• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


With only one minion to her name, Opaline finds herself in a bind when Misty falls ill. Cooking, cleaning, and infiltrating Maretime Bay for medicine become the least of Opaline's problems as she contemplates exactly what Misty means to her – or rather, as she tries to not contemplate it.

Self-doubt is unbecoming for a perfect alicorn, after all.

Russian translation: https://ponyfiction.org/story/17571/

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 47 )

nice work

With only one minion to her name, Opaline finds herself in a bind when Misty falls ill. Cooking, cleaning, and infiltrating Maretime Bay for medicine become the least of Opaline's problems

This is the sort of logistical issue with many villains that the writers just have to hope we don't think about. We take the availability of things like medical care for granted.

Beautiful story.

This bit got me.

“Can you tell me a story?”

Opaline glanced to the side. “Misty, you know that I only know one story.”

“That’s okay.”

Opaline nodded. “Very good. We have the fluids at home. Do you have any love in stock?”


So cute I love it

This was AMAZING and Fun!

That was so adorable! Loved it!

Is there a sequel planned where Opaline is the one that gets sick and is left wondering how lesser ponies can so easily recover from what's leaving her feeling like she's dying?

Considering what some of us have seen with various brand names, it's a legitimate question.

“Once upon a time, there was the prettiest, most talented alicorn in all the land. Even among the other perfect alicorns, she was wise, strong, and beautiful, and ponies journeyed from all over just to make her pancakes or kiss her hoof. Such was her greatness that the other alicorns became jealous. They stopped inviting her to parties, and complimented each other while inventing reasons to tear her down. As the greatest alicorn she was supposed to become queen of Equestria, but they lied and cheated until even the lesser ponies were turned against her. She was forced to flee, but in truth the other alicorns destroyed themselves, for without her wise guidance they lost all magic and allowed the tribes to be split asunder. The alicorns left the world in shame, but the best of them remained, hidden until the day when her magic would be returned. And when that day comes, all the ponies will again be united with her as their queen.”

I'm genuinely impressed by how self-serving that story is.

The part where Opaline talks about banning dumpster diving like she actually cares about everypony cracked me up! :rainbowlaugh:

OK OK yes but You can pay attention to its positive aspects. Such a beautiful story.

Misty launched herself upwards, almost knocking over the tray as she wrapped her hooves around Opaline, burying her face into the queen’s generous floof. The body in her grip tensed, then relaxed slowly. And with her eyes hidden, Misty could only feel the warm wings fall across her back.

Soo cute . I want to see this scene

Since I've seen basically nothing of G5 or Opaline so far, I'll just go ahead and adopt this as 100% canon.

While I’m personally opposed to the idea of Opaline getting a redemption arc, I do have to admit this was very cute.


Is there a sequel planned where Opaline is the one that gets sick and is left wondering how lesser ponies can so easily recover from what's leaving her feeling like she's dying?

No plans for such.

Besides, alicorns are too perfect to get sick, just ask Opaline.:scootangel:

Oh this is just delightful. Opaline is definitely a guilty pleasure character for me. She's not a great villain, but she is a dramatic and funny villain, and I love that, and I just adore how you've written her in this fic. Her internal monologue is so haughty and "I'm-better-than-you" and I'm obsessed with it. One detail I really liked was Izzy saying Opaline's name during their interaction, which implies that Opaline's Pony Peasant Disguise (TM) did not work in the slightest lol. Also Opaline humming her theme song is so amusing but also so in-character, omg. In all fairness if I were her and that was my song I would also scream it to the masses. When it first came out I was mad that it was being wasted on TYT and not the main show but also, it's just a very damn good song. It can exist wherever it pleases.

Opaline nodded. “Very good. We have the fluids at home. Do you have any love in stock?”

This line might just be my favorite sfdjkfsdjk it made me laugh out loud, my god. It's such an Opaline thing to say.

