• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,450 Views, 61 Comments

Lunar Orbit - Benman

Banished projects, miscellaneous scraps, and the detritus of larger works.

  • ...

The Counterfeit Sister

Part 1: The Impostor

The schoolhouse doors flew open and a torrent of foals burst forth onto the streets of Ponyville. As the young ponies spread away in every direction, three fillies separated from the tide and took shelter at a small picnic table.

“Ugh, I am so happy to get outta there,” said Scootaloo as the crowd flowed around them. “Math is so boring!”

“I dunno, I thought it was kinda neat,” said Apple Bloom. “I liked learning how all the shapes work.”

“Yeah, well, what are we gonna do now?” Scootaloo glanced around. The flow was shrinking to a trickle as the school emptied.

“Ooh!” Apple Bloom perked up. “What about architecture? I bet we could get us some architecture cutie marks!”

“Yeah!” said Scootaloo. “Or pole-vaulting!”

“What do you think, Sweetie Belle?” said Apple Bloom.

“Hm?” Sweetie Belle looked over. “What did you say?”

“I said, what are we gonna do today?”

“Oh, I can’t do anything today,” said Sweetie Belle. “I have to get home.”

“Again?” said Scootaloo. “Come on, we’re never gonna get our cutie marks at this rate!”

“I’m sorry, but I need to be with my sister. She’s taking the afternoon off so we can be together.”

Apple Bloom frowned. “Rarity? Taking a day off?”

“Oh, well,” said Sweetie Belle quickly, “I guess she must not be very busy. Anyway, I have to go.” She hopped off the bench and trotted away.

Apple Bloom watched her leave, then turned to Scootaloo. “Did that seem a mite weird to you?”

“Nah,” said Scootaloo. “If I had a big sister, I’d want to be with her, too.”

“Well sure, but why the big change? Sweetie Belle don’t hardly do anything with us anymore.”

“The real question is, what are we gonna do without her?”

Apple Bloom sighed. “I guess we can try getting pole-vaulting cutie marks, like you said. It ain’t the same with just two of us, though.”

A lone unicorn crept between the trees of the Everfree Forest. Moonlight filtered through the leaves and gleamed white on her coat.

“My queen!” A harsh, buzzing voice sounded from the trees. “You return to us!”

The unicorn looked up. “Are we alone?”

“Of course. My scouts report you were not followed.” A changeling in a light breastplate and helm stepped into view.

“Good. I tire of this body.” A pillar of green light burst from the ground and enveloped the unicorn. Her body twisted and pulsed for several seconds as it underwent its magical transformation. Finally, the light faded, revealing the tall, slender form of Queen Chrysalis. “Ahh, that’s better. Take me to the encampment.”

“At once.” The changeling set off through the undergrowth. “I am glad to see you once more, Highness. Morale is low without you, but now that you have come to lead us once more, all my fears are put to rest.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Captain Firetip,” said Chrysalis. “I wish I could abandon Ponyville, but the plan still isn’t complete. I just need to hear how your mission is going before I return to those horrible ponies.”

“Are they proving difficult, my queen? Do they suspect your true nature?”

“No, nothing dangerous, but these ponies are insufferable! At least in Canterlot, I was impersonating a princess, and so they paid me the respect I am due. Without that authority, I must be far more careful in the role I play. To be treated as just another commoner… well, I shall have my revenge soon enough.” Chrysalis cleared her throat. “Which reminds me. Your mission. What has happened to my hive?”

“See for yourself, Highness.” Firetip pushed aside a final shrub, revealing a massive encampment beyond. In her earlier flight above the forest, Chrysalis had spotted a clearing in the shape of some tremendous bear’s paw. When she had settled her followers here− all three dozen of them− the giant footprint seemed to swallow up their camp. Now, nearly a hundred tents stretched across the clearing in neat rows. Even in the dead of night, she saw sentries on duty and couriers hurrying to and fro.

“We fare far better than I feared,” said Firetip, “yet worse than I hoped. We have found perhaps a third of your subjects. We’re still running across stragglers, but I’m beginning to think the pony’s spell scattered many of us far away from here.”

“Such a powerful spell. That power should have been mine.” Chrysalis sighed. “Very well, send patrols far and wide and bring every changeling they find back to this forest. We need to replenish our numbers before we can attack Canterlot again.”

Firetip nodded. “And will you be strong enough for your part in the attack, my liege?”

“Certainly,” said Chrysalis. “This humiliation will be worth it soon enough. My feeding goes better than I thought possible. It seems the bonds between pony siblings contain at least as much love as the bonds between mates. Maybe even more.”

Firetip cocked her head. “Love between siblings? Truly?”

“Odd, I know, but remember that ponies have few siblings. The pony I replaced has only the one. It’s nothing like being part of a brood. Perhaps they find it easier to love with merely one or two siblings, rather than hundreds.” Chysalis shrugged. “The important thing is that I have found a source of power. I will drain every shred of love from this relationship, then move on to another, and another, until the entire town is sucked dry.”

“And the other half of the plan?”

“No progress there, unfortunately. I have seen no sign of the Elements of Harmony. Still, I have confirmed that all of the Elements’ bearers are here, so it is only a matter of time before I claim them as my own.”

Firetip stood straigher. “And then we will return to Canterlot!”

“Oh, yes.” Chrysalis’s eyes flared green, illuminating her fanged grin. “With the power of love and the Elements of Harmony on our side, even Princess Cadence and her drone won’t be able to stop me.”

“You’re sure it was a changeling?” Twilight Sparkle glanced nervously around Sugarcube Corner. Fortunately, the six of them were alone for now.

“Pretty sure,” said Fluttershy. “I saw it in the forest on the way back from Mr. Beaver’s house this morning. It didn’t see me, though. At least, I don’t think it did.”

“And what was this creature doing?” asked Rarity.

“I don’t know. I ran away as soon as I saw it.”

“But what would those fellas be doing around here?” said Applejack. “We don’t got no fancy weddings or lovey-dovey types like Canterlot folk.”

