• Published 24th Dec 2012
  • 4,540 Views, 274 Comments

The Symphony of a Winning Lyrist - JaketheGinger

For Lyra, life is pretty swell. She has the best fillyfriend anyone could ask for in Bon Bon and she doesn’t need to worry about work at all. If only things stayed that simple.

  • ...

The Pony Who Makes Sweet Music

Hearts and Hooves day is so stressful.

But it’s so worth it if you pull it off. And by Celestia, I was going to make this Hearts and Hooves day the best one ever.

I’d been in a relationship with Bon Bon for well over a year now and this would be our second Hearts and Hooves day. Looking back on the first one, I suppose it didn’t really count. Our relationship was new at the time and we were still finding ourselves. We were more like two schoolfillies rather than full grown mares.

This time was going to be different. I was going to pull out all the stops in order to show my fillyfriend how much I loved her.

I could simply take her out on a lovely walk and play my lyre for her, that would have been romantic enough. The problem was that Bon Bon listened to my music almost every single day. I was starting to worry that she was losing interest in it.

So I wanted to surprise her. Well, a good surprise anyway. Every healthy relationship needs those, right?

The problem was that I didn’t really know what to do.

Ponyville’s a lovely town, I really couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. But it was so...humdrum. In such a small settlement, you ran out of exciting things to do fairly quickly. Bon Bon and I knew this town like we knew our own flanks. Anything exciting that did happen was unexpected and could never be planned for. It was often disastrous--damn parasprites...

I couldn’t take her out of town either; I just didn’t have the bits. Bon Bon had been telling me to get a job repeatedly over the past couple of weeks. I tried...then I gave up. If I needed any bits, I’d just busk for them. My parents were fairly loaded too. They lived in Canterlot, although I moved to Ponyville years ago. They bought me my own house--nothing too extravagant--and got me set up on the right hoof. I kinda live in Bon Bon’s house now, although I occasionally go back to my place from time to time.

Basically, when it came to bits, there was always a way around. No biggie. Bon Bon didn’t think so. I couldn't worry about work anyway, not when the more pressing matter of what to do with my fillyfriend hung around in my mind.

So I did what I always did when I was stuck in my thoughts: I played music.

I sat on a wooden bench in the middle of Ponyville park, my trusty lyre at hoof. I had a peculiar way of sitting sometimes and a lot of ponies commented on it. It had its uses though; by sitting on my haunches, my forehooves were free to be able to manipulate whatever they pleased. It would often be the case that Bon Bon would recline next to me while I sat like this, strumming my lyre. Many ponies had tried sitting like me and most of them commented on the fact that it pained them to do so. Which was odd because it never hurt me when I did it.

Cloud Kicker’s claims of my flexibility weren’t so exaggerated after all.

My horn glowed a bright amber as a pair of ethereal hands spread forth from my hooves. They glowed with my magical aura and billowed slightly in the air. This was my hand spell. Levitation was all well and good for lifting up objects but if you wanted to intricately fiddle with something, then this spell was the one for you.

My lyre could only be played with digits, although lyres did exist that could be played by hoof. They were bigger and clunkier though and made an inferior sound, in my opinion. My lyre and I were inseparable. Only Bon Bon had the rights to split us up. I’ve had it since I was a young filly you see, so it’s very special to me.

Today was the perfect day for some lyre playing, actually. The sky was a bright blue and I could feel the sun’s radiance warm my body. I could’ve fallen asleep right there and then, like some of the other ponies who were lying on the grass nearby.

Hardly anyone was around and all was quiet. I loved moments like this. It made my music stand out and all the more powerful. Not that I was looking for an audience.

One of my magical hands gripped the lyre and the other one waited to pluck the strings. The fingers were essentially an extension of myself so I could feel the strings and be able to tell if I had plucked them too hard or not. It’s hard to explain exactly how it works.

I plucked the strings in an orderly succession, playing a relaxing tune that I had known since my youth. It was a simple piece, but it always helped clear my mind. Exactly what I needed right now. The notes were high pitched and almost playful, the sound bringing a smile to my face.

The only issue with playing without an audience is that you can get lost in the music, which happened to me most of the time. I was so into my playing that I failed to notice Bon Bon approach and stand next to me. I was only alerted of her presence when I felt her lips on my cheek. I wasn’t surprised though; she always greeted me like this whenever I got lost in my own music.

“Hey Sweetie,” I greeted her, opening my eyes and putting an end to my tune. ‘Sweetie’ was my nickname for her since she was so talented at making delicious sweets.

“I thought I’d find you here,” she sat next to me on the bench and peered around before leaning against me. We were a considerate couple in that regard; we’d only get touchy-feely when everypony around us was okay with it or if nopony was there.

“Mhm.” As much as I loved seeing her, it only reminded me of the fact that Hearts and Hooves day was coming up. If I went silent on her though, she’d quickly suspect something. “How was business today?”

“Pretty good!” she answered cheerfully. “The sweethearts are selling well.” Sweethearts were a type of candy that Bon Bon only sold around Hearts and Hooves day. Each had a special message on it--romantic mushy stuff like “Be mine” and “True love”. They tasted really good too, obviously.

“Any left for me?” I asked, feeling a bit peckish. Then again, I always felt peckish when Bon Bon’s sweets were brought up.

“All sold out. You know you always get first taste of a fresh batch,” she reminded me with a smirk and my ears lowered at the unfortunate news.. Being Bon Bon’s sweet tester, I sometimes worried I’d gained weight since hooking up with her.

