• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 706 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

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Chapter 4: A Surprise Visit

During the fight against the wendigos, shadowy beings, and dragons that was going on with the Pony Rangers Mane Six, the FIM ponies dashed into the throne room where Cadence and Shining Armour were at.

They eventually came across two royal guards guarding the entrance to the throne room and then talked to them in order to get inside.

“Listen this is an emergency we need help from the Crystal Empire Royal Guard and need the help of my brother and Cadence right away now!”. said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Wait, why are Princesses Luna and Celestia here and why aren’t they at Canterlot Castle, also why are there two Spikes here and why is Sunset Shimmer here?” Asked the royal guards.

“We will explain as soon as we see my brother we need to get in here now!” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Alrighty then, Princess Twilight. we will allow you to enter the doors and make sure no one else will enter the room at all unless we enter the room or someone else does.” Said the guards.

“It seems like those guys have been watching a lot of Monty Python, especially Monty Python and The Holy Grail because it seems like they are huge fans of it.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

“Yeah, probably, but now they are running away sis so now let us go into the throne room and meet this universe’s counterparts of our cousins.” Said Pony Rangers Spike.

They open the door to the throne room where Shining Armour and Cadence are puzzled to see Luna and Celestia in the Crystal Empire, two Spikes and also Sunset Shimmer in the Crystal Empire too.

"Twilight?" Cadence said, flabbergasted.

"Cadence! Shining!" Twilight FIM said.

“Um Cadence, why are Celestia and Luna here? I thought they were back in Canterlot Castle, also why are there two Spikes, why is Sunset Shimmer here too? I am all confused!” Said Shining Armour.

“I can answer that Shining Armour that Celestia, Luna, Spike, and Sunset Shimmer are from another universe where Cadence is Sunset and Spike’s cousin, and in that universe we have other versions of ourselves but we are Pony Rangers.” Said Twilight FIM.

“I am afraid she is right Shining Armour I rule my universe of Equestria as does my sister, I am the one that decided to make our Elements of Harmony into power coins as a power source for my rangers but now the Crystal Empire is under attack as you see and we need your help and seek assistance from your guards to help us out.” Said Pony Rangers Celestia.

“Wait a minute, where are the Pony Rangers counterparts of you? Why aren’t they here with you?” Said Princess Cadence.

“They are off dealing with wendigos, dragons, and dark creatures hat are attacking the Crystal Empire as we speak and it looks like they are having a hard fought battle as I can feel it happening right now.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

“Oh that makes total sense because the Crystal Heart reacted weirdly to stuff happening before. I think this was a planned attack by someone that wanted this to happen.” Said Princess Cadence.

“Who do you think might have planned it Cadence anyone you can think of at all?” Asked Twilight FIM.

“I have no idea, Twilight. It could have been another force but who knows yet we will have to wait until we find out who it exactly is.” Said Princess Cadence.

Now we cut back to the Pony Rangers still dealing with the dragons, wendigos, and shadowy creatures which are more revealed to be more powerful versions of Ursa Majors and the wendigos and dragons also have new more powerful forms thanks to the Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon and she is now able to use her magic to create several copies of the Tantabus and infuse it with the creatures.

“Alright my Element Triceratops Dinozord is not jammed and stuck anymore let us hope that doesn’t happen again, alright now time to continue using my Zord’s twin tail laser cannon attack and use its horns as grappling hooks to get rid of more enemies.” Said the Blue Ranger.

“I am glad Applejack darling that your Zord isn’t jammed and stuck anymore and now let me use the Element Mastodon Dinozord’s freeze attack from its trunk to freeze these enemies and also hope to use its newly discovered laser attacks from its eyes too.” Said the Black Ranger.

“How many more of these things are going to keep on coming I keep using the Element Tyrannosaurus Dinozord’s ground breath attack and it’s laser beam eyes and it”s fire breath attacks but it is doing a lot of damage but these things keep on reforming it is starting to make me mad now!” Says the Red Ranger.

