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The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to Thomas and Friends: The Retold Adventures

Sunny Starscout is a young girl living in Falmouth, England. A fiery spirit and determined in her own beliefs, she is dismissed by her friends and locals for her belief in the legendary Island of Sodor, a place they insist cannot possible exist and only exists in books.

However, all this changes when she discovers a locomotive in an old shed on the dockside, one of the mythical non-faceless vehicles. Together with her new friend Izzy Moonbow and her engine, they will journey across England in search of Sodor, meeting new friends, engage in wacky adventures along the way, and find a way to bring the magic back.

Based on My Little Pony: a New Generation, and a soft reboot of my Thomas and Friends continuity. Requested by Thomlight Sparkle 1.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 289 )

"You two, Goldenella." Argyle ended the call there, and glanced out into the sea.

I think you mean: "You too."

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE'S JAMES!" said a familiar voice, and James rolled to a stop in the platform. "I hear something about a Special Special!"

Of course he had to do it. :facehoof:

"I said this whole thing is stupid!" James said, now speaking in a nasally, annoying voice. "I mean, whoever heard of talking steam trains? The entire thing is just impossible, you know? Besides, can't we make this more exciting by having the engines not get along!" He sped forward and charged into some trucks. "This makes things more interesting!"

Oh boy, here we go again.. :ajbemused:

"That's not how this works! They're all meant to be friends!" the girl, now revealed to be Sunny, replied. "You're not supposed to break the models, Sprout! My dad and me worked really hard on them!" She glanced over to the other boy. "Tell him, Hitch!"

Some people really need to respect in how fragile and delicate mode, trains can be, am I right? :duck:

"To not to," Sprout said. "But mommy will make sure you're sorry for being mean to me!"

Your such a brat Sprout. :twilightangry2:

"There's nothing wrong with my little Sprout trying to get your Sunny to grow up," Phyllis replied. "And that's something you should do as well. All this Sodor nonsense is most unfitting of an adult. There comes a time to put away childish things, after all."

Why I outta!!! :flutterrage:

Argyle sighed as Phyllis and Sprout walked away. "That woman is insufferable," he said. "Come on Hitch, I'd best be getting you home. Your mother will be wondering where you are."

Agreed. She's a bitch. :moustache:

"Picture a land where the sky is so blue... a storybook land of wonder... a magical island just waiting for you..."

This line never gets old. :twilightsmile:

"Oh, that was made by a friend of mine, a Mister Dalby. He died a few years ago, and asked me to look after it." Argyle paused, a smile on his face as he felt the memories flooding back. "There really is no way to do Sodor justice with just words. You have to be there to really understand. All the people, happy and content. A place where steam still reigns supreme."

I think I know who he might be referring to. :applejackunsure:

Sunny nodded, and walked off to her room. Argyle turned around and switched on a webcam, looking into the image as he saw a familiar face pop up on the screen. "Goldie! Long time no see!"

Goldie? Who is she? :applejackconfused:

"You two, Goldenella." Argyle ended the call there, and glanced out into the sea. "Island of Sodor... where all my dreams come true." As the last of the light faded away, he exited the room, closing the door behind him, not noticing a small glowing object underneath a table lamp.

Oh? :rainbowhuh:

1. Dalby is a reference to C. Reginald Dalby, the third illustrator of the Railway Series (after William Middleton and Reginald Payne).

2. Goldie is an original character created by Thomlight Sparkle, who requested this story. She's Argyle's wife (and Sunny's mom by extension). As you'll probably recall from the movie Sunny's mother is never mentioned (and is implied to have died at some point), so I decided to change things here.

Comment posted by TheSodorRailways deleted Nov 7th, 2022

Well, if you ask me, I enjoyed most of Big World Big Adventures. It isn't the worst era. Sure there are a few duds (Apology Impossible comes to mind), but there are a lot of good episodes. If you don't like that era, fair enough


BWBA isn't the worst era

BWBA is the main reason the show was cancelled.

Well, the BWBA era did keep the Brenner traits. I know there's bouncing, but the stories didn't get ruined by them.

