• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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  • TLittle Hooves in a Dark World
    She was in the gig economy. She was also a little pony. Her people needed her, inspired to motion and action. That meant her life was getting a lot busier on the pony side of things. Her human life proved to be... understanding, or so she hoped.
    David Silver · 19k words  ·  15  2 · 256 views
Comments ( 204 )

Anything could happen there.

A World of Darkness crossover, eh?

That is what was requested, and I plan to fulfill it as best I can.

imagine transforming and not enjoying it

Enjoying it is one of the options. You did vote, right?

Sure did, that's what inspired my comment.

Then you did your part! The results will come shortly.

Interesting premise for a choose your own adventure. I went ahead and cast my vote. :twilightsmile:

Almost a thousand words of someone unequivocally enjoying themselves in the World of Darkness? Yeah, something had to go horribly awry. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

It will be very interesting to see where this story is taken by us readers.

I see that the story has already gained some negative votes. As this point, with so little of it having been written yet, I have to think that the ones that have down voted it have some personal problems.

I watched the evolution of this story idea from a joke comment in the Ponyfinder discord to what you see now.

Unless you're writing a very specific setting, one of those things in the spoilers is going to invoke some extreme bias in readers. Heck, it'd probably even prompt some people to downvote on principle. Mostly because that specific word seems to have some baggage attached to it.

Things are getting exciting, but not in any good way for the protagonist.

'A hostile jerk has appeared! Nick uses Punch, it's not very effective.' (I know, I know wrong world. But I haven't ever played in WoD, so I am meme deficient in that area).

By the way, this CYOA WoD story is my fault.

Sudden danger. :rainbowderp:

Let's see where this goes. :pinkiehappy:

Not an easy decision given the choices involved. I wouldn't be surprised if the mysterious assailant were a supernatural being of some sort. (Indeed, it's possible that Nick is as well.) Charging in gun or horn blazing could lead to a painful and messy demise... but at the same time, just running and abandoning a friend is no way to act. And it's clear that this guy doesn't consider diplomacy an option. We'll have to see what happens from here.

The immediate physical danger seems to be past for now. The Angry Jerk is at least not in a shape to continue his attack.

Our protagonist needs some answers, especially since mental changes have occurred and may be progressing. But answers don't seem to be forthcoming right away.

Well, our hero(ine) has already begun an anatomical appraisal. May as well continue that with the horn. Knowing how to work that thing without leaning on adrenaline-fueled instinct will be very handy.

Battle over, you get some EXP. :pinkiecrazy:

Also, surprise! You're a unicorn mare. :raritystarry:


Absolutely. In my opinion, at least. :scootangel:

Our protagonist seems to be okay with her changes for now. But she still really wants to know what is going on. The 'answers' that she has gotten so far just raise more questions.

She's just gotten her tail, and now Nick wants her to get rid of it? Curiouser and curiouser.

Huh. A were-pony? Unexpected, but intriguing. This is quite the rabbit hole we're staring down.

A similar beast, at least.

I was kinda surprised the "being a mare isn't so awful" vote was so overwhelming, but given this is Fimfiction, I shouldn't be. :pinkiehappy:

This is my favorite chapter so far, not only hints of romance, but some very nice hints of further adventure and intrigue. :scootangel:

If it were Pinkie, she'd pop her tail off and put it in her mane.

So far I've been lucky with all the things I wanted to see getting voted on.

"Won't argue it, the other guy shrugged. "Tom, but we've met before." You do remember Tom. "So you related too?"

Missing double quote.

"Won't argue it," the other guy

Tom set down the deck of cardshe had just finished shuffling. "That's just cold. We hang out all the time, and just because you don't want to bang, there's no other use for us? I thought that was a guy thing."

Missing space
deck of cards he had

Fixed, with a few others I spotted.

Our protagonist has found out what they now are. Although, not what caused their change

They are also still confused about the feelings that they are having for Nick. They are going to need to do some serious mental self reevaluation.

What sort of bullet did that gun shoot that it killed a vampire with one shot?

"Great... So what's going on?" And why did Nick still make you feel funny?! You were a guy, and didn't swing that way, you thought? Dang it, you're told old to have sexual discoveries! A glance showed the curious horn was gone, along with the rest of your pony form. "Does this happen a lot, your house being trashed?" You don't recall seeing signs of that before.

Another typo bares its fangs.

you're too old to

Welcome to the World of Darkness. Here are your splats. Prepare for the lore dump.

It likely didn't one shot the guy, but it sure helped a lot, and going into details likely wouldn't help the new pony.

interesting that you made "admit your feelings: (lust)" an option but not one for general romantic attraction, not that i'm complaining

lust lust lust lust

This is great so far

Nick is developing more than just friendship feelings for our protagonist.

This should be interesting.

I feel a bit bad for Sally, I hope she's just a late bloomer, or tail-really-stucker

This is all sounding lovely thus far... but this is the World of Darkness we're talking about here. I have to wonder what the catch is.

As per WoD tradition, she could be stuck at the "friendly mortal" level of supernatural involvement. Ghouls, kinfolk, and so forth. The term here might well be "bronies." :derpytongue2:

I'll be honest, I've never heard of World of Darkness before this story.

Maybe she just needs to be booped by a different Pony.

To play the other side, there are other things in the WoD that are just nice, but they tend to be treated poorly, see the poor werebears.

Maybe she's not a human but not a pony either? Griffon or dragon maybe.

Our protagonist Is definitely a Mare through and through. I hope that she remembers what was said about if she gets pregnant.

You make Nick and the reader so cute together

"To start." He held out a bundle towards you. "Built for a guy, but it'll cover lady parts just as well. Your pants, your shoes and socks and everything else. "We'll have to get something your new size, obviously."

Extra double quote mark, should be

everything else. We'll have

Our protagonist has a lot more than "just" being a Pony to think about now. Will her "kindness attraction" to Nick/Steady Step influence her thoughts on being pregnant?

She is still trotting ahead on the trail of learning how to do magic.

How many people are voting on average? I'm a bit curious

15-18'sh seems to be the average.

Oh, Mage spheres. oWoD Mage spheres, no less. This could be very fun indeed.

As for the mode lock, yeah, that's potentially problematic. Still a decision that needs thinking about, but there's not a big window for it.

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