• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 7 - A Tough Road.

Chapter 7 - A Tough Road.

It had been a couple of weeks and Chrysalis was slowly recovering from her illness, it was a slow process and she needed the help of everyone in the hive but you could see that the queen was committed to getting out of the hole she was in, The clinical report made it clear that Chrysalis suffered from a strong feeling of abandonment that triggered a severe depression and Dr. Red Bug gave her a routine that the queen tried to follow to the letter, it was a slow process and Chrysalis had an occasional emotional crisis when she could not do something simple, but little by little she began to feel better and her weight also returned to a normal level.

Today, the queen attended her weekly therapy session like every Tuesday, before she had to attend private sessions on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, but with the progress, she had shown and in order not to put so much pressure on the queen, Dr. Red Bug lowered the sessions to one group session per week, but Chrysalis did not attend alone, her new pet was sleeping on her back.

When the queen entered the room she saw in front of her the usual support group that she now considered her friends and on a stool, a little further back was Dr. Red Bug.

"Queen Chrysalis, how good of you to arrive." Greeted the doctor followed by the rest of the group. "Today's session is going to be a little different, please take a seat and I will explain to everyone."

Chrysalis nodded her head and moved to the seat she normally uses, she took her obese pet with her magic and placed it on her lap.

"Well, we've all been going through some tough times lately but I've noticed that most expect me to be the topic, today I want you to talk to each other and not have to resort to me as your only emotional outlet, we all know each other here and we're practically friends, and a lot of times talking to a friend and telling them your stuff helps a lot more than talking to me in private."

They all looked at each other and some looked much more nervous than other times, but the doctor knew how to break the ice of the situation.

"Remember last time I asked you all if you could start some new project or participate in some new workshop?". Most nodded in agreement. "Okay, I want you to talk to each other about your new experience, what did you think, did you like it or not, did you find it easy or difficult, remember that no one is obligated to talk but it would be nice if you would give it a try, okay, well, I'll start." The doctor settled in a bit before continuing. "Last week I participated in the agriculture class, it was a really bad idea if I must say so." The doctor chuckled.

"Did something bad happen to you, doctor?". Asked a changeling raising his hoof.

"To tell the truth, it was one of the worst weekends of my life, it turns out that when the teacher was explaining the types of plants and that each one needs different levels of water and minerals, it was a much more technical subject than I imagined, a bee appeared from among the flowers and landed on one of my hooves, the teacher took advantage of the moment to explain the function of bees in pollination and why we should take care of them, and without realizing it the bee stung me with its stinger, it hurt a lot to be true."

"And that was too bad?" Asked another changeling.

"In my case, it's really very bad, I didn't know it but I'm allergic to bees and they had to admit me to the medical wing to treat me with a special antidote."

"I guess you wouldn't want to try something like that again would you." Commented a changeling lowering his gaze.

"Not at all, to be honest, it was exciting, kind of scary but exciting and I'm looking forward to this weekend to try another activity, maybe I'll try the cooking class, although I hope this time I'm not allergic to garlic or anything like that." The doctor chuckled again. "If we don't try new things we will never be able to enjoy what life has to offer, maybe the result we expect is not always the best, but that doesn't have to stop us from trying."

The changelings nodded in agreement.

"Well, anyone else wants to continue? Asked the doctor with a smile.

"I...I...I...I...I." Said a very excited little changeling raising his hoof frantically.

"Go ahead Leaf Storm."

"Yes thank you, ummm... This weekend ummm... tried ummm... tried a painting class... ummm... and I liked it ummm... a lot to be true... ummm it helps me to concentrate... on one thing ummm... and I can express myself in ummm... a positive way and create ummm... new and beautiful things."

The changeling unwrapped a painting he had behind his stool and astounded everyone in the session with the impressive quality of the painting.

"Ummm... I made this painting ummm... and I called it... I called it ummm... Summer Farmers... it has ummm... it has a little house... ummm... some changeling farmers and ummm... and some mountains with a river..."

"Wow Leaf Storm, your painting is awesome, I didn't know you were so talented." Commented another changeling at her side buzzing his wings.

"Thanks... ummm the teacher wants... wants me to... ummm wants me to hang my painting... in the library... ummm... and I don't know if I should do that." Finished saying the changeling and looking at the doctor in a way that gave her approval.

"I think you should ask your friends here for their opinion and not me, but remember that the final decision is yours, Leaf Storm."

The changeling turned his head looking at everyone in the group waiting for their answers.

"I think you should do it." Said one.

"Yes, it's very good, I'm sure everyone will like it." Commented another.

"Still, I'm sure more than a few of them will want you to make them a painting for their room." Said a third with a chuckle, causing the group to laugh a little as well.

