• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago


I'm just here to write.


It’s a sad thing when you can’t trust your own memory. Starlight thought he remembered his life clearly. He thought he had it all right, until a fiery phantom appeared to him in the night and made him remember what really happened. He made him remember what the Purifiers took from him. And he told him that the only way to make it right again was for him to become a living weapon and strike back against their enemies.

Originally written by Spifffy.

Cover art by InkyBlackKnight.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 53 )

My sarcastic comments in the author's notes aside, I am proud of how this turned out.

Adding to read later, this is basically a must-read for me.

Thanks, I hope that I won't let you down.


Okay, this one have been advertised for quite a long time, lets see if its lives up to the hype :D

You have officially grabbed my attention, stuffed it into a sack, thrown it into your car, and driven off with it, leaving only a ransom note demanding that I like and favorite this story as well as immediately follow you. You leave me no choice but to shower you with praises. you monster.
(thanks to DannyJ as well, without whom I would not be reading this!)

Well, that's fantastic to hear, but this is just the first shavings off of the onion. Be expecting a lot more to come.

I came here from your journal post. You had me at, "their superpower is schizophrenia."

So thanks for that.


No need to thank me, citizen. It's all in a day's work for Madman.

(Pretend that I have a cape right now.)

This is literally the best thing ever written by anyone ever. Like seriously. I am not even kidding. You should all like and favorite this masterpiece. It could have been written by fucking Jesus and it would have been just a little bit worse. I am not joking this is probably the cure for cancer and the reason the holocaust ended. Sometimes I cannot sleep because I am reeling in the beauty of this brilliant work of art. If I was a potato, I would stop being a potato just so I could read this. It makes me want to call my parents and tell them that I have moved to Vietnam just so I can read this more.

Seriously though, you should read this, it is amazing.
- ploopdud :moustache:

wtf did I just read? Nice comment you got there. I don't understand the last part about Vietnam though.

I really enjoyed reading that.

Nice gif.


Oh yeah, this as expected was awesome :twilightsmile:

Chapter three coming whenever. Please subscribe and share this on twitter. We need more ad money.

keep it coming. Take your time.

Ladies and gentlemen, War Machine is now on Equestria Daily. I would like to congratulate myself for a frankly superb editing job, and also maybe the writer too I guess.

3752999 I'd actually like to read this, it was on my read later list for far too long waiting for it to have more than one chapter to make sure it updates somewhat regularly. I'm scared of reading it because it only has two chapters so far :c
I hate having stories on my fav-list that don't have more than a couple of chapters and then no updates for over two months.

And the fact that I have that comment there written as a must-read doesn't make me feel any better.


The third chapter should be out any day now if it puts you at ease. The main reason it's taken so long is that we were waiting for our pre-reader to approve the story before updating further, since every rejection would require revisions to bring it up to standard and a waiting period after resubmission, and the longer the story was the longer that wait would be and the more revisions would likely be required in the next round of changes.

3755054 Okay, this is on my read later list once again after some time so I'll keep my eye out for updates.

He looks like a golden Slender man :rainbowlaugh: anyway this is AMAZING

I think you're the fourth person who has told me that Ambition looks like that, and I'm glad that you've enjoyed the story so far.

Yeah, sorry that I haven't been getting much out. I would try to explain myself, but I see that my editor has already covered that with you.

Maybe you should start after chapter three is released. The word count should be 40,000, give or take, after it's added, but I could understand if you wanted to wait until it's completed. Just know that it's going to take a while for that to happen.

3756629 40 000 words in three chapters e_o
That's pretty dope.

And yeah, I'll probably wait till the summer at most until I open this bitch up... okay that sounded just wrong... but you get what I mean!
I believe I may even start this earlier, maybe even next month. I was thinking of starting this when it has four chapters so with that word count, I'll probably get the hang of things.

I don't blindly praise often, but when I do, I become tempted to kidnap you, your editor and pre-reader, seal you in my basement and force you to make more of this.


