• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,872 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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34.10 Scrapbook

Author's Note:

This is the last Extra Scene. The Final Chapter is up next.

Metroid Equis

Chapter 34.10


[Ponyville | ~5.5 Months After Conflict]

The weather schedule for this particular day was a steady rain, and as such, the residents of Ponyville had cleared out rather quickly once the benign storm started. However, Samus was not like the normal residents of Ponyville, and in fact, she was the only one currently out and about. Garbed in her Varia Suit sans helmet and with her hair let down, Samus had decided to take a casual walk throughout the quiet town. She had nothing in particular to do but, with a gentle pace, she patrolled through the place that she had called home for nearly six months. All was quiet, safe, and all was as it should have been.

The cool, refreshing rain pattered over her face and armor but she embraced it all, often stopping and taking deep, thoughtful breaths and never once wiping her face. Her soft smile was omnipresent as she continued to trudge through every little street of Ponyville, waving to the occasional pony that happened to be out on this beautiful Sunday. Everything was just… nice in her life right now. She had been on many breaks between missions on friendly worlds but she never cared for them too much. Where she was now was a similar situation, but there was a key difference:

She had friends here, as well as a growing attachment to the place.

After about fifteen more minutes of walking, her patrol around Ponyville concluded back at the front door of Twilight’s Library. As Samus approached, she dragged her mind back to the thought of possibly getting a place of her own. While Twilight never seemed to mind at all, Samus would rather give the unicorn her original space back and furnish herself in this town. Her lingering propensity to do so wasn’t born of her inability to afford it or a lack of desire; rather, the fact remained that Samus was still very much contractable. That meant that, should the Federation offer her an assignment, she would have to leave her new home, most likely hastily. Ergo, buying and constructing her own residence would likely be for naught, as she would have little idea of when she’d return should she accept a contract.

But, that was not something she wanted to think about just yet. She trusted that the Federation would reach out to her if there were problems requiring her…particular touch. Until then, her life could remain on cruise control.


Samus opened the door and let herself into the Library, immediately disengaging her Suit which left her in her dry Zero Suit; that solved the problem of drying off (only having to wring out her hair just a tad). However, apparently the common room had a small gathering going on: All six mares plus Spike greeted Samus as she walked in. This was not an uncommon occurrence during Samus’ stay, but what was different this time was the presence of what appeared to be a massive, hardbound book in the center of them all.

“Hey Samus! Come join us!” Twilight was the first to speak up and beckon the Hunter over with her hoof. “We’re about to look at some pictures.”

“Pictures…?” Samus questioned, approaching the group curiously. Spike and Applejack quickly made some room between them, Samus grabbing one of the giant pillows and plopping down on it in a lotus position. “Pictures of what?”

“Pictures of all of us these recent months! But… you’re in almost all of them,” Pinkie added excitedly, which only raised more questions for Samus.

“Okay that’s not weird or creepy at all… but I’m more curious as to how you got these pictures because other than a few times, I’ve never once seen you with a camera,” Samus admitted.

“Well somepony’s gotta document all this!” Pinkie riposted.

“That doesn’t answer my question, like, at all. How did you get pictures without anyone noticing that you had a camera?”

“Well since you asked…” Pinkie began, opening her mouth wide to deliver her explanation. Samus stopped her immediately.

“A-Actually, no. That’s okay, I’ll just take it as is. But yeah, sure, show me pictures,” Samus conceded, getting comfortable by stretching out and lying down on her stomach while Twilight magically began manipulating the book. Everypony else waited impatiently as Twilight turned to the first page of the new chapter of their photo album.

The first picture was one of Samus getting magically dragged around Ponyville for her first grand tour when she arrived. Rarity was the one pulling her, leading with Rainbow Dash while Fluttershy and Applejack brought up the rear. Pinkie, of course, was the one who took the picture. The fact that Samus looked so uncomfortable in the photo led everypony in the room to snicker behind their hooves.

“Well, I definitely didn’t hide my discomfort,” Samus stated with some sarcastic admission.

“Could you look any more awkward?” Rainbow asked, trying but failing to rein in her laughter which quickly became contagious to Spike and Applejack.

“Hey, I had just made planetfall that day, and I’m used to being attacked by everything that moves. It was a new experience for me, shut up,” Samus replied with mock admonishment. Rainbow blew her a raspberry and Samus shot back with a playful scowl.

All attention turned to the opposite page where they found Samus, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna all looking over a map in the middle of the Library. Samus was the one talking and in place of her previous awkwardness and discomfort was the face of a strategist in her element, self-assured and in command.. The two diarchs had nearly identical expressions and appeared to be listening very intently to what Samus was saying.

“Samus you look so… tactical,” Twilight observed.

“A-And so confident,” Fluttershy gave voice to her own thoughts. Everypony readily agreed with that and Samus shrugged.

“I’d hope so. It was important stuff we were discussing, after all.”

