing his nose, “It’s just photosensitive ptarmosis, photoptarmosis for short. It’s a reaction some ponies have when they’re suddenly exposed to direct sunlight, nothing problematic.”

“Potato-pharmaceutics?” 20100 checks the hive mind for explanations of the weird words and finds nothing.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s not from ponish but from an old, pre-Equestrian language that’s still used in science. The condition doesn’t exactly have an equivalent in ponish.”

“I’ve just made one in dronish!” 20100’s puzzled expression changes once again into a smile.


“You’re shinysneezitive!”

“I’ll stick to the official name, thank you.”

“Photosneezitive? That way you have part of the old name.”

Trestle pauses for a moment.

“You know, you are creative with words, how come you can’t imagine and draw new things?”

“But that wasn’t anything imaginary,” 20100 shakes its head, “You see the big shiny, you sneeze. Simple. Drones aren’t supposed to lie, and we don’t because any high rank can check our head and munch us if we do. And what would be the point in lying to each other…?” 20100’s voice trails off as the image of 36658 telling completely nonsensical High Score stories back home flashes through its mind.

“I see,” Trestle rubs his chin, takes the filled canvas off of the easel and prepares an empty one, “But you’re thinking about it in the wrong way. The point of creative painting isn’t to lie- well, it is but not in the usual way when creatures lie if they want to avoid harm, gain some sort of a benefit, or harm someone else,” he rearranges the fruit bowl and writes down several notes into a pad lying on a chair nearby, “The point is to tell a story through a picture. The story doesn’t have to be real but its message can. We have photographs these days to accurately capture reality. Creativity is the more important part now.”

The image of 36658 returns with a vengeance, and 20100 feels as if it’s on the verge of some breakthrough but can’t put a hoof on what it is. Trestle misinterprets the drone’s expression as confusion about his statement, and tries again:

“The story, or a picture, can be only partially true, maybe it could be a picture of a somepony real in a situation that’s better than their current one, just to improve their mood whenever they see it- hah!” Trestle sits down and clops his hooves together, “Think of the picture of the Bloodstone Duchess, right?”

“Thinking!” 20100 nods, finding a hook it can use to mentally return to the explanation.

“The painting you made wasn’t the real Duchess, but I did see old paintings of her from different painters and in different styles. She used to be a strong lady, and in seeing your painting ability, she wanted a picture which would look realistic and remind her of how she looked when she was young and physically powerful again, since she’ll never be like that again at her age. In fact, the point of painting usually is to put an accent onto one specific part of the painted situation. It’s not lying, it’s putting focus on what’s important,” Trestle wisely decides that talking about abstract art would likely make the drone’s brain start dripping out of its ears.

“Can we… can you show me an example, please?” 20100 peeps, “I can’t… it’s hard…” its ears droop.

“Of course!” this time it’s Trestle who beams like a lighthouse, “Let’s start with something simple,” he points at the rearranged bowl and grabs his notepad, “You’re going to paint that with shading and everything, but in different colors that I’ve noted here,” he taps on the pad, “I’ll show you how to mix those if you need to. Once you get the hang of it we’ll move onto accenting specific things about a picture or straight up making something up. Small steps.”


“Definitely yay.”

“Yayyyy!” 20100 perks up and, with a tongue stuck out to somehow improve its concentration, starts painting a blue apple.

Author's Note:

I've just realized that this story is nearing 200k words. Am I just too meandering and unfocused? When I look back, I can't find anything that I could cut without just entirely dropping a character. Is it even a bad thing?

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