• Member Since 7th Feb, 2013
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Sylpheed Dashstep

It is writing again

The List of Amazing People

This is a list of people from FIMFic that I think are awesome/that I want to do a collab with. If you are on this list, that means you are awesome (at least in my eyes).
Iridescence T Wind
Hearts n Hooves (You're still Rei to me man)
So yeah, these are the amazing people in my eyes so far at least, this list may expand to include more, but this is it for now.


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Post of the Day: Sylph Talks About Cleaning · 2:11am Feb 15th, 2018

I spent the last two hours of today cleaning my house. It felt really nice. I’ve been in a funk all day since starting SotC and it’s affected my rhythm all day. I woke up late, I found it hard to focus, anf everything’s been just really awkward today. So when I got home I cleaned. It got me out of this funk that’s been bothering me, and it’s helped me realize that those memories are just that, memories. They may still be in my head but that’s all they’re going to be. I’m here and now, in the

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Shhhh. Shipping is magic. Never think otherwise.

It's weird to think about being shipped with someone else, is this how all these pones feel after every story they're written into? I kinda feel bad for writing ship-fics now. Nahhhhhhhh, ship-fics should never be regretted.

I'll be sure to tell him next time we talk though, it'll be cool to talk about the good ol' times.


Well congratulations on the engagement! That's awesome for you. But I hope you're not offended when I say that you and Eli were still my favorite power-couple. In pony related comments anyway.

Next time you talk to him, let him know I said hi!

I'm doing good, a lot has happened since we last talked. I haven't been writing pones fics anymore but I'm still writing little personal things here and there. Eli was doing good the last time I talked with him but it's been almost half a year now since I last saw him so I can only take his word on that. I got engaged to my girlfriend and moved a few states away from him so it's not as easy to hang out and read stuff together anymore.


I was just browsing through some old chapters and saw your comments. So I decided to hit you up, see how things were.

As for myself, I'm about 2 chapters away from finally putting a complete tag on my story, finally. Then one last side story to end things.

So, all in all, I'm pretty good. How about yourself?

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