• Published 10th Apr 2023
  • 2,407 Views, 191 Comments

It Takes Six - Goldfur

Everyone knows the story of how the Mane Six came together to defeat Nightmare Moon, right? Nnnope! At least, not in this universe where Harmony had other ideas.

  • ...

Return of the Nightmare

Penumbra launched herself from atop the Ponyville Town Hall in search of Sergeant Overshoot. As expected, she found him by the main entrance, although getting to him was not so simple due to the number of ponies making their way into the building for the main event. She had to settle for hovering above him and calling down.

“Sergeant! We have a problem!”

The dour pegasus looked up and scowled at the thestral. “What are you doing away from your post, Corporal?”

“Like I said, we have a problem. Nightmare Moon is returning!”

That caused several nearby ponies to gasp and aroused the ire of the sergeant. “What do you think you’re doing spreading your bizarre batpony stories and frightening the citizens? Shut up and get back to your post!”

“But it’s true! I have seen the signs! If you come around the building, you can see—”

“Get out of here, Corporal!” roared Overshoot. “One more word and I’ll have you thrown in the stockade!”

With a screech of frustration, Penumbra shot back up into the sky. She had to pass on the warning, but who would believe the old prophecy when nopony trusted thestrals? The lieutenant in overall charge of security for the Summer Sun Celebration was escorting Princess Celestia right this moment, so she had nobody to turn to. Her only hope would be that she was wrong. Either way, she was in deep trouble.

Despite Rainbow Dash’s ill-timed visit, Gilda had managed to get back to sleep fairly quickly. Nevertheless, it seemed far too soon when she was awakened by a gentle but insistent hoof shaking her shoulder. She briefly considered murdering Big Mac before groaning and extracting herself from her surprisingly comfortable hay bed. She had missed her chance anyway as the big stallion had already disappeared down the hayloft ladder. Gilda had promised to meet Dash and she had to admit some curiosity about the ceremony. After a good stretch of her limbs, the griffon took off, swiftly making her way to the Town Hall.

Gilda frowned when she realized that she was too late to find a spot inside. The hall was very crowded and the spectators that had not made it in were gathering at the doorway and windows to get a glimpse of the ceremony. Why the buck they didn’t hold it on a stage in the fairgrounds where everyone could watch escaped her. There was some kind of disturbance at the doorway and then the thestral she had met earlier climbed back into the air with a screech. Her curiosity aroused, Gilda flew over to the bat-winged pony.

“Hey! Uhh… Corporal Something-Or-Another. What’s got your tail in a twist?” Gilda asked when she was in hearing range.

Penumbra turned with a snarl before recognizing who had spoken. She pointed with her hoof. “That!”

Gilda’s eyes followed where the pony was pointing and her beak dropped. The fabled Mare-in-the-Moon pattern on the surface of the moon was gone! “What the buck?!” she gasped.

“You know what that means?” Penumbra asked.

“Not really. Something about giving up half your candy, if I remember right. I’m just stunned by how something I’ve seen all my life has now suddenly disappeared.”

“It means that Nightmare Moon has escaped from her imprisonment and she will be coming to exert her reign over Equestria!”

The thestral no longer wore her sunglasses because it was night, so Gilda could gaze clearly into Penumbra’s eyes. The griffon had always possessed the knack for recognizing when anyone was lying to her, but she could not perceive any falsehood now. However, that did not exclude the pony from being mistaken. “I believe that you think that is true, and that moon is a strong argument in your favor. But, what can you do? I saw what happened back there – your boss doesn’t believe you, does he?”

Penumbra growled. “No, he doesn’t. And neither will any of the Royal Guards here. They’ve never accepted me, and my rank as a corporal is a joke to them.”

“Same problem here. Hardly any ponies trust griffons, and the one that I could count on is probably inside the Town Hall right now. Maybe we can spread the word to the Guards after the ceremony?”

The thestral gave Gilda a flat look. “Who do you think Nightmare Moon will target first?”

