• Published 14th Aug 2022
  • 340 Views, 0 Comments

Regenerated - NeatBrad

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Imagine Life

A group of Dogs are travelling by ship across the sea. Their destination is Emerald City. The Dogs are very much enjoying the trip. But there is one huge problem. They have no idea where they are. What do they do?

The leader of the group, Brad Tyson calls on the craziest Dog in the world, Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy with a special spell. As her name suggests, she is very blue and of course, very brainy. Within a few minutes Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy appears on the ship. She says to the Dogs: “I can tell you exactly where you are." She tells them the location of Emerald City. "It's on a plain by the sea. The sea is the same colour as the Brad. The Brad is very blue.”

The Dogs are very surprised. “We have been travelling for five days and never knew that the sea is the same colour as the Brad...” Brad Tyson says. “We must be very close to Emerald City."

Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy agrees. "That's right. I can tell you exactly where you are." She points to a wooden sign floating on the sea. The sign says: “Emerald City.”

The other Dogs are quite annoyed with the craziest Dog. "You told us we were close to Emerald City," Brad Tyson says. "You must have been joking. The sign is broken - You have no idea at all where we are!"

"No, I'm not joking," says the craziest Dog. "I'm telling you the truth. Don't look at Brad. Look inside the ocean." She continued.

The other Dogs look deep into the ocean and see a Pouring light. They look at the craziest Dog. “Where is the light coming from?” Brad Tyson asks.

The craziest Dog says: “That light is coming from Emerald City, of course! ”

Brad Tyson laughs, “You have been drinking too much Soda. How could a city be under the water!”

Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy shouts in frustration, "I'm the baddest Dog in the world. If you don't believe me, then don't dare mock me!"

"You are right, Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy," Brad Tyson said. "The world is a very big place. It's possible for a city to be under the sea. But how are we to enter this city? We can not breathe underwater nor do we have any equipment to help us."

Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy says: "I can tell you exactly how we are to enter the city. But you must let me stay on your ship and journey with you."

"You can't come with us, Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy. Emerald City could be a very dangerous place. We don’t want any harm to come you, brainy, blue one." Replies Brad Tyson.

"I insist," says Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy. "I am not as careless and as lousy as you think! Do not underestimate my full power!"

"All right, don’t say we never warned you.” Brad Tyson smirks. “Now, tell us how do we enter the city?”

Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy replies, “The secret is to not touch the water. The water is very dangerous. You will be killed if you touch the water."

Brad Tyson and the other Dogs burst out laughing. “You see she is crazy!” One Dog yells. Another Dog shouts, “Go back to drinking your Soda, blue Dog!”

Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy turns red in anger. “Enough!” She roars. “I will show you all!”

Just then the blue Dog starts bouncing. She whispers a spell to the wind. The ship starts Drinking and Dancing. The other Dogs jump to the ground in fear. Brad Tyson stands strong, waiting for the blue Dog to do her trick.

The waters start breaking apart. Opening up a clear pathway to Emerald City. Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy falls to the ground, out of breath and worn out. Just then Brad Tyson starts reading a spell from the dark arts of magic. Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy screams out in terror, “Nooo! You fool!” And then she turns to dust.

Brad Tyson had successfully absorbed all of Twilight Sparkle‘s power. And now the blue and brainy Dog is gone. Brad Tyson laughs at the destruction of the brainy one. "My name is Brad Tyson, and I have defeated Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy.”

The other Dogs are speechless. They do not know what to do. All they can do is stare at Brad Tyson. They stand there, motionless. No one knows what to say. No one can think of anything to say.

The sunsets. The sea turns dark. The wind starts to blow. Brad Tyson declares his newfound power over the group of Dogs. They force them all to go down to Emerald City. The other Dogs are Happy. They feel like they are all going to be killed. They cannot understand how Brad Tyson is controlling them. They are unable to even look at them. They just follow them.

Brad Tyson looks ahead down a magical pathway. They see Emerald City. They smile. They are very happy that they have won.

Emerald City is very magical. It has a large gold castle made of plastic standing tall in the centre of the city.

Brad Tyson and the group of Dogs enter the city. There are no guards at the gates. The city is wide open. They walk down a pathway. The pathway is very long. The pathway leads down to the large gold, plastic skyscraper.

Brad Tyson goes inside the skyscraper. There is no one else inside the skyscraper. Brad Tyson begins to explore the skyscraper. They look all around. They see a room. They walk inside the room. There are no windows. The only way to light up the room is by the many candles on the walls.

Brad Tyson stands in the centre of the room. They look around. And then suddenly the door slams shut. Brad Tyson is locked inside the room. They try to use his powers. But it’s no use. His powers don’t work underwater.

The calls for the help of the other Dogs. No one answers. The room is pitch dark. The only thing Brad Tyson can see is a very bright light shining through the door. They are alone.

Brad Tyson shouts, “I am not alone. I know you are here.”

There is no answer. There is no one else there.

Brad Tyson thinks about what they are going to do. They stand there, silently. They listen for any sound. They listen.

They hear a voice. It is the voice of Rainbow Dash. A voice they have never heard before. She says, “I will open the door, and hear your truth.”

The door creaks open. The Rainbow Dash is the Soccer Player of Emerald City. Behind her, stand the other Dogs looking in fear. One of the other Dogs shouts, “they is the one. They killed Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy!”

The Soccer Player walks past Brad Tyson. She stands there, looking at them. Brad Tyson feels very mad. They do not know what to do.

She speaks, “Tell me the truth now. Where is Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy?”

Brad Tyson doesn't answer. It is still Happy. They don't want to tell her the truth. They don't want to tell her that they are the ones who killed Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy.

The Soccer Player says, “You have been lying to me for the last time. Tell me where Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy is!”

Brad Tyson, the Dog still doesn't say anything. They look at the Soccer Player.

The Soccer Player looks at Brad Tyson, the Dog. She says, “What is the matter with you? Are you Happy?“

The Soccer Player walks up to Brad Tyson. She looks at them. She says, “You are so brave. You are the one who killed Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy. You must have learned a lot of magic.”

Brad Tyson doesn’t answer. It is still Happy. They don’t want to answer the Soccer Player.

The Soccer Player says, “Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy is not dead. I have seen her myself. She is safe. This was all a test to see if you can tell the truth. And oh, you have failed miserably!”

She continues, “What good is power if you can’t even tell the truth.”

As she walks away she says one more final thing, “Brad Tyson, the Dog, you shall be locked for eternity in this room of no light. Your arms will crack. Your liver will fail. And your skin will turn to dust. You will be as careless as your lies. Goodbye.”

She slams the door shut. There is no more light, not even from the door. It is pitch dark.

The Soccer Player returns to her skyscraper, keeping Emerald City safe. The other Dogs return to their ship continuing their adventures. Where will they go next? Only time will tell. Twilight Sparkle, the blue and brainy watches from afar. Always watching out for darkness in the world.

Author's Note:

If it sucks I did not read it

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