• Published 10th Mar 2022
  • 922 Views, 5 Comments

A Camera - Miro MM

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The video begins with Hitch and Sunny standing outside the cellar door first seen in the other video. In broad daylight seeming to continue what happened after they kicked in the door. Pipp looks down from above as she is holding the camera.

"Should we- Should we knock?" Hitch says

"Nah" Sunny says smiling at him as she fiddles with the door knob briefly before pulling away.

"Alright, you ready?" Hitch says.

Sunny nods. Both of them start counting.

"3... 2... 1" As they both say in sync and both kick down the door as the screen flickers and interlocks with another piece of footage before quickly cutting to it.

The footage seems to be in early winter or autumn, Hitch and Sunny are walking in the field from the other videos. Someone is holding the camera and walking a few feet behind them. The footage cuts back and forth several times between footage of the friends running down a path with someone after them holding the camera as it flashes and cuts and glitches and motion blurs before stopping. They are walking towards a large, barren tree. The same large tree from before. Hitch and Sunny keep looking around, seemingly confused at the sight. Sirens can be heard in the distance, sounding far all around them. Hitch looks to the right, then left slowly then back, as the sound of the sirens grows louder. Hitch laughs.

"Hear those sirens?" Hitch asks, The sirens continue for a few seconds before they suddenly stop in a couple seconds.

The time seems to cut, whoever holding the camera seemingly traveling through time and no cut In the movement, showing Hitch and Sunny in different positions, And a very grassy field with flowers around them. Hitch is sitting on the ground. Sunny next to him, both holding hooves. the camera holder also seems to be invisible. Whoever holding the camera pans past Hitch and Sunny and up in the tree, The tree is full of leaves with the sun shining through them, then suddenly time cuts back to the autumn footage as the camera holder pans down, Hitch and Sunny in the same positions they left at before time jumped.

"Yeah, I hate those sounds.. everyday, all the same" Sunny says as she walks to the tree and sits down against it.

The sound of crows flying is heard above them as the camera holder pans around the desolate forest. Hitch groans and sits down next to her, facing slightly off to the side of Sunny.

"Now what?" Hitch asks. Sunny sighs in response before talking.

"I don’t know Hitch, but this is unbelievably infuriating for me. I’m tired of it, this shit is getting ridiculous. It’s like you’re just going around in circle y'know?, you don’t get anywhere. No progress is made- like a loop. You go in, try and get out. But it doesn’t matter, you just wind up in the same fu- spot over and over.

"I’ve been saying that from the beginning." Hitch says as he sheds a tear pulling a hoof onto her's.

"It’s the same.. never new" Sunny responds as they lean in to kiss, kissing for multiple seconds before the footage cuts back to the cellar as the door swings open as they just kicked it down and start to enter it as Pipp walks down the stairs and follows them inside.

They enter what seems to be an abandoned basement before the light from outside gets blocked out due to the door getting closed slightly. As soon as the Pipp enters the room with her camera, the sound of waves lapping against the seashore can be heard in the background even though there is no ocean in sight. Pipp coughs and passes the camera over to Hitch.

"What's going on? do you hear that?" Pipp asks trying to make out through the darkness.

Hitch shuffles the camera to the side before adjusting it. The sound of the waves gets louder, as Hitch pans the camera down to reveal a beach. Though mere seconds seemed to have passed, it is already nighttime and they seem to have been teleported.

"What... the...?" Hitch pans around and revels they are below a pier, and light is slightly piercing through the cracks in the wooden flooring above.

"How did we get here?" Sunny asks.

The camera zooms up to the light on the pier above, then zooms back out down to the beach where Pipp and Sunny are standing and looking around, slightly dazed. Pipp wanders of towards the ocean through her confused state.

"What's going on?" Pipp says as she looks to the side before back towards the ocean.

Pipp stands still a distance away, staring out at the ocean in confusing it seems.

"Hitch- what happened?" Sunny says as she walks over to him.

"I don't know- Pipp! get away from the water. I- where are we?" Hitch responds and points the camera towards Pipp, slowly walking towards her.

Hitch moves closer to the water. And gets up to Pipp as she turns back and walks back towards the pier, Hitch moves the camera back at Pipp for a second then past her, in the darkness a very dark silhouette of the humanoid figure can be seen before the video ends with the screen clipping slightly.