• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago



A mysterious singularity storm hits the Tardis with Private and the Doctor inside it. The storm sends Private to the distant past where Twilight's parents are in high school. Private accidentaly changes history by saving Night Light from getting hit by a carriage. Private will have to convince Night Light to overcome his fears and fall in love with Twilight Velvet before history is changed forever. As if that wasn't enough, The Doctor is convinced that the storm wasn't natural...somepony very close to the Doctor knew that he would be in the Tardis at that point...but just how close to the Doctor are we talking about here?

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 99 )

Oh Lord...oh Celestia and Luna on high....the setup...the setup... I love it! Oh yes, there shall be much laughter in the near future. Keep it up!

First off, that cover art is amazing. It has improved so much.

“I’m happy to see that Shining has met such a sweet young mare.”
“Thank you so much! I must say you’ve raised a wonderful son!”
“Why, thank you.”
“He’s such a gentlecolt, so kind, and sweet towards me; Also, he is a very gentle and considerate lover.”
“That’s… my boy…”
I get the reference! Finally! I hope...

Now, to wait for Johnny B. Goode at the end of this fic...


Awh shucks, that's kind of you to say :twilightblush:

2047485 It really does look nice. I like the fact you can barely make out The Doctor, instead of just a flash model.

Interesting start to a new case, never found the time to watch Doctor Who so I'm sure many references are going to be going over my head in this one.

Heh heh... I have plans for future covers all lined up, hopefully they'll get better and better if I can pull them off properly

2047757 And if you don't...

Raises pitchfork and torch


B-but I thought Psycho you was in the cage...

2047817 No no, I'm normal. Psycho Me is still in his cage. Trust me, he'd do much worse... Ripping out intestines worse.:twilightoops:

Now that is a scary thought! Good thing he's in the cage.

man tears were shed at that argument between twilight and her parents:fluttershysad:

not gonna lie, i had a double fan-girl upon seeing the cover art, being a HUGE fan of doctor who, and loving the back to the future movies

Fourth wall breaking. Yay.

I really must start watching Dr. Who. Is there a Doctor you recommend I start on?

2053304Start with the ninth, it's a good starting point into the series. The Episode you need to look for is dubbed "Rose" But you could aslo try looking for the first episode way back in the sixties..

2053667 Ah, that's the starting point for the new Doctor Who on Netflix. Thanks! Should I check out classic Dr Who after?

2053837probably a good idea, I'm not quite there yet myself.

Bad Wolf stree

:trixieshiftright: see what you did there

“Um, don’t you mean back to the future?” I asked.

“You want to break copyright anymore then we already have?” he asked flatly.


all of my yes:rainbowlaugh:

loving this a lot...being a whovian myself and a bit of a fan of back to the future:twilightsmile:

PRIVATE!!! YOU ERASED SHINING ARMOR!!! :flutterrage: Time to put those matchmaking tendencies of yours to use, Preventus. Get Velvet and Night Light together or so help me....:twilightangry2:

Well this should be interesting watching him try to matchmake Night Light and Twilight Velvet.

dat last paragraph:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

ahh, jacoboby...i hope you never lose your sense of humor:twilightsmile:

also good work with the doctor...this is exactly how i would expect him to behave in these sort of situations

I love the Doctor. He's one of my favourite characters of the series.

2062916Or as the Doctor would say...

Good chapter, it was funny seeing them try to push Nightlight and Twilight together but I especially liked the last paragraph.

2063760The Doctor and his pony puns...:facehoof:

Out of curiosity, how far have you gotten?

2071463bout half way through series 6 with the elventh doctor

“Okay,” I said to my adversary, “you’ve put up a good fight. I admit you are truly an honorable opponent, but something’s gotta give eventually.”


I glared at my adversary and stated coldly, “You’ve been a thorn in my side for all of ten minutes. It’s time you learned that none can match Private Eye when he’s on a mission.”

dis gon b gud:pinkiehappy:

I pinched my teeth around the bottle cap one more time “Just open you stupid thing!” I growled while trying to open the soda I just bought. How in the hell did they open these things? Did everypony carry around crowbars or something?

