• Published 21st Aug 2023
  • 4,233 Views, 162 Comments

Gynophobia - Discombobulated Soul

Hey, I'm just an average guy leading an average life. Well, I was up until being transported to a weirdo magical world. Now, I'll find my way back or die trying; either option would be better than staying in this female-infested place. - RGRE

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Chapter One - Or How I Got Completely Screwed Over

Author's Note:

Hey, author here. Just wanted to say that, yes, I messed up on this chapter. I really wish I'd started the story differently, as this beginning seems to give off all the wrong vibes. It is staying, though, for two main reasons:

1. I don't really know how else to go about it--this was always the beginning of the story, even in the earliest ideas of it. There are plot threads and dangly bits that depend on these words, so it'd be a lot of work to change and I'd rather move forward with things.

2. It's generally good taste, as far as I've seen, to leave one's mistakes open and viewable. By leaving it as-is, I accept that I'm not perfect and can learn from these experiences, while inviting others to do the same. I know much, if not most, of my writing ability comes not from practicing myself, but reading other people's works.

Rest assured, this is not a story about hating women. I like to think I'm a reasonable guy and I hold no such feelings toward anyone, really. No personal attacks, please, even if I happen to write characters that come off as raging cesspits or the like--they are not self-inserts or reflections of me, at least not in that sense.

No, that doesn't mean Heath is meant to be likeable, at least at the start. The hope was that fewer people would be able to relate to him and whatnot, but I guess everything sorta backfired with this chapter.

TL;DR, I hear you, I've seen the comments, I know this thing sucks. In the interest of improving my writing ability and pandering to those that apparently still like this story anyway, I will be continuing. I am sorry if I offended anyone; that was never my intention.

Just... can we stop harping on this one mistake? Please? Thank you, that's all I ask.

In my experience living on planet Earth, it is customary to rub one's closed eyes when awakening from a good night's rest.

I, of course, never cared to count how many mornings I'd started with that action; suffice it to say that the habit was thoroughly ingrained in my routine. Naturally, the deed assisted with regaining consciousness, helping to break that sandy stuff that keeps our eyes closed and perhaps rub some life into a rebooting brain. Obviously, the first thing I opted to do once I was sufficiently awake was this very action, as I'd done it countless times before with resounding success.

I'm sure you can thusly sympathize with my shock when I felt not the warm grasp of fingers across my face, but instead a cold, hard surface making rather speedy contact with my nose.


Shocked, pained, and successfully roused, I could only blink stupidly as my blurry vision cleared. In my daze, I tried clutching my throbbing nose, which only earned yet another hard impact. This, as you can doubtlessly understand, was quite jarring and my eyes consequently flew open to glare at the offending appendage. I expected a closed fist, perhaps numb because I'd slept on it wrong and maybe that was why I somehow couldn't feel my fingers.

A pale green hoof, attached quite soundly to a similarly-colored foreleg, was the first thing my gaze focused on.

It was an objectively hideous color, one far too close to chartreuse for my liking. I'd always hated that particular shade, though for what exact reason I couldn't say. The fetlock flexed when I tensed what should have been a wrist and after some other small tests I concluded that it was, in fact, part of my body.

I laid there, vacantly staring up at the hoof, for quite some time.

After that, it fell limply to my side as I scrunched up my face, shutting my eyes in what could reasonably be called exasperation.

Oh, come on, thought I.

Now, you were probably expecting a slightly more...bombastic reaction. I will admit, the urge to scream and run in circles was definitely present--fairly tempting, in fact. The thing is, I just wasn't that kind of person. Now, I won't claim to be logical or clear-minded about things, but, faced with a sudden transformation into goodness-knows what, I found abject frustration to be my sole emotion.

Eventually, I reopened my eyes and rolled to my stomach, figuring it best to run damage control and see what the heck I looked like. It was at that moment, however, that I finally took a glance at my surroundings and my jaw promptly dropped.

This isn't my apartment.

Bright orange walls greeted my gaze, painted with murals depicting various woodland creatures prancing about in glee under a light yellow sun. Harsh fluorescent lighting glared down from above, working in tandem with the curtained window to illuminate the modestly-sized room around me. A sterile floor stretched below, looking thoroughly-cleaned and almost painfully white.

A harsh chemical smell wafted from seemingly everywhere, so strong I wondered how I hadn't detected it before. Spartan furnishing existed in the room; only a bedside table next to the raised mattress I laid upon and some monitoring equipment by an IV I realized I was hooked into.

I paused, straining my ears--ignoring, for the moment, the faint rustle and moving sensation I received from such an action--and managed to hear nothing aside from a soft beeping to my left. The white sheets I was tucked into were warm, soft and impeccably clean; they too smelled of that chemical scent I was beginning to recognize as soap.

I sighed heavily, either due to relief or disappointment I didn't know, and ponderously examined the room around me.

Is this a...hospital?

I'd never been in one before, but it seemed to fit the bill. Having studied all I could, I braced for impact and--slowly, to make sure I didn't hurt anything or pull some new muscle I hadn't had before--wriggled out of the blankets.

After observing my new body for a while, I found I could only shut my eyes again and let out another sigh.

Well, I suppose being an undersized Christmas-colored horse isn't the worst possible thing.

Still not my preferred option, though. Ideally, I'd be your regular, run-of-the-mill human male going about his day and not offending whatever cosmic entity decided to put me here. Evidently, I had somehow failed in that endeavor, something to which my bright red tail and tiny, feathery wings could attest. A rush of many different emotions flooded me in that moment, but oddly enough, panic seemed overshadowed by some kind of resignation.

Ah, well, I hardly had the time to do a deep-dive into my own psyche; I needed to gather information about my current situation and I needed to do it now.