Gosh this fic just makes me yearn for this to be the canonical dynamic between Opaline and Misty. Like all the stuff is there! It could be done!!!! But of course, if that were the case, this probably wouldn't have been written so I shall steep in these feelings alone. Just....... the shift of Opaline going "where are my pancakes misty >:(" to "oh i actually care about my pancake minion" was so so good. AND THEN HER MAKING PANCAKES AT THE END BUT BEING VERY BAD AT IT????? CHEF'S KISS THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE

This story was just absolutely fantastic, and I loved every second of it. Thank you for writing! :D

Aaa, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed and shared it with me! :rainbowkiss:

The best (and only) sympathetic take on Opaline I've seen. These two are some of the most intriguing character in G5, and this is a fascinating approach to their relationship. Opaline having the potential to be a better person while being held back by her own arrogance is an intriguing angle as well, and one that definitely not helped by her indeterminate isolation. This one's a real thought provoker. Thank you for it.

Hi. Like you, I wrote a story about Opaline. If you like, read my story

“No, Miss Opaline.” Misty’s perky voice emerged garbled and moist. She gave a cough that seemed to use her whole chest, then flipped open her covers with a heated gasp. “I think I’m sick.”

Opaline wandered a step closer. She peered into a waste can by the bed, winced, and took two steps back.

“What is… ‘sick?’” Opaline asked. “This is a lesser-race thing, isn’t it?”

There's being out of touch with normal life. And then there's being so ignorant of bodily function and lost in your power fantasy that you make Spoiled Rich look like a strong and self-reliant person. LOL!

I like the idea of Opaline coming to care for Misty genuinely...but it should be pointed out that her kindness toward one pony should not justify her trying to subjugate everypony else.

Anyways, good story.


I like the idea of Opaline's alicorn powers making her forget about the concept of a medical emergency. If she's spent a long time without anypony, it would make sense for her to forget such things.

It reminded me of this.

I enjoy this story, and I will give it a 10/10. I prefer this take on Opaline instead of making her a complete Maniac.

Sadly, the new Make Your Mark Episode makes Opaline even more of a Klown, so I assume Hasbro decided to make Opaline a complete villain instead of offering her a chance to be a better poni.

Even if you put this story in a TYT or MYM Episode, it will still make sense. It can be a Flashback, and it can make the story more interesting...and cute, of course.

“Sorry!” The young mare chimed. “I’m not a normal pony, I’m Izzy.”

“Yes, I see.”


I would have preferred this to be longer! I'm a big fan of the humorous and sweet dynamic between Opaline and Misty here.

I came here after witnessing the end of Opaline in the 67th Episode of Tell Your Tale. Jesus Christ, that tree in Castle performs a Stage Fatality on her.

Come back to the story. That TYT Episode only confirms my thought that your interpretation of Opaline in this fic is, so far, the most enjoyable. I enjoy how she greets Ponis in a weird way, how she tries to hide her care for Misty, and most of all, she genuinely taking care of Misty while still having that Klown Feeling in TYT Episode(that Pancake scene).

You can not imagine how big my smile is when I reach the end of the novel, where Misty is being embraced by OP. Oh, my heart! Why cannot TYT Writers have a read at your work? Misty's complex feelings towards Opaline and Opaline's not-yet-disappeared conscience may create a very interesting dynamic. Fortunately, In TYT, Opaline is a Klown to the end, and I am indeed happy that the writers did not make her completely evil.

In short, Good job on this story. This novel basically shaped how I view the Opaline/Misty relationship and made me more motivated to watch more G5 content. I hope in future there will be more Opaline/Misty fic on the way!

(Sadly I can not give you more than one likes)

I finished watching the Whole Chapter 6 of Maker Your Mark and got EMOTIONAL DAMAGE.

For those that seeking to see Opaline have redemption or take care of Misty after reading this novel, I do not recommend watching Chapter 6. And I am still willing to say that Dan's story still is the best character that Opaline possibly has.