Gilda did not need to answer that. Both already knew the answer. “I’ll see if I can pass the word, but don’t get your hopes up, bat lady. Try to warn those Guard dweebs anyway.” The griffon flew off, scanning the crowd for anypony who might be receptive to her message. She figured that Big Mac would arrive soon but maybe there was somepony else…. Or maybe not a pony. She landed next to the minotaur that she had spotted in the crowd. “Hey, bully-boy!”

Irwin jumped in surprise. With his heart thumping in his chest, he identified the creature that had startled him. “Wh-what do you want?”

“Know anything about that?” Gilda pointed at the moon.

Irwin’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of the nearly featureless satellite. “What does this mean?”

Gilda gave the minotaur a brief summary of what she had learned from Penumbra. “So, know anypony who could help?”

Irwin shook his head. “The only pony I really know is Fluttershy. I came with her to watch her birds perform for the ceremony, but I stayed out here because I didn’t want to take up the space of two ponies inside. The ceremony has more significance to them than me.”

Gilda’s eyebrow rose. “Fluttershy? Rainbow Dash’s friend? Yeah, no. She won’t be of any help. She’d only run and hide.”

The minotaur was irked by the griffon’s assessment even though he was fairly sure it was accurate. Nevertheless, he felt he needed to defend her. “She could still spread the word to others more able to deal with the possible threat. But the guards aren’t letting anyone into the Town Hall now and I can’t get to her.”

“Then do what I’m doing and try to find some creature who will listen.” Gilda took off again to do exactly that.

Hours earlier, Trixie had climbed inside her wagon, tired but very happy from her final performance for the night. Her husband was equally tired from helping her and looking after their young filly. They had decided that they both needed some sleep before the ceremony in a few hours so, setting an alarm, they had gone to bed.

And then they overslept the alarm.

Trixie and Mark hastily trotted to the Town Hall with Allura safely cradled between the pegasus’ wings. They realized that they were among the stragglers and were unlikely to be able to get into the building. Sure enough, when they saw the crowd outside the building, they knew that they had missed their opportunity to get a good viewing place. Then Trixie spotted Big Mac arriving from the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. She hurried over to him with Mark following in her wake.

“Hey, Big Mac!”

The stallion looked in her direction and smiled. “Howdy, Ms. Trixie. Sure was a great show you two put on last night. What can I do for you?”

“Do you know if there are special entry privileges for contractors like us?”

Big Mac shook his head. “Nnnope. Sorry. Only performers at the ceremony allowed in. The rest are first come, first served. Everypony has an equal chance to see it close up.”

The unicorn sighed. “Trixie figured as much. We will just have to find the best vantage point left.”

Before she could move off though, a griffon landed next to her. “Big Mac!” Gilda said urgently. “Where’s your sister? I know she’ll believe me.”

“Applejack will be inside the Town Hall already. She promised to get Apple Bloom a good spot to see the ceremony.”

“Arrgh! Will nothing go right?!” Gilda shouted.

“Trixie wants to know what has got you so upset.”

“Nightmare Moon, that’s what!”

Trixie chuckled. “That old mares’ tale? Why would you believe anything about that?”

Gilda just glared and pointed. Big Mac and Trixie turned to look and their jaws dropped at the bizarre sight.

Mark Wells tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. “Something weird has happened to the moon, but I don’t understand its significance.”

One hasty explanation later, all the pegasus had to say was, “Oh, crap.”

Trixie said, “Perhaps you could push your way inside and warn everypony, Big Mac. We know you’re strong enough to do so.”

Big Mac shook his head. “Nnnope. Too late. Only start a panic and ponies would get hurt trying to get out.”

Everyone knew he was right. Judging by the ponies nearby who had overheard their conversation and were now making a hasty exit, panic would be the inevitable reaction.

Mark said, “That might happen anyway if Nightmare Moon turns up. Best be prepared.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed. “If worse comes to worst, I’ll make some more exits for ponies to leave.”