“Who cares?” Rainbow Dash darted around the air above her friends. “We just gotta find ‘em and beat ‘em again!”

“Finding the changeling might not be so easy,” said Twilight. “They can look like us, remember?”

“Quite right,” said Rarity. “Even if this changeling is still in the forest, there’s little we can do about it just now.”

“Oh, but what if it comes here?” Fluttershy shuddered. “The changeling could sneak into Ponyville any time, and we wouldn’t even know!”

“Then we’ll just have to be extra-super-duper careful!” said Pinkie Pie. “And spend lots of time with our friends so we’ll know if any of us are acting funny!”

Twilight frowned. “It’s not much, but I can’t think of anything else. Anypony have any clever ideas?”

“We ought to make sure we’re prepared,” said Rarity, “just in case this changeling does show up. Do we have anything that can defeat it?”

Twilight nodded. “Good idea, Rarity. I know just what to do. Everypony keep an eye out for anything odd, alright? If something suspicious happens, let all of us know. In the meantime, I need to write a letter to the princess.”

“What’s going on?” said Apple Bloom. “Are they doing anything yet?”

“Nope,” said Scootaloo. “Still just playing that game.” The two of them were crouched within a prickly shrub. The ponies were further camouflaged by the leaves and ferns stuck haphazardly in their manes and coats.

“Let me see,” said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo passed over the binoculars she had borrowed from Twilight. (Well, Twilight didn’t know she had taken them, but Scootaloo was going to get around to returning them eventually, so it was basically borrowing.) Apple Bloom took them and peered across the park, where Rarity and Sweetie Belle were stretched out on a blanket with a game board and a pitcher of lemonade. Rarity moved one of the pieces on the board. Sweetie Belle said something, although Apple Bloom couldn’t make out the words. Both unicorns giggled.

“Weird,” said Apple Bloom. “I’ve never seen anyone play Monopony this long.”

“Yeah, and without even arguing! You can’t play Monopony and not argue! That’s the whole point of the game!”

“This is getting us nowhere.”

“Yeah, still no spying cutie marks,” said Scootaloo. “Maybe we need to spy harder.”

“Spy harder?”

“Or at least closer. I can’t hear anything!”

Apple Bloom nodded. The two of them broke out of their hiding place and crept towards the sisters. Fortunately, their targets were engrossed in their game and ignoring the park around them. The fillies dove into a shallow ditch barely ten yards away, close enough to see the sunlight glinting green off Sweetie Belle’s eyes, and peeked over the edge.

“−so good to be out here,” Rarity was saying. “I don’t know why we haven’t done this before.”

“Yeah!” said Sweetie Belle. “Think of all the time we could’ve been doing this instead of making dresses!”

Rarity chuckled softly and sipped her lemonade. “Well, I certainly won’t make that mistake again. From now on, nothing in Equestria will keep me from spending some quality time with my sister. If that means Fancy Pants has to wait for his new vest,” she said with a shrug, “then he can wait as long as he must.”

Sweetie Belle was silent for several seconds before she spoke. “I love you, big sister.”

“You know I love you too.” Rarity moved to gather Sweetie Belle into a hug. As they moved towards each other, Sweetie Belle bumped into the pitcher, knocking it over and dousing Rarity with lemonade.

The sisters froze. Lemonade dripped from Rarity’s mane onto the game board, which was already beginning to swell and warp. The two ponies locked eyes.

Abruptly, Rarity let out a short giggle. Sweetie Belle laughed, which only made Rarity laugh harder. Soon both ponies collapsed in hysterics.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom ducked beneath the lip of their ditch once again. “Are you sure we should be watching this?” whispered Scootaloo. “Seems kinda private.”

“I don’t know,” said Apple Bloom. “Something ain’t right.”

“What do you mean? They’re sisters. They love each other. That’s how it’s supposed to work.”

“Not like that, though,” said Apple Bloom. “Sweetie’s acting all weird. Rarity’s acting weird. They’re both acting way too weird! Besides, Sweetie Belle’s been doing this kinda thing so much, she ain’t had time for us! Go on and tell me that ain’t weird.”

“Look, I like Sweetie too, but if she likes her sister better than she likes us, I’m not gonna get jealous about it.”

“Who’re you calling jealous?”

“I’m serious! You do stuff like this with your sister all the time,” said Scootaloo. “Why shouldn’t Sweetie be able to do it, too? Ask a big pony if you don’t believe me.”

“Maybe I oughta,” said Apple Bloom. “Applejack’ll know what to do about this, for sure.”

“Alright, Applejack, I think it’s about time you told us why you wanted to talk to us,” said Twilight Sparkle. “You said this was important.”

“Hold your horses,” said Applejack. “Let’s wait until everypony’s here. My sister shouldn’t oughta tell this story twice.” A quick glance around the barn confirmed that, aside from her sister and Twilight, only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had shown up so far. Twilight looked like she was about to say something, but bit back her retort.

The barn door burst open and slammed against the wall. “Alright, I’m here!” said Rainbow Dash as she glided inside. “Let’s get this thing going.”

Applejack nodded as she closed the door behind her friend. “Right. Apple Bloom has a story y’all need to hear.”

“Hold on!” Twilight said. “First you want to wait for all of us, and now you want to start without Rarity?”

Applejack bit her lip. “Rarity ain’t coming just yet. I think us five need to talk first.”

“I don’t know,” said Fluttershy. “I don’t like secrets.”

“I ain’t so fond of them myself. We got no choice this time. You’ll understand soon enough. Apple Bloom, tell everypony what you told me.”

Apple Bloom nodded and began telling the assembled ponies what she had seen. She started slowly and hesitantly, but picked up speed as the story went on, until the words were spilling out of her without pause.

“And then Sweetie Belle spilled lemonade all over Rarity and everything, and Rarity just laughed, like she weren’t even upset! And then Scootaloo said I should tell a grown-up and then I did and then Applejack said to−”

“Thanks, Apple Bloom, that’s plenty,” said Applejack. “So y’all see what I meant?”

