• Published 15th Oct 2023
  • 327 Views, 19 Comments

It’s A Wonderful Life - Artist

Applejack and Stevie had been dating for a year, will they get married now??

  • ...

It’s time to go home

The sun shine brightly across the Empire, Twilight was still sleeping when she heard birds chirping outside.

She heard the door open, her niece walked in to the room.

“Good morning, auntie Twilight.” Flurry cheerfully announced.

“Good morning, Flurry.” Twilight stretched, and got out of bed.

Across the hall in Stevie’s room, he was getting ready, Twilight had helped him pack his bags the night before.

“So today we’re going to leave this place!” Stevie thought to himself as he walked out of his room, and across the hall to Twilight’s room.

Stevie lifted a hoof to knock on the door before he could hear Twilight’s hoof steps from inside come closer to the door.

“I’ll miss you, Flurry.” Twilight’s voice spoke softly.

“I’ll miss you too!” Flurry’s voice responded.

Stevie heard hoof steps behind him.

“Hey Stevie, you waiting for Twilight?” Cadence’s sweet and gentle voice asked.

“Yeah.” Stevie quickly said.

“What’s wrong?” Cadence asked noticing that Stevie was avoiding the question.

“Ah…well…Ah kinda, still upset with Ray!” Stevie stammered.

“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.” Cadence reassured him, before opening the door to Twilight’s room and entering.

Stevie let out a heavy sigh.

“If you only knew.” He thought to himself.

“Flurry, have you said goodbye to auntie?” Cadence asked once she was in Twilight’s room.

“Yes, I have.” Flurry answered.

“Alright, then, I need to talk to Twilight alone.” Cadence gently said to her daughter.

Flurry already knew that that was the cue to leave, she slipped out of the room quietly, and passed Stevie.

“Now Twilight, you know as well as I do that, we should have to tell her eventually.” Cadence said to Twilight, who was packing her bags.

“Yeah, I know, but how?” Twilight exclaimed.

“I don’t know, but we need to think of something!” Cadence said.

“And fast.” Twilight added.

“What are you talking about?” Stevie who came into the room unnoticed asked.

“Stevie, but how did you come into my room?” Twilight deadpanned.

“The door was unlocked!” Stevie simply shrugged.

“So what don’t you want to tell Flurry?” The stallion asked.

“Umm, nothing!” Twilight and Cadence both said at the same time.

“Yeah right, you know Ah know when you’re lyin right?” Stevie grinned.

“I thought only Ray knew when ponies were lying!” Twilight exclaimed.

Stevie shook his head and let out a sigh.

Then suddenly with a flash of light Flurry popped into the room out of nowhere with a very angry look on her face.

“Is it true, Stevie, you’re leaving?” Flurry asked, angrily walked over to where he sat.

“You listen to me now, I’m gonna come back someday, but I just need some space from Ray for a while, ya hear?” The stallion asked as he knelt down to her.

“But why can’t you and Ray just get along for once, dinner was so nice yesterday but then, you and Ray needed to ruin it!” Flurry cried.

“I’m sorry, Ah’m leaving.” Stevie exclaimed.

Flurry’s face turned as red as a tomato as she let out ear piercing scream and stormed out of the room.

“I’ll go after her!” Twilight said, running off in the direction her niece had taken.

Once Twilight had caught up with her niece in the hallway.

“Flurry, I understand it’s hard letting go, I really do.” Twilight approached her niece with caution, as Flurry sat on the ground in front of one of the rooms.

“I don’t understand, why does he need to leave, why can’t he stay?” She asked when she was done crying.

“Well, it’s not that simple, like Stevie said earlier, he just needs some space from Ray!” Twilight comforted her niece.

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense!” Flurry said, coming over and hugging her aunt.

“Come on, let’s go back to my room.” Twilight said as she started to walk away.

“Auntie Twilight, I like Stevie!” Flurry confessed, blushing a little bit.

“But you do understand that, he’s in love with Applejack, right?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, I understand that.” Flurry sniffled a little.

“Then, why were you so upset when he said he was going to go?” Twilight asked.

“Because I didn’t know if he would come back to visit, now that he wants to live with Applejack.” Flurry admitted as they walked back to Twilight’s room.