“Yeah I know. Couldn’t hurt to try asking though.”

“Sooo...” Bon Bon moved up the bench, putting more of her body on me. “Looking forward to Hearts and Hooves day?”

Oh no, here it comes. “Yeah!” I grinned, trying to sound as enthusiastic as I could. I wasn’t lying either. The prospect of spending a whole day with my fillyfriend, doing romantic things together, was something I always looked forward to. I was just so nervous about impressing her.

Bon Bon giggled, beginning to stroke my side. “If you’re this excited now, imagine what you’ll be like on the actual day!”

“It’ll be the best day ever, trust me.” I reclined back, not sure of how exactly it was going to be the best day ever. I certainly couldn’t think of any ideas while Bon Bon was around, that’s for sure. I needed her off my back. “I’m sleeping at my place tonight, by the way.”

Bon Bon looked up at me, raising an eyebrow. “Why so?”

I thought that’d get her suspicions aroused. Luckily, I had the perfect excuse. “So I can prepare your surprise for the big day, silly!”

Bon Bon’s mouth formed an ‘o’ shape, then she gave one of her delightful smiles that always made me smile back. “Looking forward to it then!”

Ah. If she wasn’t expecting something before, she certainly was now. Dammit.

“It’ll certainly fulfill your expectations, trust me.” I should’ve stopped talking now. I was only making my problem worse. I had to back out of the situation...which meant ditching Bon Bon. Hopefully she’d understand.

“Therefore, I gotta start preparing!” Before she had time to respond, I planted a soft kiss on her lips. She returned it and wrapped her forelegs around me. I couldn’t help but return the embrace. This was only meant to be a quick kiss and go but I enjoyed moments like these far too much. Judging by her eagerness to return the gesture, she did too.

We finally broke off and I got off the bench, levitating my lyre beside me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sweetie.” I stroked her chin with my magic hands and she practically purred. “Love you.”

“If that isn’t obvious by now, then we have a problem.” She snickered and gave me another light peck on the lips. “See you tomorrow afternoon then. I can’t wait for what you have planned!”

I certainly could.

I gave her a wave with a magical hand, before they vanished into thin air. I then turned and headed to...

To be honest, I had no idea where I was going to go.

In hindsight, I should’ve done this way earlier. Hearts and Hooves day was tomorrow.

I better be able to sleep tonight, despite knowing that I’ve probably bucked everything up. I still had some time and that was far better than no time. So I brainstormed. I thought of anything and everything that there was to do in Ponyville.

“Bowling?” I muttered out loud. “No no. No. Bowling is about as far from romantic as you can get. The spa?” That did seem like a good option. On any other day at least. It was going to be full of mares pampering themselves for the big day so we’d get no privacy. I shook my head, getting rid of the thought. “A nice romantic dinner? Maybe--no. We’ve done that far too many times before.”

I kicked a stray pebble as I walked along, looking down at the ground. I couldn’t think of anything worthwhile to do with my fillyfriend. I wanted to do something new and fresh with her but at the same time, I didn’t want to take her out of her comfort zone too much. So fishing was out of the question too.

I was beginning to come to horrifying conclusion that I might have to improvise on the day itself. That definitely wouldn’t work. Bon Bon would easily see through it and...I didn’t want to think about how she’d react.


My ears perked up and I turned my head towards the sound of the voice. I saw Carrot Top give me a wave and approach me, concern in her eyes. I guess I wasn’t hiding my anxiety very well.

“Hey,” I said simply, giving her a wave in return.

“Are you alright? You look really down and before Hearts and Hooves day...well...” She trailed off but didn’t continue. She didn’t need to.

“Things with us are good now, Carrot Top, don’t worry,” I reassured her, only to break that seconds later, “but they might not be on Hearts and Hooves day...”

Carrot Top tilted her head slightly. I answered before she could question.

“I have no idea what I’m going to do with Bon Bon.” I stomped a hoof on the ground in mild frustration.

“Aah...” That was all I needed to hear. Great. So Carrot Top thought I was a careless fillyfriend too. “Well you don’t need to do something extreme.”

I went up to Carrot Top so quickly, we almost bashed heads. “But I need to make it special! Unique! A day she’ll remember forever!”

Carrot Top had the nerve to laugh quietly. “Really, Lyra, you’re worrying too much about it.”

“No I’m not! You don’t--” Woah. Thank Celestia I stopped myself there. I didn’t want to say anything stupid to Carrot Top. She didn’t deserve it. I took a deep breath and ran a hoof through my mane. Maybe I was worrying too much...

Carrot Top put a hoof on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. “What is Hearts and Hooves day really about?”

I frowned slightly at that. “Showing how much you love your special somepony. I know that.”

“Exactly. So don’t you think that being so materialistic about it is a bit insulting to both you and Bon Bon?”

I paused, my mouth going agape. She was right. Really right. Celestia, I’d been so stupid...

Showering your partner with gifts upon gifts was the easy way of showing your love for them. It was lazy and expensive. I’d gone about this the completely wrong way. I brought a hoof to my face, sighing. Over a year on and I was still getting things wrong. Yet...

“Yeah, I see what you mean. But...I still want to make it special for her, you know?”

“That’s understandable.” Admittedly I had tuned out by that point because something Carrot Top was carrying caught my attention.