Twilight nodded. “This is what I was afraid of.”

“I don’t know,” said Fluttershy. “That doesn’t sound bad.”

“Really?” said Twilight. “You don’t think Rarity’s acting odd?”

“Well, she missed her spa appointment with me and she’s never done that before even when she was really really busy. Apple Bloom’s story sounds like Rarity is just acting really nice, though.”

“No,” said Rainbow Dash, “it sounds like she’s acting like Applejack. Rarity’s not so, so, so…”

“Demonstrative?” suggested Twilight.

“Yeah, that!” said Rainbow Dash. “Something’s up! Why would she just ditch everything she’s worked on? It’s like if I stopped flying. I mean, I love you guys, but not even for you.”

“Exactly,” said Twilight. “This can only mean one thing. Mind control.”

Pinkie Pie cocked her head. “You think a changeling’s doing this?”

“I don’t think, I know,” said Twilight. “It’s the only explanation that makes sense.”

“But Rarity’s not getting married!” said Pinkie. “She doesn’t even have a coltfriend! A changeling would have to be pretty silly to try to eat her love.”

Applejack shook her head. “She don’t need a sweetheart. Sweetie’s her kin, and there ain’t no love like love for your kin. That’ll be plenty for any changeling.”

“Excuse me.” Fluttershy raised a hoof. “Are you saying Sweetie Belle is a changeling?”

“Reckon so.”


“Darn right!”

Fluttershy swallowed. “So then… what do we do?”

“That’s easy!” said Rainbow Dash. “We get the Elements of Harmony and blast this changeling into next Tuesday!”

“Um, how?” said Fluttershy. “I thought the Elements were still in Canterlot. And we can’t use them unless we have Rarity with us, can we?”

“Actually,” said Twilight, “I wrote to Princess Celestia when Fluttershy first saw that changeling. The Elements are already here. She said it was important that we be able to get to them quickly, after what happened last time. Uh, and the time before that.”

“Oh. Okay,” said Fluttershy. “But what about Rarity? The changeling is still hypnotizing her, right? What do we do about that?”

“Only thing we can do,” said Applejack. “We gotta tell her what’s really goin’ on. Rarity’s a tough pony, in her way. She’ll beat this thing if we help her.”

Part 2: The Confrontation

“Rarity, we need to talk.”

Rarity looked up from her sewing machine as her friends filed into her workshop. A brittle smile was plastered across her face. “Of course, Twilight, but can you make it quick, please? I’m trying to finish this scarf for Sweetie Belle before she returns, and she could get here at any minute.”

“This could take a while,” said Twilight, setting her saddlebags in the corner. “It’s important.”

“Whatever it is, I hardly think it’s more important than my sister,” said Rarity.

Applejack cleared her throat. “Actually, it’s about your sister.”

“I see.” Rarity set down the fabric she was working with. “In that case, do go on.”

“This might sound strange,” said Twilight, “but I don’t think she’s really your sister.”

Rarity let out a mortified gasp. “Twilight Sparkle! Just what are you implying?”

“I’m not implying anything! I just think Sweetie Belle is actually−”

“Because if you say one word about her parentage, then so help me I’ll−”

“No, I just mean we noticed that−”

“Think very carefully before you finish−”

“Hey! Focus!” Rainbow Dash darted between the two ponies. “Rarity, Sweetie Belle is a changeling.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Sweetie Belle? Surely you can’t be serious.”

“Actually we’re really really serious,” said Pinkie Pie. “You’ve been spending a lot of time together and usually that would be good. Only she’s ignoring her friends are you’re ignoring your friends and even though you do that sometimes because of your work this is different because you’re also ignoring your work and you never do that. We’re pretty sure Sweetie Belle is a changeling and she’s put a spell on you so now you have to break the spell so we can beat the changeling and get your real sister back.”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed. “How were you going to do that, exactly?”

“With these.” Twilight levitated half a dozen perfect jewels out of her saddlebag. The stones fractured the light and dappled the walls with rainbow spots.

Rarity gasped softly. “The Elements of Harmony.”

“Right,” said Twilight. “We’ll use them to overpower the changeling, and then we can get it to tell us where your real sister is.”

“We need your help for this,” said Applejack. “Please believe us. I know you love your sister, but what’s been happening now ain’t natural. You gotta realize that some of your feelings ain’t really your feelings. It’s just a spell.”

Fluttershy put a hoof around Rarity’s shoulder. “I know you can do this, Rarity. You love your sister so much. That means more than this changeling’s magic.”

“I…” Rarity swallowed. “I don’t know. You’re asking me to betray my own sister!”

“Oh, come on!” said Rainbow Dash. “It’s not even really your sister! You’ve gotta−”

Everypony froze at the distant sound of the front door slamming open. “Rarity!” Sweetie Belle’s voice cut through the sudden silence. “I’m home, Rarity!”

“This is it,” said Twilight. “Can you do this, Rarity? We have to know now.”

Rarity’s eyes flicked to the door to the rest of the house, then to Twilight, then back to the door, then to her friends assembled before her. Slowly, she nodded. “I trust you girls. If you really think Sweetie Belle needs my help, then I’ll do it.”

“Great!” said Twilight. “I really didn’t want to use plan B. I’d never live it down.” She levitated the Elements to their bearers, who plucked the floating jewels out of the air and fastened them on.

Sweetie Belle appeared in the doorway. “Hey Rarity, I−” She cut herself off. “Oh, hi, everypony. Rarity, I thought we were going to the beach today. Can we still go?”

Sweetie Belle started to take a step forward, but stopped after one look at the disgust on her sister’s face. Six ponies watched Sweetie Belle with steady eyes.

“Is… is something wrong?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Rainbow Dash leapt between her friends and Sweetie Belle. “You know exactly what’s wrong! We know what you’ve done! We know everything!”

Sweetie Belle shied away. “But that wasn’t even my fault! Scootaloo took it, not me! She said she was gonna give it back, too!”

“No more lies!” Rainbow Dash crouched low to the ground and spread her wings, ready to take off at a moment’s notice. “We know what you are. Now undo the spell before things get messy.”

