• Published 22nd Apr 2024
  • 181 Views, 4 Comments

Delivering on Sweetness & Beyond - abrony-mouse

When Derpy and Crafty Crate deliver a package to a parallel dimension of sweet and innocent ponies, things go awry, and Ocean Mist, protégé of Kimono, learns a lesson as she overcomes her limitations to help them out

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Chapter 3

As Ocean Mist waves off the breezies, she muses on her failure. If she were alone, she would curl up with a cuddly toy and cry, but that would only let down the strangers, and Kimono.

Her low ears and downturned muzzle paint a picture of shame.

‘If only they’d really been magical,’ she thinks, of the beans.

Crafty Crate steps up to her.

With a look to Derpy, he begins.

“Look. Miss. Thank you, but we really need a pony to help.”

Ocean Mist nods.

“Are there ponies, like you, over there—”

He points to the cluster of roofs signifying Ponyville.

“—who can help?”


Ocean Mist muses a while, wondering how her friends could play their part.

It was a pity that they weren’t magical, unlike the beings in her tales.

‘The only magical ponies are unicorns, and they live in Unicornia…’ she thinks, and scuffs her hoof.

Crafty, getting impatient, pipes up.

“We just need a few grown-ups, to—"

But he is cut off as an idea strikes her like a lightning bolt, restoring the filly's self-belief.

“Of course! Sky Wishes and Starcatcher! They have magic!”

They were known to grant wishes.

Though Crafty had been thinking of a much simpler solution, the assistance of, what he assumed to be, unicorns would do just as well.

“Oh! Well, thank you, Miss. Yes, that would do it.”

“Thanks, Ocean,” Derpy says, and goes in for a hug, extending her wing.

Ocean nuzzles into the warm under-feathers.

Breaking apart, she once more heads into Ponyville.

‘But what fairy tale wish should I ask for?’ she wonders, as she gallops into town.


Spotting the honorary princess was a stroke of luck, as the Spring Promenade was a busy time of year and Sky Wishes and Starcatcher could be anywhere among the throngs of happy ponies — Wysteria would know where they were.

Her tri-tone purple-pink-white maned head rears up from a pumpkin patch.

“Oh, hello Ocean! I thought you were staying with Kimono today. How is she? Does she want some more supplies?”


Ocean tails off, not wanting to mention Kimono’s research. Her mentor’s behaviour after the arrival of the Equestrians had been a frequent topic of concern among her Ponyvillian friends.

Wysteria’s kindly face clinches with worry.

“Don’t tell me she’s still beavering away on her book!? Even during the Spring Promenade?”

“She’s promised to read me a bed-time story,” Ocean deflects, wanting to defend her mentor.

“Well, at least there’s that. You always were insatiable for tales! So, then, what is it you were wanting?”

Ocean explains and is informed that they are playing in her garden. While she is talking, Ocean notices the pumpkin patch.

“Could I borrow one of those, please?”

Wysteria furrows her brow.

“Of course! But whatever for?”

Ocean scoops a small green form up in her hoof. It being Spring, they are far from ripe.

“Thanks! Just an idea.”

“For the promenade, perhaps? You know you can still enter a float.”

“Actually, it’s to help some ponies in need.”

Wysteria puts a purple hoof to her chest. Like all natives, it sports a little pink heart — Ocean’s are black.

“What a nice gesture!”

“Bye then.”

Wysteria waves the little filly off. As she turns back to her pumpkin patch, though, the confused look returns.

‘Why would anypony need an unripe pumpkin?”

As Ocean Mist approaches Wysteria’s gardens, she spies the ethereally beautiful Starcatcher, whose pink markings, bestowed upon her by the Rainbow Princesses, set her apart from all her kind.

She is undulating silkily through the air after a strange object which is making a loud droning noise.

Ocean hears another pony, Sky Wishes, call out.

“It’s out of control!”

But does not catch the reply.

As the latter comes into view, Ocean sees that Sky Wishes is clutching a strange black square with little knobs which she is wiggling furiously.

“Oh no!”

Ocean, following the latter’s green eyes, sees the object turn and nose-dive.

Instinctively, she gallops to catch it.

“Stay back!” Starcatcher calls out.


The object collides with Ocean’s tail. Its propeller winds into the pink strands, pulling painfully.

