• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 145 Views, 1 Comments

Quantum Village - Kentavritsa

Telestia has been given a model of a Cottage. In the Cottage lives Twilight Sparkle with her Friend May Trotter and their Cat Penelope. This is where their Adventure begins.

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Dressing Up: 2

Author's Note:

Parma Sparkle's POV

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My older Sister: Telestia had just opened the doors to the wardrobe on the right; exposing the content of her day-time wardrobe, to us.

While I had been expecting her wardrobe to be empty, it still contains a selection of clothes or garments for her to wear. Should I have been shocked? Or even surprised? Well, why bother.

In one corner, I can see the tops and panties in sets comfortably hanging. Just waiting for her to pick and choose. Quite convenient, I’d might add.

She has Skirts and Blouses, just hanging there, waiting for her to choose them. There are socks and stockings in five different lengths; from barely covering the ankle, to the full-length that does not leave even the top of the thigh bare. Well, why not.

Furthermore, she also has vests; intended to be worn over the blouse, or so I imagine.

Finally; she also has shirts and pants: long, medium and short.

Naturally; everything is in the same theme, as the Room itself. What had I been expecting?

Should I be jealous, or worried; considering the clothes or garments, she had been afforded? I don’t know. I guess I had the same spread, if and when I am exploring my Room, and more to the point: my Wardrobe. If I don’t like the offered wears, I could always choose to wear my old clothes I am wearing right now. Couldn’t I?

On closer inspection; the doors of her wardrobe also have a mirror, just as the inside of the wardrobe is covered with one single, large mirror as well.

Curious enough, there is no Star Skape in the Wardrobe.

“So many pretty Ensembles!” she exclaims, as she is ogling the content of the wardrobe she had just opened.

“What would you like to try on?” I inquire.

“Hmm, let me see!” she responds, scanning the content; her eyes sliding over one option after another, until she finally extends her hands and extract the first garment to catch her fancy.

“If not for one small detail; you will have to undress or disrobe, before you can put it on!” I observe; “Then again, it is just you and me here..” I put forth; “none will be the wiser!” I conclude.

“Yes..” she responds; “but I do want to try these on, right now!” she declares.

“Then I could leave the room..” I suggest; “and you can come over to my room, once you have changed into what you intend to try on!” I point out.

“Yes..” she responds; “I guess; that would work!” she confirms.

With that, I am walking out of her room; stepping into my own room, in the hopes of exploring my options. The door quietly slides shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold. What a chock? Well, why? I guess this had been established by now. This is how the doors work, in this Village.

No point, in questioning the traditions of a place you have never been to before. After all, this is my first time in Quantum Village.

< --- --- --- >


As I stand before the pile of clothes, I had been wearing as I entered my new room; I am looking into my wardrobe, examining the options I had before me.

Everything is smooth, glossy and brand new.

I try to find the tags, explaining the brand and how to wash the clothes; the only thing I can find is the tag reading: “Rarity”.

Strange..” I ponder; “I never heard of the brand before!” I conclude.

I end up picking a pair of bright Cerise panties; stepping into them right and left, before pulling them all the way up. The first thing striking me, is the liquid elasticity of the material, aside from the slippery smooth surface making the garment eagerly sliding all the way up.

As I let go of the panties, they slide into place; without making me apply the effort, of adjusting them in the first place.

“Oh, oh, oh.. oooh!” I exclaim.

These fit me perfectly, almost too well!” I ponder; “Almost, as if they had been painted on my skin, rather than being actual clothes!” I conclude.

“Well, maybe I could still wear than while I am here; even if I may have to change back, before I leave!” I mutter, somewhat bothered and irritated by the fact.

If I wear panties, I should wear the top as well; and I have a matching top in the same Cerise hue too!” I ponder, as I am extracting the garment from within my wardrobe.

I slide the top down; feeling the liquid elasticity of the material, aside from the slippery wetness of the inner surface of the material the top had been crafted out of. Just as the panties, the top eagerly slides into place, only settling as they had found their desired position. A perfect fit. Well, why not? This does feel quite good, if I could say so myself.

If she can’t see the underwear, under my clothes; she would not complain, about me wearing them. Would she? I certainly hope she wouldn’t!” I ponder.