Sweetie Belle’s jaw hung open. She shot a desperate look towards her sister. “Rarity, please! W-what’s going on?”

Twilight Sparkle stepped forward and stood alongside Rainbow Dash. “You’re a changeling,” she said. “You’ve taken the shape of Sweetie Belle and ensorcelled her sister in order to feed on her love.”

“I’m sorry!” said Sweetie Belle. “I don’t know what I did! I’m sorry!”

Rarity chuckled. “Oh my, but this is amusing. I hate to stop the show, but this has gone on long enough. It’s past time I ended this.”

“Uh, Rarity?” said Applejack. “You ain’t talking sense.”

“Oh,” said Twilight. “Oh, horsefeathers.”

An emerald nimbus surrounded Rarity’s body. For several seconds, its overpowering brilliance forced the other ponies to look away. When the light mercifully faded, Rarity was gone. In her place stood the tall, chitinous body of the changeling queen.

Sweetie Belle took a quick step back. She shook her head, as though trying to clear it. “Who are you? Where did Rarity go?”

Twilight stood still, gazing up at the towering form of Chrysalis. “I had it backwards. You were the changeling all along. Sweetie Belle was the one being mind controlled.”

“Mind control?” Chrysalis’s laugh was soft and pitiless. “No, I can’t say I ever had to use that. The false shape alone was more than enough to control your little friend.” She stroked the Element of Generosity fastened about her neck. “I really should thank you for entrusting me with the only weapon that might have stopped me. Now, give me the other five, and I’ll be on my way.”

“Hold it!” Rainbow Dash whirled around to face Chrysalis. “You’re not going anywhere until we get the real Rarity back!”

“Oh, no? And who’s going to stop me?” She tapped the violet jewel. “Without all six of these, you’re just a bunch of scared little fillies.”

“Who’re you calling scared?” Rainbow Dash beat her wings and sprang forward in a charge so fast, a breeze ruffled Twilight’s mane as she flashed by.

Chrysalis moved too swiftly for the eye to follow. One moment she was in the path of the charge. An eyeblink later, she was a yard to the right. Rainbow Dash plowed through the empty air where Chryalis had been and slammed into a crowd of mannequins. Sweetie Belle shrieked as heads and legs scattered about the room. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground, stunned.

“Alright, everypony!” Twilight shouted. “Time for plan B!” She half-closed her eyes in concentration, and a purple aura formed around the base of her horn. Twilight focused, gathering power, and the aura grew brighter.

“Right!” said Applejack. “Buy her time!” She galloped at Chrysalis. Pinkie Pie followed, as did Fluttershy after a moment’s hesitation.

“Fools,” said Chrysalis. “I defeated your princess! What chance do you have?” Her twisted horn pulsed with a sickly light. A translucent wall of green force appeared before the charging ponies. Applejack ran into it headfirst and bounced off like a rubber ball. She tumbled away and crashed into a heap of loose fabric. Pinkie Pie skidded to a halt in time to avoid the same fate. She prodded at the wall, which rippled slightly but held firm. Fluttershy unfurled her wings and soared up and over the obstacle.

Chrysalis fixed her glowing eyes on Fluttershy’s. “It’s just you and me, little pony.”

Fluttershy lurched to a halt and hovered in place. “Oh. Um. Never mind, then.”

Chrysalis turned towards Twilight Sparkle, whose horn was now surrounded by a coruscating ball of crackling purple and white energy the size of her head. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead, and still the ball grew.

“Too late,” sang Chrysalis. Her horn pulsed and launched a beam of energy at Twilight.

With Chrysalis’s attention elsewhere, Fluttershy dove and plowed into Chrysalis’s shoulder. She staggered, and the beam went wide. It struck the floor several feet behind Twilight and exploded in a shower of fat jade sparks. The force of the burst knocked Twilight off her hooves. As she fell, her budding spell flared into a wide pillar of purple light. It shot straight upwards, blasting a hole through the ceiling as though it were empty air. Hoof-sized chunks of plaster fell and struck the ground around Twilight’s prone body.

Chrysalis stood tall as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight forced themselves back to their hooves. “Even with your friends to hide behind, Twilight Sparkle, your magic is no match for mine. You can’t even finish casting one attack spell. Now, are you done, or shall we continue?”

Twilight glowered. “I’m not about to give up just yet.” She grit her teeth as she summoned her magic once again. A single violet spark sprang from her horn and drifted to the floor.

Chrysalis threw her head back and laughed, long and low. “Oh, dear, it seems that spell of yours took everything you had. I wonder if it would have even hurt me.” She looked over the ponies before her. “Anyone else want to try?”

Rainbow Dash started forward, but Applejack grabbed her tail and held her back. The others stayed in place.

Sweetie Belle emerged from behind a workbench and tugged on Fluttershy’s tail. “What’s going on? What happened to Rarity?”

“I took your sister’s place some time ago,” said Chrysalis. “Your love for her has made me stronger than ever. It was not easy to put up with your insipid mewling, but the history of my reign will show that it was well worth it.”

Fluttershy stepped in front of Sweetie Belle. “You stay away from her.”

“Nothing would please me more,” said Chrysalis. “Now, give me the other Elements of Harmony, and you can all leave here intact.”

“Not gonna happen!” said Rainbow Dash.

“You can’t even use them,” said Twilight. “No changeling will ever activate the Element of Honesty.”

“Perhaps,” said Chrysalis, “but I think I’ll try anyway. We shall learn soon−”

“CHANGELING!” Princess Celestia’s voice, magically amplified to royal proportions, tore through the workshop. “LEAVE MY SUBJECTS ALONE!”

“What?” Chrysalis glared at Twilight. “How can she be here?”

“Plan B,” said Twilight with a grim smile. “That wasn’t an attack spell I cast earlier. It was a signal. Spike sent the letter I gave him as soon as he saw the light. I guess Princess Celestia can teleport pretty far when she needs to.”

