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Moproblems Moharmoney

Because Rainbow Lasers Solve Everything


Micro Chips greatest sin is pride, pride in himself, and in his intelligence.

Straight A's on his report card, straight edge in his personal life, and a straight line to some of the most pristine colleges in the country.

Despite all this, one question still remains, and it certainly doesn't have a straight answer. Trixie is more than happy to help.

(Un) lucky him.

An entry to Eileens Equestria Girls Spring Fling Contest.

Set in the same universe as Nature Of Love, though it's not necessary reading.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

This is especially amusing to me to see this story because I am in fact fishing right now

Do you have a fabulously dramatic, incredibly egotistical, magician with you?

I wish I had. Then I would have caught fish maybe.

Yet she’d still spent many childhood days watering it diligently, her and… someone?

Oh, Wallflower, what have you done?

In any case, wonderful work with both the very different perpsectives and the emotional turmoil. A gripping read from start to finish, and that’s from someone on the outside looking in when it comes to LGBTQ+ issues. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

I found this a very strong read from beginning to end. Micro Chips isn’t the most pleasant of narrators here, but he’s certainly not meant to be, and both the insight we get into him through his voice and the way he attempts to break past Trixie’s defenses – only for the tables to turn dramatically – makes for a very compelling read as the game of wits breaks down into something more meaningful. Maybe some things worked a bit too conveniently in Trixie’s favor, but it doesn’t hurt the emotional impact at all, and I really liked the way things ended. Very nice work and a definite recommendation from me. Thank you very much for the submission.

Thank you kindly, and yes, Micro is a bit of an arrogant ass. A teen far too smart for his own good with a lot of emotional baggage.

Within the Trottish language, there were over fifty different synonyms for 'anger', from the sublime simmering of 'frustration' to the blood-and-thunder soaked 'wrath'. Micro Chips would consider his current mood number #37, or 'splenetic'.

so what is “Ponish” in horseworld is “Trottish” in technicolor hominid world? makes sense, with the latter having horse pun names for everything but somehow not being inhabited by talking horses

They claimed it was crushing to the human spirit, inhuman even. While he wouldn't go so far as to spit on their romanticism or even the ideologies' sad adherents, he certainly looked down on them.

so true. a distinct characterization of Micro Chips, who i feel comes closest to this archetype out of all the characters (or is that stereotyping?)

If asked, he suspected she'd answer, “Trixie is more about the va-va-voom” followed by a bout of ridiculous hip thrusting, or some other inane answer.

dang Micro Chips has a good internal model Trixie

Instead, he'd been sitting on damp grass for the last hour with zero fish, zero silence, and a marked increase in full-body tension.

that definitely sounds like Trixie

The slowly growing pile of Rainbow Trout next to an exuberant Trixie did nothing to aid in Micro Chip's irritation (#5).

the capitalization does make me think of Rainbow Dash. and yes, that would certainly be irritating! how can this be, when Micro Chips is so good at being smart and analytical

“Trixie's just great that way... and powerful of course,” she added, smugness exuding not just from her little grin, but the writhing mountain of fish that had grown with alarming regularity since their arrival.

considering how smug Trixie already is when she fails, i cannot imagine how smug she would be turning out to have a knack for something for no reason

“Potato-Tomahto,” she answered, voice slightly distant, with a tone that was light and breezy.

that is something Trixie would say

“One is a tuber, the other a fruit. Their similarities are non-existent, save for being an example of a ‘true rhyme’, one whose stressed vowel sounds identical in both words. Also, for being both indigenous to ‘the new world’ and members of the deadly nightshade family.”


While hesitant to attribute anything to the superstitions created by their primitive ancestors, Micro Chips felt a quiver in something his more flowery peers would refer to as 'a soul’.

oh i love this! feels like a line ripped straight out of the “average Redditor” series

Micro left out his opinion on their classmates who imbibed too much. As much as he enjoyed a scathing critique of Berry Punch, and her staggering excuse for a 'lifestyle', there was a growing suspicion that things with her weren't quite right. Things social services might be required for.

yeah… a high schooler with the characterization of “alcoholic” does sound like something requiring social services

'Every occasion' implied many things, including the discomforting existence of archery vodka.

honestly that’s probably about the middle of the range for vodkas to be worried about with Trixie

"Remember!" she declared, taking a 'heroic' pose indicative of a more-than-passing familiarity with those odd comics he'd caught Fluttershy with on occasion.

a meganerd that is not a weeb in any way? what a rarity!

“Just as planned. Imply a girl's appearance will suffer and-”

very in-character for him to assume this ahaha

“What she doesn’t understand, though, despite her great and powerful brain, is why you hide yourself?”

aww, makes sense for Trixie to be the other character here. her own smugness about herself does make her the perfect foil to this Micro Chips

“Uh-uh, this is Trixie's time, Micro,” she lectured, finger-wagging contemptuously.

and Trixie’s turn to be the perspective character

The greatest illusion in her repertoire was that of being a stable partner. It was one she never knowingly cast, yet it refused to fade.


“That’s without standing out more than I can help. Why should I suffer? Tell me that Beatrice? Why should I suffer more pain when I can avoid it? It’s illogical. Insanity even!”

oof, this does seem like a conclusion this Micro Chips could come to

If she wasn’t such a humble and nice person, the opportunity to trap a genius under her thumb in the offer of permanent silence would have been irresistible.

good thing Trixie is so humble and nice!

Though the dock did seem to disintegrate at the slightest glance, local wood or no. Maybe he could suggest some stronger lumber?

yeah that dock was pretty shit huh

They were constrictive, and lying never felt right to the teen. Despite that, he instinctively understood why his boyfriend was so paranoid. Micro had a beautiful soul, full of astounding wonder at even the smallest thing, but it was heavily fractured. Every fragment reflecting negativity, cynicism, and materialistic pride. They were working on it, though.

aww so true

Ok, something was up. Micro never cursed, and Trixe only had a smile like that-


When Fluttershy and her friends suddenly turned into furries, he was cool.


“Cause I love you, you big doof,” he whispered, holding the taller boy close, those same words uttered only in the darkest of nights. “I just needed the help of a… friend to let the world know.”

aww, friendship!

“Why is Gloriosa floating?”

well that places this story firmly in the canon! 

really well done with this one! love how strong the character voices are, particularly Micro Chips’s, and the dynamic between him and Trixie in the conversation was spot-on. the core of the story was Micro Chips and Trixie's conversation, so it makes sense that we only got a glimpse of the Sandalwood x Micro Chips ship, and you did a great job in fleshing that out as much as you could in that glimpse. but i am deathly curious as to what Micro Chips's inner monologue sounds like when thinking about Sandalwood!

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