“Flowers! I need flowers!” I pointed frantically at the baskets hanging from Carrot Top’s back, filled with delightful plants. “They’ll be perfect!”

I can’t believe I’d forgotten the basics. Flowers were just a given on Hearts and Hooves day. It was an unofficial law that you had to give them to your special somepony on that day at the very least.

“Of course you can have some--”

“Thank you thank you!” With my magic, a swiped a good hoof full of flowers from one of Carrot Top’s baskets. I don’t think she was too pleased at that, as I saw the faintest traces of a frown on her face.

Anyway, flowers: check. What else did I need? Something sweet of course! I couldn’t not have anything like that for my Sweetie. Sugarcube Corner would be my port of call and my only one. Hopefully it wasn’t too jam-packed.

I gave Carrot Top a quick hug as a thanks before galloping off towards the confectionary. “Thanks again, Carrot Top!” I yelled at her as I sped away. I didn’t hear her response but I did see her wave, which was enough for me. I’d been friends with her for many years so she’d understand.

Flowers and lyre floating alongside me, I made it to the bakery in no time at all. I shouldn’t have rushed there so quickly though. The massive queue that stretched outside the building made it clear that no matter what time I got there, I’d have to wait.

I could deal with that though, as long as I had time to prepare other things. I took my place at the back of the line and prepared to wait. I inspected the ponies in front of me and I could barely recognize any of them. I swear, some ponies from other towns must have come here just for Pinkie Pie’s delicious treats. Understandable I guess, considering they had a legendary status here in Ponyville.

As the queue shifted along at the speed of a slug, I began to recall the many confectionaries I could get Bon Bon. Pinkie and Bon Bon had a friendly rivalry of sorts because they both made sugary things but that didn’t stop neither of them from admitting that the other did make awesome treats. Sometimes they got too carried away though and...well, let’s just say I’m used to getting icing in my mane by now.

Gah. This queue was taking forever. I briefly considered the option of going to Derpy for some muffins, but she’s probably busy enough as it is, what with her two kids and a job. I know her fairly well but we’re not close friends by any means, despite the fact that whenever I do talk to her though, she’s lovely. I couldn’t imagine living her life though. She really turned me off having children. Possibly getting a job too. I never wanted to be as busy as she was.

Don’t get me wrong, Derpy’s kids and nice enough; Dinky’s an especially adorable filly. Though the reason I don’t talk to Derpy too much is because of her fillies; they cut so much into her time. She seems to love looking after them though so I’m happy for that family. Hm...I wonder if Sparkler has a special somepony yet...

After some time--Goddess knows how long--I finally entered the building proper. About five ponies were in front of me and after leaning to the side, I could see Mr and Mrs Cake rushing around behind the counter frantically. I’m not surprised they’re this busy, I just hope that they got their Hearts and Hooves day too.

I couldn’t see Pinkie anywhere so she was probably out of sight, either helping the Cakes or simply being Pinkie.

I saw the pony at the front of the queue turn around and leave the building, taking nothing with him. I bit my lip. Maybe he just didn’t want anything?

Then the pony who was behind him left, then the next and so on until I was at the front of the queue. I approached the counter, the Cakes now absent. My heart sank when I saw the dreaded sign on the surface:

Out of stock. Sorry!

I smacked my face with a hoof and dragged it down, groaning. I dejectedly left the line and headed to the front door. That was when Pinkie rushed past me and knocked me to the ground. Thankfully, my flowers and lyre remained in the air.

“I gotta get more ingrediiiiients!!” she yelled in a panicky tone. I sighed, getting up and dusting myself off. I wasn’t hurt, but I wasn’t prepared to queue again even if Pinkie got more goods. Looking outside, I could see that the day was ending anyway.

I walked past the queue, ignoring the confused looks of onlookers as they stared at Pinkie rushing into the distance as a dust trail formed behind her. I headed for home, hopeful that I had some sort of ace in the hole there.

Going back to my house always made feel a little better. It was just so...homey. It wasn’t too big, consisting of only four rooms: kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. Five if you counted the small hall you went through after entering the building.

I closed the door behind me and trotted into the kitchen, heading to the sink and pouring a glass of water, which I then put the flowers in so they’d last the night. I also opened a cabinet just above the kitchen counter and brought down one of my most favorite treats. Mints.

Mints tasted amazing. There was nothing in the world quite like them. They made my mouth feel all tingly and I loved that plus, it made my breath smell lovely so it was a win-win situation for everyone involved. My friend Colgate gave me a supply of mints as well as a mint flavoured toothpaste. There was no escaping them now.

I popped one in my mouth, the fresh taste making me feel slightly better. I put my lyre gently onto the wooden table in the middle of the kitchen and then went to my bedroom. If I had remembered correctly, there were things in there that would definitely impress Bon Bon.

I opened the wooden closet in my room and stared at the many dresses inside. I grinned, silently thanking my parents for giving me these. When your family has a history of playing music for nobles in Canterlot, the bits tend to stack up fairly quickly. I was a bit of a deviant though. The last concert I played was in school when I was just a filly.

I levitated the clothes out of the closet and admired them each in turn. These would be perfect. I had quite the collection, although they rarely saw any use.

So which one do I pick?

The long white dress with blue tinges and frills was beautiful but so was the sleek black one. Then you have the elegant purple one and the short but stylish green one...

I dumped the dresses on the floor and collapsed onto my bed, burying my head into the mint green covers. One step forward, then two steps back. It seemed inevitable that tomorrow would be purely improvisation--and while I was good at that in music, in life, it generally doesn’t end well.

