• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Uh oh, Fizzy Glitch has opened the Book of All Stories! Now you have to help decide how the stories end—but choose wisely. Will you pick the hero ending, the chaos ending, or the villain ending? Your choice can change the outcome of the con!

Well, no it won't, not any more.

For those who prefer, the stories are also still up on the app, which can be found HERE. There's a list of codewords in the first comment on the story for all my submissions.

Chapters (37)
Comments ( 135 )

Story Hashtags for those using the app instead*:


*You can get the app HERE

If you are using the app, you might get codes early, 'cause it's easier for me to put them in this comment when I upload chapters to Fimfic, rather than put them in later.

Posted in
Admiral Biscuit's Fleet (group)
Contest Entries (folder)


That was fast . . . I was just about to add it to the group myself :heart:

I would have chosen hero. Knowing what it's like to loose something you need!

I would choose to seek fairly. I would never betray kids trust that way!

Toss up here. I would probably choose chaos more often. Yes it's dangerous, but at least they would have a warmer place to sleep

This is really bringing back memories of those "Choose-your-own-adventure" stories I used to read, as I guess it's supposed to.

Much harder to stick fingers in each page as I go to them though, trying to work out which one I want to choose after reading the outcome :)

Once again hero option. Every creature deserves respect!

I would choose hero here. Breaking things on purpose is wrong.

Definitely Hero to start with, then Chaos if the ships don't change their ways.

Where is the Book of All Stories from?

It's from Ponyville Ciderfest (a convention in Milwaukee). The theme of the con was that FIzzy Glitch, one of the con mascots, opened the Book of All Stories which, as the title suggests, contains all stories.

All these are stories from the interactive app (available on Google Play and Apple's app store!); the idea was that convention participants would find the codes around the con and then enter them into the app to get a story, where they could pick an ending. Said choice would affect the con going forward.

Overall, between the app stories, the published book, and various other things, authors wrote over 900,000 words for the convention!

Maybe take another look at the story description? I can't make out what "Well, no it won't, not any more" is supposed to mean

Heh, that was the result of too much editing + too little sleep.

I fixed it, thank you! Now it says:

Uh oh, Fizzy Glitch has opened the Book of All Stories! Now you have to help decide how the stories end—but choose wisely. Will you pick the hero ending, the chaos ending, or the villain ending? Your choice can change the outcome of the con!

Well, no it won't, not any more.

I understand that the world of My Little Pony isn't bound to reality, but I am a little surprised this story perpetuates the myth. I was expecting one or more of the characters to take a projectile penny to the thigh or something.

I debated going realistic with it or going silly, and I decided that silly would be funnier.

You used duodecimal (Base12) previously, but this chapter uses decimal. ¿Why the change? It should be:

"100, BB, BA, B9, B8, B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, B0, AB, AA, A9, A8, A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, 9B, 9A, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 8B, 8A, 89, 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 7B, 7A, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 6B, 6A, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 5B, 5A, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 4B, 4A, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 3B, 3A, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 2B, 2A, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 1B, 1A, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, B, A, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0"

Thanks for sharing these! Mind letting us know what the final score from the con was?

I choose hero. For those choosing vilain, I can imagine the news the next day:

Tornado demolishes Taco Bell. No survivors found yet.

It is a bad idea to mess with a mare controlling tornadoes.

I don't have the total numbers of votes for each faction, so I can't give you a specific score. I can tell you that Chaos ultimately won. I feel like I saw a chart that did show the faction votes, but I don't know who shared it or where.

If you wanted stats for my stories specifically, they're in the story notes blog post.

I choose hero:

I caught an apparently healthy opossum (the marsupial probably entered through an hole a rat chewed). I scooped it up into a pot, put on a lid askance for letting it breathe, and took it out to the country and released it.

I'm sure you remember in Shamrock Shake how Merry May did consider targeting McDonald's with a lightning strike, or tearing out their electrical wires . . . yeah, you don't want to mess with ponies that can control the weather, in case some of them decide to be vengeful.

Opossums are cool and chill, too. And they eat ticks, and ticks bring Lyme disease, and nobody wants that.