Fair enough, but it still resulted in the show's cancellation. Another example of Mattel's chronic mismanagement of its properties.

I believe I know what is at the station. But I think I'll keep my mouth closed for now.

A policeman walked past. "I must inform you, madame, that you were in violation of the Singing Broadway Numbers in Public Act. It is my civil duty to inform you that this is a Civil Offence, and that any subsequent violations will result in fines."

That can't possibly be a real Cival Offense. That's just as ridiculous as the "No playing a Sitar without a license" thing from SpongeBob.

This structure was the former Falmouth Lighthouse, that had guided ships into and out of the port for centuries. It had since been decommisioned and turned into a home, but the lense still worked and was sometimes still lit up for special events, such as Cornwall Day. Sometimes it even sounded a message in Cornish in Morse Code to the world, showing that the Cornish language, although dying, was not dead just yet.

Cornish? :applejackconfused:

"Dad? I over... slept..." she trailed off, seeing the room empty. She turned to the fridge and saw a note on it.

Good to know Argyle is still alive and well in this story. :yay:

The door closing caused a picture of her and her dad to go askew, she she dashed back in and corrected it before looking the door behind her. At last, she was on her way into town.

Replace 'she' to 'so' before 'dashed back' saying she twice makes it odd and confusing. :applejackunsure:

"I never worry 'bout Upsetting carts, hardened hearts Or wonder "Will I belong?"

I'm guessing this is from another song or something? :unsuresweetie:

Seeing the pathway suddenly end in front of her, Sunny hopped on the rail and skidded down it in a manner not disimilar to a Sonic character sliding down a rail, before dropping back onto the path again.

lol :rainbowlaugh:

Sunny skidded to a stop at one of shops and wheeled out her table, followed by the refridgeration unit which she kept her milkshakes in. Whilst not a poor family, Sunny preferred to do something productive with her holidays, a sentiment shared by the school she went to.

Why milkshakes over smoothies? :applejackunsure:

Sunny nodded. "Coming right up!" Sarah was her real name, but she had acquired the nickname Sunny whilst in primary school based on her personality, and the name had rather stuck.

Glad that's still a thing in this universe. :twilightsmile:

"You reading one of your crackpot books again?"

No they're not! :twilightangry2:

Sprout shrugged. "That's Corporal Sprout to you. And the uniform is because the CCF are providing parking and security detail for the technology fair today. Which is a far better use of time than reading nonsense like that. A Comprehensive History of the Non-Faceless Vehicles ? I can just sense you've inherited your dad's craziness!"

It's not craziness you idiot! :flutterrage:

"Whatever." Sprout's face was unmoving. "I've got to get to work. Feel free to stay on your soapbox and rant about things nobody cares about."

Somebody sure dislikes history. :duck:


I really hope no one is afraid of whatever it'll like be. :ajbemused:

It's actually a reference to Monty Python's Flying Circus. A running joke in the series was that sketches would be brought to a stop by a policeman arresting one of the characters, citing a ridiculous law in the process; for example, arresting somebody for violating the 'ending a sketch without a punchline' act. This eventually became self referential, where a policeman tries this trick, only to be arrested by another for violating the 'ending a sketch with a policeman arresting somebody' act.

Cornish is one of the Native languages of the United Kingdom. It belongs to the same language group as Welsh and Scottish Gallic (not to be confused with Gaelic, which is a language from Ireland).

Now, I never said she didn't sell smoothies.

Hey, for the next Thomas series, would you introduce Rosie?

Hey, can you explain to Thomlight Sparkle about why you feel that Spud is a fun Bob the Builder character?



What do you think of my George Carlin version of Cranky Bugs?

Rosie has already appeared in the other continuity. She makes her debut in More Tales from Sodor.

In my humble opinion, modern comedy probably wouldn't exist without the Pythons.

I can't recall expressing such an opinion, but I will note that Spudd's VA has also appeared in TTTE (Spud and James are both voiced by Robert Rackstraw).

Yeah. If you watch it, explain your thoughts with everyone, ok?

Expect many more references in coming chapters.

How would you like of he renarrated Seasons 5-6 and narrated Season 8-11 (before his death), and Jack and the Pack.

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