Only with the top on, I wish I had a trampoline, or some such contraption close by. It isn’t, that I play with these often; it is just that the top made me feel as if it would have been fun, right now.

With the underwear on: Panties and Top; I turn my focus back towards the wardrobe, and the content it is containing. A promise, of new clothes to wear. It is exciting, no end; just picturing, what I could be wearing the next time. Aside from, what I am about to slip into, right now.

Skirt or Pants? For now; I will go with the skirt, just for simplicity’s sake. If I am wearing a Skirt, I can slip my Stockings on afterwards. Couldn’t I? If I wore the Pants; this would limit what I could put on afterwards, after all.

I could always wear knee-long socks outside, most any day; and none would be complaining, or so I imagine..” I ponder; “but right now, I feel like trying on the full-length stockings!” I conclude.

I end up selecting a knee-long tight skirt, I could not have worn; if not for the materials Rarity had employed, could I? A nice, tight and glossy skirt.

With the skirt in hand, I step into it right and left; only to pull it all the way up, enjoying the sensations elicited by the material sliding all the way up my legs. Almost, as if it had been swallowing my legs. I feel the tight skirt stretch as I pull it up my legs, contracting as it slides the rest of the way up over my hips and waist. The skirt settles, stopping just where Rarity’s design dictates for it to stop.

This Silicone White Blouse looks just right!” I ponder, as I extract the garment from where it is hanging in the wardrobe.

I slide my hand into the sleeves, right and left; feeling the garment eagerly swallow my arms, only for my hands to exit on the other side. The sleeves are a bit tight, the material white and glossy; just what I am fancying, at this moment. Why would I choose anything else? Even if I may have enough options left, to choose from.

The only thing left to do, is buttoning the blouse up; from the first button at the very bottom, to the last one up under my chin. Maybe this gives a bit strict impression, but I still enjoy how it is making me feel.

With, or without the top under; it still leaves me feeling comfortable, with a bit of a giddy, tingling sensation inside.

“Time to try these full-length stockings!” I proclaim, quietly to myself; as I pick up the right stocking, slipping my foot into it.

The tight material contracting around my foot, eagerly swallowing my foot and leg, with eager anticipation. I set my foot down onto the floor; just as I had pulled the stocking all the way up. Just as expected, it slides all the way up, only to stop just before my panties; leaving nothing more than a thin line, between the two garments. No hint of flesh, just the glossy and smooth Silicone white material covering the entire leg.

With the right stocking on, I select the left one up as I am standing firmly on my right foot; repeating the process, slipping the left stocking on.

Only as I once more stand firmly on my own two feet, can I afford to take the moment of looking down; only to realize that I had chosen a pair of toe-stockings, not the regular once I had been expecting.

Well, why not?” I ponder; “Rarity would not lend her name, to anything less than Fabulous; would she?” I conclude.

Why should she?” I consider.

For as long as I am here..” I ponder; “why not try something out, just to see how it feels?” I ponder.

Now I am extracting a pair of ultra short socks. Since I had gone with just black and white, I opt for the black hue. Well, why not? I could have chosen a pair of Cerise once, couldn’t I? It just felt wrong, to break with the style I had built up. As much as I love colours, particularly bright and saturated colours; but a mishmash of clashing colours, is never good. Not even for me.

I pull the socks on, right and left; almost as if they had been Galoshes, pulled over a pair of Shoes.

Why did this image come before me? I have no idea. Yet, it is the image that had come before me, all the same.

As I set my right and left foot down, onto the floor; there is an eager Squeak, Squeak.

A bright and jolly giggle is raising up in my throat; just as a smile is spreading out on my face, as I look at my reflection.

“That just happened!” I breathe, pondering the effect of the garments I had just chosen to put on.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak…” I giggle.

The next instant, my sister Telestia enters the room, looking at me. Squeaks are heard, with every step she is taking.

“You chose the same garments, as I chose!” she observes; “Did you choose the Cerise underwear too?” she then inquires.

“Yes..” I respond; "but how did you know?” I inquire.

“While the selection may be plenty-full..” she responds; “but I choose the hue for the same reason you did!” she concludes.

“I guess you are my sister, after all!” I just observe.

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