• Member Since 15th Mar, 2023
  • offline last seen May 22nd


trans!!!!!!!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️


On one fateful day so long ago, six young ponies' destinies became inexplicably intertwined. Two in particular, however, discover a sense of being and of purpose that they couldn't have possibly foreseen.

Their days that follow are most certainly bright.

Our Days are Bright is a Rarishy fic featuring transgender self-discovery, and is told through a First Person perspective.

CW for mentions of body dysphoria, familial disputes, and pre-transition pronoun usage (young Fluttershy uses He/Him).

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 45 )

Looks nice so far! Making Fluttershy a boy is an interesting twist. I'd be glad to see more! :twilightsmile:

Really awesome opening chapter!! I love the way you've connected Fluttershy's bodily discomfort from the show with gender dysphoria. The character interactions in this are fantastic as well :) I also don't often see first person POV on here, so it's great to see a well-written first-person piece! Can't wait to see where you go with this!

Wow, and we're off to a terrific start!

I really enjoy your characterization of just about everypony here. I'm transfem too so your Fluttershy is speaking to me in a real personal way. Can't wait to see where you take this!

Great opening chapter! Everyone in portrayed beautifully, and I love how Fluttershy's dysphoria is handled. I'm quite excited to see where you take this, since despite the serious nature of the situation, it feels like it could be an episode.

I'm really excited to see where this goes! I liked this first chapter and can't wait to read more. :pinkiehappy:

loving this so far, can't wait to see the rest of it!!!

Yo this is cool as hell, im excited to see what happens next


Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! I can't wait to write more and trust me, there's a lot more coming!


Thank you for the kind comments!! I really enjoyed writing fluttershy's personal struggles in this chapter. It was a fun challenge to show just how much I imagined this kind of thing would affect her when she was younger. It's also a good thing to establish before we get into the meat of things later on!


Thank you for the compliment! I'm happy you enjoyed the character interactions as much as you did! Yes, the first-person perspective was something that I had to think on for a bit, but I ultimately decided on. I feel like using Fluttershy's limited view of the world as a vehicle for exploring said world and the wonderful people and things inside of it was just something that I had to do once I thought about it for more than 2 seconds.


Thank you for reading it! Fluttershy is actually transgender in this fic, however! Any reference to her as a boy when she's younger is just because she hasn't realized that she's a girl yet. Don't expect it to last!

If i may ask, do you a schedule for this or do you just plan on posting whenever. Im sticking around either way lol


I’m planning on uploading whenever I get around to it! I have too many things going on in my life to create a consistent schedule around this (I also draw ponies often to post on Tumblr so that’s another use of my time). However, I really enjoy writing and I have plenty of story bits I want to get out there, so I think new chapters and potential new stories will come relatively quickly. I actually have the second chapter done already I just need to finish editing it!

well im here through it all, keep up the good work

YOOOOOOO! I'm loving this. The part where you address Rarity having to hoof it back home by herself after the trip was very good.

The way you portrayed Fluttershy slowly deciding to use female pronouns was grand- you made it sound really natural.

Also, the part about Rarity choosing her own name- is she trans too? That's sweet...

This place… it’s their home. They deserve to feel safe in their home.

this feels big and introspective on her part

“Well, I should hope so! I did pick it myself, after all.” comes the matter-of-fact reply.

Hold up....

That was a really nice and sweet chapter, i am loving the story so much, and i relate to Flutter's a bit to much lol.

Absolutely in love with this story right now! Keep of the wonderful work!

Holy shit this is good

This is really fucking good and I super-duper can't wait for more.

Love this so far!! Keep up the good work! The dialogue and characterization is especially good.

By-The-By, did we ever see :fluttershyouch:'s deadname in the fic? Either way, I like how you're showing the step-by-step of how she came to Fluttershy.
She's also so bucking relatable... Arrrrruughthhthghthgplpdlpfl....