Princess Celestia appeared in the doorway with her wings spread to their full length. “Changeling queen,” she said. “I’m surprised to see you in my country after what happened last time.”

Chrysalis smirked. “Your drone isn’t here to save you now. I beat you once, and I can beat you again.”

Princess Celestia quickly scanned the room. “Twilight,” she said, “you and your friends stay back.”

With a cry of rage, Chrysalis unleashed a burst of raw magic at Princess Celestia, who countered with a beam of her own. The onrushing forces slammed into each other. The two royals strained, pouring every ounce of magic they could muster into their blasts. For a moment, they seemed evenly matched, then Chrysalis’s beam began to drive Princess Celestia’s back.

“Hah!” cried Chrysalis. “Nothing can stop−”

Another beam, this one the color of the void between the stars, ripped through the workshop wall and struck Chrysalis squarely in the side. She was hurled against the far wall, which shuddered from the impact. Chrysalis tumbled to the floor and was still.

Princess Luna stepped through the gaping hole her magic had left in the wall. “Is everypony well?”

“Looks like it,” said Twilight as she took a quick inventory of her friends.

Princess Celestia cast an aggravated glance at Luna. “You could’ve done that earlier.”

Princess Luna shrugged. “Thou didst tell us to wait until we were certain the villain was distracted.”

“And I’m sure it had nothing to do with wanting to watch her beat me,” said Celestia.

“The thought never occurred to us,” Luna said with practiced innocence.

“Thank goodness all that’s over,” said Fluttershy.

“Not quite,” said Applejack. “We still gotta find Rarity.”

Twilight nodded. “The changeling is sure to know where she is.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Sweetie Belle rushed towards Chrysalis’s prone body.

“Sweetie, wait!” Fluttershy reached out to stop her, but too slowly. Sweetie Belle slipped past Fluttershy’s outstretched hoof and reached Chrysalis.

Lightning fast, Chrysalis thrust out a foreleg and wrapped it around Sweetie Belle. Chrysalis leapt to her hooves and raised Sweetie Belle like a shield as the princess sisters gathered power to their horns.

“Hey!” Sweetie Belle writhed in her grip, to no avail. “Let me go! Somepony help!”

Luna stomped her hoof. “Release her at once!”

“No,” said Chrysalis. “No, I don’t think I will. You can’t use any magic powerful enough to hurt me without hurting her, and this one isn’t nearly as tough as I am. You can’t do anything to me, now.”

“Fine,” said Celestia. “You get away this time. Let her go, and I’ll let you leave here in peace.”

“I don’t believe you. I have a better idea. I’ll take her with me when I leave. Once I’m safely away, I’ll let her go.”

“Unacceptable,” said Luna. “Leave her, or you will not escape this place.”

Chrysalis leered. “Then stop me.” She backed away from the princesses.

Sweetie Belle thrashed frantically from side to side in a desperate attempt to break free “No! Please!” she cried. “Somepony do something!”

Applejack started forward. “I ain’t about to let you−”

“Hold it.” Chrysalis shifted her grip to Sweetie Belle’s throat. Applejack froze. “That’s what I thought,” said Chrysalis. She reached the pile of rubble where Twilight’s beacon had torn through the roof, then beat her insectoid wings and rose up through the hole.

“This is bad,” said Twilight. “This is really, really bad. She has Sweetie Belle and the Element of Generosity and she’s getting away and what are we going to do?”

“There is but one option,” said Luna. “We shall follow the changeling and recover the child.”

Celestia nodded. “We’ll have to do it carefully, this time. Rainbow Dash, track the changeling, but don’t let her see you. I want to know where she’s headed.” Her face was a calm, hard mask. “The rest of you, get ready for a fight.”

Part 3: The Rescue

“Cushions? You call these cushions? They’re more like rocks, if you ask me,” said Rarity. “No, I demand you bring me some proper cushions befitting my status as a valued hostage.” She stared imperiously at her captor.

“Miss Rarity,” said Firetip, “those cushions should be more than sufficient for−”

“No,” said Rarity. “No, I am quite sure they are not.”

Firetip sighed. “Silkworm, go find something more appropriate for Miss Rarity.” One of the three changeling guards saluted and scurried out of the tent.

The flap of the prison tent was pushed open, and Queen Chrysalis strode through. Her eyes took in the canopied bed, the tray of dried fruits, and the gilt-framed mirror. “Captain Firetip,” she said, “just what is going on?”

Firetip bowed. “The prisoner is secure, my queen.”

“When this is over, we shall talk about how, exactly, we treat prisoners.”

Rarity perked up as she caught sight of the jewel around Chrysalis’s neck. “Hold on,” she said. “That’s the Element of Generosity. How did you get my Element?”

“Through the foolishness of your friends.” Chrysalis looked back over her shoulder. “Bring in the other prisoner.” She gestured, and a changeling dragged Sweetie Belle into the tent. “Captain Firetip, you’re responsible for both these ponies while I prepare to move the hive.” She turned and left.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity leapt off the cushions, the Element of Generosity forgotten. “What are you doing here? Are you hurt?”

Sweetie Belle took a half step backwards. “Hold on. How do I know you’re really Rarity and not another changeling?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Sweetie Belle. Of course I’m Rarity. Now do as your big sister says and tell me how you got here.”

Sweetie Belle nodded slowly. “You’re you, alright.” She turned around and sat facing away from her sister, forelegs crossed across her chest. “I’m not talking to you.”

“Whyever not? Surely you realize that whatever horrible things you think I’ve done lately were actually the work of a changeling.”

“I know,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Then why are you angry? What did the changeling do that was so bad?”

“Do you know what you did?” said Sweetie Belle. “You were nice to me. You spent time with me and we played games and went on trips and you let me stay up past my bedtime and brought me presents and, and, and I was so happy! I thought you finally loved me more than you loved your dresses.” She wiped angrily at her eyes. “I was stupid. I should know that won’t happen.”

“Oh, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity reached out to embrace her sister, but Sweetie Belle pulled away. “What you’re talking about isn’t love. That’s just doting. Love is about giving ponies what they need, not necessarily what they want.”

