• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 298 Views, 10 Comments

Snips and Snails and Puppy Love Tales - Caladis

Snips and Snails practice courting but fall in love with each other instead of the original targets of their affection

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Chapter 6 – Happily Ever After

Chapter 6 – Happily Ever After

6 months later

Over the last 6 months, Snips and Snails went through all the motions of preparing for the rest of their lives. But… they also had to set things straight so there would be no problems down the road. The first few steps of that process involved the School of Friendship.

Headmare Starlight Glimmer was happy to hear about the apologies given and accepted, and rubber-stamped Sweetie Belle’s application to teach at the School of Friendship after her own graduation. Sweetie Belle was sullen about losing both Snails and Spike from her dating pool but was just as happy as to not have to give up on her chosen career. She could be grateful for Snails’ generosity towards her in that regard if nothing else.

Snips and Snails both graduated with honors from the School of Friendship, allowing them the opportunity to work in nearly any city within Equestria, in any job that they wanted to, that in some way resembled their cutie marks’ special talent. When pressed on how they managed such good grades, they simply replied that they were working hard for their special somepony so that they would be able to provide the best possible life to their partner.

Very shortly after graduation, Snips and Snails brought a house together in Ponyville, near Whitetail Woods, roughly halfway in-between the Ponyville Spa and Fluttershy’s Animal Sanctuary, which gave both stallions an easy walk to their respective jobs. It was a big step in their relationship but also shocking to all of their friends that they had the bits saved up to buy a house in the first place. At the insistence of their friends, they held a house-warming party so that everypony could buy one gift each for the happy couple to help ease the transition from living with their parents to living with each other. Even Sweetie Belle brought them a gift… as a peace offering, and Snails accepted it in kind.

The wedding plans had been going smoothly, with all of their friends pitching in. While finalizing the wedding date and the last few details… they realized that they were missing something very important.

They both needed Best Mares… and they knew exactly who to ask. Snips and Snails walked up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders while enjoying a day off from their jobs.

Snails called out to them. “Hey girls… do you have a minute?”

Sweetie Belle nodded and tried to keep her expression composed. “Sure, what’s up?”

Snails gave her a full smile. “Well… the wedding is in a few weeks, and it came to our attention that we don’t have Best Mare’s. We were both hoping that you would be my Best Mare and that Apple Bloom would be Snips’ Best Mare?”

Sweetie Belle’s heart broke all over again. Not only did she have to face the fact that she had driven him away but now he wanted her to, not only attend, but be a part of the wedding?

Snails’ smile faded as he saw the look on her face… “Um. You don’t have to, of course… I guess I didn’t expect you to still be sore about the whole thing, especially after that house-warming gift.”

Sweetie Belle sighed but then smiled. “Of course I’ll be your Best Mare… on two conditions.”

Snails looked at Snips and Snips raised an eyebrow. “Are they reasonable conditions? Snails has his heart set on this even though I told him I thought it was a bad idea…”

Sweetie Belle tensed. “They sound reasonable to me… but I guess I’m not a good judge of how you stallions will take things, or we’d be a couple right now ourselves…”

Snails nodded. “I’m willing to hear you out. What are your conditions?”

Sweetie Belle took in a deep breath and exhaled. “First. I want to wear a wedding dress. Since both of you will be in suits… it won’t ruin the ‘brides’ moment since there’s no bride. And second… I want first dibs on getting married to you if you ever expand your marriage into a herd. I know you’ve said twice now that you weren’t planning on having a herd… but if you ever changed your mind… I want due consideration… given our friendship and past flirting.”

Snails looked at Apple Bloom. “Would you want the same conditions?”

Apple Bloom gulped. Her sister had warned her not to get involved with the on-going issues between Snails and Sweetie Belle. Their friendship was still very rocky.

“Umm. Ah wouldn’t want to look out of place not wearing a wedding dress if Sweetie Belle is? Ah mean… if we were both in wedding dresses, it would make it look intentional instead of show stealin’ or weddin’ crashing. Ah won’t force Snips to promise me first dibs on being his wife in a herd… but it would warm my heart if the offer was open… eventually.”

Snails looked at Snips. “What do you think, dear?”

Snips nodded slowly. “The request isn’t unreasonable… but I have two counter conditions.”

Sweetie Belle nodded back. “And they are?”

Snips grinned. “You may both wear wedding dresses as our Best Mares… but you have to get Rarity to make them for free or pay for them yourselves. We won’t pay for your dresses. And second… I want you to stop asking about a herd. If we change our minds, you’ll be the first know, but stop poking at it.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “That’s… fair. I’ll talk to my sister today. I’m sure she can make two dresses within a couple of weeks. Not poking at the herd concept won’t be easy for me… we don’t joke about a lot of stuff anymore… but its not like its flirting. It’s just… I want to recapture the part of our friendship that we lost when Spike tricked me into going on a date with him.”

Snails conceded the point. “Just keep it reasonable.”

Sweetie Belle took the partial victory and led Apple Bloom to the Carousel Boutique for their dresses. As expected, Rarity was happy to help but insisted on a wedding dress in a basic fashion that would be more in line with what a Best Mare or Bride’s Maid would normally wear.


The last three weeks before the wedding flew by as if they had used a spell to speed time along.

The big day was set with perfect Spring weather. Not a single cloud in the sky. Nearly every pony in Ponyville was in attendance, including some shop owners who were just as happy to be closed to attend the wedding proper.

Princess Twilight herself consented to marry the couple and had flown to Ponyville to conduct the wedding. Snails was standing at the altar, waiting for it to begin.