I decided to go ahead and get some sleep. Maybe it’d come to me in a dream. Or maybe I’d just get nightmares. Either way, worrying about tomorrow wasn’t doing me any good and the more rested I felt, the better I would look.

I put my head on the white pillow and pulled the covers over me, getting all nice and snug. Whenever I sleep at Bon Bon’s, I always forget how comfy my own bed is. I shut my eyes, anticipating the next day with a pit of dread in my stomach.

Today, I beat my personal best of how fast I could get out of bed.

As soon as I opened my eyes, it just came to me. I instantly knew how to solve the dress situation and scrambled out of bed, throwing the covers off me and diving onto the floor. It was so obvious!

Only one mare could help me now: Rarity.

I skipped breakfast, rushing out of the door and slamming it behind me. I made my way across Ponyville, going as fast as my legs would take me. I didn’t care if I looked like my blood had been replaced by sugar (or if I had been possessed by Pinkie); as long as Bon Bon didn’t see me, all was well.

In only a couple of minutes, I was at Carousel Boutique, banging on the door with a hoof. I desperately needed Rarity’s help and I wasn’t about to take no for an answer. After about twenty seconds of straight knocking though, I finally realized that the shop was closed. Probably would have helped if I looked at the sign first.

Where else would she be then? Sugarcube Corner maybe, I often saw her friends hang around there. It was my best shot at finding her for the moment.

I turned around and found the beast from Tartarus itself staring right at me: Rarity’s dreaded cat. I had heard stories of how bad tempered this moggy was and I didn’t want to mess with it. Unfortunately, I think I already had. My loud knocking must have awoken it because it looked like it had bed hair.

The cat stared at me with a piercing glare and I found myself backing away towards the door. When my flank hit the building, I carefully tried to sidestep away. Any sudden movement would probably provoke it. I didn’t keep my eyes off it until I was at a safe distance and when I was, I slowly turned my head away and briskly trotted off. Big mistake. The demon of an animal seized its chance and leapt at me, sinking its sharp claws right into my flank.

I clenched my teeth together, tearing up due to the sudden pain that emanated from my behind. I tried to shake the cat off but that only made the pain worse. I began pacing in circles, trying to take my mind off the pain. The only thing that would have made this whole ordeal worse was if Bon Bon saw me.

Oh. But Cloud Kicker seeing me is a much better option. Perfect.

I spotted her and Blossomforth flying by above and just knew that they had seen me. My face went as red as my wounded flank was. I wasn’t going to hear the end of this from Cloud Kicker.

She and I met in just as unusual circumstances, I suppose. A few years before I was with Bon Bon, she saw my playing on my lyre with my hand spell. And of course, being Cloud Kicker, she started hitting on me. She commented on my hand spell and said how she’d like to “experiment” with it. Fast forward half an hour later and we were banging. In my defense, only the most frigid of ponies turn down a night with Cloud Kicker.

By this point, I was up to my breaking point with this stupid cat. I bit my lip, preparing for the worst. After taking a deep breath, I did it and using levitation, I ripped the cat away from me. I can only describe the pain I felt as being similar to having a band-aid ripped from you. A band-aid with rusty nails in it.

The cat flailed viciously in the air, no doubt trying to claw my eyes out now. I hobbled to the dustbins outside the Boutique and dumped the beast in one of them, putting the lid on top. That’d teach it a lesson. It wasn’t like the animal could tell Rarity I did it anyway.

I peered at my wounds. They weren’t bleeding as much as I suspected but they still looked painful. So before finding Rarity, I needed to put a bandage on my flank. Great.

I really hoped that this wasn’t an ominous sign of what was to come.

I speedily went back home, got myself patched up and headed back out again so I wouldn’t waste time. The bandage on my flank was embarrassing but I’d live with it for now.

It was still morning so I assumed that if Rarity had a date, she wouldn’t be out with him yet. Knowing that, I traveled to Sugarcube Corner, hoping that she’d be there for me to take all for myself.

Apparently she was there and I had just caught her walking away from Sugarcube Corner, right towards the spa. I had to intercept her now; if she entered that spa, it would be hours before she got out.

I galloped towards her, ignoring the protests from my pained flank and practically leaped in front of her. She almost fell over backwards in shock but I wasn’t about to let her say anything until I had said my say.

“Rarity! Thank goodness I found you! I really really need your help!” I exclaimed, resisting the urge to grab her by the shoulders and take her away for myself.

She regained her standard regal composure and raised an eyebrow at me. “Whatever for?”

“Dresses! I need to pick a dress for my day with Bon Bon!”

“Ah, well...” She gazed wistfully in the direction of the spa so I simply got in the way of her view, trying to look as pleading as possible. “I suppose I can offer you my assistance.”

That was all I needed. I suddenly grabbed Rarity’s foreleg and started to drag her back to my house. “Thank you thank you let’s go!”

Despite the fact that she pretty much confirmed that she was going to help me, I didn’t let go of Rarity the whole way. Chances were high that she hated the invasion of her personal space so I knew I owed her something for her help..and for dumping her cat in a bin.

Yeah, that could have gone more smoothly. Eh, it’ll survive.

I barged into my house and stormed into my bedroom before I finally let go of Rarity. Upon calming down a bit, I immediately felt embarrassed. My room was still in the state I left it in this morning. I could hear Rarity make a quiet ‘tsk’ at it all.

