• Member Since 12th Jul, 2022
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Saiyan Cartoon Champion


Twilight decides it’s time to free her young, former student turned young, sworn enemy, and try to reform her. Bracing herself for what is sure to be an uphill battle, as Cozy Glow fights her every step of the way. Except… that’s not how this will go. Not at all.

And only Cozy Glow knows why. But as far as she knows, Twilight knows too.

Written for the 2023, Gozy Glow Short Story Contest.

Prompts: Cozy’s Got A Secret

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

it was ok

She looked at the scroll. An idea was forming. An unconventional idea. An idea that made her heart sink. But an idea that might help her daughter.

she pulled a Queen Serinity.:facehoof:

I don't really understand what happened?

To be fair, I think this worked out significantly worse for Twilight than it did for Queen Serinity. Though it has been a while since I've seen that show.

Any part in particular you didn't understand?

Why was Cozy Glow sent through time?

Is it a time loop?

Is it that cozy glow was from the future timeline to begin with, which I just realized may be the case?

Yes, she was from the future all along.

The idea is that future Twilight sent her back in hopes her past self could help her, before she went too far off the deep end. But it didn't go quiet according to plan.

I think that her being only from thirteen years in the future is what throw me off.

Yeah, I realize thirteen years is an odd number. But I needed her to be from enough in the future, she could be born and be alt least around ten years old or so. But still close enough to the present, that she could have been born before Twilight has any noticable post series growth spurt. Or else Cozy would have realized it was still too soon for her Twilight to have find out she was her daughter from the future.

Honestly I was a little confused until you commented that Cozy was Twilight's biological daughter; I thought she was in an endless loop of arriving in the past, going through series 7-9, being raised by Twilight, still being unhinged, then being sent back in time, being a character with no actual 'origin' like Lister from Red Dwarf. (Actually I first thought the twist was Cozy was one of Pinkie's clones in an altered body; the 'technically I was there' slotted together with the pink coat and fake cheerfulness in my head)
But I guess what actually happened was;
In the 'first' timeline, there was no Cozy Glow, School Raze either didn't happen or someone else was behind it, Twilight has a kid, that kid grows up to be Cozy, and she gets sent back in time and creates the show's timeline, so history changes, canon happens, Cozy gets adopted paroled, and either butterfly effects her own birth out of existence or Twilight has her anyway, presumably figures it out, and now there's two Cozys in timeline two?
Or maybe I've just lost my mind.

That's pretty much it. Though I like to think the possibility of Cozy returning to timeline one, when if she ever learns her lesson is still on the table. Presuming future Twi was still was smart enough to have come up with a modified version of the spell that creates a new timeline, while leaving her own unaffected.

The altered Pinkie Pie clone idea honestly never crossed my mind. Though it sounds like it could have been an interesting twist too.

My only question is: Who's the father?

Second story I've seen with this premise, and while this was better than the other, I still think the idea has untapped potential.

Since there's already two of them, though, I'm kind of hoping someone does the basic idea, but with a different member of the main cast.

Seriously, Cozy being Flurry's younger sister from the future would be an obvious choice. Similar to her being envious in this for her cousin being an alicorn, imagine how much harder it would be if it was her older sister instead? I could see Cozy having a lot in common with Luna in that regard.

Maybe the daughter of Fluttershy and Discord where it's revealed that the two were terrible parents. Not abusive, just Fluttershy never had a backbone and spoiled her rotten, and Discord was more interested in playing games than being a father when he even bothered to be around instead of gallivanting around Equestria.

Was the Twilight that sent Cozy back in time from different timeline than Twilight that want to reformed cozy?

Yes, I think. How you worded it kind of got me confused. But the idea is that Future Twi created a different timeline when she sent her back.

You could edit it to mention that she had already been an alicorn once and she's just trying to regain what she had lost she didn't even force it the Bell turned her into one so she was just trying to see if she could recreate the power of the Bell in some way not forcing it but just returning her to what she once was

Seriously a lot of people forget that little detail that when she was empowered by the Bell she did become an alicorn for a while and in this case especially with what happens in the beginning of this chapter it is absolutely crucial to mention that detail.

Yeah. Like I said in my A/N, I know there still more that can be done with this and I kind of want to if I find the time.

Though taking the basic idea and changing around who Cozy's related to also has a lot of potential. It's actually funny you should bring up the Flurry Heart one. As I actually have been toying around with something like that. Though with Cozy as Flurry's long lost older sibling, who disappeared immediately after birth for reasons I haven't entirely settled on yet.

The idea with Fluttershy and Discord also sounds like it could work. I could especially see Fluttershy and Cozy's relationship being like that. Though considering the events of canon, things might be even more... akward between Cozy and Discord than they are between her Twilight.

