• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th

Crowquill Symphony

The stallion before you looks to be on the heavy side, a bit too fond of rich food and hard liquors. He twirls the pen in his hoof, eyes half-lidded as he scans the page. "Sup." He says.

The Man behind the curtain...

23 years of age, male.
Overweight, a fan of good food and friendly drinking.
College Student, Studying Animation and Illustration.
Enjoys lots of things, food, good friends, tea, vodka and family being chief among them.

Long time writer, shortish time brony. Young man, american, college student, D and D player, slight anime enthusiast, etc. Been here since... I dunno, I found a fic called Cupcakes and stumbled blind into the fandom.

Long story short, I write stuff and put it here. I don't exactly have a stellar record for complete stories (I'm a lazy bum) but I do try to emphasize quality and plot, and to make something relatively decent. I never fail on purpose!

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Comments ( 44 )
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Glad to see that you enjoyed my stories! Feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks for the fave on One Heck of a Case! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Million Bits, But to your favorites!! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

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