• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
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Still tired. Still writing. Patreon


This story is a sequel to Long Road to Friendship

Once upon a time, Sunset Shimmer was a terrible person. Then a pretty purple princess punched her with a rainbow.

She didn't get better.

Now she's stuck in a redemption story. Only she doesn't want to be redeemed. And it's barely a story. Can Sunset survive this satirical retelling of her rise from the ashes?

Well, she doesn't really have a choice.

This is a parody. If you haven't read the original, read that first. It's marginally better than this.

Cover art customized by Amber Spark

I regret nothing!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 52 )

I was nineteen when I started this.

lol, I love a good fourth wall break! :rainbowlaugh:

“I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say,” it said in a squeaky voice.

Creepy. :twilightoops:

“So, vat seems to be ze problem?” The doll asked in a stereotypical German therapist voice. It also had a beard. And a monocle because reasons .

Lol. :rainbowlaugh:

While Sunset was mopping floors after school, Rainbow marched up to her, sweaty from having just finished stroking her ego. Oblivious to the wet floor sign, she slipped and slid into a locker.

Some things never change. :ajsmug:

Over in a dark corner, Twilight was watching, sharpening a knife.


I know this is meant to be a joke, but making abridged versions of some of the lengthier stories on this site is actually kind of brilliant.

I wanted a sense of urgency!

Can't argue there. :ajsmug:

“Hearing that only makes me love you more,” Twilight whispered.

Lol! :rainbowlaugh:

“Okay, so, first of all, I’ve already done like, fifty things worse than what she did to me. Second, I don’t talk in the third person, so that’s not gonna happen.”

Can't argue there. :applejackunsure:

Laughed often and in varying levels of volume. Nicely done.

Trixie, not being the main protagonist in this story, removed herself from the scene.


“Don’t worry, I am here!” a magical and manly voice said. From a puff of smoke, Artemis and Selena appeared. With sword and sorcery, they beat up a couple of teenagers and tied them up for the police. They were like Batman and Batgirl, only way cooler.

Rade. :rainbowdetermined2:

Moondancer jumped up from her seat. “At last, it’s time for everyone to see my brilliance! My debut shall be legendary! I’m so excited to finally be a part of the sto—”

I was not expecting this to be so hilarious. Thank you for making this!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Albi, you're a nutjob. Mind, that's a compliment, because this was hilarious. Good on ya, chief.

I'd been wanting to see more of this, and now I get the chance! :pinkiehappy:

Still makes me laugh! And now to see what new glory awaits. ^_^

This is just wonderful and hilarious. I just can't stop smiling all throughout. :pinkiehappy:

This was just spectacular and hilarious. I actually do like the Lulamoon family team up to save Sunset and didn't think it jumped the shark. Here's to ten years and I look forward to all you have planned for us as Spectacular Seven continues. ^_^

Was not expecting this ride but dis gun be gud *pulls out lawn chair*

“I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say,” it said in a squeaky voice.

God damnit, Nappa

“Dammit, Albi…”

Should we start a counter?

And then Twilight Sparkle materialized behind her. “Hi, Senpai—Sunset!”

Sunset flipped off the universe.

Why do you keep going after my sides!?

Twilight screamed. “No! That can’t be! That’s impossible!”

“Search your feelings, you know it’s true.” Sunset shrugged. “Or, I could be crazy. Either way, f*ck off!”

Enough people *raises claw* cast her as Mara Jade anyway, so why not Darth Shimmer?

“Holy **** and **** on a ******* Swiss cheese **** nuggets! Why does this ****** **** happen to me? What ****** sadistic **** thought it would be ******* funny to **** my ******* life this ******* hard in the ***!”

I cannot help hearing these in Potter Puppet Pals Dumbledore voice

Sunset thought about it. Then she shoved Twilight into a locker. “Cafeteria at lunch.”


This is turning in to an Ed, Edd, and Eddy episode

Flash poked his head over. “Can I be in the story yet?”

“F*ck off!”

I agree with horse girl, not because you're a waifu-stealer, but because you're a boring character that only works when around more interesting ones. Stop leaching off best horse-girl.

“Bye, Sunset!”

“F*ck off.”

We're going to need a counter for this, too, aren't we?

Moondancer stared at her computer screen. “Why does this have 3000 likes?”

Because next to Past Sins this is the best fic on the site. Also, you break Flutter's heart, I break your spine. Just a not-so-friendly warning.

This almost felt like it was narrated by Discord. Also, the curses are more hilarious because the ARE censored.