“You don’t know what I need!” Sweetie Belle’s voice cracked. “You spend more time with your friends than you spend with me! How would you know what I need?”

“You’re not serious,” said Rarity. “Ever since our, ah, disagreement, I’ve made a point of spending time with you!”

“A stupid changeling cares more than you do!”

The tent flap burst open, and Chrysalis ran inside, breathing hard. “Seize the prisoners!” she shouted.

The changelings leapt into action. Firetip’s horn glowed green as she levitated Sweetie Belle into the air. The other two changeling guards grabbed Rarity from either side.

“What are you doing?” said Rarity. “I demand you release me at once!”

Princess Celestia charged into the tent, followed by Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. “It’s over, changeling,” said Celestia. “You have nowhere left to run. Give back my ponies and the Element of Generosity.”

“Not a step further,” said Chrysalis, “or your unicorn friend will regret it.”

“Surely we can talk this out,” said Rarity. “There’s no need for all this… this savagery. Ponies as wise and refined as you are can surely find a more amicable solution.”

“It has gone too far for that,” said Princess Luna.

“Has it?” said Rarity.

Chrysalis bared her fangs and hissed.

“I’m afraid so,” said Princess Celestia.

“So I see. Pity.” Rarity snapped her head back and to the side, slamming her skull into one guard’s snout. She shoved the reeling changeling, sending her sprawling to the ground.

The other guard scrambled to get a firmer grip on Rarity. The pony threw her full weight against the guard, and the two of them tumbled over. Rarity landed on top and quickly rolled back to her hooves, giving the changeling a swift kick in the process.

The room erupted in chaos. Applejack and Pinkie Pie leapt forward, tackling the changeling guards as they tried to rise. Celestia fired a bolt of magic at Chrysalis, but the changeling dodged aside, and the blast tore a gaping hole in the tent. Chrysalis darted out through the new hole, spread her wings, and took to the sky. The princesses, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy gave chase.

“Let’s go!” said Twilight. “We’ll cover them from the ground. Now that we’re all together, we can use the Elements as soon as we get yours back, Rarity.” She glanced around the tent. “Rarity?” She paused. “Oh, crabapples. Did either of you see where she went?”

“Been kinda busy here,” said Applejack as she dropped the unconscious form of a changeling guard. “How ‘bout you, Pinkie?”

“Nope!” said Pinkie Pie from atop the other guard. “Hey! Where’s Sweetie Belle?”

Twilight clenched her teeth. “We don’t have time for this.”

“Our girl’s gonna be okay,” said Applejack. “Little lady fights mean.”

“Right,” said Twilight. “We’ll find them afterwards. Follow the princess!”

“Rarityyy! Heeelp!”

Sweetie Belle flailed uselessly in Firetip’s magical grip as the changeling galloped between the close-packed tents of the sprawling changeling encampment. Rarity charged after them, a dozen ponylengths behind. Surprised changelings looked up as they passed.

“To the skies!” Firetip shouted as she ran. “Defend your queen! To the skies!”

“Captain Firetip!” Rarity shouted. “Let my sister go, or I shall become creative.”

“Never!” said Firetip.

“Then stop running. Try and catch me! Your queen wanted us both caught.”

“I have failed my queen, but duty demands I not risk failing twice! I find my duty hard to do today, but flee I must.” Firetip returned her attention to the hive around her. “To the skies, my brethren!”

Around them, changelings rose into the air by the dozen. Most obeyed the captain without hesitation, but a few eyed Rarity as she ran past. One changeling, bolder than the others, leapt into her path and bared its fangs. A swift left hook laid the changeling flat and dissuaded the others from interfering.

Firetip ducked inside the closest tent. Rarity followed hard on her heels. Six changelings looked up from a solid wooden table covered in long scrolls, detailed maps, and heavy pewter figurines carved in the shapes of changelings and Equestrian royal guards. Rarity pulled to a halt.

“Defend me!” cried Firetip. “Stop her!”

A wave of green eyes and chitinous limbs surged at Rarity. She spun and bucked the lead changeling squarely in the chest. It went sprawling across the table, upsetting figurines and scattering battle plans.

The other changelings checked their headlong rush and moved forward more cautiously. Rarity saw their hesitation and grinned. “There’s plenty more where that came from,” she said. “You ought to run, if you know what’s good for you.”

The changelings glanced at each other, then spread out and approached Rarity from three sides.

Rarity leapt at the changeling on the far right and tackled it to the ground. The distance the changelings had put between themselves gave her several seconds to pummel the creature about the head and face before the other two plowed into her from behind. A kicking, scratching ball of hooves and horns rolled away, leaving behind the dazed changeling who had borne the brunt of Rarity’s fury.

The melee tumbled its way beneath the heavy table. Rarity jabbed, grappled, and bit for all she was worth, but the simple weight of two changelings against one pony proved too much. Soon enough, Rarity found herself on her back with one changeling pinning her right legs while she desperately fended off the other with her left. A heavy table leg partly blocked the changeling’s path, but it fought its way closer and closer to the prone pony.

Rarity looked towards the tent’s entrance, an expression of relief washing over her face. “Twilight!” she gasped. “Thank the heavens you’re here! Help me!”

The oncoming changeling looked over its shoulder, only to see the tent flap hanging shut. With her left hooves momentarily free, Rarity took the opportunity to deal a savage uppercut to the changeling holding her down. The force of the blow slammed its head against the underside of the table and drove its stubby horn into the thick wood. The unconscious changeling hung suspended in the cramped space.

The remaining changeling turned back to Rarity. It hissed in rage and threw itself bodily at her. Rarity rolled aside and scrambled out into open space, inches ahead of the changeling’s snapping fangs. She put her hooves under her and leapt atop the table. The papers slid under her hooves as she landed. Rarity lost her footing and fell on her side.