“Well, it’s a good thing I was here then, so now you know not to jump to conclusions too quickly.” Twilight smiled.

In Ray’s room, Rainbow was helping him pack.

“What did I do, Flurry will never forgive me!” The Black stallion lamented as he sat on his haunches.

“I’m sure she’ll get over it, eventually.” Rainbow said as she loaded the last of Ray’s bags onto a court.

“Yeah, but I did say somethings to Stevie, that I can never take back!” Ray mumbled.

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it, if it makes you feel better when we’re back in Ponyville, we can have a talk with Stevie, how’s that sound?” Rainbow asked coming over to Ray.

Ray let out a sigh and noted. “Ok fine.”

Coming out of his room, Rainbow and Ray ran into Twilight and Stevie.

“Hey Twilight, you going to breakfast to?” Rainbow asked once she saw the purple alarcon.

The tension between Ray and Stevie was so heavy, but you could cut it with a knife.

“Yeah, we are.” Twilight answered before Stevie could say anything.

“Cool.” Rainbow added with a wink at Twilight, who nodded in understanding.

“Well, see you there.” Twilight waved as she and Stevie kept walking.

“Twilight, Ah know what you’re doin, ya want me and Ray to be friends again, but it ain’t gonna work!” Stevie said once they were in the dining hall.

Twilight shook her head as she sat down.

“Listen, I don’t think it’s that simple, Flurry really likes you, she doesn’t want you to leave!” Twilight spoke as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Wait, what, what does any of this have to do with your niece?” Stevie asked nearly choking on his own cup of coffee.

“She came to me and confessed to me that she likes you, it’s probably nothing more than a school pony crush.” Twilight told Stevie.

“I’ll talk to her after breakfast.” Stevie said as he bent down to eat his oats.

“Remember directly after breakfast we are leaving for Ponyville.” Twilight reminded him.

Rainbow and Ray came into the dining hall, when Rainbow spotted Twilight, she waved to her.

“Come sit over here.” Twilight called.

Rainbow and Ray made the way over to where Twilight sat.

Ray’s face grew angry when he sentenced Stevie’s presence.

“What’s he doing here?” Ray asked.

“We thought it would be a good idea if we taught you 2 a lesson in friendship.” Twilight answered Ray’s question.

“I’m out.” Ray crossed his front legs as he sat there.

After breakfast at the train station.

“Flurry, it was so nice meeting you, hope we can do it again sometime!” Stevie said to the young alicorn.

“Yeah, it was nice to meet you too, Stevie and Ray!” Flurry grinned, turning to her aunt to give her a huge hug.

“I’m gonna miss you most of all, auntie Twilight.” Flurry embraced her.

“Me too.” Twilight reciprocated the embrace.

“What about us?” Pinkie asked.

“Don’t worry, she didn’t forget us!” Rarity calmed the pink pony.

Shining Armor walked over to Twilight.

“I miss you, but you’ll come visit again soon, right?” He asked as he embraced her.

“Yes, of course!” Twilight replied.

Flurry and the rest of the main six were hugging when Cadence walked over with Stevie.

“Flurry, honey, Stevie’s got something to say to you!” Cadence knelt down to her daughter’s level.

“Yeah, what you gotta say this time?” Flurry asked indicatively.

“Ah’m sorry for we acted at dinner.” Stevie softly spoke.

“Thank you!” Flurry acknowledged, blushing a little.

When the train pulled into the station, the doors opened, and ponies went in and out.

“Next stop Ponyville station, all aboard!” The conductor shouted.

The main six, Stevie and Ray all boarded the train.

“Hey guys, has anyone seen the CMC?” Fluttershy asked, sitting down on one of the velvet cushions that was on one of the seats.

“They decided to stay a little while longer to explore the Empire.” Twilight explained as the train pulled away from the station.

Glancing out the window, Twilight could see Flurry, Shining and Cadence, standing on the platform waving, Twilight waved back.

Sitting back in her seat Twilight got out a book and started reading.

A few hours later, the train pulled into Ponyville station, Stevie, Ray and the main six got off and walked to the respective homes, Ray went back to Vinyls home guided by Rainbow.

And Stevie and Applejack went to Sweet Apple Acres, as Twilight went back to her castle.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this one.