They're apparently not that hard to catch, although I've personally never tried to catch one. I have had to evict a few animals who entered my domicile one way or another, including a bat who I trapped in a box and then let loose outside. Cute little guy, I would have liked to get a picture of him (or her, not sure which it was).

I choose hero.

One can make magic-things or whole structures. One could have sleeves of material interacting with magic one could put over mommagic-interacting objects so that magic can grip them.

I choose Hero.

This story ties in this this other story:

TTwilight Gets Worms
Chipotle, an upscale Taco Bell that might come with a side of worms, as Twilight discovers. Luckily, there's medicine to fix that. Unluckily, well. . .
Admiral Biscuit · 1.4k words  ·  297  65 · 3.5k views

Because of this:

MeatLoaf believed the ConspiracyTheories about masks and vaccines. At his age, an infection with Δ (Delta) had ⅙ probability of killing him. He played Russian Roulette with the 'Rona and lost. If only he would be a skeptic, he would still me alive:

A skeptic does not accept claims without evidence, but when sufficient evidence exists, accepts the claim. This contrasts with believers accepting claims without evidence and deniers rejecting claims despite evidence.

Because "denier" is a pejorative, deniers often call themselves skeptics. We must always call them on their horseapples. As an example, we should be skeptical about all claims, including the Holocaust:

HolocaustSkeptics looked at the mountains of evidence and accepted the claim of the Holocaust in 1945. Ponies calling themselves HolocaustSkeptics nowadays are HoloCaustDeniers and we must call them on their dishonesty.

FiMFiction has a group devoted to skepticism.

Oh yeah, you can't mess with kids too much. That would be cruel.


This is really bringing back memories of those "Choose-your-own-adventure" stories I used to read, as I guess it's supposed to.

Yeah, that was the general idea of the app, or at least that was how I interpreted it.

Much harder to stick fingers in each page as I go to them though, trying to work out which one I want to choose after reading the outcome :)

That's true . . . on the plus side, all the choices are on the same page in this story, so you don't have to.

That's true, I did use base 10 in this (and not all of my stories use base 12, if we're being honest).

That having been said, if the ponies do use base 12, they'd have names and symbols for all those numbers, rather than try and adapt as we have done.

11766381 Thanks, I really just wanted to find out which faction won. Also great to get all these sequels to so many of your stories!

Ah man, Meatloaf was one of the only artists I always wanted to see before they died.

Nice to see Sky Sweeper again.

Thanks! She's a good pony, and fun to write.

I've got another Sky Sweeper story in the works. It was published as an exclusive at PVCF, and it'll be along here sooner or later :heart:

Great to see Silver Glow again!

Yes, I think that there would be ways to make inert appliances magic-friendly, and that might be something that some unicorns do [same could apply to other 'pony friendly' modifications as well]. Presumably a pony would apply such a modification in an as-needed or expected utility manner, and maybe Sweet Biscuit wasn't expecting to have to use the garden hose, or maybe she's more trusting than she should be of humans.

EDIT: the ultimate punchline for the bad endings would be if she knew a spell to cause underwear to always give wedgies . . . crossing a unicorn isn't smart.

Do not come between a kirin and her desired cereal!

This is a MetaComment:

I like the saving. Although I am a godless atheist (¿are you gonna eat that baby?), If I had to write the moral code for society, I would tell them to follow the ethics of secular humanism, donate 10% of their income to charity, and save 10% of their income for retirement. Many people work until they cannot work any more years past 65 and then when they cannot work anymore spend what is left of their golden years living in a box under an overpass, waiting for the sweet release of death, because they do not save.

The MANE character is a bit of a self-insert and a bit speciestis. ⸘Are you trying to tell us that you really hate ponies‽ Seriously, hero.

> "You’re the voiceless interface between shops and their parts, the few who remain to answer the phone when the internet catalog isn’t good enough and one day you’re going to be replaced by AI and a robotic parts-picker and maybe a drone for delivery—nobody is safe."

Do not worry about AI taking your job because the AIs will kill us all.

I always choose hero.

I choose hero.