Grunting softly to myself, I stood on all fours--a position that felt all too natural--and promptly hopped down off the bed. Immediately, I noticed two key things:

Firstly, the tube attached to the IV I was hooked into wasn't long enough to allow such an action.

Secondly, the nightstand in front of me stretched far too high in the air for me to ever reach the bandages I could see at the top.

Accompanying these realizations were their just-as-immediate consequences, which I watched as though in slow motion. The needle buried in my fetlock was painfully ripped out with a spurt of blood that, to my horror, didn't seem to slow down much at all. And, despite my frantic hopping, I still couldn't reach the one thing that would help me.

Perhaps because of my inexperience with this body, I ended up landing wrong and slipped on the growing pool of red liquid. The heart monitor--whose attached cords for some reason were actually long enough--was beeping wildly at this point and I found myself short of breath after having crashed down on my still-sore nose.

You know, as a grown man, all of this would probably hurt quite a bit and be rather inconveniencing, but nothing to sincerely worry about. This stupid little horse body, though, apparently felt pain far, far more keenly. I choked back tears as I laid there, cursing softly. My fetlock felt like it'd been ripped open and I could swear the whole front of my face was broken.

I'll spare you too many details, but suffice it to say I was not having a good morning.

It's times like this when I like to take a step back and wonder how on earth my life led me here. In my experience, 'phasing out,' as it were, of these particular situations tends to do a world of good, so naturally, that was what I did. Already in my short life as a pony, I was yearning to be back as a man with a host of completely different problems. Issues like paying my rent on time, waking up early enough to get to work, resisting the urge to get the more-convenient fast food and instead cook something decent for dinner. The simple, the mundane, the routine.

I'd been content with my lot in life, you know. I never once complained about my humble, all-too-average situation, at least that I could recall. Sure, I suppose it had been a bit dull, but I'd take boring over three-legged hobbling to the corner of the hospital room and crying my eyes out any day.

Not that I was focusing too hard on that, mind you. Once lost in my own head, the raw pain of this body all but left entirely. Really, it was quite an effective coping mechanism. I recommend you try it sometime.

Distantly, I heard hurried hoofsteps and my furry pony ears swiveled towards the door as it burst open.

I snapped back to attention once I saw what was standing in the doorway, wincing as sensation duly returned.

Another pony stood there, one I immediately noticed was quite a fair bit larger than me, by a margin such that I just as quickly deduced that my body must be a child. Next, I observed the nurse's cap the pony was wearing, as well as the intricate tattoo seemingly part of its flank.

Then, I saw the soft curve of its muzzle, the long eyelashes, and elaborate manestyle.

A female.

By heaven itself, I hated females.

Women and I, you see, had never exactly seen eye to eye. Despite my every attempt to be cordial, inviting, and above all, respectful, they never seemed to return the favor. I do realize I'm generalizing here, but go with me. Often, the best treatment I could expect from a girl was a glare of enmity as she slapped my offered hand away. Sometimes, I caught them talking behind my back, shooting pointy scowls as I walked by. Other times, women would genuinely try to antagonize me with a selection of methods so wide I couldn't even begin to list all of them.

Suffice it to say I'd had bad experience with females.

Worse still, I could never pin down the reason why they hated me so much; best I could tell, my only outstanding characteristic was that I was perfectly average in every feasible way. And any attempt at placation or defending myself was only met with vindictive retaliation the likes of which I could never have expected. It was like they had some secret code, some hidden method of judging people that I always ran afoul of no matter how hard I tried.

After a while, I stopped trying to get them to like me. I'd decided long ago that avoidance--under any cost--was the best solution. And that worked quite well for me, actually. The women in my life had finally reached a consensus with me, something along the lines of 'I hate you, you hate me, let's make sure we never see each other again'. That plan was wildly successful.

At least, it was until...


I won't bore you with the details. The fact remained: A female was standing in the doorway to my room and I needed to get her out before she did something unsavory.

It was at that moment, of course, while she was scanning my surely-pitiful figure up and down--doubtlessly calculating how vulnerable I was--that I involuntarily let out a pained whimper.

Of course, her eyes immediately bulged open and she rushed in for the kill.

"Stay away!" I croaked with a voice far too hoarse and high-pitched for my liking. This, of course, did absolutely nothing to dissuade the menace and in fact only increased her pace as she galloped straight toward me. Frantically glancing about, I spied the nearby curtained window and sped over, ripping apart the drapes. To my delight, it had been cracked open and I was even on the first floor of the building.

To my horror, this pony foal body wasn't near strong enough to open the thing any wider. Not in time to escape the stony forelegs that coiled around my barrel.

I yelled, thrashing as hard as I could, but wasn't able to stop myself from being bodily thrown back on the bed. The mare pinned me to the sheets, grunting angrily as I continued to squirm with all I had. I'm proud to say I managed to clock her pretty solidly in the face, but was more than disappointed when she didn't so much as blink and a fresh wave of pain swept across my foreleg.

Ultimately, the 'fight' was over before it even began; this lady was orders of magnitude stronger than me, likely due to my weakened state and comparative smallness. The second she tired of physically holding my writhing form still and leaned to the side to prepare a syringe, I knew there was no hope of escape.

Again as if in slow motion, I watched as she leaned back over me, grasping my uninjured foreleg and quickly sliding the needle in. The mare stared right into my eyes as she depressed the plunger, smugly daring me to try anything else. I thought I could even see her grinning mouth moving, though the world was growing too fuzzy for me to make out the words.

I didn't give her the satisfaction of replying. I merely glared up at her, willing my expression to reflect my hatred for her kind instead of the all-consuming fear I was actually feeling.

That was the last I knew before I slipped away.