Twilight leaned in. “Are you nervous?”

Snails nodded. “A little… Snips decided on a last-minute change and I’m not sure it’s going to go over well but I couldn’t talk him out of it…”

The music startled and Snips appeared and started to walk down the aisle. Everyone gasped.

He was wearing one of the most beautiful wedding dresses a pony could imagine. The white silk and lacy frill danced in the wind. His veil didn’t cover the happy expression on his face and the train of the dress was long enough for a noble. He was levitating flowers in his magic. And his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

Sweetie Belle leaned in to whisper urgently to Snails. “Why is he in a wedding dress?”

Snails shrugged. “Because I’m the top in our relationship and for some reason wearing a dress made him happy.”

The statement wasn’t generally meant to be sexual… but Sweetie Belle blushed anyways.

As Snips settled up next to Snails at the Alter, they briefly nuzzled each other and waited for Princess Twilight to begin.

Twilight cleared her throat. “I can still remember the first time I met Snips and Snails… They had lured an Ursa Minor into Ponyville so that Trixie could vanquish it, as per her boosting in one of her stage performances. Needless to say, it didn’t go well, and I had to step in. They were very lucky not to have been injured in that incident.

But… that reinforces who they are. They have been through thick and thin together, never having left each other’s side. For all the adventurers they enjoyed as foals and then as colts… now they will walk together into the adventure of adulthood, hoof in hoof, never looking back… only looking towards each other and their future together. Their love should be an inspiration to all the ponies around them and I am honored to be able to marry them.

Mares and Gentlecolts… we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two stallions in divine matrimony, under the blessings of the Princess of Equestria. Do you, Snails, take this stallion as your lawfully wedded spouse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, until death do you part?”

Snails nodded. “I do.”

Twilight looked at Snips. “Do you, Snips. Take this stallion as your lawfully wedded spouse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, until death do you part?”

Snips sniffed. “I do.”

Twilight smiled. “Then as ruler of Equestria, I pronounce you Husbands and Gentlecolts, you may kiss your spouse.”

Snails lifted the veil and kissed Snips in a warmly passionate kiss that caused the crowd to clap and roar enthusiastically. The happy couple led the guests to the reception area where the cake was cut, and the first dance was had. It was a Pinkie Pie Wedding Party that was going to last all day. A few hours into the party, it was getting closer to the time for speeches.

Snails made his way over to Sweetie Belle. “I know it’s traditional for the best mare to give a speech but if you say anything about a herd during your speech… I will never speak to you again… and this time I mean it…”

Sweetie Belle gulped but wasn’t able to reply before she was called to the podium to give her speech. She cleared her throat nervously.

Welp. His threat kills half my speech, most of my anecdotes and nearly all of my jokes. So what’s left? A confession?

“This isn’t going to be your typical Best Mare speech… I have a few things I’d like to get off my chest and generally clear the air. Most of you know parts of what I’m about to say but I doubt anypony except the ones involved know the whole story.

I’ve known Snails since we were foals… I dare say I’ve known him almost as long as Snips has. He’s not the first pony I think of when I think first crush… but he might be in the top three…”

There was some faint murmuring as Rarity rushed up to the podium. “Sweetie Belle! Stop! You’re going to ruin the wedding…”

Snails spoke up. “Let her finish… I want to hear this.”

Rarity backed off and Sweetie Belle continued. “Well… we all entered the School of Friendship at the same time after graduating from Miss Cheerilee’s Ponyville Primary School, so we had a lot of the same classed together at the same time. Snips and Snails spent a fair amount of time flirting with all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders while we all attended the School of Friendship. It was cute and light-hearted, and I never thought I would miss it.”

Sweetie Belle looked at Snails and he gave her a gentle nod as permission to continue.

“I had very good practical reasons for turning down Snails at the time that he first asked me out, but I never expected things to change, let alone change so quickly. I thought the flirting would continue and I guess… part of me hoped he would wait until I was ready to date.

I was shocked when I was told that Snips and Snails were engaged. At first… I thought maybe it was joke to get back me for not taking his feelings seriously. And I stubbornly kept that mindset until I saw the rings and knew that it really wasn’t a joke. It took a while for me to accept it… but I acknowledge now that Snips and Snails are really in love with each other, and I couldn’t be happier for them. Three cheers for the happy couple!”

The partygoers let loose a chorus of ‘Hip Hip, Hurray! Hip Hip, Hurray! Hip Hip, Hurray!’

Sweetie Belle smiled warmly at Snips and Snails. “I hope you both live happily ever after…”

Snips and Snails both walked up to the podium and pulled her into a tight hug.

Together, as one, they whispered to her. “Thank you for everything.”

Sweetie Belle nodded into the hug, trying not to cry. “You’re welcome, my friends.”


Comments ( 4 )

A nice little male/male fic.

This ended up being a very cute fic. I like the path that S&S took to bring together. It felt very true to their characters and what we see of them in the show - a little dopey, but very sincere. The dialog felt a bit stiff at times, so I think you can get away with less explaining the situation in the dialogue. Still, the made me smile in the end. Nice work!

the core of the overall story is a good idea, with Snips and Snails flirting terribly with the CMCs for years, and the idea of “practicing” with each other being what leads them to realize that they are perfect for each other. Sweetie Belle having strung them along for years is a fraught characterization, but definitely one that can be written well, and the CMCs being the couple’s Best Mares is a great way to bring it all around full circle and show growth on their respective sides.

this idea i did enjoy, and there were some good worldbuilding ideas scattered around here and there. thank you for writing!

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