Well, I can't speak for Spiffy, but I know that I'm always up for basement funtimes.

Danny, stop. You'll scare away the readers.

Did you know that Starlight was the name of one of the main characters in MLP G1.5?

Why do you always beat me to replies?
I didn't actually know that, so I can assure you that my Starlight wasn't named after the other one. I would go on to tell you that Starlight's name has some deep meaning related to his personality and talents, but I honestly chose it because it just sounded like a solid, generic pony name.


Don't lie to your readers, you scoundrel. We both know why he was named that.

(Also I beat you to replies because I stalk this story's comments obsessively. You could say that I was inspired by your example.)

I didn't think I could hate Ambition any more than I already did. If I were a unicorn in Equestria I'd join the Purifiers in a heartbeat if they offered me a job.

Oh, come on! Ambition's only psychotic, moraless, rude, and completely selfish.

I'd cut him some slack.


Think of it this way:

We set out to make an unlikeable asshole character, and we ended up making two! This is a success story, my friend.

3786614 Yep. G1.5's My Little Pony Tales is the series which took place around when the original MLP started out, but it was a spin-off series about seven anthropomorphized ponies who were friends with one another and went to school with each another. And when I say anthropomorphized, I really mean it. It isn't anything like what the Cutie Mark Crusaders are like. They had everything we had: showers, electricity, buses, no magic, etc.

While it isn't nearly as good as G4, it was certainly a lot better than G1's My Little Pony n' Friends, or anything that G3 produced. Here's a link to one of its episodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA1D9MZMnyg


I know about My Little Pony Tales. I was just always under the impression that it was G2. I've never heard it referred to as G1.5 until now.

4407781 From what I heard, they call it G1.5 since it takes place around when G1 starts out, and that G2 is entirely a bunch of toys with no tv show attached to it. Tbh it would make a bit more sense to call it G2, but that's just where I've heard it from.

This is where I've heard it from: http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/Main_Page


That can't have been smart for Hasbro, making a toy line with no tie-in TV show.

4413046 Most likely not, but if it's any consolation, immediately after G2, they created the horrible infamous G3 shows (they're on Netflix if you don't believe me), and then later they created G4 as well.

I suspect that if having a TV show didn't have any impact on the number of toys sold then FiM wouldn't exist. At least they learned it first-hand and there will likely be a TV show for G5 if FiM ever ends.


G3 is not a consolation. It's something you need to be consoled after.

4413315 Least they had a tv show. Regardless of how bad it was, they still probably increased their sales figures, and that would have eventually led to G4's creation.

DannyJ don't discriminate. That is a good thing right? Good chapter :)

I have a question in regards to the first part of the story. Would Unicorns be disqualified from taking the test if they forego using a quill and ink in favor of literally burning magic into their papers producing a blackish trail of ashes that only affect a tiny portion of the paper itself?


Well, no, they wouldn't be disqualified; a unicorn school would, in fact, demand that students learn to use magic to write out most assignments, and the method you describe is just an extremely bizarre form of that. It'd be kind of like how some exam papers allow students to write in any colour ink they choose rather than specifying that it needs to be black. But there's no reason why any student would do such a thing, at least in the context of War Machine, because a spell like that would far more exhausting to perform than basic telekinesis. If a unicorn wrote like that, it'd be admissable, but it'd also be a lot of needless effort just to show off. Like writing your thesis entirely in rhyme.

5224435 Well I get that. And writing your thesis in rhyme is pretty hilarious. It's just if I were a Unicorn, I could think of many different ways that I could use my magic. I could see a possible version of me thinking that they're superior than everyone and everything else, and thus use magic as a means of improve upon it.

For instance, while Starlight was talking to those students but couldn't quite hear what they would be saying, I'd produce a series of invisible walls constructed by magic and then launch them towards them, then when they whisper something to the other, taking advantage of the fact that sound travels through the air via bouncing off air molecules, I would be able to block off specific areas of which the sound could travel and thus, they would bounce off the air right towards myself allowing myself to hear everything that they're saying.