“The Amazing Trixie is more used to getting her audience excited, but she will do her best to calm them down if necessary.”

“I’ll smash out the windows for the pegasi,” Gilda said.

“How will you get to them with the Royal Guards posted by all of those?” Mark asked.

Gilda smirked. “I’ll get my thestral friend to distract the guards if necessary. Maybe my minotaur pal too.” She took off and headed for the fairgrounds.

“Okay,” Mark said, “Let’s spread the word and clear ponies out of here.”

“Yes, but not you,” his wife replied. “Take Allura back to the wagon and make sure she stays safe. Your amazing wife will handle the rest.” She gave Allura a kiss, then another to Mark before shooing them off. Her expression grew grimmer as she turned to her task. “Trixie just hopes that we are not mistaken or else her reputation will be toast in this town.”

Gilda fetched the big hammer from the ‘Test Your Strength – unicorns and pegasi only’ carnival game before returning. With so many nervous ponies having cleared away from the Town Hall already, she found a perch on a nearby statue that afforded her a good view inside. She then grimly waited for something to happen.

Irwin found that the number of ponies rapidly diminishing as the news spread. To his disappointment, none chose to hang around to help, although he could not really blame them. He wondered why he did not join them, but he could not bear the thought of even one pony getting hurt, so he persisted. Eventually, he was able to work his way right up to the Town Hall’s doors just as Big Mac and Trixie arrived from the other direction.

Sergeant Overshoot noticed the ponies scattering. “What in the name of Celestia’s Flaming—”

“Sarge!” yelled the unicorn guard at his side.

The pegasus followed the direction of his subordinate’s gaze and then looked further and further upwards as a familiar creature approached. Overshoot scowled as Irwin came to a stop in front of him. “What in Tartarus have you been doing to scare off these citizens, minotaur?”

“Trying to protect them, sir,” Irwin replied respectfully. “We have good reason to believe that this ceremony is under threat.”

“What? Have you been talking to that idiot batpony? I knew you cows were thick, but how could you believe that foals’ tale about Nightmare Moon?”

Irwin frowned. “I am a bull, not a cow, and not a fool either. Have you not seen that the Mare in the Moon has gone?”

“It’s true, Guardpony,” Big Mac said. “My Granny Smith used to tell us foals that story every Nightmare Night. Anypony knows there is truth behind the old mares’ stories.”

“One more word of this nonsense and I’ll have you all arrested for disturbing the peace and any other charge I can think of.” Overshoot stepped forward, lowering his spear threateningly. The unicorn guard at his side likewise aimed his horn at the minotaur.

“Trixie has had enough of your obdurate attitude,” the unicorn said with a snort. “Big Mac – would you be so kind as to restrain the sergeant’s minion.” Trixie lit up her horn and seized Overshoot in her magical grasp.

“Eeyup,” Mac agreed, grabbing the surprised Royal Guard. While the unicorn struggled with both muscle and magic, the earth pony had his three remaining hooves planted firmly on the ground and was as unmovable as a mountain.

Overshoot was having just as little success at escaping Trixie, but he was free with the threats. “I will have you thrown in prison and lose the key, you crazy mare! Do you know how many laws—” His words were stifled by a magical gag.

Trixie brought him within view of the moon and turned Overshoot to face it. “If you can tell Trixie what other explanation there is for that, she will humbly apologize.” She then dropped the gag.

Overshoot gasped. “Sweet Celestia! It’s true. Nightmare Moon has escaped!”

Trixie ceased her magical levitation and dumped the sergeant on the ground. “Perhaps now you might do your job before it’s too late,” she said archly.

Overshoot glared at her before racing back to the door, yelling for the Guards to assemble for new orders. Trixie followed but was dismayed when she heard the ceremony beginning, heralded by trumpets and a chorus of birds. They were going to be too late for an orderly evacuation.

