• Member Since 20th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 8th, 2021


Writer, editor (at times), could be good online friends, just a random brony.

Bucket List

├Relevant to Fimfiction┤
Write a story.
Write a story with 5,000 words.
•Write a story with 10,000 words.
•Have a story with 50 likes.
Write a story with 100 views.
•Write a story with 500 views.
•Have 10 people stalking me.
Edit a story.
•Edit 5 stories.(3/5)

├Not relevant to Fimfiction but to FiM and its fanbase┤
•Voice a character/narrator in a fan animation.
•Voice in an audio reading of a story.
•Go to Bronycon.
•Meet a fellow brony writer/musician/artist.


I'm Back · 5:11pm Nov 7th, 2016

After a six month absence, I come back to see this in my feed:

Wondering if I should keep the number going up or clear my notifications.

Report CryptoBrony · 283 views ·

Name(s) Went By in the Past (because I can't settle with one)


Stories I Edited (free advertisement :P)

My Latest Stories

About Me

I'm a guy that likes MLP:FiM (this generation, not the other generations of MLP). Yes, I write stories. No, not all the time. If you didn't read it before, I also edit at times. Usually I go through the forums when I have the time and see the ones I would like to edit.

However, I am going to start taking some requests to edit or proofread stories. I prefer to correct any grammar mistakes or punctuation than to just pre-read, I don't think my OCD can take it. However, I'm not one to be the grammar nazi that appears out of random with pages long of error and how to correct them. I don't correct their mistakes unless they want me to. I do explain well on corrections or recommendations, keyword there, to changes. I'm not Jesus, or an English university professor that is "always" right. I don't overstep my boundaries if you ask just for corrections, although I will offer my opinion on anything with the story if you want me to. If you want me to correct the grammar and punctuation, that's fine, it's your story and you write it however you want to write it, I respect that.

To avoid any confusion, this will be my rules for requests:
1) PM me first with the title along the lines of "editing" or "proofreading."
-Don't write in my comment section, I don't want spam, that's what Private Messaging is for.
2) Write exactly what you want me to do.
-i.e. Proofread, fix grammar/punctuation, opinion on pacing, etc.
-If you want to give me a summary of what it is, that's fine, I just need to know what you want me to do.
3) I'll respond when I can get to it.
-If I'm busy with a 30,000+ story and your story is 5,000 words or less when you request, I can squeeze in some time to do yours quick, just don't expect it to be finished in ten minutes.
4) If the story is in google docs, send me a link to it.
-I prefer having a google doc to read on my phone if I have the time, but I usually just use my computer. I also prefer if I can edit the docs myself so I don't have to write every. Single. Little. Punctuation. Mark. Correction. If you want to make a copy of your google doc and send a link of the copy to fix all the little punctuation and grammar, that's fine with me (I know some people have trust issues with giving random strangers authority to edit the doc itself). You can just copy and paste the whole chapter right into FiMFiction, easy peasy.

As always, just give me credit on your story page when I'm done with at least one chapter. If I don't see credit to me, I won't put it on my wall of edited stories, unless you personally don't want me to (but who doesn't like free advertisement?). I'll keep my word and finish the rest when I can get to it, I do have a life too, I'm not just some sentient robot.

I'll let you know when I can get to your story. If for some reason, I don't respond in two days, write an email to me to contact me faster (I really wish there is a FiMFiction app that has pop-up notifications on phones). I don't check FiMFiction all the time unless I'm editing stories at the time. It will be the same email to send me link of your google docs.
Email: cryptoedit@gmail.com

Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Thanks for the follow. :heart:

2128847 No prob. Just wanted to see how your stories are going, like the one I preread. :twilightsheepish:

Thank you for the watch!

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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