Nope it hasn't been shown and it never will! One of the reasons I chose to write in first-person is because I didn't want to think of a deadname for her. I respect her too much ghdlkhfsda

(pretend there's an image of that guy from metal gear solid saluting here)
Of course. I should have thought... My apolocheese.

I like the flutter euphoria, and especially the confusion about why just thinking of herself as pretty makes her feel so good.

Always figured that returning to Cloudsdale would have been a very difficult thing for Fluttershy, and it'll be doubly so for this Fluttershy. Hope she'll be okay :fluttershyouch:

Love Rarity here! She seems so clever and put together even as a filly and her response earlier about choosing her name herself was great! Can’t wait to see more of this story. I’m hoping with all my heart that things get better for Flutters and I’m very curious if we’ll ever actually hear her deadname (I’m fine if we don’t. There would be something fitting about going that route but thus far the little interruptions have me wondering)

Loving this so far. I adore your narration. Excellent work, am excited to see where this goes from here :heart:

patiently waiting for the next update i need t4t rarishy injected into my veins


Hiya! Apologies on the long wait for chapter 4. I've been dealing with life stuff, work, and also new video game releases that I've had a hard time putting down hgdlkfhakld. I promise chapter 4 is coming soon! I'm starting to work on it a bit every day at this point so it will definitely be sooner rather than later when it releases! Look forward to it because it's the longest chapter so far!

this is so GOOD aaaaa i have no clue how i hadn't found this before??? this is everything this is the exact baby trans fluttershy content i need bfndndnd extremely excited to see any more you write!!!


THANK YOU SO MUCH and maaaaaaaybe it'll be sooner than you think :raritywink:

It's back!

I already kinda disliked Rarity's parents from their first impression, but not them being transphobic too 😔(unless Rarity ends up being adopted and her future parents are the ones we see in Sisterhooves Social)

Love this fic! Can't wait to see where this is headed!

That was just adorable.


Delightful! I loved learning Lily's story. I hope she gets to meet Celestia again someday like she wants.


thank you so so much!!! I had so much fun writing this chapter I'm gonna get started on the next one as soon as I can!


Thank you for enjoying it! I've got plans for where the story's headed, of course (I think people will be surprised by just how much I'm planning on writing for this one), but we'll have to see because honestly this story seems to write itself at certain points! some of those more emotional bits I wasn't planning for at all they just happened as I was imagining how the characters would naturally steer the conversation

This is sooooo cute. I love this story so much :) I can’t wait to see where else it goes!

The suspense of that final line! A masterful first chapter. I'm so hooked :pinkiegasp:

"I didn't deserve these wings..." im gonna cry :fluttercry:

I absolutely adore the way you rewrote So Many Wonders. You managed to perfectly capture the awe and adoration of the song while turning it into a coherent thought stream and causality chain.

The way you write Fluttershy consistently has me squee-ing! And the scene in front of the mirror where she imagines herself with Rarities features :pinkiesad2: the essence of such a moment captured perfectly, described immaculately from a first person view.


Honestly I think these emotional scenes all flow perfectly. The raw emotions present glow, the words practically beaming the stream of conciousness directly into my mind. Your thoughtful descriptions and writing of the characters has personality and depth. Absolutely stunning work, can't wait to see how far yoh take this story!

This was so good and sweet and cute! Rarity was so soft and gentle with Fluttershy and I love Flutershy's feelings about the animals

Ohh the emotions in this chapter! I love Lily's story, I'm getting a sense that her Rarity was closer to her than just a friend. If this is how Fluttershy comes to love fashion I'm all for it.

This story is adorable and emotional all at once. I’m thrilled that it’s back. The seeds of the budding relationship in here are handled so perfectly. Also, Lily Lightly was one of my favorite pony toys as a kid. Unfortunately, she is one of the very few ponies that I ended up losing somehow; I tried very hard to preserve all of my ponies. I remember her special well, though.

Regarding the conversation between Lily and Fluttershy: is Rarity also trans?

Extremely, extremely cute!

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