"Thank you... and ummm... I think... I'll think about it... ummm... a little before ummm... before I decide."

"I know many will like your painting Leaf Storm, but don't feel pressured by anyone to make a decision." The changeling nodded his head before putting his painting away again.

"See, this is a good example of what can happen if you try new things, if my bad experience stopped me from moving forward in my life, I would never have known that I like to sew, or Leaf Storm would never have painted that beautiful painting, do you think it's worth it to lock yourself into only the negatives of life thinking that the worst will always happen." Asked the doctor to the group in general, to which several shook their heads.

"Who wants to continue?" The doctor asked.

"I would like to introduce someone." Said the queen raising her hoof.

"Go ahead Queen Chrysalis."

Chrysalis cleared her throat and took her furry friend between her hooves to show him to everyone.

"This is my new pet, I named him General Whiskers, because since I am a queen I must have generals, he is a somewhat chubby white cat and a bit lazy, but he helps me in the mornings to get up, he literally bites me and licks my nose until I get up to give him his food." The group laughed softly at what the queen was saying. "I like to brush his fur and I always take him outside when he has to do his...cat stuff, we also walk around the hive, even though his idea of walking is to lay on my back while I do my work, I also like to take him between my hooves and make him cuddle and he likes it too, he's a good cat." Finished the queen scratching her obese white feline's belly as he purred.

"Can I take him?" Asked the changeling at the queen's side.

"Emm, go ahead, but be careful, I don't know how he'll behave with other changelings."

The queen took the fat cat and passed it to the changeling, to which the feline simply lay back down to sleep, the changeling began to pet the cat and it began to purr.

"That's a very nice cat Queen Chrysalis, I think I'm going to get a pet too."

"I wish you luck because General whiskers is the best cat in the hive."

"I don't think it's a cat, I like chameleons, their eyes are weird and they look everywhere at the same time."

"Anyone else wants to share their week?" Asked the doctor with a smile.

Most of the changelings raised their hooves and began to talk to each other in turn, after a couple of minutes the doctor no longer had to intervene in the conversation for the next changeling to talk or interact in the support group, little by little they began to forget that they were there out of necessity, and little by little they began to enjoy the company, the laughter and the conversation, unknowingly little by little they were beginning to heal.

Without the group knowing it, the therapy session had ended hours ago, and they were so immersed in their conversations that they forgot the passage of time, the doctor did not want to distract them either, today many had made great progress, but the night was falling and most had schedules to meet, so the group said goodbye with hugs and each went on their way.

Red Bug walked down the hallway to her room, and at her side walked the queen with her pet on her back, both were heading to rest after a long day.

"I am glad to see you so cheerful Queen Chrysalis, you have made a lot of progress in a short time." Said the doctor as she walked beside the queen.

"I didn't like the path I was following, I needed a reality check and I thank you for helping me."

"I just pointed you down a path, you did the work to follow it, and tell me...why did you decide to get a pet...a cat to be specific."

"Cats have always been independent and energetic animals, able to take care of themselves perfectly well and unlike dogs, they don't depend on a changeling to feed or go to the bathroom, I wanted a pet a long time ago but I didn't want something that required a lot of work, so a cat was the best choice."

"I guess General Whiskers didn't get that memo." The doctor said with a chuckle as she watched the cat sleep on the queen's back.

"Things don't always turn out the way you expect." Replied the queen laughing back.

"And you are feeling better, how are you doing with the medications?".

"I still haven't been able to sleep without taking a couple of pills at night, but the doctor said my weight is slowly coming back on and I've been feeling more energetic these days."

"That's good to hear." Red Bug stopped in front of a door. "Well, we'll see you next week, good to hear you're feeling better."

"It feels good to be back to a normal life again."

"Have a good night Queen Chrysalis."

"Rest well doctor." Both figures said their goodbyes and Red Bug entered her room and closed the door behind her.

Chrysalis walked down the hallway accompanied by her pet, at this hour few changelings were awake and the queen also had to sleep, she had a rest routine she had to follow if she wanted to fully recover, so she walked to her room, opened the door with her magic and closed it behind her.

It was a completely different vision from a while ago, there were no longer the dirty clothes piled up, now in that place was a bowl of water and a one of cat food, there were also no glasses or dirty dishes, they were replaced by a brush for the queen's mane and a small mirror, the nauseating smell was also gone and in its place, a more pleasant smell of lilacs could be felt coming from some vases, and the curtains were open allowing the moonlight that peeked over the horizon to come in.

The queen left General Whiskers on the bed and stretched a little, then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and brushed her mane, finally she took a couple of sleeping pills prescribed by the doctor and lay down to sleep next to her cat.

Slowly the queen entered the world of dreams and slowly regained her life.

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