• Published 4th Feb 2024
  • 256 Views, 35 Comments

Little Hooves in a Dark World - David Silver

She was in the gig economy. She was also a little pony. Her people needed her, inspired to motion and action. That meant her life was getting a lot busier on the pony side of things. Her human life proved to be... understanding, or so she hoped.

  • ...

7 - Jay

Sandra found herself on the road, driving. "This is crazy." She tapped at the steering wheel, both hands locked on it as she cruised along. "She's going to lock me up in a dungeon and do strange things to me." And yet, she was going, heading into a far larger city than the suburb she had started in. Traffic slowed around her as she hit rush hour, but she wasn't far from the destination that the strange woman, J202, had indicated for her to meet.

"I wish Louis was here," she sighed, "but he'd never approve of this." And maybe he was right to not do so. Why had she rushed? It felt like something was looming just behind her, moments away from catching up. Something had told her, inside, that she had to move, or face far worse possibilities than even becoming the plaything of some random Internet furry. "Life is too strange right now."

She drove into a parking lot, just to be stared at by a group of very weird people. "Guess I should have changed clothes?" She gave herself a quick glance in the rearview mirror, checking that her dark ponytail and crisp features looked as nice as she could get them. Her clothes had nothing wrong with them, but they weren't super proper. None of her clothes were.

Normally, she didn't need to care about that, being a vtuber and a grocery delivery gig worker. Nobody cared how professional she looked. Most people wouldn't see her anyway. But the people that wanted to talk to her now were unlikely to give a damn about what she wore, until she was wearing fur.

Sandra shivered a little as she got out of her car. The idea of someone being attracted to the idea of what she was, a pony, was a bit off-putting. She wasn't a thing to be fondled or admired. "But I'm also not dumb enough to get mad at people for having a fetish. It's how some of them are wired, I guess."

She marched up to the front door of that apartment building and rang the doorbell there after hitting the room code she'd been given. The answer was almost immediate, "Good little pony. You are good at following directions, just the way I like my ponies. Now, I'll buzz you in." A buzz sounded from the door, loud and piercing. "Come inside. You'll be safe here. The room number tells you the floor."

Sandra held her hand up to the speaker. "Thanks. I'm, uh, Raspberry. Nice to meet you, I think?" She wasn't certain how nice that was going to be, but she took the invitation and hurried inside, looking around warily for trouble. The interior of the building was quieter. Safer? It was an apartment building, meant to keep people safe and cozy. The lobby didn't even have anyone at the desk. She stepped into the elevator and got to the proper floor, hurrying down the hall to the right door.

A sizable door with a pair of new locks on it, all that was needed to make it secure. Some of the doors she'd rushed past, she saw signs of people trying to live good little lives, with signs dangling welcoming visitors, or one warning them away. This one had no signs, just a locked door. She found herself a little comforted by that. No social signals, not wanting to attract anything too friendly, yet inviting only those they wanted to see. It seemed odd to her. "Hey, uh, it's me?" She knocked gently on the door. "J202?"

The door opened inwards to reveal a thin figure, a classic nerd, but of the female variety. She smiled, glasses glinting as she advanced. "Come in, come in! I have some pizza pockets warming up for us inside." She glanced about. "Didn't bring your boy?"

"He'd have talked me out of this." She was led into the apartment and offered a chair. The first thing she noticed was that it had plush leather seats and would have been amazingly comfortable, if not for her sense of caution. Despite how middle of the road the building looked, the interior of that apartment was well-appointed from top to bottom. "And he's at work right now. I sent him a message." She swallowed hard, glancing around at all the interesting things on display.

One of the things that caught her eye was a fairly elaborate rig with several screens that showed her own avatar on one and something else on another. Her host was also a computer person, that seemed obvious, considering how much space it took up.

J202 closed the door behind Sandra and locked it up with several heavy clicks. "Well, welcome to your sanctuary, for now. Little pony." She sang out that last part with dripping affection. "I've heard of ponies, but never met one before." She clapped her hands. "I'm so excited right now. Would you mind if I hugged you?"

Sandra stepped back and considered that. "Sure? Just, don't make it weird, okay?"

"You mean, like, a boyfriend hug?" J202 smiled brightly as she stepped closer. She grabbed Sandra in a warm embrace, but her hands didn't wander anywhere they shouldn't. It was just a hug. "Later, I want one with you on all fours. But, for now, I bet you're freaked out." She started through her apartment as something began beeping. "Pizza wraps are up! Let's get a snack." She popped open a microwave and drew out a plate with two rolled waiting. "Want one?"

"Uh, yeah." Sandra stared at them. "What is that supposed to be?"

J202 shrugged as she put the plate on the table. "An excuse to stuff our faces. You're nervous, so graze a little bit, pony, and relax. As I said, this is a sanctuary."

Sandra picked up one of the wrapped concoctions and pulled it open. The outside was a nice crust that appeared to have something akin to bacon bits inside, giving it a savory flavor. She confirmed this with a bite. "Not bad." She had heard tales that it was impossible to cook those things without it being too hot in the middle, but it seemed right enough by her measure. "Thank you."

"Sit." J202 tapped the table she was already seated at. "Relax. We're friends now! You already know my handle, J202. You can call me Jay if that's too long."

"Jay." Sandra took another bite of the pizza pocket, chewing thoughtfully. "It's so weird to meet people in person that you know from the Internet. But, I guess, I'm kind of like that." She sank onto her seat carefully. "I guess I can't complain too loudly. I gave my handle too just now." She laughed tensely, trying to force herself to relax. "So, um, you like ponies? What does that mean, anyway?"

