• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st


I'm a writer of fluff, kibitzer, and especially interested in canon AU: Equestria Girls, the comics, etc. They are fun to play with.


[SPOILER]Hey, hey, hey! Something spoilery but cool from the IDW comics line! [SPOILER] · 10:11pm Jul 28th, 2016

This is something that came out of the Comic-Con IDW panel, and it's something some of you will be very, very excited to hear. However, I'm putting under a vast spoiler tag so no one gets spoiled accidentally.

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The Contract: Fifty Shades of Neigh · 5:26pm Jul 13th, 2016

I mentioned in my previous post that I've been reviewing Fifty Shades of Neigh, which is a parody of Fifty Shades of Grey. The hero, Crispian Neigh, has a dark secret. He's a Brony.

Anyway, the group that's hosting it, Rage Reviews, is marked NSFW, and some people might not be interested in going there or in the full review.

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New entry on the Fifty Shades of Neigh review! · 2:30am Jul 13th, 2016

This time, it's a Brony-ized version of the infamous contract. Fifty Shades of Neigh doesn't include one, and obviously it needed to exist, so . . .

I wrote it.


Happy Fourth of July! · 5:56pm Jul 4th, 2016

Hope you're having fun!

I have a ton to do, but I just did a double update on Fifty Shades of Neigh in Rage Reviews. Remember, it's a NSFW group now, and there are trigger warnings for rape, violence, and sexual abuse. So I'm not providing a link--it's just that some people like to know.


New Rainbow Dash Presents video: The Star in Yellow · 10:28pm Jun 22nd, 2016

I rather like Rainbow Dash Presents. Usually, it's riffing off of fanfiction and parodying it, even the author's own. One effect is that it takes some of the worst and most distressing fics of the fandom and turns them into something funny. It helps that the Rainbow Dash who narrates these isn't too bright and tends to miss the point of everything. Put it this way: I am no fan of Psychotic Pinkie, and even I like their Psychotic Pinkie.

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New post on Fifty Shades of Neigh · 10:44pm Jun 21st, 2016

Rage Reviews is a NSFW group now, but I just did a substantial update after almost a year. I think those of you who have been following it will enjoy this one.


Feeling the CheesePie with the new Gameloft expansion · 1:57pm Apr 14th, 2016

Sorry again for my extended absence. When I say I've been busy, that barely covers it. Thanks especially to those of you who recently started to follow me, almost certainly because of my work on CheesePie. I hope to make it worth your while.

I've started feeling the Pony, and have been keeping up with news through Equestria Daily. I absentmindedly opened the new Gameloft expansion and WHOA. :pinkiegasp:

Total CheesePie!

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Happy birthday, Charles Perrault! · 4:55am Jan 13th, 2016

Sorry I've been out of it. This probably will continue until I've got the current writing project taped shut.

Charles What Who Now?

Charles Perrault, the author of the original Mother Goose Tales. You've still got about 5 minutes to see the Google doodle.

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Yay comics! [Spoiler for Issue 37 of the FiM comic book, published on 12/16/15] · 10:28pm Dec 16th, 2015


I needed a nice thing today. I was stupid enough to forget about arranging for cat care while I am gone for the holidays and my sitter is all booked. I can't believe I forgot, and I can't forgive myself, either. And I wound up grading right up to the last minute, too. It has been a very, very stressful couple of days.

So I needed a pick-me-up. And Yaaaay.

Hope that was vague enough.

There are spoilers below the break. I can't seem to spoiler-tag images.

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Season Finale Starts Early--passing it along · 9:14pm Nov 27th, 2015

The finale of Season Five starts half an hour early. In my case, that's 8 AM PT instead of 8:30 PT. Presumably this is because they want their two-part episode done so The LIttlest Pet Shop can air on time.

Anyway, thought some of you might like to know!

Also, there are rumors that it leaked early, so BEWARE SPOILERS.

EDIT: Also, A Very Minty Christmas is on this evening/afternoon, so if you are curious about G3, you might want to set your DVR.

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