The changeling’s snarling muzzle popped above the edge of the table. Rarity grabbed a large map and flung it over the head, blocking its vision. The changeling grabbed the map and ripped it away, only to see a pewter figurine spiraling towards its face. The miniature royal guard smacked it between the eyes with a sound like a brick hitting wood. The changeling stared ahead blankly for several seconds, then toppled over.

Rarity clambered back to her hooves. “Who else wants some?” she screamed from atop the table. “I can do this all day!”

“Yeah, Rarity! You show them!”

Rarity turned towards the sound of her sister’s voice. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”

At the far end of the tent stood the agitated form of Sweetie Belle. Next to her stood the agitated form of Sweetie Belle.

“Rarity!” said the leftmost Sweetie Belle. This one was badly scuffed and bruised, as though she had been through a lesser version of the fight Rarity had just won. “Firetip turned into me and now she’s trying to trick you, but I’m the real me!”

“Nuh uh!” said the other Sweetie Belle. “She’s Firetip!” This one showed no signs of wear beyond a mussed mane and tail.

Rarity ran her hoof through the ruin of her mane as she climbed down from the table. “Really, Firetip, do you think I won’t be able to recognize my own sister?” She waved a hoof. “Okay, go ahead, you two. Prove that you’re the genuine article.”

“You know how much I love you, big sis,” said the injured Sweetie Belle. “I love you more than anything.”

“You do not!” said the pristine Sweetie Belle. “You’re just faking!”

“No, you’re the faker!”

“Sweetie Belles, please! Focus!”

The Sweetie Belles looked at their hooves. “Sorry,” they muttered in unison.

The pristine Sweetie Belle recovered first. “Anyway,” she said, “when I grow up, I want to be just like you!”

“I see,” said Rarity, sitting down before the Sweetie Belles. “And you’re not, say, angry at me?”

“Angry?” said the pristine Sweetie Belle. “Of course I’m not angry. I could never stay angry at you.”

“I was angry at you, kinda,” said the injured Sweetie Belle. “I saw what you went through for me, though. After that, I guess I’m not mad anymore.”

“Oh, girls,” said Rarity. She reached out and stroked their manes with trembling hooves. “I wish I could believe both of you. I really do.” She wound her hooves tightly in their manes, gripping them firmly.

“What are you doing?” said the injured Sweetie Belle.

“You’re hurting me,” said the pristine Sweetie Belle.

“I hate to do this,” said Rarity, “but you’re not her. My sister can hold a grudge.”

Rarity brought her hooves together, slamming the two Sweetie Belles’ heads against each other. As they slumped to the ground, Rarity staggered backwards, breathing in short, shallow gasps. The Sweetie Belles’ bodies shifted and warped into those of two unconscious changelings. Neither wore Firetip’s distinctive breastplate and helm.

Rarity swallowed once, then exited the tent, leaving the unconscious changelings behind.

Overhead, flights of changelings buzzed about the skies. From her left, she saw flashes of reflected lavender light and heard the boom of Pinkie Pie’s party cannon. Small groups of changelings galloped this way and that, landing and taking off without any apparent pattern.

“Focus on the princesses!” From straight ahead, Rarity heard Firetip’s distinctive voice. “Ignore the others, just don’t let those two get anywhere near the queen!”

Rarity broke into a gallop and charged towards the voice. She rounded a tent and caught sight of Firetip directing half a dozen changelings into the air. Sweetie Belle floated at her side, held fast in the changeling’s magical grip.

Rarity waited for the soldiers to fly away before she stepped forward. “You!” shouted Firetip. “Don’t you ever stop?”

“Not so long as you have my sister,” said Rarity. “Let her go, and I’ll do the same for you.”

Firetip took to the air. Sweetie Belle yelped as she was hauled up and away.

Rarity gave chase. Firetip skimmed low over the encampment, keeping one eye on the battle above and one eye on the pursuit below. Rarity matched Firetip’s speed, but from below, she could do little more than glare at the soaring changeling.

Rarity came to the next tent and stuck her horn out to the side. Its sharp tip tore easily through the canvas wall, cutting a long gash as Rarity continued her headlong gallop. As she reached the end of the tent and the torn length of canvas came free, Rarity seized the strip in a telekinetic grip and pulled it along with her. She did this again at the next several tents she passed, and soon had four long, wide strips of fabric trailing behind her. Rarity’s horn glowed brighter, and she slowed as she focused on her magic. The strips touched each other end to end and wove themselves seamlessly together, leaving Rarity with a single piece of canvas perhaps thirty yards long and nearly as wide as she was tall.

Firetip cast a bemused glance at the unicorn below. She beat her wings harder and climbed higher, slowing her forward speed. Sweetie Belle let out a short, strangled gasp of fear as the ground dropped away.

Rarity’s horn flared. The fabric coiled like a snake about to strike, then one end shot skyward. The canvas caught Firetip and wrapped several times around her torso.

“Hah! Got you!” Rarity stopped her forward charge and wrapped her forehooves in the end of the makeshift rope. Firetip clenched her jaw and continued flying. Rarity watched the fabric grow taut and planted her back hooves firmly in the ground. “Now you’re− waugh!”

Firetip reached the end of the rope and plowed ahead, jerking Rarity off her hooves and lifting her off the ground. The added weight slowed Firetip’s ascent, but did not stop it. Rarity’s forelegs clutched at the rope while her hind legs flailed uselessly, kicking the top of a tent and sending its frame crashing to the ground.

Firetip glared downwards at the pony trailing far below her. “Impossible!”

Rarity returned the stare and began to climb the rope.

Firetip hissed in frustration. She soared higher, and soon the air around them was filled with swarming changelings and bursts of magic. Above them, Rarity saw half a dozen changelings fly at Princess Celestia in a practiced formation. Celestia summoned a pony-sized ball of radiant energy and launched it at the changelings, scattering them like tenpins.

Rarity tried to put her surroundings out of her mind and focus on climbing. With the wind threatening to tear her off the makeshift rope, she couldn’t afford any distractions. Nevertheless, she had a hard time ignoring the battle. Ahead of them, she saw Rainbow Dash divebomb a changeling formation and deliver a powerful kick to the leader. The changeling dropped from the sky, but the others moved to overwhelm Rainbow Dash− until a storm of lavender bolts struck them from below, stunning them and sending them falling after their leader.

