• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


This story is a sequel to The waiting is the hardest part

Tricked into thinking that they each personally came up with the idea of a nice cozy night in, Twilight and Jack have a nice cozy night in, like they used to do x-many years ago and like they've clearly been wanting to do for however-long now but haven't been for reasons of mutual awkwardness.

Meanwhile, weather.

Chapters (1)

Roger, local human, is weird, or at least is weird in Rainbow Dash's estimation, but he does appear to have some extra food and she knows he won't mind sharing with her.

Chapters (1)

Sam (a human) and Treacle Tart (a pony) are...

...well, they know each other, that much seems obvious, and they're going to go to see some fireworks because it's bonfire night and that's what you do on bonfire night and Treacle's never been around for it before so hell, why not.

Gunpowder treason and etcetera.

Chapters (1)

Two humans, Alice and James, often spend a Friday evening watching a film and slowly melting into the sofa. This week, Alice invites her pony friend Maple Syrup along, as she has seemed down and Alice hopes a quiet, pleasant evening will lift her spirits.

That's the whole thing. That's it. That's all I've got.

Chapters (1)

Human wants to get out of bed and do housework. Pony wants him to stay in bed with her and not do housework. They resolve this conflict


Hey! Audio!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is hungry, and for reason she decides that what she wants is a sandwich - and a sandwich made by the local human, too. He makes good ones.

She finds him in something of a funk, however, which is exactly what she didn't need when she's hungry. Still, these things are sent to test us.

Later, he's better. Very better.

Chapters (1)

Keith, local human, happily wiles away some time by painting himself a picture with his imagination brush and the aid of some figurines, thinking that he is doing so in private.

He is not.

Chapters (1)

Without a lot to do, Alan has let the over-large box from an online order sit around his place for weeks now. Predictably, when he finally gets the energy to do something about it he finds that a pony has moved into it.

Things happen from there. Nothing exciting but, you know, they still happen.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In From The Cold

You'd have thought that being in space on a planet you'd long-believed to be dead and gone but which turned out to in fact have been kept tidy by the weirdo alien you also believed to be dead and gone would be exciting.

And in many ways it is, but in many ways it's also just more work to do and more boxes to tick, but that's being in charge.

Still, Jack did suggest going and getting lunch and Twilight did say yes, she's just got some things to finish up first.

And Jack, surely, has experience of waiting?


Chapters (1)

Celestia forces reluctant local human to get back into bed, damnit, so they can have the lazy day like they planned.

Local human retaliates by forcing her into bed.

Nothing of value is lost or gained.

Chapters (1)