“Hectic morning, hehehe...” Could I not have laughed anymore awkwardly there? I hurriedly enveloped the bed sheets with my magic and made them neat and proper. After that, I lifted up the many clothes I had carelessly scattered on the floor. “So this is what I got.”

Rarity took a moment to inspect each of the items in turn. She must have been entranced by them, as she had this almost silly grin on her face every time she touched the fabrics with her hooves.

“These are simply divine!” Her eyes sparkled along with my dress as she turned it over in front of her. “I never knew you had such an elegant taste, Lyra,” she commented, still focused on the hovering clothes.

“My parents gave them to me, so I didn’t really choose them.” I get along well with my folks, although that’s probably due to the fact that I hate arguing with them so I just nod and smile whenever they gave me something I’d rather not have. Like the time they gave me a flute. I still remember catching that cough from Bon Bon and the suffering I endured just to get out of playing it.

“Are they nobles?” Rarity asked, glancing at me for just a moment.

“Musicians in Canterlot.” My parents were actually quite popular back in the day. My father was a lyrist like me while my mother played the piano. They claimed that they played for the Princesses once, though not as a personal summons, and I believed them. They rarely played together in public. They kept their duets to themselves, which I thought was really romantic. My family has always been like that.

These days they’re not as popular as they were, thanks to the rise of young blood like the cellist Octavia. There was also the relatively newfound popularity of a different style of music with artists such as DJ-PON3. Not that I hated them for this, mind you. In fact, it was one of my dreams to play a duet with Octavia.

“Aah, I see. Well, let’s get down to business then!” Rarity exclaimed, pointing at the purple dress. “That one looks fabulous, darling.”

With her looks and accent, I was surprised that Rarity didn’t live in Canterlot. I assumed that the reason she stayed was because her friends were all here. I hoped that was the reason, because it was a really sweet one.

“Mhm.” I nodded, then paused when a realization struck me. “No! I can’t wear that one!”

Rarity blinked at me, raising an eyebrow. “Why ever not?”

“I wore that one for our anniversary a couple months back.” Good times. With the help of my parents, I managed to get Bon Bon and I in one of the most renowned restaurants in Canterlot: The Silver Saddle. The prices were outrageous considering the size of the portions we received but we had a great time anyway. Bon Bon said she’d arrange our next anniversary so I wouldn’t need to worry about topping the last one.

I put the anniversary dress back in the closet while Rarity peered at the others, pointing at a frilly orange dress. “That would go fantastically with your eyes.”

I bought the dress closer to myself, Rarity looking at me expectantly. I could definitely agree with her statement...but the dress was about as frilly as it could possibly be and I didn’t want to look like some pampered princess. “No no, don’t like it.” I shook my head, putting the dress alongside the purple one.

Rarity huffed a little, frowning at me. “Really, Lyra, you asked for my help and now you’re disagreeing with everything I pick!”

I’d probably be annoyed too if I were in her position. The next one that she picked would be the one. No ‘buts’ allowed. This was Rarity of all ponies, helping me in her area of expertise. I could trust her word.

Rarity rubbed her chin, thoughtful hums escaping from her. After a while, she settled on the sleek black dress. I didn’t have to time to voice my own opinions before she started putting the dress on for me. “Try it before you say anything,” she ordered in a motherly tone.

It was comfortable to wear so that was a good start. I looked down myself, unsure how I looked in it until Rarity got the mirror off my wall and presented it in front of me. The mirror wasn’t quite big enough to fit all of me in but what I did see, I liked. I did a full twirl, a smile appearing on my face. This was definitely the one.

Perhaps best of all was the fact that it covered my flank, thus hiding my bandages. I knew chances were high that Rarity had seen them. It was probably why all the dresses she had picked were long ones. Either she hadn’t noticed or she just didn’t ask about it.

Apparently I wasn’t completely through yet as Rarity put the mirror on the bed and started rumaging through my closet. I didn’t have much in there but regal stuff. It’s not like I wore clothes everyday.

“Hm...you just need a couple of accessories to complete the image.” She went out of the closet, finding nothing. My drawers were her next item of interest and she rigorously searched through them, conveniently putting everything back in place once she was done.

Eventually, she found something. “Aha! I think this shall suffice,” she proclaimed, fitting a black headband on me. I brought the mirror to my face and checked out my new look. Rarity certainly knew what she was doing.

Even after all this, she apparently wasn’t done yet. She eyed me up and down before asking, “Do you have any jewellery?”

“Of course I do!” I replied cheerfully, going down onto the floor and looking under the bed. It took me awhile to find it in the dark but I managed to bring out a small wooden box. I stood up, opening the box and presenting the contents to Rarity.

Her face immediately lit up. “These are simply...simply amazing!” I couldn’t help but smirk at her reaction.

Due to the fact that I wasn’t always here, I hid items of high value around the house (with the exception of the dresses). Inside the box was a collection of fine jewellery, some plain and others encrusted with sparkling jewels. It wasn’t the most valuable set in Equestria but selling them would have made a pony’s life a lot easier.

Rarity levitated them out of the box and slowly spun them around her head. For a moment, I was afraid she was going to take them for her own. This was the bearer of the Element of Generosity I was talking about though, so I quickly dispelled those thoughts from my head.