G5 has a lot to complain about. At least we have our fanfics.:heart:

I just revisited this fic and my God, I think it's my favorite G5 fic. I love this angle you gave Opaline.

I take it you watched the Chapter 6 of MYM and not happy with the ending of Opaline?

Eh, I've not seen the show all the way through, but I unironically really love Opaline and wish they got into her more.

and honestly, I doubt she's dead--she seemed more like an arc villain rather than the overarching evil


I am also sad about the events that happened and I did not watch the chapter6 in its entirety. (Well, I saw a little bit of each episode to know a bit)
But I know Opaline is alive and will come back for a stronger story arc.
Also, I think that after what happened, Opaline will be corrected after returning.

Even though I'm not caught up on MYM, and a lot has been spoiled for me, I'm still glad that stories like this exist.

This was heartwarming. At least this version of Opaline got touched by true friendship (or familial love).

I've read this fic before the release of Ch 5 and instantly fell in love with it. This is the kind of interaction between Opaline and Misty I was hoping for to see in MYM. Maybe a flashback to the actual first meeting of them to see that Opaline really cared about baby Misty at least? But no, we got that "twirled mustache villain" cliche. "Look how EVIL I am, here is my EVIL plan and EVIL diagrams". Like really? And Ch 6 killed last hopes with Opaline's speech wich revealed she never cared about Misty. Absolutely no feelings, she was just a tool for Opaline. So I'm truly happy that works like this exist. It fills my heart with joy and warmth.

You know, this kind of makes me understand Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon fans a little. They're terribly, irredeemably evil, but with the magic of fanfiction we can explore what life would be like if they were a little better.

Thank you again for making the fan art, it is gorgeous. :heart:

Wait, never care about Misty? I remember she made a speech about how she tries to treat Misty as a friend, even in a Twist way. I think it shows her Twisted conception of Friendship rather than showing 'She never care about Misty'.

I try to look at the Positive Side; at least we have two Opaline: MYM Opaline, which is more evil, and TYT Opaline, which is less evil and more Goofy.

It is perfectly logical to assume that even TYT Opaline eventually took her Cutie Mark; she used to care about Misty(or still care but decided to prioritize the Konquest instead of her feelings).

A story idea:

Imagine a Timeline where Opaline, under the help of Misty, manages to konquer the whole Equestria. How will she treat the Equestria? Will she make Equestria Better, or is she just having tons of fun? How will she treat the M5? Will she put Misty by her side, giving her a cutie mark and making her live like a precious princess? There is so much possibilities, wanna give this a shot?


I agree. Misty was the only one who had Opaline. It's pretty clear that Opaline hates being alone and Misty was everything to her.
She herself said that she has known Misty as her friend all this time.


Maybe I can write. But now I am working on a story about the future of Make your mark.

I am here after the Newest 70 Episode. Damn you, Screenwriter, Damn you!

In case you wanna ask, they basically confirmed that TYT Opaline is much closer to her MYM personality than we thought. Oh Crap!

Alas, but no real surprise. At least we have fanfics.

“Ooh, if you were up watching TikTrot again I am going to start regulating your...”

Tik tok sucks I never really liked their social media

“What is… ‘sick?’” Opaline asked. “This is a lesser-race thing, isn’t it?”

Apparently she never knew about getting sick

Her hooves clattered on the cobblestones as Opaline broke into a run, shoving or leaping over the commoners in her way.

Ohh wow she getting worry 😟

Awww this is definitely pretty cute I kind of wish we see that one in the show that she has still some softer side somewhere but it happens anyway so Opaline was basically waiting for Misty to cook some pancakes but she was getting impatient but when she got to her room she was not feeling good and Opaline very unexpected decided to make her feel well so she went out there in her disguise of course to find any pharmacist that can deal with sickness which she did but she was starting to get worried for Misty which it was kind of cute that she worries about her despite that she doesn't want to show any emotion towards her but she does afterwards Misty was trying to feel a little bit better still need to recover but I like the moment between them this was a pretty nice one keep up the good work

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