Out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to know the name of that other fic with this premise l, would you? I think I know which one your talking about, but can't for the life of me remember what it's called. And I'm actually kind of curious to look back at it now.

Honestly, I decided not to dwell on that. Since it wasn't really relevant to the story. My first guess would be Flash Sentry, since he's Twilight's only real canon love interest and a pegasus like Cozy. And the only pegasi I ship Twilight with personally are female. Though it is a magical world and Twilight's a powerful magic user, so Cozy being the magically created spawn of two mothers isn't out of the question.

Uh, can you clarify that a bit more. I'm not sure when it was you mean I could have had that brought up.

Looking through the comments, I'll say it was an interesting idea, but the execution pre-Author's Note was a bit confusing. 🤔I suppose part of that is the time-travel aspect that always adds a dash of confusion to a story, but for me personally, the back and forth was what really threw me.

At first I thought that you were just flashing forward to the future so I only wrote it after reading the first future segment I didn't realize that you were establishing a time line switch. Twilight would have known that Cozy had become an alicorn in the past (meaning all she would have to do is recreate the power of the Bell to return to being an alicorn) if that were the case. I didn't delete my comment because it just felt wrong to, I had already completed it.

To anyone who has mentioned it already since we're dealing with a future Trunks situation (traveling into the past creates a new timeline) Cozy Glow not being born here wouldn't affect her.

Yeah, I can see how the back and forth could throw people off. I thought it would be more interesting than just dumping all the future stuff at once. And I did try to make it clear what was going on without having any of the characters spell it out. But I can definitely tell the execution was a tad off and people got somewhat confused anyway.


Though taking the basic idea and changing around who Cozy's related to also has a lot of potential. It's actually funny you should bring up the Flurry Heart one. As I actually have been toying around with something like that. Though with Cozy as Flurry's long lost older sibling, who disappeared immediately after birth for reasons I haven't entirely settled on yet.

Actually had a slight idea for this once.

Cozy Glow isn't from the future. She's from one of the alternate timelines Starlight made. Probably the desolate one we see last. She's the first and only born daughter of Cadence and Shining in that timeline, but butterfly effect meant she was a different pony than Flurry; different time of conception means a different sperm and egg made a different foal, which means she is genetically a sister to Flurry even if Flurry never existed in her timeline, not an alternate version of her.

I would make it an AU and change her initial plan from, "Getting Rid of Magic to Become Empress," to having it be that the desolate timeline was one in which magic was lost from the world, making it dead. Cozy's plan was to use the last of the magic in her world to go to an alternate reality that still had it, and her spell wasn't meant to get rid of magic, but to transport it to her own timeline, restoring it.

Being the hero who returned magic to the world would make her the most celebrated pony in history there and lead to her being made Empress, though no one would have known the truth of how she got the magic as telling them she killed a different world to save their own wouldn't sit well with some.

Anyway, no, I don't remember the name. It's from one of the old contests. it does have the idea you alluded to in this though; Cozy is only freed after Twilight gives birth and realizes the truth.

Despite being a curious read, the method of storytelling is a damn mess and I did not figure anything out until reading writer's notes.

Yeah, that seems to be what I'm getting from a lot of folks.

That sounds like another good direction one could take this. Kind of reminds me of "After Glow". It had kind of similar twist and motivation. Though Cozy wasn't biologically related to any of the cast from her universe as far as I remember. (I think she was Celestia's adopted daughter.)

I've also played around with doing my own version of that. Though the exact details escape me at the moment.

Thanks for the tip about where to find that one story

So Twilight caught her daughter trying to travel back in time and after lecturing her she sent her back in time anyway. Past Twilight's problem now :moustache:. Cozy Glow got what she wanted and all her schemes are someone else's problem now.

Although maybe she has a point. Cozy Glow seems obsessed with who her mother is so sending her back to a time where Twilight doesn't even have a child yet seems like a fitting way to make Cozy Glow actually listen to what Twilight has to say. Because technically it wouldn't be coming from her mother. Twilight would be speaking to her in the same way she'd speak to any other pony.


Not sure Future Twi would like to think of it as making it Past Twi's problem, but yeah that's the gist of it. :twilightsmile:

I'm sure Future Twilight has a very deep and insightful reason to do this. Something about how Cozy Glow witnessing all the effort and the hardships Twilight had went through and the lessons she had learned in the past will make Cozy Glow a better pony.

But I'm a bird brain so all of that translates to "...so you sent her back in time and now Past Twilight has to deal with this?" because technically, Future Twilight had a problem and she sent Cozy Glow to the past because she thinks that might fix it. Which is fair game, Cozy Glow wanted that anyway

I much prefer the Flash Sentry option.

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