I thought she had gotten lost in a dream, yet she seemed to snap out of it before I could say anything. With a determined certainty, she nodded to herself and put an aquamarine pendant around my neck. I grinned, letting out a small squeal of excitement. I couldn’t help it; I hadn’t looked this beautiful in a while.

“You look outstanding.” The tone of her voice confirmed how sincere she was. “Bon Bon’s a very lucky mare to have you.”

As egotistical as it sounds, in this outfit I had to agree with her. I was quick to voice my thanks towards her. “Thank you, Rarity. Honestly. I kinda pushed you into this so you didn’t have to help but you did anyway. I owe you so much--”

“Think nothing of it, dear,” Rarity interrupted nonchalantly, heading towards the bedroom door. “Now, I must go. Things to do and ponies to see!”

“Like your special somepony?” I gave her a sly grin.

Oddly enough, she hesitated before answering. “Something like that. Yes.” She put a hoof on the door knob. “Have a lovely day.”

“You too!” I smiled at her brightly, watching her leave the room. I felt a tinge of worry poke at my insides. Something about her as she left was off. Surely she had a special somepony? Who wouldn’t go out with Rarity?

If she didn’t have anypony then I definitely owed her for saying something so careless and I sighed, looking back at myself in the mirror, my reflection strengthening my resolve. I couldn’t worry about her now, not when I had my Sweetie to impress.

I had a light lunch before setting outside. The nerves were really building up within me now and I didn’t want to throw up all over my fillyfriend. Or anywhere else for that matter.

I popped a mint in my mouth, pacing around the kitchen table. Half of me was excited at what lay ahead and the other half was terrified of what could happen. Regardless of my doubts, I knew that turning up would be far better than being a no show. That would break Bon Bon’s heart and I’d rather get attacked by an army of angry cats than let that happen.

After swallowing my mint, I took a deep breath, got the flowers from yesterday and practically marched to the front door. “Okay, Lyra...you can do this. Go out there and give your fillyfriend a real good time!” I told myself, my words actually spurring me on. I swung the door open and stepped outside into the open air.

By now, the day was perfect for my outing with Bon Bon. I stood outside my house for a bit, basking in the afternoon sun. Though the sight of couples in the distance made me move on. Every couple looked serene and happy. Exactly how I wanted Bon Bon to feel.

As I walked, it didn’t take me long to figure out that I may have been slightly overdressed for today. A few other mares were wearing dresses but they were nothing like mine. I merely shrugged. If nothing else, I’d at least made the effort.

On closer inspection of the other mares, I realized that while they weren’t wearing anything very extravagant, all of them had done up their manes and covered their faces in make-up. I hadn’t done anything in that department. I wasn’t going to turn back now, no. I was never one for huge dollops of make-up anyway.

Along the way to Bon Bon’s house, I had failed to notice a single pony who was by themself. Either all the single ponies were hiding in their homes or everypony had somepony to share the day with. The romantic in me hoped it was the latter.

I beamed when I saw my fillyfriend’s home. Bon Bon’s house was bigger than mine, having a second floor. Her bedroom had a open balcony where she and I shared many a kiss during the night. It was a great place to sit back, relax and watch the stars.

I stopped before her front door, checking my breath. Yep. Still minty as ever. This was it; I was ready as I was ever going to be.

I forced myself to knock on the door rhythmically and hid the flowers behind my tail. This was the worst part because I knew she was coming but I didn’t know what she was going to think or say. It felt agonizing, standing there by myself, seconds feeling like drawn out minutes.

The door opened and there she was, the love of my life. She looked beautiful. The simplicity of her outfit really made her beauty stand out; the only things she wore were a few flowers in her mane and a necklace with a red jewel in the middle.

We stood there, both speechless at the sight of one another. I didn’t know what to do or say. I wanted to give her a big hug, but I was afraid that by simply touching her I’d break her lovely image.

Apparently she felt the same way. She raised a hoof and gingerly stroked my cheek, giving me one of those smiles that reminded me of why I loved her. “You look amazing, Lyra.”

“And you look fantastic.” I revealed the flowers to her. “For you, my special somepony.”

Bon Bon gasped quietly and carefully took a yellow petalled flower from the bunch and put it with the others in her mane. “Thank you, Lyra...I’m not sure whether to keep these or eat them.”

I gave her a playful smirk. “Whichever you want. They’re your gift.”

After I said that, she took the plunge and chomped down the flowers. Judging by the satisfied look on her face afterwards, they tasted really good. “I wasn’t expecting a surprise like this. I thought you were going to go a little overboard today.”

I laughed, trying to push the memories of yesterday out of my mind while trying not to look awkward. “I just wanted you to be happy.”

“I’m more than happy,” Bon Bon replied, leaning closer to me and whispering, “I’m in love.” And with that, she gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. Her actions unleashed my full excitement, drowning all my previous anxieties. I closed my eyes and reveled in the moment.

Bon Bon broke away at just the right moment. The kiss was long enough to savour but not too long as to drag on. “Take me to the park?” she asked, outstretching a hoof.

“Gladly.” I took her hoof in my own and led her away from the park, bubbling with joy. I was practically skipping, humming a delightful tune to myself.

Above the park, the skies were completely clear. Everything seemed to be going right now, thank Celestia. Somehow, I think I had pulled it off.

We entered the park, spotting quite a few other couples milling about. The atmosphere was one of calm and--more importantly--romance. Bon Bon started to lean on me, letting out a contented sigh. I nuzzled her mane, taking a whiff of the perfume she had on. She smelt like sweet, sweet candy.