No Puppies Were Harmed in the Making of this Terrible Fic

Well, that's a relief!

Am I gonna get in trouble for this? Who knows, mods are gone.

Are they? *begins to breath heavily while looking at an A.I.*

“Dammit, Albi!”

Yeah, gonna need a counter.
Don't look at me; I'm reading this at work and don't have time to count.

“So, vat seems to be ze problem?” The doll asked in a stereotypical German therapist voice. It also had a beard. And a monocle because reasons.

I hear he wasn't as good as everyone claims he was. Also, his nephew worked for a bacon company and used... not exactly false doctor reports in order to convince people that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and that it needed to include bacon.
But that's just a theory... A FOOD THER-!

“I’m now secretly in love with her,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Back off, bitch, she’s mine,” Twilight hissed, walking past.

Fluttershy bowed her head. “Okay.”

Ladies, ladies... she's from Equestria, which means that herds are a thing, which means she can do both of you, even at the same time if you plan it out properly.

“Rainbow, watch your language; we only have a teen rating for this story.” Seriously, how did this get past moderation?

Because the mods here are like the ones for Equestria Daily, only instead of simping for a dumbass they simp for Best Pony-Girl

“Evilness… suddenly… melting away.” Sunset shook. “Must… fight urge… to cuddle.”

She lost.

“Oh, you’re so adowable, yes you are! Yes, you are!” Sunset cuddled and petted the puppy while it licked her cheek. “When I burn the world down, you’ll be right there by my side.”

It barked in joy.

Perfect example of why dogs are better than cats. You ever see an evil villain in his evil chair petting an evil dog? Of course not! Because dogs are goodness incarnate (except when some piece of shit calling themselves human abuses them, then they're tragedy personified).
Also cat is a better ingredient for sesame chicken, so...

Over in a dark corner, Twilight was watching, sharpening a knife.

Again, you can share and everyone wins.

“You have stolen my honor! Now I must fight you to get it back!”

Honor is overrated. Always aim for the balls (ego)

“Can’t allow you to do that, Miss Shimmer. Also, here’s a ticket.”

“For what?”

“Breaking the fourth wall too many times.”

Sorry Shimmy, but that's Pinkie's shtick

Shining Armor looked up from his video games. “My lesbian senses are tingling… Dammit, it’s my sister!”

As a fellow male, I can totally confirm we have these

So they went to the mall and played giant chess. Sunset laughed maniacally. “Your army is formidable, Twilight, but you are no match for me! I have played with an immortal princess! My skills are far beyond your comprehension! I shall grind you into the dirt where you will grovel at my heels, begging for mercy while my pieces capture your king and force you to surrender a humiliating defeat at my hands! You will rue the day you—”

“I yield.”

“F*ck you!”

I throw away the kings of people who do this. LET ME HAVE MY CATHARTIC VICTORY!!!

“Twilight, this isn’t as effective since you’re kinda flat-chested.”

“Shut up and let me cuddle with you!”

Soft, warm boobs are a plus, Sunny. Cuddles themselves are good for the soul.

“This doesn’t mean I like you or anything… b-baka,” Sunset said the next morning.

Crap, the Weeaboo-ites is spreading! Grab the hazmat suits!

Moondancer stuck her head into the recording booth. “Can I be in the story yet?”


I'd prefer you stay out until we can ship you with Flutters. No, I don't care that we have to hate you first; the shipping is more important.

Ah, chaos, metafictional commentary, and Sunset planning arson. You gotta love it.

Hey I just realized something, this isn't a parody, this is the pre climax Recap episode because the main fic is about to finish. Clever enby.

If it makes you feel any better I could go dig out some stories I wrote when I was 19 and trust me you're still waaaaaay ahead of where I was.

Comment posted by Phara_mine deleted Nov 25th, 2023

Flash poked his head over. “Can I be in the story yet?”

“F*ck off!”

This has the same energy as "shut up Balls, come back when you're a main character"

Moondancer jumped up from her seat. “At last, it’s time for everyone to see my brilliance! My debut shall be legendary! I’m so excited to finally be a part of the sto—”

lmao poor moony 😂

Laughing the whole way through. Thanks for feeding us :).

Comedy is Easy. Writing is Much, Much Harder


“Stranger danger!” Sunset shouted.

“You already met me!”

And yet I STILL cannot picture you as anything else but Mumbo from Teen Titans.

“Is it going to give me mental and physical scars?”


Sunset took the card. “Well, it still beats customer service.”