“Okay Rainbow Dash I will see if I can help you out at all because I am done taking out the ones I had to deal with alright Element Dragonzord time to go help out the other girls and aid them and use your rocket finger missiles and your tail drill attack now!” Said the Green Ranger.

“Um girls me and the Element Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord are not having any problems and I am going to keep using it’s tail laser attacks to take down more of these enemies and hope they retreat soon and I hope my animals okay and I hope Angel is taking good care of them for me or I hope Trixie got my message,” says the Yellow Ranger.

“Okay Fluttershy let us hope that happens too but for now let us end this okay Element Pterodactyl Dinozord time to use both your laser beam attacks and the new wing attack you now know to get rid of these creatures once and for all!”’Said the Pink Ranger.

Then all of the enemies suddenly disappear and vanish and then the Pony Rangers get out of there Zords and then teleport away and go back to where they came from until they are called once again.

“Okay that was just weird that the enemies just suddenly vanished and retreated like that. I think there might be something up with this, someone was behind it and wanted it to happen but for now let us rest rangers.” Said the Red Ranger.

Then the Pony Rangers demorph and then decide to go to where the rest of the group is at the Crystal Empire Castle and it will take them a while to get there.

We now cut back to the Crystal Empire Castle where the Friendship Is Magic Mane Six are still explaining the story of the rest of their group to Shining Armour and Cadence while in the meantime Cadence also tells the Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer of her counterpart in the Friendship Is Magic universe.

"So you see? That is why we need your help but it looks like the invading attack is over now because the Pony Rangers Mane Six have just told me that they have retreated and are now on their way here.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

“Okay that sounds good now, hopefully we will be prepared for an attack next time when it happens and other Sunset you say we are cousins in your world?” Asked Cadence.

“Yes we are Cadence and my Spike is my brother too and we have been through a lot here and I heard that there was a counterpart of me in this world but what happened to her?” Asked Sunset Shimmer.

“Well she was a nice pony at first and wanted Princess Celestia to accept her and be her mom but Celestia wanted her to make friends and that was hard for Sunset to do because she tried and no one would be friends with her, also what made her mad is that what she wanted Celestia to do to her she did to me instead and that made her really angry. Then one day they had a massive argument with each other and then Sunset Shimmer decided enough was enough and then went into the mirror portal at Canterlot Castle and went to another world which I assume Princess Twilight had told you about.” Said Cadence.

“Yes she has talked about it to us before. When I saw my friends from my world in this dimension they told me that Mane Six thought they were the Equestria Girls counterparts of Princess Twilight’s friends but then they were able to explain where they came from and found the story interesting.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

“What was the interesting part of the story?” Cadence asked.

“Well they said the Elements Of Harmony from their world were turned into power coins and the energies and powers of the Elements Of Harmony that were left over were transferred to their Element Zords so their power runs off of the Elements Of Harmony.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

“Oh that story sounds really cool and interesting. I hope I can find a chance to travel to your universe someday and be able to see what it looks like. Is there anything different about it at all?” Asked Cadence.

“The difference is that the Everfree Forest is called the Never Free Forest and it looks a lot different than yours does and the other differences are that I am Princess Celestia’s student and so is my Twilight and we have all been friends for a long time including my Mane Six have been friends since there were fillies.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

Meanwhile while that conversation was going on Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon was proud of her attack that she did to the Friendship Is Magic universe and now she will wait until it is the right time to go to that universe and try to rule it and destroy it but before that she will make her minions, foot soldier’s, monsters, creatures, and royal guard more powerful and have those invading forces that just attacked the Crystal Empire join up with her in her dimension. She will also make those ones more powerful too like she did with her own and give new forms to her armies of TimberWolves and Ursa Majors.

“Ah my new more powerful forces you did a good job well done testing those pesky Pony Rangers now we will wait until the right time to go to that Friendship Is Magic universe to try to rule it and destroy it and then possibly team up with someone else and try to create legions of thousands and thousands of giant robots!” Said Pony Rangers Nightmare Moon.

End of Chapter 4