¿Do you remember that on 1 of the Rose/Sam-Stories, I commented that after we developed clothing and fire, we lost fur, which makes us much more efficient in hot environments, but at the cost of freezing to death without clothing? If Sam has not gotten WinterClothing from Rarity, she has a choice of starving in her home in her bed under the covers or freezing doing work for making a living.

I sure am glad that I have an heated MattressPad and 9 blankets between the topsheet and the comforter.


This reminds me about when my Maternal Grandmother was sick and my Mother drove all of the way to her everyday. I suggested that she should sleep there, but she wanted to sleep in her own bed. I feared loosing both my Mother and Grandmother.

¡Trains are very dangerous!:

> "Like the bus —— it was an old, repurposed school bus, no longer safe to transport students to and from school, but just fine for summer camp."

This reminds me about a DrunkDriver murdering 27 people in Carrollton Kentucky. Certainly, the DrunkDriving piece of shit survived because they always do. We need a war against impaired drivers:

Not a war against impaired driving, but a war against impaired driver. Trying to stop impaired drivers from driving is like trying to stop a dog from reeating the vomited shit again. Impaired drivers should be summarily executed. ¡It isa the only way to stop that garbage from murdering innocent victims. I created a slogan:

¡You drink!
¡You drive!
¡You die!

The PSAs can show videos of drunk drivers being summarily executed at SobrietyChecks:

Drunk Driver:

"¡I shall never drink and drive again!"


"That is right; you shall never drink and drive again."

The cop blows the brains out of the subhuman garbage. An ambulance takes the body to the hospital for OrganHarvest. A TowTruck drags the vehicle to be sold, with the proceeds going to the victims of impaired drivers.

I could execute drunk drivers and sleep very well knowing that I saved innocent people from murder.


Indeed, the most likely outcome is that the coins become deadly projectiles.


> "The front seat passenger wasn’t wearing a seat belt and has a nasty contusion on his head, he’s unconscious."

Idiots not wearing seatbelts have a nasty habit of bouncing around the cabin murdering the other passengers:

Wishes are tricky because one must choose only 1 thing, and like AI, one must be careful for what one wishes because one might get it:

Wisher to Genie:

"I want a mountain of gold."

Genie then proceeds to drop a mountain of gold onto the pony.


"I want to make as many paperclips as possible."

AI produces machines which make the whole planet, both everything and everypony both on it and in it into paperclips.

If you want, you can comment which choice you made (or which of the three endings you prefer). That's up to you!

The best choice would be option B, followed by moving the actual wrench to a more visible position.
Everyone has a small laugh, and no harm done.

Based on how some other people have uploaded their stories, I'm leaving all the endings together in the story, rather than have you pick a separate chapter for each one, although I could do it that way if readers prefer.

Maybe you could do a compromise by using the current version, but add spoiler tags around the text of the choices.
That way you can read the headline while selecting your choice without having to skim or glance at the content.

Something like this:

Choice A:

Text of choice A.
Text of choice A.
Text of choice A.

Choice B:

Text of choice B.
Text of choice B:
Text of choice B:

Usually, you’ve been alone in your quest, but not today. Today there’s a dull pink pegasus standing up on the embankment, peeking her head around a screen of trees. A fellow trainspotter? You don’t recognize her.

Could it be...

“Hobo.” She offers a hoof. “Sweetsong, professional vagabond.”

Of course it is!

TDestination Unknown
“Tour America by Rail!” the sign said, and so Sweetsong does. Everything she needs for a journey fits into her saddlebags, and there are plenty of trains to choose from if she’s resourceful enough.
Admiral Biscuit · 59k words  ·  185  4 · 2.2k views

“Isn’t it dangerous?”
“Not if you don’t fall off.”
“And illegal?”
Sweetsong shrugs her wings. “What’s the point of living if you’re not gonna live dangerously?”
Pegasus philosophy in a nutshell.

If Rainbow Dash were here she would nod her head furiously.

After Red had cleared the table, the two of them went out to the barn. Peachy helped Red strap on his harness—special day or no, the weeds weren’t going to take a day off.

Maybe if you ask them nicely...

She snorted and turned her attention to the kitchen. Stallions were silly and stupid.

Don't deny it: That's why you love them.

That's a fair point. Especially since they aren't at war with the surface-dwellers anymore.

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