Firetip buzzed onward, making for the edge of the clearing and the beginning of the forest. Rarity was halfway up the rope when she realized what the changeling was doing. Firetip was flying low, barely above the tops of the trees. Rarity, however, was barely below the tops of the trees.

Rarity braced herself as Firetip’s momentum slammed her into the first tree’s canopy. Branches as thick as her horn slapped and scratched against her. Rarity clenched her teeth and hauled herself upwards. She plowed through the foliage of another tree, and another, before she pulled her battered body above the treeline.

To one side, Rarity caught a glimpse of a roiling ball of pitch-black mist sitting in the otherwise clear sky. Changelings buzzed in circles around the house-sized cloud, keeping a cautious distance. A thick tendril the color of the new moon lunged out of the cloud, seized a changeling, and hauled it inside the cloud, all in the space of a breath. One changeling in an officer’s helm rallied a dozen soldiers, then led them plunging into the dark mist. The lot of them vanished without a trace.

Rarity reached the top of the rope and hauled herself onto Firetip’s back. She plucked Sweetie Belle’s half-catatonic body from the green glow of Firetip’s levitation spell and held her close. The filly clung to Rarity so tight it hurt.

“You’ve lost!” Rarity shouted above the roar of the wind. “Take us down!”

“Or what?” said Firetip. “You’ll knock me out? Without me, you’ll fall to your doom!” The changeling laughed. “We’ll stay aloft until I decide otherwise. All you’ve done is deliver yourself into captivity once more!”

“I tried the easy way,” said Rarity. “Remember that.” She adjusted her grip on both Firetip and Sweetie Belle, then summoned her magic, enchanting the trailing rope once more. The end wrapped around Firetip stayed still, but the loose end sprang to life. It reached downwards and grabbed a thick tree branch, wrapping itself several times around the unyielding wood. The branch disappeared behind them, and moments later, the rope snapped taut. Firetip jerked to a halt as if she had slammed into a wall. She let out a hoarse cry as the squeezing rope forced the air from her lungs.

Stunned, the changeling dropped like a stone. Rarity clung to Firetip as she crashed through the treetop, shattering branches and clearing a path for the ponies. They burst into the open space below the canopy, still some hundred feet above the forest floor. For one heart-stopping instant, they plummeted in freefall. Then, for the second time, the rope snapped taut. They swung backwards like a pendulum until they hung directly below the branch Firetip was tied to.

Rarity released her hold on Firetip and dropped the last several yards to the ground. She landed hard, using her body to shield Sweetie Belle from the worst of the fall.

Rarity staggered upright. “Sweetie Belle!” she cried. “Are you hurt?”

“No,” said Sweetie Belle, “I don’t think so. Is it over?”

“Yes. Yes it is.” Rarity’s legs buckled as she finally allowed herself to relax. She half-fell to the forest floor. “Let’s rest a little, then get you back to Ponyville.”

For several minutes, the only sound was the distant clamor of the battle. Sweetie Belle broke the silence. “Rarity?”


“Thank you for coming to rescue me.”

“I’ll always be there when you need me,” said Rarity.

“But you’re not,” said Sweetie Belle. “You’re only there sometimes.”

Rarity sighed. “You mean you want me to build my entire life around you, like the changeling did.”

“Yes! Isn’t that what you do with ponies you love?”

“I’m too tired to fight with you, Sweetie Belle. I do love you. I will never let you down when it’s truly important, like it was today. Love goes two ways, though, and part of that means realizing the ponies you love also have their own lives to live. I’m your sister, and that’s extraordinarily important to me, but that’s not all I am.”

“It’s not fair,” said Sweetie Belle. “I finally got you to myself, and it turns out it was just some stupid trick.”

“Living like that wouldn’t have been good for you. You need to become your own pony, too.”

“But I was so happy!”

“Mmm. I suppose that approach has some merit. What say we set aside tomorrow afternoon for just the two of us?”

Sweetie Belle nodded.

“Wonderful. Now, let’s go home.” Rarity hauled herself to her hooves, favoring her left rear leg. “I’m sure Twilight has sorted out the rest of this mess by now.”

Part 4: The Epilogue

“…was able to round up about five dozen changelings,” Twilight Sparkle was saying. “We put them in the Canterlot dungeons while we were trying to figure out what to do with them. Then Princess Luna convinced them to swear allegiance to her as their new queen. I keep asking how she did it, but she won’t tell me. It’s frustrating and a little bit creepy, but at least that’s the prisoners taken care of.”

“Yah-huh,” said Rarity. “Got any sevens?”

“Go fish,” said Sweetie Belle.

“We’re still trying to find where the changeling queen went with the rest of the hive,” said Twilight. “They were headed south, but we lost them pretty quickly. Once Pinkie’s leg heals, we should set out and track them down. We can’t let her keep the Element of Generosity.”

“Got any nines?” said Sweetie Belle. Rarity nodded and gave her sister the card.

“Are you even listening to me?” said Twilight.

“Of course,” said Rarity. “Prisoners, new queen, missing Element.”

“Oh,” said Twilight. “Well, good.”

“Got any princesses?”

“Go fish.”

“Anyway,” said Twilight, “there’s a meeting in the library so we can plan our expedition.”

“You go ahead,” said Rarity. “I’ll catch up eventually.”

“I’ll have Spike send you the minutes afterwards.” Twilight hurried away.

“This is great,” said Sweetie Belle. “We should do this more often.”

“Perhaps we should,” said Rarity. “How about every other week?”

“What? Why not every week?”

“Oh, very well. Once a week it is. Got any threes?”

Author's Note:

This is the furthest I've ever come in a project before abandoning it. I like the general shape of the story, but it's longer than it ought to be and the prose needs to be developed, which would make it even longer. Fixing all this would require rewriting maybe a third of the story completely and editing the rest heavily.