• Published 19th Sep 2012
  • 4,591 Views, 83 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 9 "Murder She Spelled" - Jacoboby1

A murder mystery in equestria set in canterlot with Trixie!

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Chapter 4 "Spell Love"

Chapter 4

“Spell Love”

I dodged and weaved my way through the crowd as the riot went on. I couldn’t see what was going on on the stage. I was too busy trying to avoid getting trampled by everypony trying to rush Trixie on the stage.

I then felt a hoof touch my shoulder and a violet light enveloped me. Next thing I knew I was outside the crowd with Twilight holding on to me. “Thanks” I said dusting myself off. “Where’s Trixie?”

Twilight looked on…I followed her gaze and I watched them beat Trixie. Their anger towards her had reached a breaking point. Nightspeller was a beloved teacher and they wanted somepony to vent their grief on over her loss. I tried to see Trixie but all I saw was her violet eyes, they were clouded and red with tears as they beat her up.

Rain started falling on the crowd as the riot squads showed up. It took ten minutes of shouting and grabbing ponies away in order for the madness to stop. I noticed that Moondancer wasn’t among those actually taking part in the beating. I looked on to see Trixie lying on her stage.

I don’t think I’ve seen a more pitiful creature in my life.


When everypony left, I stood over Trixie with Twilight beside me. I was torn over what to do. Trixie had knowingly tried to cover up her part in the murder. That alone made her a criminal…then why did I find it so hard to cuff her?

Twilight bent down to look at the show mare “Trixie?” She said softly “Trixie can you hear me?”

Trixie’s body was dirty with mud and wet from the rain. Bruises were all over her blue coat and her eyes were cloudy. Twilight gently nudged her “Trixie it’s me Twilight…”

Trixie didn’t respond, just laid there on the stage letting the rain was over her. Twilight nudged her again but Trixie didn’t give any indication she felt Twilight’s touch. Twilight looked at me “What’s wrong with her…?”

“Could be she’s retreated into her mind to avoid dealing with such a traumatic situation…” I said knowingly “Happens a lot to victims…I don’t know if she’ll come out for a while”

“Private” Twilight stood up and looked at me “We can’t leave her here”

“The cops could…” I was about to suggest

“No!” Twilight shook her head “I’m not going to have Trixie thrown in prison! She’s suffered a terrible ordeal and needs help!”

I met Twilight’s gaze “Even if she was the murderer…?”

Twilight looked back at Trixie and slowly nodded “She’s suffered enough…I’m not going to leave her like this for somepony to drag her away like garbage…”

Part of me wanted to ignore what Twilight was saying. Trixie was a criminal; she needed to go to jail…Twilight’s violet eyes looked at me.

I finally asked “Trixie’s done nothing but hinder us…why are you helping her?”

Twilight’s horn glowed and she put Trixie on her back “Because, even if she did do it nopony deserved to become a glorified punching bag for that mob…I pity her more than anything”

3 months ago when I arrived at Ponyville I would’ve arrested Trixie. I would’ve ignored whatever plight she dealt with and dragged her down to the precinct to get answers. But Twilight was right; Trixie’s suffered enough and just needed help. Besides I wasn’t going to find out the truth with the show mare locked in her own mind.

I slowly nodded “We can’t take her to a hospital here, they’ll just hand her over to the cops without even bothering to treat her condition…”

Twilight tapped her hoof on her chin in thought. Then she smiled “Shining and Cadence’s! They should still be in town!”

“They haven’t moved yet?” I said hopefully

“Yeah! A leak came up at their new house and they’re staying in Canterlot until it’s safe to go there. They should be at the same address!”

I took one of Trixie’s forelegs and slung it over my shoulder. This way both me and Twilight could carry the show mare. I noticed that Trixie tensed a little at my touch and moved her head towards Twilight. Twilight looked at me then gently whispered to Trixie “its okay Trixie we’re here to help…”

As we carried Trixie down the raining streets I couldn’t help but wonder. Twilight really has changed me for the better. My whole time in Ponyville had changed me so much. I was no longer just after the truth. I was looking at the ponies involved not just the evidence. Trixie may have been the murderer but she didn’t deserve what Moondancer did to her.