:twilightoops: i've been duped :twilightoops:..............still brilliant though:rainbowlaugh:

i'm not liking this plan yours at the end private....at all
there's too many things that can go wrong:ajbemused:

So Private's great enemy is a bottle of soda....

So far, from what I can remember, this is pretty close to the movie. I have to wonder if Private would really come up with a plan like that if it wasn't a parody. Oh well, given the circumstances, I'll buy it.

I'm liking this, but I hope it's not completely predictable if you know the movie. The business with the Doctor and this martian tech gives me some optimism. Either way, it will be fun to see the change when Private gets back to the fut- that is, gets back to his own time.

2075849You try opening those things without help! I went to the coca-cola museum and bought one of those old fashioned bottles as a souvenier. Took me forever to open even with the bottle opener!

2075888Oh, just wait till next chapter...minds will be blown...

2075921 Silly 1960s people! Haven't you ever heard of a twistable cap?

He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack
Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track
Oh, the engineers would see him sitting in the shade
Strumming with the rhythm that the drivers made
People passing by they would stop and say
Oh my that little country boy could play

Go go
Go Johnny go
Go Johnny go
Go Johnny go
Go Johnny go
Johnny B. Goode

His mother told him "Someday you will be a man,
And you will be the leader of a big old band.
Many people coming from miles around
To hear you play your music when the sun go down
Maybe someday your name will be in lights
Saying Johnny B. Goode tonight."

Go go
Go Johnny go
Go go go Johnny go
Go go go Johnny go
Go go go Johnny go
Johnny B. Goode

2083898Couldn't put in the whole song, would've made it way too long

Weeeeeeeeeeell, 13th doctor? We're doomed.

2084125 Yeah, I just felt like completing it :P

was that river song i saw at the beginning of the story?:trixieshiftright:

the 13th doctor.......

this story is goin' great, i look forward to the next addition

Well this was interesting, seeing how Night Light got together with Twilight Velvet. Liked the different songs included in this chapter and everyone's reaction to the Johnny B. Goode song and the twist at the end was really interesting.

The Doctor against the Doctor, with neither of them (probably) being the Valeyard.

Didn't see that one coming.

Also, you mentioned Jack!

[img] http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me7w3xr9tJ1rzk259o1_500.jpg [/img]

Hell yeah!


Also, I'm not going to ask because I know you won't tell me anyways Jacoboby, but I find the pony-that-was-probably-River-Song-because-of-mentioning-regenerations-and-the-Doctor's-"Spoilers"-comment-but-might-have-been-Rose-by-some-strange-logic-because-Rose-has-already-been-established-as-a-blonde-pony-and-there-was-a-reference-to-the-episode-"The Doctor Dances"-in-which-Rose-was-the-companion-*deep breath* to be very interesting.

I'm used to waiting for my revelations, though, so I'll just keep it at that.

2086542Allow me to blow your mind...what if she's neither?

Then I have a few other guesses to make. Now that i think about it, Romana II and Susan were blonde (Romana I was, I believe, a brunette).

My mind remains un-blown, but my anticipation has increased tenfold, because if either of the above were true, it would lead to one question: How the HELL is she alive?

Then there's the less exciting Jo Grant (though it would be interesting to see how she got to Equestria), and then there's Jenny, who's less exciting because her fate was more ambiguous...

I'm gonna stop here, because if I listed every possibility, I would waste my night, and this post would be enormous.

2086630You're forgetting one very important blond the tenth Doctor knew...

...I already mentioned Rose, and the only other blonde companion of the Tenth Doctor that didn't die, was her mom.


Yeah, I got nothin'...

2086714She didn't come along in the Tardis, but she wanted to come. She was born out of his hand...

Is her mane color relevant? If it isn't, I have a pretty good idea, but if it is, then I'm stumped. All other people who could be considered companions (TARDIS travelers or not) who are applicable died.


Unless you're using one from the comics or novels, both of which I have had very limited exposure.

The Unicorn and the Wasp.... I liked that episode, but that doesn't make any sense.

Are you sure you don't mean Episode 5? I already mentioned her.

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