“Sorry Misty!”

Sky Wishes bounds forward and seizes the entangled object. She inspects it intently, before flicking a switch, which causes it to stop. She and Starcatcher then help unwind it.

“You poor thing,” Starcatcher says, in her soft, yet powerful, voice. “Are you hurt?”

Ocean sniffles and nods, triggering the elaborate ‘making it all better’ ritual.

Now ‘all better’ and sucking on a lolly, Sky Wishes explains that the toy is a model plane, which she had ordered from Equestria.

“I think I might send it back.”

Starcatcher nods, emphatically.

“I am only glad that no other ponies have been hurt or scared by it.”

“Anyway — Misty, how come you stopped by?”

“Oh! Right—"

She hesitates, looking around the lawn's lush grass.

"Have you seen my pumpkin?”

When the plane collided with Ocean, she had dropped the small, still-green squash.

“Pumpkin?” Starcatcher queries, the pink markings on her face wrinkling.

“Oh, you mean the funny green ball you were carrying. It’s over there,”

Sky Wishes points to a nearby raised bed, where the little pumpkin lies among some juvenile pea plants.

Ocean collects it.

“So, I was hoping that you could grant me a wish?”

Starcatcher shakes her head. She had been approached by many ponies wishing for success at the Spring Promenade.

“But it’s not for me — it’s for the Equestrians!”

The pegasus opens her eyes wide in surprise.

“They need a carriage, like in Cinderella.”

Sky Wishes thinks a moment, before grinning.

“Aaah! A pumpkin carriage! What do you think?”

“Well, it is a selfless wish…”

Starcatcher floats down next to Ocean, who tingles as the wishing pony’s aura washes over her. The weave could be felt in Starcatcher’s presence — in her way, she was as magical as the Rainbow Princesses.

Ocean, who had been in a state of anxiety since the new arrivals, takes a first deep breath of calm.

“Give me your hearts,” Starcatcher says, her warm voice seeming to come from all around Ocean, like the voice of the sky.

The little black hearts on her fetlocks glow as the white hoof of the pegasus touches hers.

“Now you, Sky Wishes.”

As the magic intensifies between the three, sparks of light dance above their heads.

The three link hooves, and hug.

“Now, everypony together. One. Two. Three!”

“I wish. I wish. I wish!”

On the last ‘I wish’, Starcatcher’s markings glow brightly. This light spreads along the vine-like ornaments to the cresting heart on her forehead and then leaps to the similar symbols on her friends.

There is a blinding flash.

From the distance of Kimono’s residence, the Equestrians’ eyes are drawn by the powerful discharge of harmony-magic to see a radiant heart. Their cutie marks glow, briefly.

Derpy and Crafty startle, ears up and nostrils flaring. Discharges of powerful magic was typically associated with monster attack where they were from.

“I don’t hear anything. You?” Crafty asks.


They peer round, anxiously, but no threat emerges.

“I feel kinda strange,” Crafty admits, eventually.

He felt numb in places and yet warm and fuzzy.

“Me too. Want a hug?”

“No... It’s the radiation, I bet. I saw the way your mark lit up — it’s influenced us.”

He sighs, it had been difficult to resist Derpy's offer.

“It’s damned unlucky to be near a blast like that. We’ll get called in for questioning.”

Crafty’s mind whirs. Licenses to operate in the Geodimensions were governed by Royal Charter and held principally by Moondancer, an academic friend of the Monarch. If she got involved, then he would have to explain the break-down. His lack of proper staffing would be discovered, and Crate Inc’s license would be revoked.


“There, there, boss.”

Derpy hugs him. He considers pushing her away, but he finds he can't bear to — the warmth of the innocent gesture melts his resistance. His eyes moisten and his lip trembles.

‘I need to give my bestie more hugs when I get back’ he thinks to himself. Something troubles him about the thought, though. Precious Jewel wasn’t just his best friend, but… something more — exactly what, though, he can’t seem to remember.

“I just want to go home!” he says, his voice quavering.

Derpy deepens the hug, wrapping her wings around him, her own eyes moist with sympathy.

“Do you want a lolly?”

He pushes her away and tries to close his mind against the feelings.

“Ugh! Buck up! It’s just this place playing tricks on our minds.”