If I ever have to work customer service I'm demanding to be allowed a flamethrower at work. Fuck the customer.


“F*ck you.”

“When?” Twilight asked, an eager light in her eyes.

Sunset took a step back. “Okay, I’ll do the science fair with you, just… get that look out your eyes.”

Twilight fluttered her eyes, making them moe like Fluttershy. “Is this better?”

*uses spray bottle* Down! Bad Twilight! No eye-humping!

“But I’m allergic to boys!”

Then how do you live with a brother and father in the house? Or Spike even? Or go to school? Or do anything in a public area?

“Is anything in this shop actually going to be important to this story?”

“Nope! Just like Moondancer!”

“Who’s Moondancer?”



And the shippers rejoiced.

*yays in Monty Python*

“Hey, baby sister!”

F*cking clam-jammer!

Huh. Never knew the female version of "cock-blocked". Now I do.

And the shippers cried in frustration.

Quick! Spend all our money on NSFW art commissions! It'll be worth it!

“What about Flash?”

“What about Flash?”

Twilight looked on in confusion. “I don’t know who this Flash is, but he sounds like Moondancer.”

“I don’t know who this Moondancer is, but she sounds like she’s not important to this story,” Sunset said.


“I’m Selena. I’m a stand-in for Principal Celestia because the author didn’t want you to live with her because by this point, that was already too predictable and cliché. Also, I’m Artemis’ wife.”

*Looks at own future story notes* Well EXcuse me for liking the idea of Sunset reconciling with some version of her not-mom!

“Oh.” Twilight stepped aside. “Then, by all means, wreck her sh*t.”

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Moondancer lounged in her dressing room, a mud mask on her face. “And if you think this is disappointing, wait until the sequel.”

Buh muh Moonshy...

You're trying too hard, you know that?

S-Shut up!

Since everyone’s asking for it...

The counters!

”Dammit, Albi”: 5
Sunset’s “F*ck you/off”: 12
Dash stroking her ego: 10
Princess Principal Celestia looked as bored as she did in the first movie: 3
Flash’s “Can I be in the story yet?”: 5
Sunset’s meanness meter went down: 3

There are so many more ridiculously good recurring jokes here. Like Twilight doing every possible thing to gain Senpai’s Sunset’s love, the fourth wall breaks, the poking/roasts of the original story’s plot and the anime references. By and large, though, my favorite thing about this parody is the vitriolic relationship Sunset has with Albi. It’s so fun watching these two insulting each other.

All in all, random comedy suits you, Albi. You should do it more often.

It Got Eaten by the Shark We Jumped

I hear plot is not good for they're digestive systems

“Miss Sparkle, are you trying to seduce me?” Sunset asked, watching Twilight try to sexy lean on the door frame.

“Is it working?”

“No. Can I come in? It’s freezing outside.”

Sunset is stronger than most to resist Librarian Flirting

Thank Celestia humans are dumb, Sunset thought.

Which is why I am so glad I am a creature of chaos!

Aren't humans technically-

Why are you still here!?

And the author feasted that day on the tears of their audience!

Damn you, Albi!

But you-

Do you not have a sibling to pester!?

Trixie, not being the main protagonist in this story, removed herself from the scene.

“Oh, for f*cks sake!”

Be useful for once and be a meat-shield for best Girl-Pony!

“Don’t worry, I am here!” a magical and manly voice said. From a puff of smoke, Artemis and Selena appeared. With sword and sorcery, they beat up a couple of teenagers and tied them up for the police. They were like Batman and Batgirl, only way cooler.

You really can't be cooler than Batman, but you CAN be a close second.


This chapter sucked!

Get back to the main plot!

They jumped the shark!


*pulls out shotgun* Time to hunt some trolls

“We’ll also take away your motorcycle and give her the new leather jacket.”

“Oh, heck to the no!”

Lyra waved. “K, byyeeee!”

Sounds like a certain "best friend" is going to have an "accident"

“Can I live with you?”

“Why on earth would Trixie allow that?”

“Because if you do, I promise you’ll get a bigger role in the sequel.”


We also get more Artemis, so win-win!

She then shoved Twilight into a locker. “That’s for looking more like a nerd than usual.”

“I love it when she does that,” Twilight said from inside the locker.

More Ed, Edd, and Eddy vibes

That’s cute, you think I’m making another abridged.

Well the other story isn't finished yet, so you can't yet!


Shut up!

Twilight stopped her. “Don’t worry. I’ve already hacked into the school database and changed all her grades to Fs. She won’t make it to graduation. Or the sequel.”


