• Published 21st Sep 2011
  • 20,951 Views, 196 Comments

The Spiderses - Argembarger

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colin firth part last

ten twilight spider I am a wizard and I know yo and the big mac spider are not spiders at all but ponys who are spiders by accident?? do you want to be ponies again

chapter 5 : the end spider end

twilidn and big mac said yes! we want to be ponies again and miram sadi ok here I will do my spider magic and the spider magic happened! twilight and big mac were ponies again! they gave each other a big pony hug and because they were friends from being spiders together and it was good :)

Miram clicked and they cudlnt understand it anymore because they were ponies and not spiders but the gray pony (pinkie pies sister) could undersand and she transtated the spider speak to pony speech and so they could talk some more

Miram said i hope you learned something from being a spider and Twilight said yes I did I will always remember! and I am aslo happy because I made a big mac friend :) and big mac said eeeyup and then big mac said listen twilight about being spiders and twilight said its ok big mac I understand and we can still be very good freinds forever ok? and big mac said ok

Thank you miriam I said and miraim said did you learn anyhting and I thought about it really extra hard and I sed yes I did learn something but I will tel celestia about that ok? and miram said 'that is fair" and

then I saw my bestest friend in the world Argembarger who was the most hadnsome aleicorn in eqeustria! and Argembarger siad "helo twilight it has been a llong time" and i feel mysef blushikng because of how charming Argembarger alicorn was and I said yes it was had been a long time do hyou think we can spend some time alone together?? and he sed "I don't think so Twilight I have lots of important things to do becase I am an alicorn but mabe someday ok" and I was very sad because he was teh niceset alicorn ever but I said I understand adn he flew away and it was amazing!! I was so impressed and amazed and happy taht I got to see him :)

then I went back to the library and found spike and gave him the biggest most happy hug ever because he was happy to see me because I was gone for so long because I was spider :( and I said spike pease take a leter and he said ok I will take a letter spike and then spike took a letter

Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that spiders are creepy, but being a spider is better than being dead. Your faithful studnt, Twilight Spackle

the end of the storei! you can stop reading now thank you for readingh my story :)

all glory to jude

Comments ( 129 )

I remember when this was featured on ED. Still hilariously mind-bending. :pinkiecrazy:
I rate this story a BILLION STARS.

#2 · Sep 21st, 2011 · · ·

:derpytongue2: This stoy alasw makess m e derp!

The best thing about this story is the accurate depiction of average, slice-of-life elements in everyday pony life, and the quiet reflection upon common angst of the target audience.:coolphoto:

The next best thing is SPIDER SEX!:pinkiecrazy:

#5 · Sep 22nd, 2011 · · ·


[GODLIKE] Every once in a while, I open my mail box and am instantly hit with a sense of absolute peace. The feeling is indescribable. This happened just yesterday, and I immediately forwarded the submission to the pre-readers to share the newfound joy I was now blessed with.

Four of them came back with super powers, and the other seventeen cryogenically froze themselves, because absolutely nothing else in this world could possibly top the experience they all shared while reading what has come to be known as the ultimate masterpiece of human intelligence.

Pre-Reader Quotes
"Every once in a while you get the chance to read a story that sets the bar for it's entire genre. This story will forever be the one by which all others are measured. You are witnessing greatness here ponies." -Pre Reader gifted with the ability to create life.

"There's a certain level of writing that simply cannot be explained to the regular reader. It cannot be comprehended. It's quality is so far past it's time that few, if any, will be able to recognize it's greatness." -Pre Reader gifted with the ability to cure any illness, and imbue their patient with immortality.

"A boundary shattering tale that pushes the envelope on what fanfiction can be."-Pre Reader gifted with the ability to travel across time and space.

"I wept pure hot tears
Literature so awesome
My world, now spiders"-Pre Reader Gifted with the ability to Haiku about anything

"I came"-Pre Reader... I'd rather not mention his new powers.

Author: Argembarger
Description: After a spell misfires, Twilight and Big Macintosh find themselves trapped in a world like none they've ever seen before. Together, they will face adventure, hardship, loss and longing, as their shared experience brings them closer together.

#7 · Sep 22nd, 2011 · · ·

I remember this, the amount of LOLs i got cannot be measured with only 4 dimensions :rainbowlaugh:

weve been trolled :)

This fanfic is the best fanfic ever!

I remember this story. It was awesome.

Still the perfect story.

This is so said and depessingng. i criede wehn the spidr babids had to gos int o the forst to life adn be separate from momym adn daddy adn tiwight wsa refusd loev from bestest alicorn

ps that hurt my fingers to type that :derpytongue2:

"lik dis if u cry evrytim" But seriously, what the fuck? Even more seriously, this is the greatest thing ever, in the history of ever.

> Finds a dramatic reading.

>Be reminded about my own arachnophobia


Its Half Life, FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES:flutterrage:

I'm listening to Azekahh's reading. This is freaking awesome.

This fic is so awfully bad it has reached a state of bad fanfic nirvana :pinkiehappy: five stars

If you can stomach this, Cupcakes, and My little Dashie with no break in between them you must be some sort of cyborg or something not human. That is assuming you've never read them before, or in the case of Dashie that doesn't matter because you just know what happens next and it hurts emotionally in ways you didn't know were possible:raritycry::fluttercry::raritydespair::applecry::fluttershysad::pinkiesad2:

I remember when micthemicrophone did a dramatic reading of this and airshipping is magic, I had never laughed so hard before

This reminded me of Octocat's adventures.

Genius. Pure genius!

oh.. Sweet Celestia. I've never laughed so hard in my life, it's so idiotic that it entered the time warp and became awesome! The part where they just spit out Spike bits and reassemble him.. :rainbowlaugh: Oh Celestia.. I need a minute

What.. What the.. I.. WHAT.

You should be happy to know that this has become a sort of legend as a troll fic. Don't feel good about yourself. Don't you DARE feel good about yourself. This is the first time I've actually needed to read it out loud to comprehend it, and the logic in it is.. I don't even have a word for it. Someone make a new word to describe this.

The part that confuses me the most is that I find it funny. WHY AM I LAUGHING AT THIS?! I should hate it, but I don't. This is either this fanbase's worse story or the world's best riddle.

Oh, you've posted it here now, Argem? Excellent! :moustache:

The thrilling conclusion to a thrilling saga. :eeyup:


Wha- I ju- I mean... wh- uh... Ok let me regain my thoughts. *ahem* Dafuq?

:pinkiecrazy: sir i think you have a future in trolling

This. Just this. A trollfic that will go down in history. I Crai teirs Afrtur readgying dis storeh. :fluttercry: (My brain hurts after attempting to match the way the story was typed :applejackconfused: )

Did that help? Let me know if there's anything else I can do to make your reading experience the best one possible.

this story is so confusing, I just quit after the first paragraph. BRAIN OVERLOAD!:applejackconfused::rainbowhuh::derpyderp1::derpytongue2::derpyderp2:



How can you judge a story without reading the whole thing, that is very unfair!

No, I refuse to even look at this story!:twilightangry2:
Begone evil monster!:flutterrage:
*Story spits out previous readers brains*

"Holy FUUUUUUU-":fluttershbad:

twilight sparkle who was shining armors sister was one day in a library reading a book

This story is made up of so much win.

But seriously, this is obviously the cornerstone of MLP literature.

674690 Well, Cupcakes was more just a horror story. This however is designed to piss people off. Or at least that is my point of view as a grammar nazi.

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