Ocean Mist feels serenity spread all through her little body as her wish is granted. All of a sudden, the feeling intensifies, and sparkles seem to pour from Starcatcher. Ocean's vision goes white.

The glitter coalesces into shapes. She sees Kimono as a filly, frolicking with everypony else, acting normally. Then her mentor, looking older, reading from a strange-looking book with a doubtful expression. Next, the face as it was earlier today, gazing at a map of Equestria. Finally, there is a colourful bracelet collecting dust in a dark room. She feels an itch in her fetlocks — an itch which speaks.


“It worked!”

Ocean Mist is pulled from the vision by the sound of Sky Wishes’ voice.

In the gardens in front of her stands an ornate, organic-looking pumpkin carriage.

“Just like in Cinderella!” she squeals, and prances around it happily.

“They’ll love it.”

“Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

The three of them maneuver the magical conveyance out of the gardens.

“Oh, my! That is a gorgeous parade float, Misty!” Wysteria exclaims, as they roll it past her.

Turning to the others, she adds.

“But I thought you weren’t granting any wishes for floats, Starcatcher?”

The pegasus gives a musical chuckle.

“It is not for the Promenade.”

Sky Wishes and Starcatcher hitch Ocean to the carriage. As they do so, the former whispers in Ocean’s ear.

“If you saw things, they are for you alone. Never tell anypony, except her.”

Ocean is the talk of Ponyville as she prances along with her pumpkin carriage. Due to the Spring Promenade, there is already a carnival atmosphere on Ponyville high street.

She passes a delicious-smelling parade float, taking in the tangy smells of strawberries and spicy notes of vanilla. From around the sumptuous construction, the vividly pink forms of Sweetberry and Cotton Candy emerge.

A candyfloss is pushed into her face, which she takes gladly.

“Can I ride?” Cotton Candy asks, in return.


The two get on the driver’s seat. Sweetberry weaves a vine of grapes onto the vine-like guard rails.

Next, she passes a tropical looking float with coconut palms reaching high up into the sky. Inside the palm-fronds the vivid purple and lime-green tail of Coconut Grove dangles from a rope swing.

A loud whistle sounds, drawing Ocean’s eyes even higher, to where anther pegasi, almost invisible against the blue, but for her flame-coloured mane, is looking down.

“Wow! A pumpkin! Look, Grovenut.” the Pegasus says, punctuated by fluting whistles.

“I see it, Thistles!”

Soon the soft pink and blue forms of the two pegasi glide down.

“Fancy a pina colada?” Coconut Grove offers, gesturing with a coconut shell.

The two also request to ride. Assent given, they alight on the roof. Coconut places a husk on the tip of the carriage’s majestic pumpkin stem.

Following on, Ocean shields her eyes from a dazzling float covered in sequins. Through the glare, she can just about make out the orange form of Sparkleworks.

“Yo!” an invisible presence calls out, sounding like Sunny Daze.

“You might need these!” the voice says, with a giggle, and places sunglasses on Ocean’s blinking face.

Thus shielded, the white form of Sunny comes into view.

Like the others, these two are also welcomed onto the carriage. They take their places on the passenger’s seat.

Next, Ocean sights a strange float sporting a half-green rainbow at both ends. The ponies onboard are deep in discussion and do not immediately notice her carriage.

“But rainbows aren’t just green, darling.”

Ranbow Dash’s green discussant holds up a socked hoof.

“I know, Rainbow Dash. Hah! It’ll be OK.”

“No, darling. I want rainbowy rainbows, not mint-green rainbows.”

“Mint-green rainbows! That’s a great idea. I’ll just get the paint… wait! What’s that?”

Minty turns and points at Ocean. Rainbow Dash’s eyes light up.

“Why that’s positively darling! Ocean, dear, well done!”

The two dash up and, after Rainbow Dash places a rainbow tiara on Ocean’s head, they jump onto the carriage steps and hang on. Minty places a green sock over the handle.

As Ocean, laden with gifts and ponies, approaches the end of the street, a pink pony blocks her path, forcing Ocean to stop.

Next to her is a bright pink float. Some writing, unfinished, is being painted on its side by a purple pony with a present mark.

“Misty. Misty, Misty! That’s the best float I’ve seen today! Look at this, Razz,”

The painting pony turns round. “Oh, wow! Ocean! That’s amazing.”