There was not anything particularly exciting about that picture so Twilight promptly turned the page and the next picture had its origins in the Crystal Empire. Specifically, it was a photo of Samus in her Alicorn Battle Suit with a rifle in hand; at this point, her Arm Cannon was still compartmentalizing the Elements of Harmony. Bright emerald magical fire was streaming past her as she waved Twilight and the rest of the girls into cover, heedless of the viridian destruction flowing past her.

“You took a picture in the middle of a firefight?! You could’ve been killed! Are you mental?!” Samus scolded the pink mare out of concern, though the latter took absolutely no offense at all. In fact, she giggled almost maniacally.

“As I said, someopony had to take pictures!”

“You’re breaking my balls, Pinkie,” Samus stated as she shook her head, running her palm down her face. That comment earned more than a few laughs from all the mares. The following page had the picture of Luna and Samus, clad in their armor save for helmets, posing against each other in front of the just-collapsed impact crater. Both had victorious grins on their faces yet looked just as fierce and battle-hardened as always.

“Wow… I must say I really like this picture of you,” Rarity commented genuinely. The others readily agreed but Samus was more struck with something else.

“Wait, this was the picture that one of Luna’s troops took. I see you got a copy of it,” Samus mused out loud. Being honest with herself, she was actually quite pleased with how it came out, though she could not help but wonder how the picture was spread around… and how many copies of it were out there. Then again, that soldier did say this was a ‘historic moment,’ so in the end she was not so sure why she was surprised to begin with.

“When I saw that picture, I had to have it! It’s PERFECT!” Pinkie replied enthusiastically.

“Darn right! Ya look downright accomplished there!” Applejack mimicked the sentiment. Samus certainly did feel accomplished that day. To date, it was her hardest fought mission and in the end she gained more of a reward out of it than she ever could have imagined, and she was most certainly not referring to the money she earned.

The next picture was of Samus getting completely swamped by a massive group hug when she returned to the Crystal Empire after the Crater Collapse. She, like Luna, was completely exhausted but that did not stop her from somewhat enjoying being subjected to the embrace of six mares, being pinned to the ground and nuzzled from all directions. After all, it was not like she did not enjoy the sentiment, as she was clearly smiling under the pony-pile, as well as pulling in and returning a hug to whichever mares were closest to her.

“D’awwwww…” every single pony in the room cooed at the picture while Samus and Spike just shared a glance. They quickly rolled their eyes at the display and shared an amused, if curtailed giggle. Surprisingly, the girls did not bring up anything much to discuss for that picture, merely reminiscing amongst themselves, and quickly turned the page.

The next picture took place during the after-party of the welcoming ceremony, the one where Samus was formally thanked and knighted. Samus remembered this picture quite vividly: she and all the mares, Spike, and the two Princesses all took part in a wide-angled, pride-filled photo with Samus at the center. The Hunter held her usual smirk and seemed more than happy to take such a picture, as evident by her open posture; a rather informal picture at such a formal event.

“That was a really fun night,” Twilight reminisced, remembering stumbling into her Library with Spike and Samus all tired as hell.

“Indeed, Darling. And I must say, you did not look uncomfortable anymore,” Rarity pointed out, noting that Samus’ discomfort at closeness with them all had diminished over time.

“Yeah...I’ll admit, I enjoyed myself that night,” Samus said.

All turned their attention to the next picture, which was one of Rainbow Dash and Samus sitting together on the floor of the Library. They were clearly drunk, a judgment which was corroborated by their blushed complexions and drinks in front of them, and they appeared to be laughing uproariously. Rainbow Dash was in the midst of banging her hoof on the floor to try and compose herself while Samus made no such attempt, her head back in a mighty guffaw.

“What were you two even laughing at??” Spike asked through a giggling fit while Pinkie already burst into full laughter. It was so weird seeing the Hunter so comfortable and in a carefree mood. Then again, she was drunk so that most likely explained a great portion of it.

“I… really don’t remember,” Samus admitted, trying her best to jog her memory about what was so damn funny. Rainbow, as well, was figuratively scratching her head.

“Yeah, I have no idea what we were laughing at to be honest,” she agreed. “We were plastered so it was probably something lame.”

“Or Twilight’s dancing…” Pinkie Pie quipped, causing Applejack to choke on her own spit while Rarity had to stifle a very unladylike laugh. Fluttershy buried her face in her mane while Rainbow actually did bust out laughing this time. Samus, while she thought that quip was clever, was in no position to laugh as she was more than guilty of drunkenly attempting to ‘move it’ as well. Twilight gave a less-than-convincing ‘harrumph’ before turning the page.

Another picture on the following page was one of Samus and Fluttershy together. The mare was leaning against Samus’ side with a wide, comfortable smile while Samus had a coy one plastered on her face. Samus’ arm was notably around the mare.

“C-Can I get a copy of this picture, Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked timidly while the others were gawking at the adorableness of the picture.