Then I noticed Rarity sitting opposite Applejack, the pair both having cups of tea. I gave a little squee of delight at the sight of them. I knew Rarity wouldn’t be alone today!

Before my date could go on, I felt obliged to thank her again. “Be right back!” I exclaimed, dashing away from Bon Bon and charging towards Rarity.

“Rarity! Rarity!” Rarity turned her head towards me and I managed to stop myself before I crashed into her. All of my success today was because of her and it felt so good knowing that I had made it into the clear. I jumped up and down on the spot, wanting to make this quick and to the point.

"Hey Rarity glad I ran into you thanks again for your help Bon Bon loves the dress oh hey Applejack nice catch Rarity she's cute anyway gotta go Bon Bon's waiting for me just wanted to thank you again bye Rarity bye Applejack!"

Then I zoomed off back to my fillyfriend, leaving the pair behind. I surprised even myself at how I managed to say all of that in only one breath. Hopefully it didn’t look like I was rushing my thanks. I was genuinely thrilled and wanted to leave those two to their date.

I went back to my place besides Bon Bon, who was staring at me with a confused look. “And that was about...?”

“I was just thanking Rarity for something she helped me with earlier!” Keep it vague, Lyra, then it’s not really a lie. I didn’t want Bon Bon to find out that it was Rarity who really did all the hard work. I nudged her in the side, steering the conversation down a slightly different route. “So, Applejack and Rarity, eh?”

We both looked at the couple, giggling when we saw that Rarity had accidentally over filled Applejack’s cup. “First time nerves,” Bon Bon remarked, “Isn’t it so cute?”

“I think it’s really sweet how two mares of such polar lifestyles can find love together.” I smiled nostalgically. Bon Bon and I were that awkward once. “I wish them the best.”

“Me too. They’re both such hard workers and they deserve all the happiness they can get.” We kept walking, leaving the new couple behind us. Perhaps I could give Rarity some advice with romance in order to repay her. Although I had a feeling she’d be offended if I straight up gave it to her.

We came to a fork in the path and Bon Bon took us down the left side. Other couples smiled at us as we went by, which we returned. We may not have been the longest running couple in Ponyville but we were arguably one of the most famous. Sometimes I didn’t know how to feel about that. A lot of ponies were happy for us but at the same time, gossip sometimes spread around far too easily.

It wasn’t long before we bumped into another couple. Well, they weren’t officially a couple. Neither of them were really glammed up for the day so they were probably enjoying the day as friends.

“Hey Colgate, Caramel,” I started, their ears twitching at the sound of my voice. They turned and gave us both a smile with a nod.

“It’s the couple of the hour!” Colgate sang. We didn’t blush at all, far too used to attention like that. “I hope you’re enjoying your day together.”

“Oh we are, believe me,” Bon Bon answered, nuzzling my neck. She wasn’t normally this affectionate in public but Hearts and Hooves day was a free pass for this kind of thing.

“And what about you two?” I asked, smirking suggestively.

Caramel blinked. “Oh no, we’re just going out as friends,” he explained. I didn’t know Caramel that much but he seemed like a nice, dependable stallion. He and Colgate would probably make a nice pairing.

“Mhm. It’s nice having somepony to talk to without it being romantic,” Colgate continued, nudging Caramel slightly. The only problem with Hearts and Hooves Day was that it was a depressing day to be alone on. Thank Celestia I don’t have that problem.

“Yeah, although I couldn’t resist giving Colgate some chocolates.” Whoa, Caramel had managed to do that? Colgate is such a clean teeth freak, it can be hard to get her to eat anything that actually tastes good. If Caramel got her to eat some chocolates, then either they’re very good friends or there was far more going on between them.

Colgate grinned sheepishly, rubbing her foreleg while Caramel kept talking, “We did have to go back to house to clean our teeth though.” Aah, that sounds about right. Now his feat seemed less impressive. Still a nice gesture though.

“How goes your business, Caramel?” Bon Bon asked. Caramel had his own stand where he sold...caramel treats. It was apparently a family tradition so I’m not surprised at his obvious name. Sometimes he’d join forces with the apple family, selling caramel coated apples, where the profits would be split evenly.

Like Colgate, his cutie mark seemed to have nothing to do with his job. I didn’t know enough about him to tell anyone why though. I’d have to ask some time.

“Well enough. But I think your sweethearts are damaging my sales slightly,” Caramel responded jokingly. It was kind of funny how Colgate was friends with two ponies whose profession was to sell sugary treats.

“We’ll let you two get to it then,” Colgate said, with an awkward laugh, putting an abrupt end to our conversation. She did always get embarrassed whenever someone pointed out her obsession with clean teeth. But who would tell her to change? If anything, everypony should follow in her hoofsteps and there would be bright smiles all around.

On second thoughts, maybe not everypony. Pinkie, Bon Bon and me to name a few.

“Enjoy your day.” Bon Bon stopped nuzzling me and waved a hoof as they passed. I gave them a polite nod as a goodbye and when they were gone, we kept going down the path. “They both need a special somepony.”

“It’d be nice. If we’re going to talk about how many ponies deserve partners though, we’re going to be here for a while.” Ponyville was one of the friendliest towns I knew and that was all there was to it. There were couples--believe me, you had the fillies to prove that much--but so many ponies were still single. Bon Bon and I were one of the few recent success stories.