Trixie, Irwin, Big Mac, Gilda, and Penumbra all had a clear view of what happened next. After hearing the warm-up tone from speakers set around the building, they could also hear everything happening inside the Town Hall.

Mayor Mare proclaimed, “As Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!”

The sounds of cheering easily drowned out the shouts of alarm from the Royal Guards. They were further ignored as the applause died down and the mayor continued.

“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this – the longest day of the year. And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of Harmony to all of Equestria – Princess Celestia!”

Trumpets and cheers overwhelmed all efforts of the Guards to get the audience’s attention. Instead, Overshoot signaled them to take up positions within the hall. As Rarity drew back the curtains from the balcony where the princess was to appear, instead, two Royal Guards slumped to the floor. The sergeant recognized his superior who had been escorting Princess Celestia and his heart sank.

Rarity screamed at the sight. “Are… are they dead? Where’s the Princess?!”

The crowd echoed her fright and shouts and yells of panic soon filled the hall. Then, a swirling dark nebula formed on the balcony, rapidly taking on the form of a black bat-winged alicorn dressed in armor. The crowd hushed in terror at the sight as the newcomer smiled haughtily at them. Then, with a condescending tone to her voice, she spoke.

“Oh, my beloved subjects! It has been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun-loving faces.”

“What did you do with our Princess?!” yelled Rainbow Dash. She did not wait for an answer before attempting to charge at Nightmare Moon, only to be restrained by Applejack.

The alicorn laughed. “Am I not royal enough for you? Don’t you know who I am?” She glared at the cringing ponies. “Does my crown no longer count since I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend and see the signs?”

“I did!” Twilight Sparkle called out. “You’re Nightmare Moon!”

The crowd gasped and the sounds of panic grew once more.

“Well, well, well! Somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I’m here. Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night shall last forever!” The alicorn burst into maniacal laughter as lightning flashed and thunder boomed.

“ATTACK!” screamed Overshoot.

Every Royal Guard charged at Nightmare Moon with the pegasi in the lead. However, the winged ponies were the first to be struck down by the alicorn’s retaliation. Weapons thrown or shot at her were caught and sent back to the ones who dispatched them. Spell-wielding unicorns had their magic blocked and were sent hurtling into walls, or even through them. Penumbra dived in too, but she was repelled by a thunderous shockwave.

By then, as feared, the audience descended into panic and tried to leave the Town Hall en masse. However, Big Mac and Irwin had already started bashing holes in the wall to let more ponies escape, while Gilda did the same to the windows. Trixie had prepared a spell that she recalled from her days at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns – a calming spell designed for young children. With enough magical power put behind it though, the spell was able to reduce the crowd’s panic so that a deadly crush did not ensue. And the Amazing Trixie was up to the task, or so she kept telling herself as she gritted her teeth and strained against the fear of hundreds of ponies.

Nightmare Moon contemptuously laughed at the unfolding chaos before engulfing herself in the swirling nebula of her voluminous mane and tail. She dissolved into mist and exited through one of the gaping windows. Rainbow Dash raced after her, only to be stopped by Gilda.

“Lemme go!” Dash demanded.

“No way! You saw how Nightmare Moon smashed the Royal Guard. That’s what’ll happen to you too.”

“I’m not just going to stay here and do nothing,” the pegasus declared. Then she spotted Twilight Sparkle racing away. “That unicorn knows more than she’s been telling. I bet she knows what’s going on.” Dash freed herself from Gilda’s grasp and flew off in pursuit of the purple unicorn.

Satisfied that her friend was not going to try a lone pursuit of Nightmare Moon, the griffon set down next to Irwin who was carrying an exhausted Trixie in his arms. By now, the Town Hall had almost emptied and a deadly stampede avoided. Ponies everywhere were galloping home and locking the door behind them. Big Mac was checking out a few ponies nearby that had been hurt in the rush, but thankfully, none were seriously injured, unlike the Royal Guards. Casualties were high among them. Surprisingly, Gilda saw a zebra tending to the survivors.