“Of course!!” Pinkie replied eagerly.

“I will say that I like how this one came out,” Samus spoke up, not being able to resist the half-smirk worming its way onto her face. She wiped off a bit of dust that accumulated on the picture on top of Fluttershy’s face.

A few more pictures passed which had the same general content, save for a few candid shots of Samus as well as one or two where she actually posed in her usual fashions. The most recent picture that sent everyone to tears in a humorous manner was one of Samus and Princess Luna together in the hospital. Upon arriving after their bout in the Fields, it appeared that Luna’s and Samus’ injuries were much worse than they thought, especially when the pain they were experiencing began to amplify as their adrenaline surges faded. As such, the two had to stay overnight but were released first thing in the morning. However, that did not stop a picture being taken of the two former belligerents in parallel beds facing the camera. They looked absolutely beat up and decimated, not to mention their expressions sagged from fatigue.

“Okay, now that’s priceless,” Fluttershy unexpectedly uttered, holding her hoof to her mouth in a failed attempt to stifle her giggle. That sent everyone, including Samus, into a small bout of laughter, and the Hunter did concede that the whole context behind the picture was downright ridiculous. She and a demi-goddess Princess shared a hospital room together… cross that off her bucket list.

After a few more pictures and tons of snarky commentary, Samus’ wrist console pinged for attention.

“Hmm?” She asked to no one in particular as she checked out the notification sent to her. She did not even have to read all the words for the Hunter to decide to immediately bound to her feet and run towards the door. The only thing that was different about this time instead of others was that she had a smile on her face.

“Samus! What’s wrong?!” Twilight asked frantically, getting to her hooves and wondering if there was another invasion transpiring or something.

“It’s here!!” Samus excitedly called over her shoulder as she opened the door and bolted outside. Thankfully, the rain had cleared up a little bit for Samus to get a good look towards the sky and, like she had expected, a Heavy Dropship was slowly working its way down to the earth in front of the Library; magnetically clamped to the bottom was Samus’ new gunship.

Unlike her old ship, the Hunter’s new vessel was sleek and smooth, featuring two aggressive, articulated arms flanking the cockpit and thrust forward like the claws of a great beast, with two engines in the rear and two gimballed maneuvering thrusters below and bowward.

While everypony else stood behind Samus to investigate what was happening, the Hunter took the liberty of helping to direct the dropship down with her hands and arms, allowing the pilot to land the new ship in the perfect position.

“Alright you’re good!” Samus called out as she urged the craft lower, forgetting for a moment that the captain almost certainly couldn’t hear her. “Slowly…”

The gunship’s arms were already in their landing configuration, landing elevator deploying as the ship prepared to take its own weight as the cargo ship drifted downward, whipping the dust beneath it into a miniature windstorm and casting doubt on the existence of inertia. Samus silently resolved that she would beat the dropship pilot to death with her bare hands if her ship was dropped or damaged in any way, shape, or form… but thankfully it did not have to come to that when the ship gracefully settled onto its arms and elevator. Samus let out a breath of relief as the dropship detached from the ship and landed itself a respectable distance away.

Out of the rear hatch exited a courier from the Aliehs III shipyard, donned in some type of protective clothing. He almost looked like a cross between a mechanic and a postman with the oil stains on his uniform and the datapad in his hand. Said man never looked up as he approached Samus, appearing to pull up necessary information on his tablet.

“You are Samus Aran?” he asked in a heavy accent (one which Samus, remembering from her readings, she believed would be called ‘Russian’).

“Yup. That’s me,” Samus replied. The courier finally tore his gaze away from the datapad and looked at Samus… then eyed her body up and down for much longer than would have been deemed socially appropriate.

“You are most definitely Samus Aran,” he stated with a questionable tone of voice as he looked back to his datapad. Samus blinked a few times at the now-awkward atmosphere that was just created.

Okaaaaaay then.

“I will be of needing your thumbprint as signature and registration of title of one Hunter-class gunship,” he added, presenting Samus with the datapad. She willed the glove and forearm of her Zero Suit out of existence and pressed her naked thumb onto the appropriate place on the screen. The datapad effortlessly scanned and confirmed her identity.

After checking over everything and ensuring accuracy, the courier looked to the Hunter, smiled, and nodded.

“Perfect. She is all yours.”

“Thank you very much,” Samus replied eagerly. As the courier retreated to the dropship which eventually took off, Samus sauntered up to her new ship and gave it a once-over, walking around and admiring every little detail, ensuring that the ship met her exacting standards. The next step was to install custom computer hardware and flash the necessary Chozo software onto the ship’s systems; a crucial step, especially for the Biotech Computer. Then, it would be ready for flight and battle.

She was merely having a moment.

“You good over there, Samus?” Rainbow Dash called out, breaking the silence on behalf of the rest of her friends. The Hunter was brought out of her little stupor and gazed at the group with a gentle grin.

“Oh yeah. I could not be better…”

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