Off the top of my head, Colgate, Carrot Top, Berry Punch, Derpy, Cheerilee, Pinkie, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy deserved special someponies of their own. Heck, even Cloud Kicker. I think the reason she got around so much was because she was trying to fill a void in her life. I wasn’t about to ask her about that but if it ever came up, I’d talk to her. On the other hoof, she genuinely seemed to love what she did.

Despite all of the single ponies out there, I wasn’t about to play matchmaker. Love is a delicate thing. You have to let it take its own course. Hah, listen to me prattle on about love. I’m such a Heartstrings.

Bon Bon steered us off the path and up a small grassy hill. I wasn’t about to object, strange as it was. There didn’t seem to be anything here of interest. When we reached the top, Bon Bon stopped and looked at me.

“It’s a shame you’re wearing that special dress.” I blinked. I thought she had liked it? The sly tone of her voice and that smirk she wore betrayed her words, but I wasn’t sure what she was hinting at.

“U-um...why?” I spluttered out. It can’t fall apart now. Not after what happened.

Bon Bon simply pointed up and I looked into the sky. There was a single gray cloud above and flying besides it was Cloud Kicker. She looked at me and gave me a sneaky smirk.

Dammit. Yeah. She knew about the cat fiasco.

Then for no good reason whatsoever, she bucked the cloud and sent rain pouring down on us. Had...had Bon Bon and Cloud Kicker set this up just to prank me?! It was only a few seconds before I was completely wet, my beautiful outfit now ruined. This was not funny. Nopony pranks their special somepony on Hearts and Hooves day! That’s just...horrible!

I can’t believe this! I had made an effort, a really good effort, to impress Bon Bon for this special day. And then she just goes and pulls a stupid prank on me?! She better have a damn good reason for this!

And then I felt her lips on mine.


My mind was all muddled up but I returned the kiss. It was definitely passionate but my confusion prevented me from fully enjoying it. I needed an explanation right now.

When we broke apart, I mumbled trying to ask a question then simply fell back on my haunches. I rubbed my eyes and examined the scene again.

Rain, plus me, plus Bon Bon makes...

Oh. Oh.

I really love you Bon Bon.

She had gone and created probably the most romantic scene ever. I didn’t even care that I was soaking wet anymore. Bon Bon looked slightly worried at my reaction but I was so filled with euphoria that I pounced at her before she could say anything, bringing her to the floor.

Her eyes widened in surprise but soon she was giggling delightfully. “Surprise.”

I held her face with my hooves, bringing her’s closer to mine. “Shut up and enjoy the moment.”

Then I went in for the kill and snogged her. I wasn’t holding back, not for this. Even when my eyes were closed, I could still see the mare that I cherished so dearly in her beautiful glory. My hooves found themselves wrapped against Bon Bon’s body and hers were around mine. We pulled each other closer together and started to caress each other gently. Our wet bodies only made the contact more pleasurable.

We had never been this passionate in public before. I didn’t care. It felt so right. I didn’t even care if Cloud Kicker was watching us or not.

Bon Bon pushed me away but only slightly so our lips parted. My body wanted more but there was something I wanted to know first. “How?”

She looked so good, lying there, wet mane covering her eyes. “I asked Rainbow Dash if she could set it up. But it seems Cloud Kicker did it instead.”

I glanced up for just a moment. Cloud Kicker was gone but I bet if she had been watching us, she enjoyed it. I’d have to thank both her and Rainbow Dash sometime.

“You’re brilliant.” I looked back down at my fillyfriend. There was only one other thing I could say. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Lyra.” With that, she pulled me back to her and we were at it again. All the build up and suffering I endured was totally worth it. This was without a doubt, the best Hearts and Hooves day ever.

Bon Bon had completely surprised me and for that, I was very thankful. Again, in my worry to impress Bon Bon I had forgotten one of the most important rules of dating: the relationship had to be equal. We had both surprised each other today, although I think her surprise for me was the better one. Nevermind. It takes two to kiss after all.

I wanted this moment to last forever. The pitter patter of the rain was the perfect backdrop to our kissing and cuddling and stroking Bon Bon’s wet fur felt so good.

Bon Bon eventually pushed me away again. “As much as I love this, we should really stop.”

I had to agree with her there, no matter how much I disliked it. Had we kept going, it wouldn’t be long before we started to bang and neither of us wanted to bang in public, even if it was Hearts and Hooves day. Unless...

“We don’t have to stop. There’s always home,” I suggested. Bon Bon’s eyes lit up with realization and we both got off each other, standing up.

I stared into Bon Bon’s eyes and she stared into mine. Then we both glanced at Ponyville. We could see Bon Bon’s house from here. Without any prompting, we both sped off together, galloping relentlessly towards the house. My heart was beating so fast at this point, I thought it’d burst out of my chest and do a little dance.

We were caked in a mixture of mud, rain and sweat. My dress was ruined probably beyond repair. If Rarity ever found out, she’d most likely slap me until my cheek was numb. Good thing she was distracted by Applejack.

Ponies stared at us when we rushed past them, so many questions in their heads no doubt. Forget them. We were having fun and nopony had the right to stop that.

The moment we entered the house--making sure to lock the door behind us--the first thing we went for was the bed.


Did I ever mention how much I loved Hearts and Hooves day?

Author's Note:

A massive thanks to Chengar Qordath and Comma-Kazie for approving this story and also thanks to them, Incidental Pegasus No. 5 and Infinion for their assistance in pre-reading!