“Who’s that?” Gilda asked.

Big Mac replied, “That’s Zecora, the local shaman. She specializes in potions.”

“So I see.” Gilda noticed the rapid recovery of one of the Guards who had just consumed a potion that Zecora had taken from her saddlebags.

The zebra made her way to the next victim who was groaning and attempting to get to her hooves. Penumbra tried to fend off Zecora, protesting that she was okay.

“That is clearly not true. You need to drink this brew.”

Big Mac said, “Trust her. Drink it.”

Penumbra gave the stallion a hard look before she nodded and accepted the potion. She drank the contents of the vial, pulling a face at the taste. Then her eyes opened in surprise as the brew took effect. “Wow! That’s amazing stuff!” The thestral got up and looked around for her weapons. “Did anypony see which way Nightmare Moon went?”

“Why? Going to join your mistress, batpony?” sneered a pegasus with torn and burnt wings.

Penumbra groaned. Of all the Royal Guards to survive, why did it have to be Overshoot? “Nightmare Moon is not my mistress, Sergeant. I am and always have been loyal to Equestria, and Princess Celestia is my sworn monarch. I’m going to find where Nightmare Moon has gone so we can bring a task force strong enough to deal with her.”

“You expect me to believe that?” He put a hoof on Penumbra’s chest. “You’re going to stay right here, Corporal, until Private Trick Shot comes back with reinforcements. Then we’ll find out what part you really played in this.”

Irwin put Trixie down by Zecora who passed the mare a revitalizing potion. The bull said, “Please do not blame Penumbra. As I understand it, she was the one attempting to warn you.”

“Don’t tell me you believe that traitorous mare too, cow? Butt out of pony business!” Overshoot snarled.

Irwin was slow to anger, but that was the second time he had been called a cow and he was tired of dealing with the bigoted and obstructionist stallion. “Aren’t you a charming little racist?” he said as he reached out with one meaty hand and clamped it around Overshoot’s fetlock, dragging it away from Penumbra. “Let’s just give the nice thestral a chance to help us all.”

Overshoot yelped at Irwin’s crushing grip as the bull pulled him over to where a couple of the other recovering Guards lay.

“Ms. Zecora – as a healer, I have diagnosed this pony to be delusional. I’m prescribing that he gets some rest immediately. Could you help, please?”

Zecora smiled in understanding and took a different colored potion from her bag. She removed the cork and passed it to Irwin.

“Keep that striped demon’s poisons away from me!” Overshoot protested, trying to escape Irwin’s painful grasp.

The minotaur ignored him and, with a deft move that Fluttershy had shown him only a few hours earlier on how to deal with a squirming patient, slipped the potion into Overshoot’s mouth. The stallion reflexively swallowed and, moments later, slipped into peaceful sleep.

“Thanks, minotaur,” Penumbra said.

“You’re welcome, ma’am. Irwin Goodall at your and Equestria’s service. How can I help?”

“Nnnope!” Big Mac said as he joined Irwin. “How can we help?”

“This isn’t your problem, citizens. The Royal Guard will—”

“Horsefeathers!” Gilda exclaimed. “The way I see it, this is all of Equestria’s problem.”

Zecora was listening as she aided the injured. “If the legends are all that I fear, then for the world, disaster is near.”

Irwin looked toward the zebra and raised an eyebrow. “How do you mean?”

It was not Zecora who answered him though. “Trixie has told the tale of Nightmare Moon in many ways to different audiences from the youngest foals through to adults, but the premise is always the same. Nightmare Moon wishes to rule the world in eternal night. However, without the sun, plants will wither and die. Then, because we can grow no food, we will all starve.”

“But… that is madness!” protested Irwin.

Gilda said, “You heard it from the evil alicorn herself, buddy – she declared that the night would last forever.”

“Eeyup,” agreed Big Mac. “So, what are we going to do about it?”

# # # # # # # # #

Author's Note:

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle is stuck without her reference library.