Likewise, I could burn magic into the papers as means of writing everything down. I could foresee myself as viewing a quill and ink as primitive and thus be literally applying myself to doing something like that.

Or else later on when Starlight's mom was complaining about not having anything for dinner, I could foresee myself thinking that since atoms make up the world around us, I could take the preexisting atoms that are needed to make a pizza for instance and after a bunch of experimenting around I could arrange them into a specific order to allow the consumption of such a thing. Thus eliminating the need to go to the store and buy something else.

Edit: But considering the fact that she had other things on the list than just food, I doubt such a technique would work. Same goes with conjuring up the supplies needed. You don't know what specific sequence of atoms different companies make when creating non-food items such as make-up. On the off-chance that you do produce something like that, you could be wrong and be accused of picking up the wrong or defective type of item. So I guess in that case, regardless of your ability to literally create things from nothing you'd still have to go to the store in the first place, so essentially my screwing around would have made things worse overall. Worse because I would have lost valuable time that Starlight would have taken advantage of as a means of getting to said store.

Although on the plus side, he likely would have run into Ambition at the store itself. It's been a while since I've read this story so I may not know the specific details of whether or not Ambition would be considered violent or not. If he is then I guess in this specific instance Starlight would be better off meeting him in that alleyway rather than at the store itself.

Or maybe I'm just naive for thinking that Starlight would even consider producing items out of nothing when in reality he would realize that such a task would be futile due to the fact that it would produce the incorrect sequence of atoms leading to the item itself being considered obsolete that in order to prevent himself from running out of magic he would go to the store and prevent such an ordeal. And plus there's the fact that even if he were a master conjurer he likely hasn't seen the specific item in question so he wouldn't know how to create it. I sincerely doubt he would be skilled in the art of identifying make-ups. I wouldn't be surprised if his mom had a wide assortment of make-up that she could use and willingly replaces them faster than Starlight would have the opportunity to replicate. Shame too, because it would certainly cut down on the number of times he would have to go to the store.

On the other hoof, he could just teleport in the specific items that he would need. But in order to do that not only would he need to know exactly where the items are, but also it would probably be considered stealing to do so.

2nd Edit: Please ignore everything after the first "Edit." That was mostly myself monologuing about possible applications of magic as a means of becoming more lazy.


They're all nice ideas you propose, but you're overestimating his capabilities. Starlight isn't a master of anything. He's a prodigy, but he's still only a student, not even at the level of season one Twilight yet, who could already teleport with reasonable confidence, as opposed to Starlight who nearly killed himself trying the same trick. And bear in mind that in season one, Twilight was said to only know twenty-five spells. Or twenty-five types of magic. Or something. And that was considered impressive.

He's good, but Starlight is nowhere near able to pull the kind of tricks you describe. He might have the potential, but certainly not the ability.

5226091 Aside from the teleporting in specific items he'd need, those tricks only involve telekinesis, one of the simplest spells learned by even the youngest of Unicorns. If Starlight were to decide to either learn of the existence of atoms and/or decide to manipulate them using said telekinesis then he could find a variety of practical uses for them, much like the way I described. In fact, for the paper idea, he'd just be creating friction with said air molecules creating specific burnt marks which he could then use for writing. Same idea goes with figuring out what other people are saying. Just redirect the air molecules to allow for the sound to move towards him.

I'm not saying it's going to be easy, in fact it would likely require a level of focus that likely only Twilight Sparkle has. But if he can master such a technique, I'd imagine it would cost more magic to levitate a quill than to move some molecules or atoms together. Oh it'd likely take a lot of experimentation as well. Ordinarily I'd say that since he's a teenager he'd likely have other things to do than just that, but considering the fact that his talent is in magic itself, I really don't think he has much else to do. I read through the first chapter and it seems like most of his schedule consists of school and doing some chores. Said chores could be accomplished faster if he were to be able to improve upon his own magical capabilities.

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