She trots up to it. “Can I paint a message on?”

“Sure! Make it say, ‘From Ponyville to Equestria, with love.’

Razz makes short work of the message.

“Now, everypony. Time to get back to your floats!” Pinkie commands.

Derpy and Crafty see Ocean Mist pulling one of the fanciest-looking carriages they have ever seen. Its wheels are ribs of green squash, and its passenger seat is padded with pulp. Its surface is ornamented with seeds and vines. It is crowned by a stem. It looks a little… green, but otherwise it is a carriage from a fairy tale.

“Is that from Cinderella?”

Derpy cocks her head to one side.

Crafty Crate doesn’t respond. After an initial look of shock, his expression becomes calculating. Spying the message on the side, he senses an opportunity.

“Hello!” Ocean hails them.

“I found another wagon!”

“Very impressive, Miss,” Crafty says, admiringly. “Is that for us?”

Ocean nods and Crafty grins.

'An art piece from a Geodimension, hoof-decorated by the natives! I know Canterlotian art dealers who would kill for something like this'

He gambled that as an, in effect, signed gift, he might be able to keep it.

“Now you can go home,” Ocean says, unaware of the shrewd Equestrian’s plans.

“Oh, yes.”

This would more than compensate for the increased premiums from leaving the wagon.

Ocean Mist, her task complete, relaxes.

But Derpy is unsure.


“Is it from Cinderella?”


“What happens to it?”

“What do you mean?”

“It will be very late in Equestria when we get back.”

Realisation dawns on Ocean.

“Well, um. It will turn back.”

“Back into?”

“A pumpkin.”

Crafty’s ears flop.

“You mean it’s perishable!?”


He shakes his head.

“Never mind. Sorry, kid. But it won’t do.”

“But, but, but.” Her lip trembles. She had been so sure!

Derpy goes to comfort her.

“It was a very nice idea. Even if it doesn’t work for us, I’m sure your friends would like it?”

Ocean nods, glumly.

She removes the rainbow tiara and sunglasses, sniffling as she does so.


Even the hardhearted Crafty is stung into giving her a little pat.

“Don’t worry, kiddo.”

Ocean sighs and trudges back to Ponyville with the carriage.

‘Maybe I should just give up,’ she thinks to herself, sadly. ‘All I know about are fairy tales. I don’t know anything about aliens or unsticking wagons.’

“Don’t tell me Kimono didn’t want it!?”

Ocean, whose eyes had been downcast, hadn’t seen Wysteria approach.

She shakes her head, sadly.

Seeing Ocean so upset moves the kindly pony.

“I’ll speak to her. I know that she can be particular, but I’m sure she would want such a fabulous float.”

Ocean shakes her head.

“It wasn’t for her. It was for them.”

She points to the Equestrians.

Ocean explains the issue, including Kimono’s advice, and Wysteria listens intently, stopping Ocean every so often to clarify.

She muses a while, trotting alongside Ocean.

“Well, I think I understand. And—”

She looks significantly at the sad, blue face.

“—if there’s anything you want from me, or anypony in Ponyville, just ask. OK?”

Ocean gives a small smile.

“You better return to them. I’ll store this for you. Do you want to keep it as a parade float?”

Ocean begins to unhitch to transfer the carriage.

“I don’t want it for me. I prefer to watch.”

“Of course. Well, would you consider donating it?”

Ocean nods.

“Scootaloo was very upset earlier when her orange float rolled away. With a lick of orange paint, this pumpkin would be a perfect replacement,” she hints.

“Oh! Do you think she would like it?”


“She can have it! But it will turn back into a pumpkin tonight,” she warns.

“Oh, I think not, dear.”

Ocean looks up, surprised.

“That only applies to ripe ones. This one has a couple of days, at least.”

With that, Wysteria trots away with the carriage-turned-float.

Author's Note:

"Honorary Princess and Nature Lover"

Starcatcher and Sky Wishes
"Wish Giver and her Best Friend"


Sweetberry and Cotton Candy
"The Delicious Parade Float"

Thistle Whistle and Coconut Grove
"The Tropical Pegasi Float"

Sparkleworks and Sunny Daze
"The Bright Parade Float"

Minty and Rainbow Dash
"The Arguing Parade Float"

Pinkie Pie and Razzaroo
"The Pink Friendship Parade Float"