• Member Since 12th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I decided to try my hand in writing and maybe add few bricks to this great fandom


August Roltan was a prodigy, no one could argue that. An heir to one of the most prestigious schools of magic, and a respected scholar despite his young age. He could have become the greatest mage of his generation. Apparently, it was not ment to be. Now, waking up in an unkown land and with new body, he can rely only on his magic and wits as he tries to find his way home.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 8 )

Nice start indeed. It is too early to have anything else to comment about yet.

Oooh I like this! Interesting to see the collision of two different fantasy worlds with different rules. ^^

I have some notes:

Side-street sorcery
Usual dangers of magical rituals

Use title case for titles, especially the story title, which is the first thing people will see. This would be better rendered as "Side-Street Sorcery".

I also don't understand the chapter title. Given that August clearly didn't anticipate anything going wrong, and that what happened seems rather extraordinary, this does not seem like a "usual danger" of a magical ritual.

- "Welcome, young scion" - greeted him the Archmage - "With you here we can begin. Come, take your place"

Indicating dialogue with a hyphen is non-standard in English, and not necessary as the quotation marks are sufficient. It's best not to add extra punctuation rules unless you have a good reason.

A closing quotation mark always has punctuation before it. The rules on exactly what punctuation to use are a bit nuanced - this Grammarly article has some examples.

"greeted him the Archmage" is also a strange word ordering in English. "the Archmage greeted him" would be more typical. With all that said, I'd render the line as follows:

"Welcome, young scion," the Archmage greeted him. "With you here, we can begin. Come, take your place."

The opening is okay, but the pacing is a little too fast. I understand that it's important to get to the pony world, but it would be nice to know a little more about August before he arrives in Equestria, at least so that we can understand or anticipate his reaction. I liked the way he's not bothered by a transformation the way a regular human might be. And we do learn more about him once he's in Equestria, so that's neat.

The spatial spell of his master worked, but due to some mistake, he was transported instead of the intended item. Most likely a problem with the circle integrity.

Interesting that August doesn't seem to believe he was the problem, considering he was the least experienced mage there.

The second problem was the cost, most items used were rare and expensive ingredients.

This is a comma splice. There are two clauses here: "The second problem was the cost" and "Most items used were rare and expensive ingredients". Since the second clause is a consequence of the first, you could use a semicolon to indicate that the two clauses are linked. A dash would also work.

Although the unicorn horn powder seemed to be easily obtainable here.

oh no

That meant he was speaking like some thousand-year-old recluse - if any such being ever existed, that is.

I get the joke, but I think it's a little too on-the-nose :) Fans know that this is referring to Princess Luna's old speech habits, but August has no reason to suspect that such a being ever existed other than for the purpose of this joke. Meanwhile, readers who are less familiar with MLP lore won't understand this at all.

That said, I do love this detail of August's language being hopelessly outdated and him not realizing. ^^

This is a good start! Interested to see more of where this goes :)

“I wouldn’t want to intrude for the few years it will most likely take”

Few years? Famous last words, he will be stuck forever.

Thanks for the feedback. While I have some understanding of the basics of writing, editing is completely out of my field. I tried putting Your tips to use in the second chapter, when I have some spare time I'll try fixing the first a little. I still probably slipped in a few places.

It is true that the pacing is too fast at the begining. It's a result of few rewrites and my frustration. I was thinking about this story for quite a long time, then spent even more writing the first chapter. At some point I decided to just post it, instead of sitting on it forever like on all my other stories. It could undoubtfully be better with a bit more work.

As for the joke, yes it's a bit on the nose. In retrospect, the second part of it wasn't needed.

Hope You enjoy the rest of the story and thanks once more for the tips

We will see. I have a pretty solid idea of where and how I want to end this story, but maybe something will change

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