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She/Her | Lover of cute content | Advocate for trans rights


While taking a brief fishing trip and missing the good old days, Discord's day gets interrupted by Cheese Sandwich who is interested in asking him on a date.

Artwork drawn by 3ggMilky on Deviantart

Written for the M/M Shipping Contest 2023

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )
Perfectly Insane

OK, so, first of, this actually feels natural. There are very few ponies in equestria who would casually encounter Discord and not freakout or anything, Cheese is one of them. Cheese also doesn't ask a streamline of questions, which is in character for him. This entire encounter is actually very in character and feels like it works, I didn't feel like at any point these characters aren't who you were telling me they were.

Now, there's some grammar stuff here and there, but nothing jarring enough to detract from the reading experience. I will say from here on out that '' should only be used for dialogue, not for thoughts or anything else; it gets confusing. Otherwise, this has been a pleasant read.

Reily #2 · Dec 2nd, 2023 · · 2 ·

Thank you for the feedback. The grammar stuff isn't super easy to notice. And yeah I'm doing my best to try to keep quotes for dialog only, but sometimes mistakes happen.

Reily #3 · Dec 3rd, 2023 · · 3 ·

I went ahead and fixed it. Thank you.

Super cute story with some great moments of snappy dialogue from both Discord and Cheese! I love how they jump to bantering with one another right off the bat. Cheese's transformation into his namesake and subsequent toss into the lake had me a little worried for him! Leave it to Discord to take things a bit too far for a romantic gesture.

I like that you can read a bit of insecurity into Discord's withdrawal from Cheese. Especially since this is taking place not long after testing Fluttershy's efforts toward becoming his first friend. He's probably not used to ponies approaching him outright, especially not one as sincere and good hearted as Cheese. You've laid a great foundation if you ever decide to write that amazing date Cheese has in store :raritywink:

Thank you reading and enjoying my short fic. :)

After all, here he was forced to make friends and tone down the chaos. Ponies in general in his mind were simple creatures, they lived their whole lives with only a limited amount of play and fun. For all he saw was ponies finding their cutie mark and pledging undying allegiance to harmony’s ideals as soon as possible. Then for the rest of their lives relentlessly work, and then eventually get buried into cemeteries. Despite being given a new chance, reanimated pony skeletons all refused his offers and kept shooing him away. Then to add insult to injury, the ponies had the nerve to crawl back inside their coffins. Sure there were the occasional pony last millennium that might have enjoyed what he had to offer. But alas, no such luck in this era.

love this bit of existential dread from the point of view of the immortal Discord. that is indeed how ponies would seem to him

Only for the princesses to undo the damage, and turned to stone. Then the precious moon princess herself was stuck there on her moon for millennia. Discord chuckled softly to himself and sighed. “Muenster for a monster. Oh Discord. How do you do it? Too bad there isn’t an audience here”.

hehe, that is a fun way to fill in what happened between Discord and the Royal Sisters in the early Diarchy. also classic terrible Discord pun

“How's it going stranger? My patented Cheese Sandwich sense told me this was one of the classiest places to find a delightfully handsome catch. Any takers yet?”

dang does this guy have rizz

“You know you make quite the snack Mr. Discord” , Cheese Sandwich said, wiggling his eyebrows at Discord.

ok this one wasn’t as slick but it might as well work

“Oh. Don't worry. I'm not going to eat you.” Discord proceeded to cross his arms and huffed indignantly,“I'm lactose intolerant”

silly Discord, lactose intolerance is no bar to insisting on eating and enjoying cheese sandwiches, and i should know

The sandwich gave a sigh of relief. “Well. Perfect to know. That sort of thing ruined my last date with this one stallion. White fur, blond mane, and was a complete and utter buzzkill really. Kept insisting I should know who he was and that his aunt was going to give me an ear full. Of course that's what I get for using Pinder instead of using my gut. But there are plenty of fish in the sea. Am I right? Am I right?”

oh hey that’s Blueblood!

Then the hook managed to fall off. Cheese Sandwich struggled against the weeds. But it was no good. He was trapped. “At least I am going out the way I always wanted to, in an improbable chaotic scenario” , Cheese Sandwich thought to himself.


Discord held up a claw. “Sleep with the fishes. I know. The fish were supposed to spell a message for you. It was going to be so perfect too. You see my message, check the note , and boom. You were going to be wowed.”

that was a pretty terrible plan, Discord!

“Look. I think you seem kind of neat. Which is why I’m giving you a chance. Call me sometime by standing in front of a mirror while wearing a hat in a goofy fashion and saying my name three times. Then we could see about some kind of date.

of course Discord would do a Beetlejuice thing instead of a normal pony thing

Cheese Sandwich was assured of one thing though. Someday soon, he will have an amazing date ahead of him.

aww, that’s nice! 

great job on the pairing here, as Cheese Sandwich is definitely one of the few creatures in existence who could have this kind of rapport with Discord. it’s a pair i definitely would want to see more of in stories, so thank you for writing!

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