Jay dabbed at her mouth with a napkin, smiling gently. "It means I have a thing for ponies, yes. But, also, I'm a pretty hard core gamer." She wagged a finger. "Furries and gamers have a big overlap, not so odd there. But let's get real. Can I see you as a pony now? I want to see those twitchy ears and swishy tail." She stood up, coming around the table and leaning over Sandra. "If it's safe, of course. I know some things are secret."

Sandra pushed away from the table, giving herself a little more space. Was it safe to show Jay? She juggled the options in her mind. She found her answer when she realized she'd already changed into a pony. She frowned, feeling annoyed at her subconscious for betraying her like that. "Fine." She lifted a hoof. "If I didn't think it was safe, you wouldn't be seeing this." She stepped from hoof to hoof, doing a little circle in place.

Jay squealed with delight. "Knew it! My own little pony." She reached, only to hesitate, hand hovering so close to Sandra. "May I?" Her fingers flexed, so eager to actually pet Sandra.

"Fine." She had told herself she'd do it, but as Jay's hands brushed over her back, she realized that she'd have preferred a less personal experience. But she kept her complaints to herself, letting the moment happen. It was unfortunately that Jay was figuring out quickly exactly how to handle a pony. Those pets were starting to feel good, instead of just tolerable. She didn't let herself enjoy them, much.

Jay stepped away after a few moments. "And you're really cute. I could see myself enjoying my life with a cute little pony like you. Want another pizza wrap?"

Raspberry pondered the offer, then gave her head a shake. "I'm good." She hadn't even finished the first, though it was mostly gone. She hopped up into the seat, making it wobble under her pony form as she sank on it and leaned in to grab that last morsel and chew it up.

"You sure? I can get more, if you want." Jay made to move, but settled back down when Raspberry waved her hoof.

Raspberry chewed thoughtfully for a moment, then swallowed hard. "Well, here I am, um. I bet it's a letdown, compared to whatever you were dreaming about."

Jay flumped into her seat. "Are. You. Joking? I'm sitting across from a little pony with little adorable wings and she just enjoyed a pizza pocket and she's talking to me and we're already on petting permissions! This is about the best day ever." She adjusted her glasses with a bit of heavy breathing. "Now, about those creeps that are bothering you! I will not tolerate it! Nothing's allowed to chase after my little pony."

Raspberry lowered her ears with a nervous snort. "My friend had an item from one of them, so he called his friends and they took it and sent it back. But they still haven't really said anything to me or him." She tapped her forehooves together gently. "It's a lot of hurry up and wait, you know? I'm sure they're trying their best." She flicked her straw tail behind her. "But it's only getting more nervous."

"Poor thing." Jay reached across the table to take one of Raspberry's hooves, rubbing it and the flesh and fur just beyond it. "You're safe here. I won't let anything bother you while I'm still breathing."

Raspberry squirmed, not wanting to admit that those rubs felt good. "Thanks, but we don't even know each other."

"That doesn't matter to me. You're cute, a little pony, and you're just kind of trying to live your life." She went for booping Raspberry on her cute little snout, bursting into giggles as if she had somehow tickled herself in the process. "So cute. Yeah, not letting you get hurt. Sorry, thems the rules."

Raspberry swallowed hard, trying to figure out what to do with that level of affection. "Thank you?"

"Nope, don't thank me, little pony." Jay's mood sobered up slightly. "I'm just doing the right thing. Of course, 'right' is pretty subjective. But, in my case, right means keeping little ponies from getting hurt. You are to stay here, relax, enjoy all the snacks and drinks you want, and let me handle the bad guys." She thumped a fist into her other hand. "You've got me now, and I will be your shield!"

"Yeah, um." Raspberry drew back. "Thanks, but this isn't really your problem."

Jay snorted out a laugh. "I'm sorry, did I stutter? You're a cute little pony. I like cute little ponies. Something wants to hurt you, the cute little pony. It became my problem."

Raspberry raised a brow. "Cute?" She plucked at her shirt with a hoof, wondering what Jay found cute about her. "Thanks, but I'm just kind of a regular girl."

"Regular girls don't turn into cute little ponies." Jay threw up her hands with a laugh. "Seriously, let me help you. Take the win here."

Raspberry fell back with a sigh, reclining against the back of the chair. "I appreciate it, but can we dial it down just a bit? It's been a really rough day."

"Aw." She looked ready to reach, but fought her first instinct. "Relax. If you want to stream, I have the system set up to swap to your account whenever you want. Want some TV?" She pointed to a big screen waiting to be watched. "Got some radio, snacks, whatever you want. Just chill out. No pressure."

Raspberry pulled herself back to the front of the seat and propped her chin on the table. "Is this going to be some kind of magical girl shenanigans?" She blew out a heavy breath.

"I feel like I'd be lying if I just said no." Jay propped her own head on her palms. "I told you prefer, I want us to be honest with each other. There will be some magical girl stuff. But that's not so bad, is it?" She hopped to her feet. "Now, I'll go busy myself with not-pony stuff. You do whatever you want. Just relax."

Raspberry found herself staring at the ceiling as Jay trotted off to another room. She didn't have the energy to transform back to human just then, but also had nothing else to do.

Author's Note:

This chapter flowed eagerly from my fingers. Hello, Jay! What do you think of her?

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