Trixie gently nuzzled her nose on Twilight’s neck and whispered “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…”


I used my free hoof to knock on the door. Shining and Cadence lived in a simple one bedroom house while their house in the mountains was being constructed. They had to delay their move when a gas leak came up in the house. I was thankful for it; I don’t know where else I could’ve turned had the leak not come up.

The door opened to reveal Shining Armor himself. His blue eyes widened in shock at seeing the whole scene. “Twily? Private? What are you doing here?” His eyes looked at the show mare between us “And who’s this?”

I simply looked at Trixie then back at the guard captain “It’s a long story…can we come in?”

Shining nodded and called out “Cadence! Twily and Private are here!” He looked at Trixie “And they brought a guest…”

Twilight gently set Trixie on the couch and put a blanket over the show mare. I was explaining the situation to Shining and his wife Cadence. The pink alicorn put a hoof to her mouth when I explained the riot “That’s awful…and she was right in the center of it…”

Shining put a hoof around his wife and looked at me “You and Twily are welcome to stay here until Trixie recovers”

I bowed my head in thanks “Thank you, I’ll make it up to you somehow”

Cadence shook her head “Don’t worry about making anything up, you’ve given both Shining and I a future…” She then reached a hoof and rubbed her slightly swollen belly. She was at three months and the baby was already starting to show.

The princess got up and walked to Trixie. She picked up the show mare with her magic “Twilight could you help me get a bath going?” She looked at the show mare with eyes of compassion “Let’s see if we can’t get her cleaned up…”

Twilight nodded and the girls went to the bath room. I could hear the water turn on. Shining looked over at me “Her name was Trixie?”

“Yeah, Trixie Lulamoon” I explained

“She’s a Lulamoon?” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow “I didn’t think they were around anymore”

“What do you mean?” I asked “Is Trixie nobility?”

Shining shook his white head “The exact opposite, the Lulamoons were traveling performers for a living” He shrugged “Mostly gypsies really, went from town to town performing illusion magic for the masses”

“Where is the rest of her family?” I asked curiously

Shining’s blue eyes looked grim “They had a show going on in Fillydelphia when everything went to hell. The mother left the caravan and she was the strongest asset of the show. Without their star the show caravan fell apart. Eventually the Lulamoons faded from memory; I remember them because I had to arrest the father after he tried to con an entire town into buying a colt’s band”

“What about Trixie?” I said looking back at the bathroom “What happened to her?”

Shining shrugged “Don’t know, when I arrested the dad I remember him calling something a leech. Then I saw this filly about Twili’s age and she just took off. I didn’t think I’d ever see her again. I just remember the dad yelling at her…calling the filly a worthless leech”

“That’s horrible…” I said with my head bowed.

Shining nodded “Since then, nopony has heard from the Lulamoons ever again” He shook his head “I was only a cadet at the time but I still remember it to this day”

Just then Cadence came out of the bathroom smiling “Twilight is drying Trixie off, Shining would you be so kind as to help feed out guests?”

I looked at Shining “You cook?”

Twilight’s big brother chuckled “Well somepony has to keep the family fed. Cadence here can’t cook to save her own life”

Cadence frowned at her husband “It’s not my fault the cook books are so hard to understand”

Shining laughed “I’m only teasing Cadence, though you do have to figure it takes talent to liquefy toast”

Cadence conked her husband on the head “You’re lucky I love you so much” She then walked to the kitchen smiling a little. She ran her tail along Shining’s chin before leaving.

Shining flushed a little and smiled “I’m lucky to have her…”

I smiled in turn “I’m going to check on Trixie” I said getting off the chair I was sitting in.

A curse was heard from the kitchen and Shining went to salvage his wife’s cooking. I walked inside the bathroom and found Twilight running a towel along Trixie’s back. Trixie was just staring at the floor not moving more than Twilight asked her to.