That was a fun ride. Little self-deprecating but punching one's self in the groin is guaranteed entertainment!

What about when someone else does it for you?

...how did you get here?

Calypso brought me. Now, would you care to explain why you did NOTHING for National Writing Month for your own story today?

Uh, well, you know the rules I put down: I technically don't have to write anything for today through Sunday.

*Stares daggers at him*

I'm sure the sudden dread I'm feeling is just indigestion.
(It was not)

Moondancer jumped up from her seat. “At last, it’s time for everyone to see my brilliance! My debut shall be legendary! I’m so excited to finally be a part of the sto—”


Meanwhile, Pinkie fed sugar cubes to a horse and said, “Hey, Sunset, since you’re a pony, I bet you’d love to f—”

Damnit Pinkie, why do you have to be right?!

You've done wonderfully, Albi! The in nokes and pokes at the original plot are extravagant and focking hilarious!

Over in a dark corner, Twilight was watching, sharpening a knife.

I think Twilight might have a problem...

Moondancer stuck her head into the recording booth. “Can I be in the story yet?”


Trust us, you'll want to save yourself for the sequel...

Like seriously, by this point in the story, she should have been flat broke.

The logistics of being a homeless, undocumented, document forger/technical criminal from another wirld.

Sunset took the card. “Well, it still beats customer service.”

Atta girl, Sunset!

Celestia stole some cake and walked out.

All part of Twilight’s master plan.

The title card is true. It really is hard to harangue one's own work, a decade after it's start, in such a fantastically awesome way.

“Don’t worry, I am here!” a magical and manly voice said.

Is this a My Hero Academia reference? This feels like a My Hero Acadiana reference.


A most sick abridging, Albi! May you continue to write your awesome writing. May the humor be with you!

“How are you making those noises with your mouth?”

Reference to Scott Pilgrim vs The World!!!
love that movie, the new show is pretty good too

“Welcome to the Lulamoon Magical Item Emporium!” Artemis said, appearing in a puff of smoke and gesturing wildly at the sign. The M fell off seconds later.

AHA, reference to Gravity Falls! great show

Needs #Random tag; otherwise eagerly awaiting for the inevitable Spectacular Seven Abridged by Albi with great anticipation!

Lovely madness throughout. Thanks for a great way to celebrate the anniversary of the original. (Now I just need to catch up on Spectacular Seven... :twilightblush:)


Wasn't this originally a bunch of blog posts?

It was! At least the first two parts were. Now it’s a story!

As far as abridged series go...

this one was dumb.

Have a like.

It was really entertaining to see you poke fun at your own work.

Love just like the LRtF itself, might reread it in the near future.

Hello, I have a question. Since this book is the sequel of Long Road to Friendship, what is the relationship between this book and Spectacular Seven, and whether the two are different stories after the ending of Long Road to Friendship. Finally, will the Spectacular Seven continue to write? Or is it going to be written soon, I hope this story will continue to write

As it says in the story description, this is just a parody. It has no relation to Spectacular Seven. And yes, SS is still being written, it was just updated two weeks ago.

Thank you, your writing level is very high, you can be the official director of MLP.I admire you very much!

So if Sci-Twi’s the “clingy jealous girl with yandere tendencies” in this version, does that make Moondancer somewhat normal?

“Welcome to the Lulamoon Magical Item Emporium” Artemis said, appearing in a puff of smoke and gesturing wildly at the sign. The M fell off seconds later.

Was it the blue one? Inquiring minds want to know!

My idiot self has only just realized that each chapter covers a specific part of the story:

I. When I Ruled The World - This is a Cash Cow, and We're Gonna Milk It
II. Some Nights - No Puppies Were Harmed in the Making of the Terrible Fic
III. No Rest For The Wicked - Comedy is Easy. Writing is Much, Much Harder.
IV. My Past Does Not Define Me - Where's the Plot? It Got Eaten by the Shark We Jumped.

How did I only just realize this?

Also, eagerly awaiting for Spectacular Seven: Abridged, coming in... *checks calendar* 2.5 years!

“Rainbow, quit stroking your ego in public!” Applejack said.

“Don’t tell me how to live my life!”

it's so dumb. But it's so funny

“Wow, Twilight, you’re right. Needlessly taking my anger out on other people who had nothing to do with my current situation was mean and unjustified. I feel as if I have learned an important lesson.”

Then Trixie walked past.

“Imma kill that f*cking b**ch!”

To be fair. Trixie was kind of a bitch.

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