Twilight looked at me with a worried expression “She hasn’t responded unless I ask her to move or something…”

I nodded and picked up a towel “Here let me give you a hoof” I touched the towel to Trixie’s mane when Trixie suddenly ran away from me. She backed into the corner of the bathroom and cowered before me. She muttered something “No…Trixie didn’t do anything wrong…”

Twilight looked at me then looked at Trixie “Trixie, its okay. Private’s not going to hurt you” She smiled reassuringly.

Trixie looked at me with eyes wide with fear. I recognized this kind of expression from a case back in Manehatten that had an abused child…I backed away slowly.

Twilight walked to me and I whispered in her ear “Trixie must’ve been abused by her father…it would explain how she reacted when I touched her…”

Twilight looked at me then at the cowering Trixie “She must think we’re her parents…she probably reacted that way because she thought you were going to hurt her”

“When a mind is broken it clings to what’s familiar” I said knowingly “Her parental abuse is about as familiar as you can get…”

“It’s so sad…” Twilight said looking at Trixie “I always had a good relationship with my parents…it’s hard to imagine what Trixie went through”

I nodded “Try acting like a mother would…maybe that could get her to open up”

Twilight nodded and walked to Trixie. The show mare seemed to calm down when she saw Twilight coming to her and not me. Twilight smiled at Trixie “Hey Trixie…we’re going to get you dried off okay?”

Trixie looked past Twilight and at me. I smiled gently at her but Trixie looked not convinced. Twilight gently ran a hoof along Trixie’s back in comfort “Private isn’t going to hurt you I promise. He just wants to help…”

Trixie slowly nodded and went back to sitting on her rump in the center of the bathroom. Twilight picked up her discarded towel and gently began drying off Trixie’s back again. Twilight sang softly to the show mare.

Don’t fear me little one…

I’m here for you you’ll see…

Let me help you get done…

Let me sing to thee…

Trixie’s head slowly swayed to Twilight’s singing. Twilight smiled at me as she continued. Twilight’s lullaby was gentle and soothing. It reminded me of a lullaby mom used to sing. Granted mine was about sleeping on a little cloud but that was because mom was a Pegasus. As Twilight finished drying off Trixie the show mare smiled a little.

Twilight smiled wide at me. I motioned for her to keep going.

Twilight gently helped Trixie up and she guided her outside to the living room. Twilight put the show mare back on the couch and put the blanket on her. Trixie smiled as Twilight tucked her in like a filly. I found myself gazing lovingly at Twilight...

When Trixie closed her eyes to fall asleep Twilight noticed me looking at her. She flushed a little at my staring “What?”

“Just…” I went to her and kissed her on the forehead “I had no idea you could be so…motherly”

Twilight flushed a little “Well that always worked when Spike was a baby. I figured it outta work on Trixie”

“Either way” I smiled at her “It’s something to admire…”

“Oh Private…” She moved forward and my nose was inches from hers. I swear I could hear Potso’s accordion playing in the background as I gazed on the mare I loved. “That’s so sweet of you…” Twilight tilted her head about ready to kiss me-

“Dinners ready!” Shining said as he stuck his head in the living room. All three ponies froze in place when Shining saw us. Shining awkwardly smiled “Sorry I’ll uh leave you guys to what you were doing…” He walked back into the kitchen leaving behind two very red in the face unicorns.


After a very delicious dinner provided by Shining it was getting late and the rain wasn’t letting up. Cadence tried to talk me into taking the couple’s bed for the night. I said that I was fine with the floor. Twilight wanted to watch Trixie so she insisted on the floor as well.

Cadence went upstairs to the bedroom after winking at Twilight. Twilight was flushing a little, what did those girls talk about in the bathroom? Shining looked over at me and gave me a serious look “Now no monkey business you two, I don’t want to become an uncle before I have my own kid”

I turned deep scarlet, thank Celestia Twilight didn’t hear that. Twilight was too busy setting up pillows on the floor for me and her. Shining walked up to the bedroom with one last smile at me. The memory of the magic he could give off didn’t help calm my nerves.

“Private…?” I heard Twilight say behind me. I turned to find her lying with her legs tucked under her belly on the floor. She looked at me with those wonderful amethyst eyes of hers “I’m not…I’m still not ready…”

I understood and nodded “Yeah I understand, I’ll sleep somewhere else if-“

“No!” Twilight exclaimed suddenly. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her oddly. She flushed and continued “We don’t have to, I just…want you here…”

It dawned on me that Twilight just wanted me to be there with her. I smiled at her and took off my wet trench coat and set it on a coat hanger. I didn’t want Twilight to have to worry about a wet stallion sleeping next to her. I hung my hat on the rack and saw that Twilight was looking at me again.

“What?” I said running a hoof over my dark brown mane. “Do I have something on my face?”

“No it’s just” Twilight tilted her head a little “I rarely see you without your trench coat and hat…you look um…” She blushed “Good…”

“Well I have been called ruggedly handsome before” I said and we both laughed. I walked to her and sat down beside her, tucking my front hooves under me. I looked over to see Twilight scoot over to press her lavender coat to my dark grey coat. My grey eyes looked down at her and I felt compelled to ask “Twilight…you’ve got something on your mind do you?”

Twilight was about to deny it but I held my gaze. She knew I wasn’t going to let her just walk away. She sighed “It’s just…I don’t know…it sounds so stupid…”

“Twilight its okay” I said gently putting my tail over hers “You can tell me anything”

“It’s just…Private I’ve been feeling…inadequate…” She confessed slowly

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just” Her eyes met mine “Back when I got shot I saw how willing you were to protect me…You were going to use yourself as a shield from those bullets. You would’ve died if Shining didn’t show up…” She shook her head “I just was a burden to you…”

A tear fell from her eye and I nuzzled her to catch it. Twilight pressed her muzzle into mine and kept crying. “Private…I hated myself for being so careless…I’m sorry…You would’ve…”

I gently put my head on top of hers. Her head went into my shoulder and my grey coat felt cold from her tears. I gently nuzzled the top of her head “Twilight…I should be apologizing…”

Twilight broke from me and looked at me. Her eyes were red from the tears “What…why?”

I bowed my head in guilt “I put you in that situation…it’s my fault you got hurt. I should’ve just taken care of the guys myself…I got you hurt…”

“No don’t say that” Twilight said pressing herself into me again “It’s my fault I got hurt…”


She then rolled me over and she was on top of me. Her amethyst eyes gazed down at me as I lay on my back on the floor. Her tears fell on my chest as she looked at me “Let me blame myself Private…don’t put anything else on you…”

I reached up with a hoof and gently ran it trough her bangs “Twilight…you’re blaming yourself so I don’t blame myself…”

Twilight slowly nodded “I love you Private…I don’t want you to have to suffer. You already have enough on your plate…I don’t want to add to it…”

I reached up and just pulled her into a kiss. I felt her lay on me as I kissed her. My tongue danced with hers and she stopped crying. We kissed probably for five whole minutes before I finally broke it gasping for air. I looked at the mare I loved “Twilight…we’re a couple. Part of the deal is that we face whatever comes in life together…”

“But…” Twilight tried to retort before I put a hoof on her lips.

“Twilight, I love you. I would die a million times if it meant you and I could be together. Whatever life throws at us…” I pulled her into me and she pressed her muzzle to my chest. “We’ll get through it together…”

Twilight stopped crying and I heard her speak a little muffled “Thanks Private…it was eating away at me for a long time…”

I wrapped my hooves around her and pulled her into a warm embrace. I took in her lilac scent and smiled. That was then I felt Twilight laid her head on my chest. Her breathing was steady…she’s sleeping on me…

I closed my grey eyes and matched her breathing. I slowly whispered “I love you Twilight…when we are alone like this…call me Preventus…”

Twilight smiled and spoke in her sleep “Very well…I love you too…Preventus…”

There were only two ponies I let call me by my real name. They were my parents, and one was dead and the other I had mixed feelings about. Know this, whenever I let somepony call me by that name it’s the ultimate symbol of trust. I didn’t know if Twilight understood how much this meant to me. To have somepony I could really talk to like this…to really care about how I felt…I loved it.

Potso’s accordion put us to sleep that night I could swear it…